Php test if function is defined

Check if a function exists or not in PHP

Solution 1: If you want to see whether properties have been assigned the specified values in the resulting object, use Reflection class. Solution 2: The best way I’ve found to globally debug an environment without using @A.L’s method and pasting a function_exists call before every edited line, is to use a PHP debugger of some sort, most likely built into an IDE that compares every function call line against a ‘test compile’ of your code and all included libraries to make sure the called function exists (and would likely underline it in red if it didn’t).

Check if a function exists or not in PHP

You are calling the function before checking if it exists.

$func = $_GET['function']; if (function_exists($func)) < echo "Exists"; $func(); >else

function_exists is not the right tool for the job here. What’s to prevent a user from executing any built-in function just by appending it to the URL?

Instead use a switch and include only the functions you have defined and want to allow the user to execute:

Or you could instead use an array, like this:

$allowed_functions = ['function1', 'function2', 'function3']; if (!empty($_GET['function']) && in_array($_GET['function'], $allowed_functions)) < call_user_func($_GET['function']); >else
index.php?function=rrr ***FALSE*** index.php?function=test ***TRUE*** 
function test() < echo "test"; >$foo = $_GET['function']; // Check $_GET has data and function exists if (isset($_GET['function']) && function_exists($foo)) < echo "True"; >else

How to check an element is exists in array or not in PHP, The values can then be inspected in the array using various in-built methods : Approach 1 (Using in_array () method): The array () method can be …

How to test if variables exists in function with phpunit

If you want to see whether properties have been assigned the specified values in the resulting object, use Reflection class. In your example, if you properties are public:

public function testInitialParams() < $value1 = 'foo'; $value2 = 'bar'; $example = new Example($value1, $value2); // note that Example is using 'Standing CamelCase' $sut = new \ReflectionClass($example); $prop1 = $sut->getProperty('param1'); $prop1->setAccessible(true); // Needs to be done to access protected and private properties $this->assertEquals($prop2->getValue($example), $value1, 'param1 got assigned the correct value'); $prop2 = $sut->getProperty('param2'); $prop2->setAccessible(true); $this->assertEquals($prop2->getValue($example), $value2, 'param2 got assigned the correct value'); > 

There is an assertion assertAttributeSame() that allows you to look at public, protected and private properties of a class.

class ColorTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase < public function test_assertAttributeSame() < $hasColor = new Color(); $this->assertAttributeSame("red","publicColor",$hasColor); $this->assertAttributeSame("green","protectedColor",$hasColor); $this->assertAttributeSame("blue","privateColor",$hasColor); $this->assertAttributeNotSame("wrong","privateColor",$hasColor); > > 

You haven’t declared any visibility on $this->param1 or $this->param2 , so by default they will be public.

With this in mind, you ought to just be able to test like the following:

public function testConstructorSetsParams() < $param1 = 'testVal1'; $param2 = 'testVal2'; $object = new example($param1, $param2); $this->assertEquals($param1, $object->param1); $this->assertEquals($param2, $object->param2); > 

In PHP, how do I check if a function exists?, You can check if it exists. function_exists ( __NAMESPACE__ . ‘\my_function’ ); in the same namespace or. function_exists ( ‘\MyProject\my_function’ ); outside of the namespace. P.S. I know this is a very old question and PHP documentation improved a lot since then, but I believe people … Code sampleif(function_exists(‘my_function’))Feedback

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Check if functions referenced inside functions exist before commands are processed

You can use the built-in function_exists() function:

if (!function_exists('brokenFunction'))

But this will only raise an error when executing the code.

Some tools like PHPStorm can check your code (without running it) and throw warnings if a function is missing.

Some other tools are listed in this (closed) SO question: Is there a static code analyzer [like Lint] for PHP files?.

The best way I’ve found to globally debug an environment without using @A.L’s method and pasting a function_exists call before every edited line, is to use a PHP debugger of some sort, most likely built into an IDE that compares every function call line against a ‘test compile’ of your code and all included libraries to make sure the called function exists (and would likely underline it in red if it didn’t). A PHP IDE like Aptana might be what you’re looking for (especially if you see yourself having future updates to run as this solution will have the time overhead of installing/setting up Aptana).

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PHP calling a function in function_exists

If you define the function directly without the if statement, it will be created while parsing / compiling the code and as a result it is available in the entire document.

If you put it inside the if, it will be created when executing the if statement and so it is not possible to use it before your definition. At this point, everything written above the if statement is executed already.

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You are calling the function before declaring it thats why it showing error. Declare you function above the IF statement, something like:

PHP | function_exists() Function, The function_exists () is an inbuilt function in PHP. The function_exists () function is useful in case if we want to check whether a …



Проверяет, есть ли в списке определённых функций, как встроенных, так и пользовательских, функция function_name .

Список параметров

Возвращаемые значения

Возвращает TRUE , если function_name существует и является функцией, иначе возвращается FALSE .


Эта функция возвращает FALSE для языковых конструкций, таких как include_once или echo .


Пример #1 Пример использования function_exists()

if ( function_exists ( ‘imap_open’ )) echo «IMAP функции доступны.
\n» ;
> else echo «IMAP функции недоступны.
\n» ;



Обратите внимание, что название функции может присутствовать, даже если саму функцию невозможно использовать из-за настроек конфигурации или опций компиляции (например, как для функций image).

Смотрите также

  • method_exists() — Проверяет, существует ли метод в данном классе
  • is_callable() — Проверяет, может ли значение переменной быть вызвано в качестве функции
  • get_defined_functions() — Возвращает массив всех определённых функций
  • class_exists() — Проверяет, был ли объявлен класс
  • extension_loaded() — Определение, загружено ли расширение


Using function_exists() to Check if Function Exists in php

In php, we can check if a function exists with the php function_exists() function.

if (function_exists('max')) < echo "max() exists!"; >else < echo "max() doesn't exist!"; >if (function_exists('other_function')) < echo "other_function() exists!"; >else < echo "other_function() doesn't exist!"; >//Output: max() exists! other_function() doesn't exist!

When working in php, it is useful to be able to check if a function exists or not.

To check if a function exists in our php program, we can use the function_exists() function. function_exists() takes a function name in the form of a string and checks to see if the function exists.

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If the function exists, function_exists return true. Otherwise, function_exists returns false.

function_exists() can be useful so that we don’t try to call a function which hasn’t been defined and get an error.

Below are some examples of testing to see if a function exists in php.

if (function_exists('max')) < echo "max() exists!"; >else < echo "max() doesn't exist!"; >if (function_exists('other_function')) < echo "other_function() exists!"; >else < echo "other_function() doesn't exist!"; >//Output: max() exists! other_function() doesn't exist!

How to Check if a User Defined Function Exists in php with function_exists()

We can use the function_exists() function to check if a user defined function exists in our php code.

Below are some examples of checking for the existence of user defined functions in php with function_exists().

function exampleFunction($a) < return "What's up?"; >if (function_exists('exampleFunction')) < echo "exampleFunction() exists!"; >else < echo "exampleFunction() doesn't exist!"; function anotherFunction() < return "Not much."; >> if (function_exists('anotherFunction')) < echo "anotherFunction() exists!"; >else < echo "anotherFunction() doesn't exist!"; >// Output: exampleFunction() exists! anotherFunction() doesn't exist!

Hopefully this article has been useful for you to learn how to check if a function exists or not in php.

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