Php temp file object


Returns the path of the directory PHP stores temporary files in by default.


This function has no parameters.

Return Values

Returns the path of the temporary directory.


Example #1 sys_get_temp_dir() example

// Create a temporary file in the temporary
// files directory using sys_get_temp_dir()
$temp_file = tempnam ( sys_get_temp_dir (), ‘Tux’ );

The above example will output something similar to:

See Also

User Contributed Notes 11 notes

If running on a Linux system where systemd has PrivateTmp=true (which is the default on CentOS 7 and perhaps other newer distros), this function will simply return «/tmp», not the true, much longer, somewhat dynamic path.

As of PHP 5.5.0, you can set the sys_temp_dir INI setting so that this function will return a useful value when the default temporary directory is not an option.

This function does not always add trailing slash. This behaviour is inconsistent across systems, so you have keep an eye on it.

It’s not documented but this function does not send the path with trailing spaces, actually it drops the slash if it exists.

it should be mentioned that the return value of sys_get_temp_dir() can be set using the ini-directive ‘sys_temp_dir’ globally as well as per directory by using
php_admin_value sys_temp_dir /path/to/tmp

A very helpful thing to note when on Linux:

If you are running PHP from the commandline you can use the environment variable: TMPDIR — to change the location without touching php.ini. — This should work on most versions of PHP.

Example file: test.php
echo sys_get_temp_dir () . PHP_EOL ;

And then running:

TMPDIR=/custom/location php test.php

This function does not account for virtualhost-specific modifications to the temp path and/or open_basedir:

php_admin_value open_basedir /home/user
php_admin_value upload_tmp_dir /home/user/tmp
php_admin_value session.save_path /home/user/tmp

Within this config it still returns /tmp

That is important for the purposes of building paths through concatenation to know that sys_get_temp_dir does not include a path separator at the end.

So, sys_get_temp_dir() will return whatever your temp dir is set to, by default:

If you attempted to concatenate another dir name temp and use the following:

That would actually attempt to generate:

It would likely result in a permission error unless you are running a php script as a super user.

Instead you would want to do:
mkdir( sys_get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR. ‘some_dir’ );

which would create:

I don’t know if Windows or other platforms include a directory separator at the end. So if you are writing something a bit more general you may want to check for the path separator at the end and if it is not there append it.

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On windows, when PHP is used as CLI, this function will return the temp directory for the current user e.g. C:\Users\JohnSmith\AppData\Local\Temp\9 instead of C:\Windows\Temp.


Create a temp file in php

go Tempfile is a Python module used in a situation, where we need to read multiple files, change or access the data in the file, and gives output files based on the result of processed data. In this case, a problem arose that many output files were created and this cluttered the file system with unwanted files that would require deleting every time the program ran.

Create a temp file in php

// Works on Native Server // $tmp = tmpfile(); // $newfilename = 'newfile.txt'; // fwrite($tmp, "This is a sample string as a content."); // fseek($tmp, 0); // Works on Google App Engine $dir = sys_get_temp_dir(); $tmp = tempnam($dir, "foo"); file_put_contents($tmp, "hello"); //$f = fopen($tmp, "a"); //fwrite($f, " world"); //fclose($f); //echo file_get_contents($tmp);

How to Download a File in PHP, WebThis short tutorial will help you to learn how to download a file with PHP. Just follow the examples below to easily meet that goal. Using the readfile() …

Create RTF files from PHP (any better way?)

Look at the PHPRtfLite code, you’ll see how to format text to rtf.

Then, put in a loop in your php, and open each file, read the file and output it.
Then close both files and move on to next file

@TonyGeorge in that case, load the rtf file

$h=fopen("myfile.rtf", "r"); $text=fread($h); fclose($h); //Now put the code that handles the rtf conversion, the contents of the rtf will be in $text 

Python tempfile module, Web11/12/2020· Working with temporary files. A temporary file can also be used for securing sensitive data. This module contains many functions to create … Method


The prefix, String suffix, File directory) method creates a new empty file in the specified directory. deleteOnExit() method is called to delete the file created by this method.


Following is the declaration for prefix, String suffix, File directory) method −

public static File createTempFile(String prefix, String suffix, File directory)


  • prefix − The prefix string defines the files name; must be at least three characters long
  • suffix − The suffix string defines the file’s extension; if null the suffix «.tmp» will be used
  • directory − The directory in which the file is to be created. For default temporary-file directory null is to passed

Return Value

An abstract pathname for the newly-created empty file.


  • IllegalArgumentException − If the prefix argument contains less than three characters
  • IOException − If a file creation failed
  • SecurityException − If SecurityManager.checkWrite(java.lang.String) method does not allow a file to be created


The following example shows the usage of prefix, String suffix, File directory) method.

package com.tutorialspoint; import; public class FileDemo < public static void main(String[] args) < File f = null; try < // creates temporary file f = File.createTempFile("tmp", ".txt", new File("C:/")); // prints absolute path System.out.println("File path: "+f.getAbsolutePath()); // deletes file when the virtual machine terminate f.deleteOnExit(); // creates temporary file f = File.createTempFile("tmp", null, new File("D:/")); // prints absolute path System.out.print("File path: "+f.getAbsolutePath()); // deletes file when the virtual machine terminate f.deleteOnExit(); >catch(Exception e) < // if any error occurs e.printStackTrace(); >> >

Let us compile and run the above program, this will produce the following result −

File path: C:\tmp3602253894598046604.txt File path: D:\tmp587577452036748166.tmp

404 — Page Not Found


We’re sorry, but the page you were looking for doesn’t exist.

