Print slash in python

Python Backslash

Summary: in this tutorial, you’ll learn about the Python backslash character as a part of a special sequence character or to escape characters in a string.

Introduction to the Python backslash

In Python, the backslash( \ ) is a special character. If you use the backslash in front of another character, it changes the meaning of that character.

For example, the t is a literal character. But if you use the backslash character in front of the letter t , it’ll become the tab character ( \t ).

Generally, the backslash has two main purposes.

First, the backslash character is a part of special character sequences such as the tab character \t or the new line character \n .

The following example prints a string that has a newline character:

print('Hello,\n World')Code language: PHP (php)

The \n is a single character, not two. For example:

s = '\n' print(len(s)) # 1Code language: PHP (php)

Second, the backslash ( \ ) escape other special characters. For example, if you have a string that has a single quote inside a single-quoted string like the following string, you need to use the backslash to escape the single quote character:

s = '"Python\'s awesome" She said' print(s)Code language: PHP (php)
"Python's awesome" She saidCode language: JavaScript (javascript)

Backslash in f-strings

PEP-498 specifies that an f-string cannot contain a backslash character as a part of the expression inside the curly braces <> .

The following example will result in an error:

colors = ['red','green','blue'] s = f'The RGB colors are:\n \n'.join(colors)>' print(s) Code language: PHP (php)
SyntaxError: f-string expression part cannot include a backslashCode language: JavaScript (javascript)

To fix this, you need to join the strings in the colors list before placing them in the curly braces:

colors = ['red','green','blue'] rgb = '\n'.join(colors) s = f"The RGB colors are:\n" print(s)Code language: PHP (php)
The RGB colors are: red green blue

Backslash in raw strings

Raw strings treat the backslash character ( \ ) as a literal character. The following example treats the backslash character \ as a literal character, not a special character:

s = r'\n' print(s)Code language: PHP (php)


  • The python backslash character ( \ ) is a special character used as a part of a special sequence such as \t and \n .
  • Use the Python backslash ( \ ) to escape other special characters in a string.
  • F-strings cannot contain the backslash a part of expression inside the curly braces <> .
  • Raw strings treat the backslash (\) as a literal character.


Learn How to Print Forward and Backslash Characters in Python

In this article, we will discuss the different ways to print forward and backslash characters in Python. Know the syntax for printing these characters, especially when working with strings or file paths.

  • Printing a Backslash
  • Printing a Forward Slash
  • Python Basics BackSlash or Forward Slash
  • Printing Raw Strings
  • Escaping Special Characters
  • Splitting Strings on Forward Slashes
  • Other quick code samples for printing forward and backslash characters in Python
  • Conclusion
  • How do you print a front slash in Python?
  • How do you print a single ‘\’ as a string in Python?
  • How do you type a forward slash in a string in Python?
  • How do you do a slash in Python?

Python is an open-source, high-level, general- purpose programming language that is widely used in web development, machine learning, data science, and more. It has its own syntax for printing forward and backslash characters, which is essential for Python developers, especially when working with strings or file paths. In this article, we will discuss the different ways to print forward and backslash characters in Python.

Printing a Backslash

In Python, the backslash () character is used to escape special characters , such as quotes or newlines. To print a single backslash, you need to escape it with another backslash like this: print(«\\») . Prior to Python 3, you had to use print(«\\») to print a single backslash.

Supporting Points

  • Backslashes are used to escape special characters in a string.
  • To print a single backslash, escape it with another backslash.
  • In Python 3 or later versions, you can print a single backslash using print(«\\») .

Printing a Forward Slash

In Python, the forward slash (/) is a regular character and doesn’t need to be escaped. You can print a forward slash by simply including it in a string: print(«») .

Supporting Points

  • Forward slashes are regular characters in Python.
  • You can print a forward slash by including it in a string.

Python Basics BackSlash or Forward Slash

Learn the difference between a backslash and forward slash in python programmingtwitter Duration: 6:02

Printing Raw Strings

Raw strings treat backslashes as literal characters and don’t escape them. To print a string with backslashes, you can use the r prefix before the string like this: print(r»C:\Users\username\Documents») .

Supporting Points

  • Raw strings treat backslashes as literal characters.
  • You can print a string with backslashes using the r prefix.

