Processing using java library

Java processing like library in java

This kind of solution is good for example to use enum s (otherwise not usable in .pde tabs) and there are other reasons, but they are not important at the moment. A problem with this kind of work is that the libraries of Processing are not included, so you have to import them manually. Question: Somewhat of a followup to How to use public class frome .java file in other processing tabs?; using the example from Usage class from .java file — is there a full doc for that? —

Using Processing libraries — in a Java file in a Processing sketch?

Somewhat of a followup to How to use public class frome . java file in other processing tabs?; using the example from Usage class from .java file — is there a full doc for that? — Processing 2.x and 3.x Forum, I have this:

// // usage-class-from-java-file-is-there-a-full-doc-for-that Foo tester; void setup()
import; //import; //import; import processing.core.PApplet; import processing.core.PGraphics; public class Foo implements Serializable < static final int GAP = 15; static final int MODE = PApplet.CORNER; final PApplet p; Foo(PApplet pa) < p = pa; >void drawBox() < p.rect(GAP, GAP, p.width - GAP*2, p.height - GAP*2); >> 

The example runs fine as is — but if I uncomment the import lines, then compilation fails with:

The package "peasy" does not exist. You might be missing a library. Libraries must be installed in a folder named 'libraries' inside the 'sketchbook' folder. 

Of course, I do have PeasyCam installed, under /path/to/processing-2.1.1/modes/java/libraries/peasycam/ — and it works fine, if I do a import peasy.*; from a .pde sketch.

I guess, this has something to do with paths — apparently pure Java files in a sketch, do not refer to the same library paths as . pde files in a sketch.

Is it possible to get this sketch to compile with the import lines (other than, I guess, copying/symlinking the peasycam library in the sketch folder, here /tmp/Sketch/

This is where you learn that Processing isn’t actually Java, it just has a similar(ish) syntax and can run its code in the JVM by aggregating all . pde file s into a single class that can be compiled for running on the JVM. Processing has its own rules for dealing with imports and the like.

Why not just do this entirely in Processing instead?

and then make sure to have that in a file Foo.pde or something in the same dir as your sketch, with your sketch loading in the peasy library through the regular Processing import mechanism?

Ok, thanks to @MikePomaxKamermans answer, especially » by aggregating all .pde files into a single class «, I simply tried importing peasy in the .pde file before the first reference to foo; that is, in /tmp/Sketch/Sketch.pde I now have:

// // usage-class-from-java-file-is-there-a-full-doc-for-that import peasy.*; // add this Foo tester; . 

. and then the sketch compiles without a problem (but note: while this approach works for this example, it somehow didn’t work in the original problem that drove me to post the question).

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Using Processing libraries — in a Java file in a Processing, This is where you learn that Processing isn’t actually Java, it just has a similar(ish) syntax and can run its code in the JVM by aggregating all .pde files into a single class that can be compiled for running on the JVM. Processing has its own rules for dealing with imports and the like. Why not just do this entirely in Processing instead?

How to Make a Processing (Java) Library Part 1

Have you ever wanted to learn more about Java programming, how open source works, or how to build your own Processing library ? This is the series for you!🎥

Importing libraries in .java tabs in processing

I’m kind of new with Processing 3.*; I am (and willing to) using the Processing Development Environment (The official IDE). Reading the official «guide», in particular this part, it is specified that you can use pure Java language inside Processing simply naming a .java tab instead of a .pde one.

This kind of solution is good for example to use enum s (otherwise not usable in .pde tabs) and there are other reasons, but they are not important at the moment.

A problem with this kind of work is that the libraries of Processing are not included, so you have to import them manually.

What I noticed is that all the official Processing libraries can be imported simply by the import keyword, while for all the libraries installed by the Contribution Manager the story is different. The error message is The package «packageName» does not exists. You might be missing a library. Libraries must be installed in a folder named ‘libraries’ inside the ‘sketchbook’ folder.

Long story short I can’t import those libraries.

I tried to copy them in the standard Java libraries location ( %SystemRoot%\Java\lib\ext ) and in some other paths, but nothing. I read that using classpath would allow as to use it but I can’t understand how to use Processing with javac.

I also tried something like «ProcessingFolder\processing-java.exe» —sketch=»$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)» —run that is the same script you can use to run Processing in Notepad++, adding the statement —classpath=»$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)» (Obviously in Notepad++) but it didn’t work (processing-java.exe state I don’t know anything about —classpath=. ).

So here’s the question: How can we import and use libraries in .java tabs using Processing Development Environment?

That doesn’t sound right. You should be able to use library classes just fine by importing them in a .java tab.

Step 1: From the PDE, go to Sketch -> Import Library , then choose the library you want to include. Notice that if you haven’t included a library before, it’s actually two steps: first you have to install the library, then you have to include it.

