Positioning images in php

bradt / wp-image-crop-position.php

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/* Example Usage:
* bt_add_image_size( ‘product-screenshot’, 300, 300, array( ‘left’, ‘top’ ) );
* bt_add_image_size( ‘product-feature’, 460, 345, array( ‘center’, ‘top’ ) );
add_filter( ‘intermediate_image_sizes_advanced’ , ‘bt_intermediate_image_sizes_advanced’ );
add_filter( ‘wp_generate_attachment_metadata’ , ‘bt_generate_attachment_metadata’ , 10 , 2 );
* Registers a new image size with cropping positions
* The $crop parameter works as in the ‘add_image_size’ function taking true or
* false values. If set to true, the default cropping position is ‘center’, ‘center’.
* The $crop parameter also takes an array of the format
* array( x_crop_position, y_crop_position )
* x_crop_position can be ‘left’, ‘center’, ‘right’
* y_crop_position can be ‘top’, ‘center’, ‘bottom’
* @param string $name Image size identifier.
* @param int $width Image width.
* @param int $height Image height.
* @param bool|array $crop Optional, default is false. Whether to crop image to specified height and width or resize. An array can specify positioning of the crop area.
* @return bool|array False, if no image was created. Metadata array on success.
function bt_add_image_size ( $ name , $ width = 0 , $ height = 0 , $ crop = false )
global $ _wp_additional_image_sizes ;
$ _wp_additional_image_sizes [ $ name ] = array ( ‘width’ => absint( $ width ), ‘height’ => absint( $ height ), ‘crop’ => $ crop );
* Returning no sizes (an empty array) will force
* wp_generate_attachment_metadata to skip creating intermediate image sizes on
* upload, then we can run our own resizing functions by hooking into the
* ‘wp_generate_attachment_metadata’ filter
function bt_intermediate_image_sizes_advanced ( $ sizes )
return array ();
function bt_generate_attachment_metadata ( $ metadata , $ attachment_id )
$ attachment = get_post( $ attachment_id );
$ uploadPath = wp_upload_dir();
$ file = path_join( $ uploadPath [ ‘basedir’ ], $ metadata [ ‘file’ ]);
if ( !preg_match( ‘!^image/!’ , get_post_mime_type( $ attachment )) || !file_is_displayable_image( $ file ) ) return $ metadata ;
global $ _wp_additional_image_sizes ;
foreach ( get_intermediate_image_sizes() as $ s )
$ sizes [ $ s ] = array ( ‘width’ => » , ‘height’ => » , ‘crop’ => FALSE );
if ( isset( $ _wp_additional_image_sizes [ $ s ][ ‘width’ ] ) )
$ sizes [ $ s ][ ‘width’ ] = intval( $ _wp_additional_image_sizes [ $ s ][ ‘width’ ] ); // For theme-added sizes
$ sizes [ $ s ][ ‘width’ ] = get_option( » < $ s >_size_w » ); // For default sizes set in options
if ( isset( $ _wp_additional_image_sizes [ $ s ][ ‘height’ ] ) )
$ sizes [ $ s ][ ‘height’ ] = intval( $ _wp_additional_image_sizes [ $ s ][ ‘height’ ] ); // For theme-added sizes
$ sizes [ $ s ][ ‘height’ ] = get_option( » < $ s >_size_h » ); // For default sizes set in options
if ( isset( $ _wp_additional_image_sizes [ $ s ][ ‘crop’ ] ) )
$ sizes [ $ s ][ ‘crop’ ] = $ _wp_additional_image_sizes [ $ s ][ ‘crop’ ];
$ sizes [ $ s ][ ‘crop’ ] = get_option( » < $ s >_crop » );
foreach ( $ sizes as $ size => $ size_data )
$ resized = bt_image_make_intermediate_size( $ file , $ size_data [ ‘width’ ], $ size_data [ ‘height’ ], $ size_data [ ‘crop’ ] );
if ( $ resized )
$ metadata [ ‘sizes’ ][ $ size ] = $ resized ;
return $ metadata ;
* Resize an image to make a thumbnail or intermediate size.
* The returned array has the file size, the image width, and image height. The
* filter ‘image_make_intermediate_size’ can be used to hook in and change the
* values of the returned array. The only parameter is the resized file path.
* @param string $file File path.
* @param int $width Image width.
* @param int $height Image height.
* @param bool|array $crop Optional, default is false. Whether to crop image to specified height and width or resize. An array can specify positioning of the crop area.
