Product card html css

27 Amazing CSS Product Cards

If you need inspiration for your product page check these hand picked CSS product card designs.

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Tailored Jeans

Denim Jeans

Denim Jeans

Some text about the jeans. Super slim and comfy lorem ipsum lorem jeansum. Lorem jeamsun denim lorem jeansum.

How To Create a Product Card

Step 1) Add HTML:


Denim Jeans

Tailored Jeans

Some text about the jeans..

Step 2) Add CSS:


.card <
box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
max-width: 300px;
margin: auto;
text-align: center;
font-family: arial;

.price color: grey;
font-size: 22px;

.card button border: none;
outline: 0;
padding: 12px;
color: white;
background-color: #000;
text-align: center;
cursor: pointer;
width: 100%;
font-size: 18px;

.card button:hover opacity: 0.7;

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26 CSS Product Cards

Collection of free HTML and CSS product card code examples from Codepen, GitHub and other resources. Update of November 2021 collection. 4 new items.

  1. CSS Cards
  2. CSS Blog Cards
  3. CSS Card Hover Effects
  4. CSS Card Layouts
  5. CSS Flip Cards
  6. CSS Material Design Cards
  7. CSS Movie Cards
  8. CSS Credit Cards
  9. CSS Profile Cards
  10. CSS Recipe Cards
  11. CSS Business Cards
  12. Bootstrap Product Cards


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Create Product Card Using HTML and CSS

Hello Coder! Welcome to the Codewithrandom blog. In this blog, we learn how to create a Product Card Using HTML and CSS. We use html code for creating the structure of product information. And use Css For Styling our product Card and use JavaScript for this Product delivery Information shown on the card.

Product Card Using HTML and CSS

A product card is an essential part of any web store. Product labels should be responsive and designed for mobile and desktop devices.A product card is used in different components of the website it contains the product details price etc.

