Получить названия всех переменных python

Как получить строковые имена переменных в python и несколько трюков с matplotlibe

Вернуть строкове имя конкретной переменной не получится. так как на один и тот же объект может ссылаться несколько переменных. Но можно вернуть все переменные для конкретного объета. В данном примере две разные переменные ссылаются на два разных объекта (которые под капотом python на самом деле один объект):

import inspect x = 1 y = 1 def retrieve_name(var): callers_local_vars = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_locals.items() return [var_name for var_name, var_val in callers_local_vars if var_val is var] print(retrieve_name(y)) ['x', 'y'] 

Как получить строкове значение имени функции в python

__name__ работает с build in функциями. func_name нет

>>> import time >>> time.time.func_name Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? AttributeError: 'builtin_function_or_method' object has no attribute 'func_name' >>> time.time.__name__ 'time' 

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Получить названия всех переменных python

Last updated: Feb 21, 2023
Reading time · 5 min


# Table of Contents

To print a variable’s name:

  1. Use a formatted string literal to get the variable’s name and value.
  2. Split the string on the equal sign and get the variable’s name.
  3. Use the print() function to print the variable’s name.
site = 'bobbyhadz.com' result = f'site=>' print(result) # 👉️ site='bobbyhadz.com' # ✅ print variable name using f-string variable_name = f'site=>'.split('=')[0] print(variable_name) # 👉️ 'site'

We used a formatted string literal to get a variable’s name as a string.

As shown in the code sample, the same approach can be used to print a variable’s name and value.

Formatted string literals (f-strings) let us include expressions inside of a string by prefixing the string with f .

var1 = 'bobby' var2 = 'hadz' result = f'var1>var2>' print(result) # 👉️ bobbyhadz

Make sure to wrap expressions in curly braces — .

Formatted string literals also enable us to use the format specification mini-language in expression blocks.

site = 'bobbyhadz.com' result = f'site=>' print(result) # 👉️ site='bobbyhadz.com'

The equal sign after the variable is used for debugging and returns the variable’s name and its value.

The expression expands to:

  1. The text before the equal sign.
  2. An equal sign.
  3. The result of calling the repr() function with the evaluated expression.

To get only the variable name, we have to split the string on the equal sign and return the first list item.

site = 'bobbyhadz.com' variable_name = f'site=>'.split('=')[0] print(variable_name) # 👉️ 'site'

The str.split() method splits the string into a list of substrings using a delimiter.

site = 'bobbyhadz.com' result = f'site=>' print(result) # 👉️ site='bobbyhadz.com' print(result.split('=')) # 👉️ ['site', "'bobbyhadz.com'"]

The method takes the following 2 parameters:

Name Description
separator Split the string into substrings on each occurrence of the separator
maxsplit At most maxsplit splits are done (optional)

You can use the str.join() method if you need to join the variable’s name and value with a different separator.

website = 'bobbyhadz' result = ':'.join(f'website=>'.split('=')) print(result) # 👉️ website:'bobbyhadz'

The str.join method takes an iterable as an argument and returns a string which is the concatenation of the strings in the iterable.

Alternatively, you can use the globals() function.

This is a three-step process:

  1. Use the globals() function to get a dictionary that implements the current module namespace.
  2. Iterate over the dictionary to get the matching variable’s name.
  3. Use the print() function to print the variable’s name.
def get_var_name(variable): globals_dict = globals() return [ var_name for var_name in globals_dict if globals_dict[var_name] is variable ] site = 'bobbyhadz.com' print(get_var_name(site)) # 👉️ ['site'] print(get_var_name(site)[0]) # 👉️ 'site'

You can tweak the function if you also need to get the value.

def get_variable_name_value(variable): globals_dict = globals() return [ f'var_name>=globals_dict[var_name]>' for var_name in globals_dict if globals_dict[var_name] is variable ] website = 'bobbyhadz.com' # 👇️ ['website=bobbyhadz.com'] print(get_variable_name_value(website)) # 👇️ website=bobbyhadz.com print(get_variable_name_value(website)[0])

The globals function returns a dictionary that implements the current module namespace.

site = 'bobbyhadz.com' globals_dict = globals() # , '__spec__': None, '__annotations__': <>, '__builtins__': , '__file__': '/home/borislav/Desktop/bobbyhadz_python/main.py', '__cached__': None, 'globals_dict': > print(globals_dict)

We used a list comprehension to iterate over the dictionary.

site = 'bobbyhadz.com' globals_dict = globals() result = [key for key in globals_dict] # ['__name__', '__doc__', '__package__', '__loader__', '__spec__', '__annotations__', '__builtins__', '__file__', '__cached__', 'site', 'globals_dict'] print(result)

List comprehensions are used to perform some operation for every element or select a subset of elements that meet a condition.

On each iteration, we check if the identity of the provided variable matches the identity of the current dictionary value.

def get_var_name(variable): globals_dict = globals() return [var_name for var_name in globals_dict if globals_dict[var_name] is variable] site = 'bobbyhadz.com' print(get_var_name(site)) # 👉️ ['site'] print(get_var_name(site)[0]) # 👉️ 'site'

The matching variable names (keys in the dictionary) get returned as a list.