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Step 2: Once you’ve included a library in your sketch, you can use the classes from that library anywhere in your sketch. This includes .java tabs.

Here’s an example that uses the minim library in a .java tab. I didn’t have to copy any files or create any directories:

import processing.core.PApplet; import ddf.minim.Minim; import ddf.minim.AudioPlayer; import ddf.minim.AudioInput; public class Test < Minim minim; AudioPlayer player; AudioInput input; public Test(PApplet sketch) < minim = new Minim(sketch); player = minim.loadFile("song.mp3"); input = minim.getLineIn(); >> 

It sounds like you aren’t properly including the library in your sketch. Make sure you go through the Sketch -> Import Library menu, and make sure you both install and include the sketch.

Importing libraries in .java tabs in processing, Step 1: From the PDE, go to Sketch -> Import Library, then choose the library you want to include. Notice that if you haven’t included a library before, it’s actually two steps: first you have to install the library, then you have to include it. Step 2: Once you’ve included a library in your sketch, you can use the classes …

Import Processing Serial library into java file

So I have .pde file and several .java files that are used in a project. I import the library as so into a .java file:

When I import the Processing serial library in the .pde file it works fine, but when I import the Processing serial library into a .java file I get this error:

The package «processing.serial» does not exist. You might be missing a library

Libraries must be installed in a folder named ‘libraries’ inside the sketchbook folder (see the Preferences window).

Do I need to install the library to be able to use it with a .java file or is there another solution to import the Processing serial library into a .java file?

Libraries don’t come automatically included with Processing. You have to add them to your sketch using the Sketch > Import Library menu. This is true whether you’re in the main sketch file or in a .java tab.

Shameless self-promotion: here is a tutorial on using libraries in Processing.

How to set java library path for processing, Instead of changing your source code, you use the Expressions tab in the debug perspective and put System.getProperty(«java.library.path») to show you what it’s value is. – Captain Charmi Sep 18, 2013 at 12:22

Video processing library for java in Google App Engine

I’m now looking for java libraries for Video Processing , I’ve read this post: Video processing Library for Java and then, tried some «hello world» tuts with Xuggle. But the problem is Xuggle use some Native Code, as said in their home page:

«Xuggler consists of a small amount of Java (i.e. architecture independent) code and a large amount of native code that needs to be specifically compiled for different operating systems. That means different binary packages must be used with different operating systems (unlike most Java programs).»

As we don’t know much about which platforms used by Google, It’s unlikely to use Xuggle.

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So, can you please tell me some other solutions ?

You will not be able to do this on ****. As you noted, Xuggle is a wrapper around native libraries which you can not use on ****.

The other solution would be to use a IaaS provider, where you control the whole stack (OS and above). For example Amazon EC2 or other VPS providers.

You can now in 2016, using a Google Cloud Managed VM

Use processing in Java application, This is missing a few details: Visualization needs to be a toplevel class or static inner class (so that it has a no-args constructor — this won’t work if Visualization is a non-static inner class), and the correct syntax for calling the PApplet is Visualization.main(new String[]);, i.e. it …



This is a set of short Java code examples that use the Processing libraries.

These examples may be useful to computer science educators who are teaching a course with the Java language (e.g. AP Computer Science A). Processing provides an easy entry point to computer graphics programming. The Processing libraries are open source and can be used directly from Java programs.

Computer graphics applications are a natural place to use object oriented programming techniques. In addition, concepts such as 2D arrays and recursion can be illustrated nicely with computer graphics.

Install software

Processing (Pay attention to where you install it!)

Text editor or Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

Set the CLASSPATH environment variable

This is the most important part, and the biggest headache:
Setting the CLASSPATH environment variable

Assuming you’ve set your CLASSPATH environment variable correctly, you can run all the examples on the command line:

javac java HelloProcessing 

Processing and the PApplet class

Here’s the red pill. When you run a Processing sketch, all of your global stuff (variables, functions like setup() , draw() , keyPressed() , etc.) gets embedded in a class, and that class is a subclass of PApplet . The PApplet class contains all the Processing functions that you are familiar with, like size() and ellipse() .

  • There is a settings() method, which is where size() (or fullScreen() ) must be called. The settings() function is called before setup() .
  • The PApplet class has a static main() function that you call with the name of your class.

Using external classes

You can write your own Java classes, but you need to give them a reference to the main PApplet class so that it can call the Processing drawing functions.


Object oriented programming techniques are very useful in computer graphics programming, e.g. the Ball class in the HelloProcessing2 example. Here are some other ideas for illustrating concepts from AP Computer Science A with the Processing libraries.

2D array application: Image Processing

Recursion application: Fractals

More info

These code examples are licensed under the GPL v2.0, which means you are free to copy and use the code, but if you distribute a modified program, you must also distribute your code.


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