Create Product Card Using HTML and CSS

CSS Code For Product Card:-

@import url(‘,500,700’); * < -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; >body < font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; font-weight: 400; background-color: #CFDBEA; >a < text-decoration: none; color: white; >.container < display: flex; justify-content: center; align-content: flex-start; position:relative; height: 100vh; width: 100vw; >.iphone < margin-top: 10px; background-color: #F4F4FB; height: 812px; width: 375px; box-shadow: 0 1px 5px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); overflow: hidden; position: relative; z-index: 2; transform:scale(0.8); transform-origin: top center; >.header < display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; height: 20%; >.order-summary < margin-left: 1.5rem; padding: 1rem; display: flex; flex-direction: column; >.order-summary > div < margin: 6px; >.order-status < color: #338A9A; font-size: 0.9rem; font-weight: 700; letter-spacing: 0.5px; >.order-date < font-size: 1.5rem; font-weight: 700; >.order-day < color: #338A9A; font-size: 0.9rem; font-weight: 300; letter-spacing: 0.5px; >.back-btn < margin-right: 50px; font-size: 1rem; width: 40px; height: 40px; border-radius: 50%; text-align: center; box-shadow: 5px 5px 25px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.2); display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; transition: all 0.2s; cursor: pointer; >.back-btn:hover < transform: scale(1.2); box-shadow: 0 14px 28px rgba(0,0,0,0.25), 0 10px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.22); >.hero-img-container < width: 100%; height: 300px; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; position: relative; padding-bottom: 20px; >.hero-img-container::before < height: 20px; width: 20px; background-color: #0268EE; position: absolute; top: 25px; right: 150px; content:''; border-radius: 50%; >.arc < border: 1px solid #000; display: inline-block; min-width: 200px; min-height: 200px; padding: 0.5em; border-radius: 50%; border-top-color: transparent; border-left-color: transparent; border-bottom-color: transparent; opacity: 0.4; position:absolute; transform: rotate(-40deg); left: -10px; >.pattern < width: 50px; height: 50px; background-image: url(""); opacity: 0.1; position: absolute; right: 30px; top: 30px; transform: scale(1.2); >.triangle1 < width: 0; height: 0; border-style: solid; border-width: 0 10px 20px 10px; border-color: transparent transparent #767EEF transparent; position: absolute; top: 50px; left: 130px; transform:rotate(-45deg); >.hero-img < width: 80%; >.order-status-container < z-index: 3; display:flex; width: 100%; height: 30%; justify-content: space-evenly; align-items: center; background-color: white; border-top-right-radius: 50px; border-top-left-radius: 50px; position: relative; box-shadow: 0 14px 28px rgba(0,0,0,0.02), 0 10px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.2); >.order-status-container::before < content:''; position:absolute; width: 70px; height: 3px; background-color: #EAEBFF; opacity: 0.8; border-radius: 2px; top:20px; >.status-item < display:flex; flex-direction:column; justify-content: flex-start; align-items: center; height: 150px; padding-top: 20px; >.status-item > div < margin: 10px; >.status-circle < height: 20px; width: 20px; background-color: #665CF5; border-radius: 50%; border: 5px solid white; box-shadow: 0 10px 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.19), 0 6px 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.23); z-index: 5; transition: all 0.2s; cursor: pointer; >.status-circle:hover < transform: scale(1.2); box-shadow: 0 14px 28px rgba(0,0,0,0.25), 0 10px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.22); >.status-text < font-size: 0.8rem; font-weight: 500; >.status-text span < display: block; text-align: center; padding: 2px; >.green < color: #338A9A; >.first::before < content:''; height: 4px; width: 70px; background-color: #5858EF; position:absolute; z-index:4; top: 83px; left: 60px; >.second::before < content:''; height: 4px; width: 210px; background-color: #5858EF; position:absolute; z-index:4; top: 83px; left: 100px; opacity:0.2; >.order-details-container < position: relative; z-index: 6; height: 900px; background-color: #767EEF; border-top-right-radius: 50px; border-top-left-radius: 50px; padding-top: 20px; transform:translateY(-45px); box-shadow: 0 10px 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.19), 0 6px 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.23); cursor: default; >.odc-header < display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: flex-start; >.cta-text < margin-top: 40px; margin-right: 25px; color: white; font-size: 0.9rem; text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px rgba(255,255,255,0.18); >.cta-button < margin-top:20px; padding: 20px 40px; background-color: #4E4DED; border: 0; border-radius: 10px; color: white; font-size: 1rem; font-weight: 500; box-shadow: 0 10px 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.10), 0 6px 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.05); animation: shadow-pulse 1s infinite; cursor:pointer; >@keyframes shadow-pulse < 0% < box-shadow: 0 0 0 0px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); >100% < box-shadow: 0 0 0 35px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); >> .cta-button:focus < outline:none; >.order-details-container::before < content:''; position:absolute; width: 70px; height: 3px; background-color: #EAEBFF; opacity: 0.8; border-radius: 2px; top:20px; left: 150px; >.odc-wrapper < margin:30px; >.odc-header-line < margin-top:30px; color: white; font-size: 1.5rem; font-weight: 500; margin-bottom: 40px >.odc-header-details < color:white; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 20px; >.product-container < background-color: #828AF1; border-radius: 20px; padding: 10px; >.product < display: flex; justify-content: flex-start; align-items: center; >.product span < display: block; color: white; margin-left: 25px; margin-bottom: 8px; flex-grow: 1; >.product span:first-child < font-weight: 300; font-size: 0.8rem; >.product span:last-child < font-weight: 500; font-size: 1.3rem; >.img-photo < width: 90px; transform: rotate(-35deg) >.cancellation < margin-top: 20px; background-color: #828AF1; border-radius: 20px; padding: 30px 20px; color:white; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 20px; text-align: center; >.shipping-desc < color:white; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 20px; >.shipping-address < margin-top: 20px; background-color: #828AF1; border-radius: 20px; padding: 20px 20px; color:white; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 20px; >.footer < position: absolute; bottom: 15px; right: 15px; font-size: 0.9rem; >.footer small < font-size: 0.7rem; >.footer a < color: #3273dc; cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 2px solid rgba(50,115,220,.1); padding-bottom: 2px; >.footer a:hover

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Step1:In order to create the product card structure, we will first use the div element to create the container for our product card. Then, inside the div tag, we will use the div tag to create the header for the anticipated delivery, where we will add the heading and the date in that order.