* @return bool|array False, if no image was created. Metadata array on success.
function bt_image_make_intermediate_size ( $ file , $ width , $ height , $ crop = false )
if ( $ width || $ height )
$ resized_file = bt_image_resize( $ file , $ width , $ height , $ crop , null , null , 90 );
if ( !is_wp_error( $ resized_file ) && $ resized_file && $ info = getimagesize( $ resized_file ) )
$ resized_file = apply_filters( ‘image_make_intermediate_size’ , $ resized_file );
return array (
‘file’ => wp_basename( $ resized_file ),
‘width’ => $ info [ 0 ],
‘height’ => $ info [ 1 ],
return false ;
* Retrieve calculated resized dimensions for use in imagecopyresampled().
* Calculate dimensions and coordinates for a resized image that fits within a
* specified width and height. If $crop is true, the largest matching central
* portion of the image will be cropped out and resized to the required size.
* @param int $orig_w Original width.
* @param int $orig_h Original height.
* @param int $dest_w New width.
* @param int $dest_h New height.
* @param bool $crop Optional, default is false. Whether to crop image or resize.
* @return bool|array False, on failure. Returned array matches parameters for imagecopyresampled() PHP function.
function bt_image_resize_dimensions ( $ orig_w , $ orig_h , $ dest_w , $ dest_h , $ crop = false )
if ( $ orig_w
return false ;
// at least one of dest_w or dest_h must be specific
if ( $ dest_w
return false ;
if ( $ crop )
// crop the largest possible portion of the original image that we can size to $dest_w x $dest_h
$ aspect_ratio = $ orig_w / $ orig_h ;
$ new_w = min( $ dest_w , $ orig_w );
$ new_h = min( $ dest_h , $ orig_h );
if ( ! $ new_w )
$ new_w = intval( $ new_h * $ aspect_ratio );
if ( ! $ new_h )
$ new_h = intval( $ new_w / $ aspect_ratio );
$ size_ratio = max( $ new_w / $ orig_w , $ new_h / $ orig_h );
$ crop_w = round( $ new_w / $ size_ratio );
$ crop_h = round( $ new_h / $ size_ratio );
if ( !is_array( $ crop ) || count( $ crop ) != 2 )
$ crop = apply_filters( ‘image_resize_crop_default’ , array ( ‘center’ , ‘center’ ) );
switch ( $ crop [ 0 ] )
case ‘left’ : $ s_x = 0 ; break ;
case ‘right’ : $ s_x = $ orig_w — $ crop_w ; break ;
default : $ s_x = floor( ( $ orig_w — $ crop_w ) / 2 );
switch ( $ crop [ 1 ] )
case ‘top’ : $ s_y = 0 ; break ;
case ‘bottom’ : $ s_y = $ orig_h — $ crop_h ; break ;
default : $ s_y = floor( ( $ orig_h — $ crop_h ) / 2 );
> else
// don’t crop, just resize using $dest_w x $dest_h as a maximum bounding box
$ crop_w = $ orig_w ;
$ crop_h = $ orig_h ;
$ s_x = 0 ;
$ s_y = 0 ;
list ( $ new_w , $ new_h ) = wp_constrain_dimensions( $ orig_w , $ orig_h , $ dest_w , $ dest_h );
// if the resulting image would be the same size or larger we don’t want to resize it
if ( $ new_w >= $ orig_w && $ new_h >= $ orig_h )
return false ;
// the return array matches the parameters to imagecopyresampled()
// int dst_x, int dst_y, int src_x, int src_y, int dst_w, int dst_h, int src_w, int src_h
return array ( 0 , 0 , ( int ) $ s_x , ( int ) $ s_y , ( int ) $ new_w , ( int ) $ new_h , ( int ) $ crop_w , ( int ) $ crop_h );
* Scale down an image to fit a particular size and save a new copy of the image.
* The PNG transparency will be preserved using the function, as well as the
* image type. If the file going in is PNG, then the resized image is going to
* be PNG. The only supported image types are PNG, GIF, and JPEG.
* Some functionality requires API to exist, so some PHP version may lose out
* support. This is not the fault of WordPress (where functionality is
* downgraded, not actual defects), but of your PHP version.
* @since 2.5.0
* @param string $file Image file path.
* @param int $max_w Maximum width to resize to.
* @param int $max_h Maximum height to resize to.
* @param bool $crop Optional. Whether to crop image or resize.
* @param string $suffix Optional. File Suffix.
* @param string $dest_path Optional. New image file path.
* @param int $jpeg_quality Optional, default is 90. Image quality percentage.
