Php timestamp to time and date


Returns a string formatted according to the given format string using the given integer timestamp (Unix timestamp) or the current time if no timestamp is given. In other words, timestamp is optional and defaults to the value of time() .

Unix timestamps do not handle timezones. Use the DateTimeImmutable class, and its DateTimeInterface::format() formatting method to format date/time information with a timezone attached.


Note: date() will always generate 000000 as microseconds since it takes an int parameter, whereas DateTime::format() does support microseconds if DateTime was created with microseconds.

The optional timestamp parameter is an int Unix timestamp that defaults to the current local time if timestamp is omitted or null . In other words, it defaults to the value of time() .

Return Values

Returns a formatted date string.


Every call to a date/time function will generate a E_WARNING if the time zone is not valid. See also date_default_timezone_set()


Version Description
8.0.0 timestamp is nullable now.


Example #1 date() examples

// set the default timezone to use.
date_default_timezone_set ( ‘UTC’ );

// Prints something like: Monday
echo date ( «l» );

// Prints something like: Monday 8th of August 2005 03:12:46 PM
echo date ( ‘l jS \of F Y h:i:s A’ );

// Prints: July 1, 2000 is on a Saturday
echo «July 1, 2000 is on a » . date ( «l» , mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 7 , 1 , 2000 ));

/* use the constants in the format parameter */
// prints something like: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 15:28:57 -0700
echo date ( DATE_RFC2822 );

// prints something like: 2000-07-01T00:00:00+00:00
echo date ( DATE_ATOM , mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 7 , 1 , 2000 ));

You can prevent a recognized character in the format string from being expanded by escaping it with a preceding backslash. If the character with a backslash is already a special sequence, you may need to also escape the backslash.

Example #2 Escaping characters in date()

It is possible to use date() and mktime() together to find dates in the future or the past.

Example #3 date() and mktime() example

$tomorrow = mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , date ( «m» ) , date ( «d» )+ 1 , date ( «Y» ));
$lastmonth = mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , date ( «m» )- 1 , date ( «d» ), date ( «Y» ));
$nextyear = mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , date ( «m» ), date ( «d» ), date ( «Y» )+ 1 );


This can be more reliable than simply adding or subtracting the number of seconds in a day or month to a timestamp because of daylight saving time.

Some examples of date() formatting. Note that you should escape any other characters, as any which currently have a special meaning will produce undesirable results, and other characters may be assigned meaning in future PHP versions. When escaping, be sure to use single quotes to prevent characters like \n from becoming newlines.

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Example #4 date() Formatting

// Assuming today is March 10th, 2001, 5:16:18 pm, and that we are in the
// Mountain Standard Time (MST) Time Zone

$today = date ( «F j, Y, g:i a» ); // March 10, 2001, 5:16 pm
$today = date ( «m.d.y» ); // 03.10.01
$today = date ( «j, n, Y» ); // 10, 3, 2001
$today = date ( «Ymd» ); // 20010310
$today = date ( ‘h-i-s, j-m-y, it is w Day’ ); // 05-16-18, 10-03-01, 1631 1618 6 Satpm01
$today = date ( ‘\i\t \i\s \t\h\e jS \d\a\y.’ ); // it is the 10th day.
$today = date ( «D M j G:i:s T Y» ); // Sat Mar 10 17:16:18 MST 2001
$today = date ( ‘H:m:s \m \i\s\ \m\o\n\t\h’ ); // 17:03:18 m is month
$today = date ( «H:i:s» ); // 17:16:18
$today = date ( «Y-m-d H:i:s» ); // 2001-03-10 17:16:18 (the MySQL DATETIME format)

To format dates in other languages, IntlDateFormatter::format() can be used instead of date() .



To generate a timestamp from a string representation of the date, you may be able to use strtotime() . Additionally, some databases have functions to convert their date formats into timestamps (such as MySQL’s » UNIX_TIMESTAMP function).

Timestamp of the start of the request is available in $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_TIME’] .