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We will now add an image to our product card using the img tag, and we will make a progress bar to monitor the order for our product delivery using the div tag. Then we will add the button for our product card using the basic button tag property, and we will also add the shipping location inside our product card using the div tag.

Create Product Card Using HTML and CSS (Source Code)

Step2:We will now style our container by adding formatting using the class selector (.cotainer), setting the display property to “flex,” and centering the content using the justify-content property. Our receptacle has the dimensions “100vh” and “100vw,” respectively.

We’ll now style the heading for our product card using the class selector. The display will be set to “flex” using the display property, and the content will be justified to the middle using the justify-content property. We will style our hero picture in addition to the header. We’ll set the width to 100%, the height to 300px using the height property, and the centering of the elements using the align item property.

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Create Product Card Using HTML and CSS (Source Code)

Step3 :We’ll do the styling now to the order state. We’ll use the z index property, the display property, and the display properties to change the backdrop colour property to “white,” the display property to “flex,” and the z index property to 3. Following the application of styling to each element, the content will be centered, the display flex and content justification properties will be defined, and each element will receive styling.

Now, using the background colour property, we will set the background of the product card to “purple.” Next, using the media query property, we will add responsiveness so that as the screen size decreases below the preset screen size, the content will automatically change its size.

Here is our updated output With Html and Css.

Html + Css Output product card

Create Product Card Using HTML and CSS

Note: we use JavaScript code for showing the card more information on click on the card and the information pop-up.

JavaScript Code For Product Card

//anime.js library let drawer_open = false; document.querySelector(«.cta-button»).addEventListener(«mouseup»,function()<; >) document.querySelector(«.back-btn»).addEventListener(«mouseup»,function() < if(drawer_open) <;; >>) let cta_button_show = anime( < targets: ['.cta-button','.cta-text'], translateY: ['-15','0'], opacity: ['0','1'], easing: 'easeInOutSine', delay: anime.stagger(200), autoplay: false, // loop: false duration: 500, complete: function()< >>); let cta_button_hide = anime( < targets: ['.cta-button','.cta-text'], translateY: ['0','-15'], opacity: ['1','0'], easing: 'easeInOutSine', delay: anime.stagger(200), autoplay: false, // loop: false duration: 500, complete: function()<; drawer_open = true; >>); let slidedown = anime( < targets: '.order-details-container', translateY: ['-560','-40px'], duartion: 1000, autoplay: false, begin: function()< show_hideCTA("block"); drawer_open = false; >>) let slideup = anime( < targets: '.order-details-container', translateY: ['-40px','-560px'], autoplay: false, begin: function()< show_hideCTA("none"); >>) function show_hideCTA(param)

First, we’ll make a boolean variable with the value “false” using the let keyword. Then, using the document.queryselector, we’ll select the html element, and using the addEventListener, we’ll add an event to mouse up, which will cause the function “” to be called.(). The animation will begin after we determine whether the mouse button is up by using the function. A loop will be created for the merchandise card.

Final Output Of Product Card Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript:-

Create Product Card Using HTML and CSS

Create Product Card Using HTML and CSS

Live Preview Of Product Card:-

See the Pen
Porduct delivery status card for website by Aryankapoor (@codewitharyann)
on CodePen.

Video Output Of Product Card:

Now we have completed our Product Card. Here is our updated output with Html, Css, and JavaScript. Hope you like the Product card. you can see the output video and project screenshots. See our other blogs and gain knowledge in front-end development.

In this post, we learn how to create a Product Card using Html, Css, and JavaScript. If we made a mistake or any confusion, please drop a comment to reply or help you in easy learning.

Written by – Code With Random/Anki


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