# Having multiple variables with the same value

If you have multiple variables with the same value, pointing to the same location in memory, the list would contain multiple variable names.

site = 'bobbyhadz.com' domain = 'bobbyhadz.com' def get_var_name(variable): globals_dict = globals() return [ var_name for var_name in globals_dict if globals_dict[var_name] is variable ] print(get_var_name(site)) # 👉️ ['site', 'domain']

There are 2 variables with the same value and they point to the same location in memory, so the list returns 2 variable names.

# Objects are stored at a different location in memory

If you pass non-primitive objects to the function, you’d get a list containing only one item because the objects are stored in different locations in memory.

class Employee(): pass alice = Employee() bobby = Employee() def get_var_name(variable): globals_dict = globals() return [ var_name for var_name in globals_dict if globals_dict[var_name] is variable ] print(get_var_name(alice)) # 👉️ ['alice']

The two class instances are stored in different locations in memory, so the get_var_name() function returns a list containing a single variable name.

You can also use the locals() dictionary to print a variable’s names.

site = 'bobbyhadz.com' print(locals().items()) variable_name = [ key for key, value in locals().items() if value == 'bobbyhadz.com' ] print(variable_name) # 👉️ ['site'] print(variable_name[0]) # 👉️ site

The locals() function returns a dictionary that contains the current scope’s local variables.

site = 'bobbyhadz.com' # , '__spec__': None, '__annotations__': <>, # '__builtins__': , '__file__': '/home/borislav/Desktop/bobbyhadz_python/main.py', '__cached__': None> print(locals())

We used a list comprehension to print the variable that has a value of bobbyhadz.com .

# The globals() dictionary vs the locals() dictionary

This approach is similar to using the globals() dictionary, however, the locals() function returns a dictionary that contains the current scope’s local variables, whereas the globals dictionary contains the current module’s namespace.

Here is an example that demonstrates the difference between the globals() and the locals() dictionaries.

global_site = 'bobbyhadz.com' def print_variable_name(): local_site = 'bobbyhadz.com' local_name = [ key for key, value in locals().items() if value == 'bobbyhadz.com' ] print(f'local_name local_name>') # ----------------------------------------------- globals_dict = globals() global_name = [ var_name for var_name in globals_dict if globals_dict[var_name] == 'bobbyhadz.com' ] print(f'global_name global_name>') # local_name ['local_site'] # global_name ['global_site'] print_variable_name()

The function uses the locals() and globals() dictionaries to print the name of the variable that has a value of bobbyhadz.com .

There is a variable with the specified value in the global and local scopes.

The locals() dictionary prints the name of the local variable, whereas the globals() dictionary prints the name of the global variable.

An alternative approach is to store the variable’s name as a value in a dictionary.

my_dict = 'bobbyhadz': 'site', 'python': 'language', > print(my_dict['bobbyhadz']) # 👉️ site print(my_dict['python']) # 👉️ language

The code sample stores the values of the variables as keys in the dictionary and the names of the variables as values.

Here is an easier way to visualize this.

site = 'bobbyhadz' language = 'python' # ---------------------------------- my_dict = 'bobbyhadz': 'site', 'python': 'language', > print(my_dict['bobbyhadz']) # 👉️ site print(my_dict['python']) # 👉️ language

The approach is similar to a reverse mapping.

By swapping the dictionary’s keys and values, we can access variable names by values.

You can define a reusable function to make it more intuitive.

def get_name(dictionary, value): return dictionary[value] my_dict = 'bobbyhadz': 'site', 'python': 'language', > print(get_name(my_dict, 'bobbyhadz')) # 👉️ site print(get_name(my_dict, 'python')) # 👉️ language

The function takes a dictionary and a value as parameters and returns the corresponding name.

# Additional Resources

You can learn more about the related topics by checking out the following tutorials:

I wrote a book in which I share everything I know about how to become a better, more efficient programmer.


Как вывести все переменные класса в Python?

Чтобы вывести все переменные класса, существует несколько способов.

В первом способе ( Более удобный ) мы будем использовать функцию vars()

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 
class Axes: def set_values(self, x, y, z): # Объявляем метод, в котором будем записывать переменные self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z if __name__ == "__main__": axes = Axes() # Создаем экземпляр класса axes.set_values(x=5, y=10, z=15) # Устанавливаем значение переменных print(vars(axes)) # Выводим переменные с помощью функции vars() # Вывод :

Во втором способе мы будем использовать функцию locals()

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 
class Axes: def set_values(self, x, y, z): # Объявляем метод, в котором будем записывать переменные self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z print(locals()) if __name__ == "__main__": axes = Axes() # Создаем экземпляр класса axes.set_values(x=5, y=10, z=15) # Устанавливаем значение переменных и получаем их # Вывод : , 'x': 5, 'y': 10, 'z': 15> 


Читайте также:  Python dictionary values function
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