Php socket extension install

Php socket extension install

Check the system logs to confirm that there are no related errors. You can use ZoomAdmin to check the logs, manager servers, host multiple websites and apps on your servers and more. The apps run in docker containers, to learn more
see ZoomAdmin Features for list of features and demo videos. And you can start with the Free Plan.

Execute the commands above step by step. You can simply hit the copy button to copy the command and paste into the command line interface.
Note: -y flag means to assume yes and silently install, without asking you questions in most cases.

Package Description
Detailed Instructions:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

Check the system logs to confirm that there are no related errors. You can use ZoomAdmin to check the logs, manager servers, host multiple websites and apps on your servers and more. The apps run in docker containers, to learn more
see ZoomAdmin Features for list of features and demo videos. And you can start with the Free Plan.

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docker — How to enable sockets extension in php-fpm?

I want to enable the «sockets» in PHP-fpm how can I do that?

As in XAMPP: file php.ini


I have docker where I have installed the Nginx server and PHP-fpm. Now I want to enable the sockets extension as I have in the XAMPP server as above in the quotes.

Want to achieve:

I want to achieve a typical socket communication like Client and Server over the sockets.



In Dockerfile you must enable extension — add this line:

RUN docker-php-ext-install sockets 



You can also use install-php-extensions in order to install and enable the sockets PHP extension (as well as a ton of other PHP extensions):

COPY --from=mlocati/php-extension-installer /usr/bin/install-php-extensions /usr/local/bin/ RUN install-php-extensions sockets 

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PHP (from the English Hypertext Preprocessor — hypertext preprocessor) is a scripting programming language for developing web applications. Supported by most hosting providers, it is one of the most popular tools for creating dynamic websites. The PHP scripting language has gained wide popularity due to its processing speed, simplicity, cross-platform, functionality and distribution of source codes under its own license.

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Fix the “ext-sockets” error in composer:

composer windows showing error message

If you tried to use composer and install any specific package/project (and probably, it’s the first time when you tried to install a package), in some cases you might see the following error:

The requested PHP extension ext-sockets * is missing from your system. Install or enable PHP’s sockets extension.

To solve that error message, you need to do the following:

  • Open the php.ini file, probably located in i.e. xamp\php or wamp\bin\php\phpX.XX (where XX is version number)
  • Search for php_sockets . dll and uncomment it (by removing the ; in front of it)

p.s. if your installation doesnt have php_sockets.dll , you should download exactly version of PHP package from this link, from the archive, extract php_sockets.dll and put in your php\ext folder. Then try to install again, the error should be gone.

If you still get the error, that means you need to set correct path in php.ini for extensions (and for other things too). For that, you need to replace the default path for variables in php.ini.

If still problem, then you can read the accepted answer here. You can comment here you solution and I will add that fix in this list.


How to Enable Sockets Extension for PHP

A socket is the backbone of network communication, it establishes the connection between client and server, as well as messages transmission between them.

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In PHP, the socket extension implements a low-level interface to the socket communication functions based on the popular BSD sockets, providing the possibility to act as a socket server as well as a client.

Check if Sockets Support is Enabled

The phpinfo() the function displays information about Sockets. The state is determined by whether Sockets Support is enabled or disabled.

How to Enable Sockets Support in PHP?

Socket extension is packed into PHP when it is installed. However, this extension is not enabled by default. You need to enable it to start using PHP’s socket functions.

On Windows’ XAMPP or WAMP

The name of this extension is php_sockets.dll . It can be found in php\ext .

You will need to modify the PHP configuration file ( php.ini ) to enable it. Open the file in a text editor and look for the following line:

Remove the leading semicolon (;) to uncomment the line and activate the extension.

On Linux

The first step to enabling the Sockets extension is to install it. The easiest way to do this is to use your operating system’s package manager. For example, on a Debian-based system, you can use the following command to install the Sockets extension:

sudo apt-get install php-sockets

Then you modify the php.ini file as mentioned above to enable this line:

After you have made the changes to the PHP configuration file, you will need to restart the web server for the changes to take effect. On a system with Apache installed, the command to restart the web server is:

sudo service apache2 restart 

With the Sockets extension enabled, you can now take advantage of its powerful capabilities for creating and managing network sockets in your PHP applications. Whether you need to implement a custom protocol, build a server-side application, or perform any other network-related task, the Sockets extension provides the tools you need to get the job done.


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