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Creating and uploading a file in PHP to an FTP server, Web04/03/2015· Actually ftp_put expects the path to the local file (as a string), so try to write the data in a temporary file and then ftp_put it to the server

Python tempfile module

Tempfile is a Python module used in a situation, where we need to read multiple files, change or access the data in the file, and gives output files based on the result of processed data. Each of the output files produced during the program execution was no longer needed after the program was done. In this case, a problem arose that many output files were created and this cluttered the file system with unwanted files that would require deleting every time the program ran.

In this situation, tempfiles are used to create temporary files so that next time we don’t have to find delete when our program is done with them

Working with temporary files

A temporary file can also be used for securing sensitive data. This module contains many functions to create temporary files and folders, and access them easily.

Creating Temporary Files

Suppose your application needs a temporary file for use within the program, i.e. it will create one file, use it to store some data, and then delete it after use. To achieve this, we can use the TemporaryFile() function.

  • First, we have to import tempfile then the file is created using the TemporaryFile() function.
  • The file is opened in w+b (both read and write to the open file)mode by default.
  • This function creates a temporary file in the temp directory and returns a file object
  • the file’s entry in the temp folder is removed as soon as the file object is closed



Creates a temporary file with a unique name in read-write-binary (w+b) mode and returns a file handle.

The file is automatically removed when closed (for example, by calling fclose() , or when there are no remaining references to the file handle returned by tmpfile() ), or when the script ends.

If the script terminates unexpectedly, the temporary file may not be deleted.


This function has no parameters.

Return Values

Returns a file handle, similar to the one returned by fopen() , for the new file or false on failure.


Example #1 tmpfile() example

$temp = tmpfile ();
fwrite ( $temp , «writing to tempfile» );
fseek ( $temp , 0 );
echo fread ( $temp , 1024 );
fclose ( $temp ); // this removes the file

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The above example will output:

See Also

  • tempnam() — Create file with unique file name
  • sys_get_temp_dir() — Returns directory path used for temporary files

User Contributed Notes 7 notes

To get the underlying file path of a tmpfile file pointer:

$file = tmpfile ();
$path = stream_get_meta_data ( $file )[ ‘uri’ ]; // eg: /tmp/phpFx0513a

I found this function useful when uploading a file through FTP. One of the files I was uploading was input from a textarea on the previous page, so really there was no «file» to upload, this solved the problem nicely:

# Upload
$fSetup = tmpfile ();
fwrite ( $fSetup , $setup );
fseek ( $fSetup , 0 );
if (! ftp_fput ( $ftp , «inc/» , $fSetup , FTP_ASCII )) echo «
Setup file NOT inserted

» ;
fclose ( $fSetup );

The $setup variable is the contents of the textarea.

And I’m not sure if you need the fseek($temp,0); in there either, just leave it unless you know it doesn’t effect it.

Since this function may not be working in some environments, here is a simple workaround:

function temporaryFile($name, $content)
trim(sys_get_temp_dir(), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) .

register_shutdown_function(function() use($file) unlink($file);

at least on Windows 10 with php 7.3.7, and Debian Linux with php 7.4.2,

the mode is not (as the documentation states) ‘w+’ , it is ‘w+b’

(an important distinction when working on Windows systems)

To get tmpfile contents:
$tmpfile = tmpfile ();
$tmpfile_path = stream_get_meta_data ( $tmpfile )[ ‘uri’ ];
// . write to tmpfile .
$tmpfile_content = file_get_contents ( $tmpfile_path );

Perhaps not the best way for production code, but good enough for logging or a quick var_dump() debug run.

No, the fseek() is necessary — after writing to the file, the file pointer (I’ll use «file pointer» to refer to the current position in the file, the thing you change with fseek()) is at the end of the file, and reading at the end of the file gives you EOF right away, which manifests itself as an empty upload.

Where you might be getting confused is in some systems’ requirement that one seek or flush between reading and writing the same file. fflush() satisfies that prerequisite, but it doesn’t do anything about the file pointer, and in this case the file pointer needs moving.

Beware that PHP’s tmpfile is not an equivalent of unix’ tmpfile.
PHP (at least v. 5.3.17/linux I’m using now) creates a file in /tmp with prefix «php», and deletes that file on fclose or script termination.
So, if you want to be sure that you don’t leave garbage even in case of a fatal error, or killed process, you shouldn’t rely on this function.
Use the classical method of deleting the file after creation:
$fn = tempnam ( ‘/tmp’ , ‘some-prefix-‘ );
if ( $fn )
$f = fopen ( $fn , ‘w+’ );
unlink ( $fn ); // even if fopen failed, because tempnam created the file
if ( $f )
do_something_with_file_handle ( $f );


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