Positioning picture in html

Как двигать картинку в html

Для движения изображения в HTML можно использовать свойство CSS «position». Например, чтобы переместить изображение вправо на 20 пикселей, можно использовать следующий код:

 src="image.jpg" style="position: relative; left: 20px;" /> 

В данном примере мы задаем свойство «position» со значением «relative», что позволяет перемещать элемент относительно его начального положения. Затем мы используем свойство «left» со значением «20px», чтобы переместить изображение вправо на 20 пикселей.

Также можно использовать свойство «top» для перемещения изображения вверх или «bottom» для перемещения вниз.

Для анимации рекомендуется использовать свойство transform со значениями translate . Такой подход является более оптимизированным и затрачивает меньше ресурсов, а сама анимация будет выглядеть более плавной.

Например, здесь изображения логотипа будет смещено вправо на величину 100px .

 .logo  transform: translateX(100px); >  


: The Picture element

The browser will consider each child element and choose the best match among them. If no matches are found—or the browser doesn’t support the element—the URL of the element’s src attribute is selected. The selected image is then presented in the space occupied by the element.

Try it

To decide which URL to load, the user agent examines each ‘s srcset , media , and type attributes to select a compatible image that best matches the current layout and capabilities of the display device.

The element serves two purposes:

  1. It describes the size and other attributes of the image and its presentation.
  2. It provides a fallback in case none of the offered elements are able to provide a usable image.
  • Art direction. Cropping or modifying images for different media conditions (for example, loading a simpler version of an image which has too many details, on smaller displays).
  • Offering alternative image formats, for cases where certain formats are not supported.

Note: For example, newer formats like AVIF or WEBP have many advantages, but might not be supported by the browser. A list of supported image formats can be found in: Image file type and format guide.

If providing higher-density versions of an image for high-DPI (Retina) display, use srcset on the element instead. This lets browsers opt for lower-density versions in data-saving modes, and you don’t have to write explicit media conditions.

Content categories Flow content, phrasing content, embedded content
Permitted content Zero or more elements, followed by one element, optionally intermixed with script-supporting elements.
Tag omission None, both the starting and ending tag are mandatory.
Permitted parents Any element that allows embedded content.
Implicit ARIA role No corresponding role
Permitted ARIA roles No role permitted
DOM interface HTMLPictureElement


This element includes only global attributes.

Usage notes

You can use the object-position property to adjust the positioning of the image within the element’s frame, and the object-fit property to control how the image is resized to fit within the frame.

Note: Use these properties on the child element, not the element.


These examples demonstrate how different attributes of the element change the selection of the image inside .

The media attribute

The media attribute specifies a media condition (similar to a media query) that the user agent will evaluate for each element.

picture> source srcset="mdn-logo-wide.png" media="(min-width: 600px)" /> img src="mdn-logo-narrow.png" alt="MDN" /> picture> 

The srcset attribute

The srcset attribute is used to offer list of possible images based on size.

It is composed of a comma-separated list of image descriptors. Each image descriptor is composed of a URL of the image, and either:

  • a width descriptor, followed by a w (such as 300w ); OR
  • a pixel density descriptor, followed by an x (such as 2x ) to serve a high-res image for high-DPI screens.
picture> source srcset="logo-768.png, logo-768-1.5x.png 1.5x" /> img src="logo-320.png" alt="logo" /> picture> 

The type attribute

picture> source srcset="photo.avif" type="image/avif" /> source srcset="photo.webp" type="image/webp" /> img src="photo.jpg" alt="photo" /> picture> 


Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also

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This page was last modified on Apr 13, 2023 by MDN contributors.

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How to Position an Image in CSS?

Javascript Course - Mastering the Fundamentals

The image position in CSS can be changed by using CSS properties like object-position property and float property. Object-position property is used to align the position with respect to the x,y coordinates of the image within its container. The float property is used to float an element inside the container toward the left or right side.


You should know how to use CSS properties on elements. This article will explain the object-position property and float property with an example that will be easy to understand.


1. object-position property: The Syntax of object position property :

position can be a numerical value that specifies the distance from the left of the content box( i.e x axis ) and the distance from the top of the content box (i.e., y-axis). It can also take values like left, right, top, bottom, and initial and inherit them as a string to specify the position.

2. Float property : The Syntax of the float property :


Method 1: Using object-position Property

object-position property: The object position property is used to position any element within a container to the required position within the container. The < img >element or < video >element are mostly positioned within a container using the object position property.

The Syntax for the object position property is

Position can take numerical , specific string values , percentage , length , and edge offsets values . Some values are shown in the examples below.

Example Let’s see a simple example of object position property and place the img to the top left of the container.

Using object-position Property

Method 2: Using float Property

float property: float property is used to change the image position in CSS to the extreme left or extreme right of the container. Float is used to position an element only horizontally. The Syntax of the float property is as follows:

left: place the element to the extreme left of the container right: place the element to the extreme right of the container inherit: inherits floating property from its parent (div, semantic element, etc.) none: element is displayed at its original position as it is.

Some examples of float properties values are as follows:

Let’s take an example in which float property is being used on an actual image :

The output of the above HTML code using the float right property is:

Using float Property


  • object-property and float properties are used to position an element inside a container.
  • object-position property can be used to change the image position in CSS both horizontally as well as vertically within the container of the image.
  • float property can be used to change the image position in CSS horizontally within the container of the image.
  • The position property in the object position can take both numerical values as well as some specified string values like left, right, top and bottom.
  • Float property takes some specific values like left, right, inherit, and none.


Positioning picture in html

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