* @return mixed WP_Error on failure. String with new destination path.
function bt_image_resize ( $ file , $ max_w , $ max_h , $ crop = false , $ suffix = null , $ dest_path = null , $ jpeg_quality = 90 )
$ image = wp_load_image( $ file );
if ( !is_resource( $ image ) )
return new WP_Error ( ‘error_loading_image’ , $ image , $ file );
$ size = @getimagesize( $ file );
if ( ! $ size )
return new WP_Error ( ‘invalid_image’ , __( ‘Could not read image size’ ), $ file );
list ( $ orig_w , $ orig_h , $ orig_type ) = $ size ;
// Rotate if EXIF ‘Orientation’ is set
// This code is from the reverted patch at
// http://core.trac.wordpress.org/changeset/11746/trunk/wp-includes/media.php
$ rotate = false ;
if ( is_callable( ‘exif_read_data’ ) && in_array( $ orig_type , apply_filters( ‘wp_read_image_metadata_types’ , array ( IMAGETYPE_JPEG , IMAGETYPE_TIFF_II , IMAGETYPE_TIFF_MM ) ) ) )
$ exif = @exif_read_data( $ file , null , true );
if ( $ exif && isset( $ exif [ ‘IFD0’ ] ) && is_array( $ exif [ ‘IFD0’ ] ) && isset( $ exif [ ‘IFD0’ ][ ‘Orientation’ ] ) )
if ( 6 == $ exif [ ‘IFD0’ ][ ‘Orientation’ ] )
$ rotate = 90 ;
elseif ( 8 == $ exif [ ‘IFD0’ ][ ‘Orientation’ ] )
$ rotate = 270 ;
if ( $ rotate )
list ( $ max_h , $ max_w ) = array ( $ max_w , $ max_h );
$ dims = bt_image_resize_dimensions( $ orig_w , $ orig_h , $ max_w , $ max_h , $ crop );
if ( ! $ dims )
return new WP_Error ( ‘error_getting_dimensions’ , __( ‘Could not calculate resized image dimensions’ ) );
list ( $ dst_x , $ dst_y , $ src_x , $ src_y , $ dst_w , $ dst_h , $ src_w , $ src_h ) = $ dims ;
$ newimage = wp_imagecreatetruecolor( $ dst_w , $ dst_h );
if ( $ rotate )
list ( $ src_y , $ src_x ) = array ( $ src_x , $ src_y );
imagecopyresampled( $ newimage , $ image , $ dst_x , $ dst_y , $ src_x , $ src_y , $ dst_w , $ dst_h , $ src_w , $ src_h );
// convert from full colors to index colors, like original PNG.
if ( IMAGETYPE_PNG == $ orig_type && function_exists( ‘imageistruecolor’ ) && !imageistruecolor( $ image ) )
imagetruecolortopalette( $ newimage , false , imagecolorstotal( $ image ) );
// we don’t need the original in memory anymore
imagedestroy( $ image );
// $suffix will be appended to the destination filename, just before the extension
if ( ! $ suffix )
if ( $ rotate )
$ suffix = » < $ dst_h >x < $ dst_w >«;
$ suffix = » < $ dst_w >x < $ dst_h >«;
$ info = pathinfo( $ file );
$ dir = $ info [ ‘dirname’ ];
$ ext = $ info [ ‘extension’ ];
$ name = wp_basename( $ file , » . $ ext «);
if ( !is_null( $ dest_path ) and $ _dest_path = realpath( $ dest_path ) )
$ dir = $ _dest_path ;
$ destfilename = » < $ dir >/ < $ name >— < $ suffix >. < $ ext >«;
if ( IMAGETYPE_GIF == $ orig_type )
if ( !imagegif( $ newimage , $ destfilename ) )
return new WP_Error ( ‘resize_path_invalid’ , __( ‘Resize path invalid’ ));
> elseif ( IMAGETYPE_PNG == $ orig_type )
if ( !imagepng( $ newimage , $ destfilename ) )
return new WP_Error ( ‘resize_path_invalid’ , __( ‘Resize path invalid’ ));
> else
if ( $ rotate )
$ newimage = _rotate_image_resource( $ newimage , 360 — $ rotate );
// all other formats are converted to jpg
$ destfilename = » < $ dir >/ < $ name >— < $ suffix >.jpg «;
$ return = imagejpeg( $ newimage , $ destfilename , apply_filters( ‘jpeg_quality’ , $ jpeg_quality , ‘image_resize’ ) );
if ( ! $ return )
return new WP_Error ( ‘resize_path_invalid’ , __( ‘Resize path invalid’ ));
imagedestroy( $ newimage );
// Set correct file permissions
$ stat = stat( dirname( $ destfilename ));
$ perms = $ stat [ ‘mode’ ] & 0000666 ; //same permissions as parent folder, strip off the executable bits
@ chmod( $ destfilename , $ perms );
return $ destfilename ;


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