Escaping Special Characters

Backslashes are also used to escape other special characters in a string, such as quotes or tabs. To escape a special character, you need to use a backslash before it like this: print(«This is a \»quote\»») .

Supporting Points

  • Backslashes are used to escape special characters in a string.
  • To escape a special character, use a backslash before it.

Splitting Strings on Forward Slashes

You can use the split() method to split a string on forward slashes. This is useful when working with file paths or URLs.

Supporting Points

  • The split() method can be used to split a string on any character.
  • To split a string on forward slashes, use string.split(«/») .

Other quick code samples for printing forward and backslash characters in Python

In Python , for instance, double forward slash in python code example

// Divides and rounds down to the nearest integer


Printing forward and backslash characters in Python is essential for working with strings and file paths. Remember to use a double backslash to print a single backslash, and to use raw strings for strings containing backslashes. Use the split() method to split a string on forward slashes, and escape special characters with a backslash.

In conclusion, printing forward and backslash characters is a fundamental skill for Python developers. With the use of escape characters, raw strings, and the split() method, you can easily print forward and backslashes in Python. By following these techniques, you can work with strings and file paths without any issues. Happy coding!


Last updated: Feb 21, 2023
Reading time · 4 min


# Table of Contents

Use the repr() function to print a string with the special characters, e.g. print(repr(my_str)) .

The repr() function returns a string containing a printable representation of the provided object.

my_str = 'bobby\nhadz\ncom\n' print(repr(my_str)) # 👉️ 'bobby\nhadz\ncom\n'

print string with special characters

We used the repr() function to print a string with the special characters.

The repr() function returns a printable representation of the provided object rather than the string itself.

Alternatively, you can use the str.encode() and bytes.decode() methods to convert the string to a raw string before printing.

my_str = 'bobby\nhadz\ncom\n' result = my_str.encode('unicode_escape') print(result) # 👉️ b'bobby\\nhadz\\ncom\\n' result = my_str.encode('unicode_escape').decode() print(result) # 👉️ bobby\nhadz\ncom\n

print string with special characters using encode and decode

The str.encode method returns an encoded version of the string as a bytes object.

We used the unicode_escape encoding to escape the special characters with an extra backslash.

The bytes.decode method returns a string decoded from the given bytes. The default encoding is utf-8 .

Encoding is the process of converting a string to a bytes object and decoding is the process of converting a bytes object to a string .

If you have access to the variable’s declaration, you can prefix the string with r to mark it as a raw string.

my_str = r'bobby\nhadz\ncom\n' print(my_str) # 👉️ bobby\nhadz\ncom\n

print string with special characters using raw string

If you need to use variables in the raw string, use a formatted string literal.

variable = 'hadz' my_str = fr'bobby\nvariable>\ncom\n' print(my_str) # 👉️ bobby\nhadz\ncom\n

Formatted string literals (f-strings) let us include expressions inside of a string by prefixing the string with f .

Make sure to wrap expressions in curly braces — .

Notice that we prefixed the string with fr and not just with f or r .

The start of an expression in an f-string is marked using curly braces.

If you need to include the literal characters in the string, use two sets of curly braces.

variable = 'hadz' my_str = fr'>>bobby\nvariable>\ncom\n' print(my_str) # 👉️ >bobby\nhadz\ncom\n

If you need to print a backslash:

  1. Use a second backslash character to escape each backslash in the string.
  2. Use the print() function to print the result.
my_str = 'Bobby\\Hadz\\Com' print(my_str) # 👉️ Bobby\Hadz\Com

print backslash in python

The example uses a second backslash to escape each backslash character in the string.

The backslash \ character has a special meaning in Python — it is used as an escape character (e.g. \n or \t ).

By adding a second backslash, we treat the \ as a literal character.

my_str = 'Bobby\\Hadz\\Com' print(my_str) # 👉️ Bobby\Hadz\Com

If you need to print two backslash characters next to one another, use four backslashes.

my_str = 'Bobby\\\\Hadz\\\\Com' print(my_str) # 👉️ Bobby\\Hadz\\Com

Alternatively, you can use a raw string.

When a string is prefixed with r , it treats backslashes as literal characters and escaping them is not necessary.

my_str = r'Bobby\Hadz\Com' print(my_str) # 👉️ Bobby\Hadz\Com my_str = r'Bobby\\Hadz\\Com' print(my_str) # 👉️ Bobby\\Hadz\\Com


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