See Also

  • DateTimeImmutable::__construct() — Returns new DateTimeImmutable object
  • DateTimeInterface::format() — Returns date formatted according to given format
  • gmdate() — Format a GMT/UTC date/time
  • idate() — Format a local time/date part as integer
  • getdate() — Get date/time information
  • getlastmod() — Gets time of last page modification
  • mktime() — Get Unix timestamp for a date
  • IntlDateFormatter::format() — Format the date/time value as a string
  • time() — Return current Unix timestamp
  • Predefined DateTime Constants

User Contributed Notes

  • Date/Time Functions
    • checkdate
    • date_​add
    • date_​create_​from_​format
    • date_​create_​immutable_​from_​format
    • date_​create_​immutable
    • date_​create
    • date_​date_​set
    • date_​default_​timezone_​get
    • date_​default_​timezone_​set
    • date_​diff
    • date_​format
    • date_​get_​last_​errors
    • date_​interval_​create_​from_​date_​string
    • date_​interval_​format
    • date_​isodate_​set
    • date_​modify
    • date_​offset_​get
    • date_​parse_​from_​format
    • date_​parse
    • date_​sub
    • date_​sun_​info
    • date_​sunrise
    • date_​sunset
    • date_​time_​set
    • date_​timestamp_​get
    • date_​timestamp_​set
    • date_​timezone_​get
    • date_​timezone_​set
    • date
    • getdate
    • gettimeofday
    • gmdate
    • gmmktime
    • gmstrftime
    • idate
    • localtime
    • microtime
    • mktime
    • strftime
    • strptime
    • strtotime
    • time
    • timezone_​abbreviations_​list
    • timezone_​identifiers_​list
    • timezone_​location_​get
    • timezone_​name_​from_​abbr
    • timezone_​name_​get
    • timezone_​offset_​get
    • timezone_​open
    • timezone_​transitions_​get
    • timezone_​version_​get


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    Convert a Timestamp to a Readable Date or Time in PHP

    Convert a Timestamp to a Readable Date or Time in PHP

    1. Use date() Function to Convert a Timestamp to a Date/Time in PHP
    2. Use setTimestamp() Function to Convert a Timestamp to a Date in PHP
    3. Use createFromFormat() Function to Convert a Timestamp to a Date in PHP

    In this article, we will introduce methods to convert a timestamp to date in PHP.

    • Using date() function
    • Using setTimestamp() function
    • Using createFromFormat() function

    Use date() Function to Convert a Timestamp to a Date/Time in PHP

    The date() function converts a timestamp to a human readable date or time . The correct syntax to use this function is as follows

    It has two parameters. The parameter $format is the date-time format that the timestamp is converted to. The other parameter $timestamp is an optional parameter. It gives the date according to the timestamp passed. If it is omitted, it uses the current date by default.

    php $date = date('d-m-Y H:i:s', 1565600000); echo "The date is $date."; ?> 

    The date format here is day-month-year , and the time format is hour:minute:second .

    The date and time are 12-08-2019 08:53:20. 

    Use setTimestamp() Function to Convert a Timestamp to a Date in PHP

    The built-in setTimestamp() converts the given timestamp to date or time . To set the format of the date we will use format() function.

    php $date = new DateTime(); $date->setTimestamp(1565600000); $variable = $date->format('U = d-m-Y H:i:s'); echo "The date and time is $variable."; ?> 
    The date and time are 1565600000 = 12-08-2019 08:53:20. 

    Use createFromFormat() Function to Convert a Timestamp to a Date in PHP

    The built-in function createFromFormat() gets the date by passing the timestamp as a parameter to this function.

    DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $time, $timezone); 

    The variable $format is the format of the date, $time is the time given in string and $timezone tells about the time zone. The first two parameters are the mandatory parameters.

    php // Calling the createFromFormat() function  $datetime = DateTime::createFromFormat('U', '1565600000'); // Getting the new formatted datetime  $date= $datetime->format('d-m-Y H:i:s'); echo "The date and time is $date."; ?> 

    The format «d-m-Y H:i:s» displays both date and time .

    The date and time are 12-08-2019 08:53:20. 

    Related Article — PHP Timestamp

    Related Article — PHP DateTime


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