Php print array pretty

print_r() выводит информацию о переменной в удобочитаемом виде.

print_r() , var_dump() и var_export() могут также показывать защищенные (protected) и закрытые (private) атрибуты объектов в PHP 5. Статические элементы класса не будут отображены.

Список параметров

Выражение для вывода на экран.

Если вы хотите перехватить вывод print_r() , используйте параметр return . Если его значение равно TRUE , то print_r() вернет результат вывода вместо вывода в браузер (который производится по умолчанию).

Возвращаемые значения

Если в функцию передаются значения типов string , integer или float , будет напечатано само значение. Если передается массив array , значения будут напечатаны в формате, показывающем ключи и элементы массива. Аналогичный формат вывода используется для объектов.

Если параметр return установлен в TRUE , данная функция вернет строку ( string ). В противном случае возвращаемое значение будет равно TRUE .



При использовании параметра return данная функция использует внутреннюю буферизацию вывода, поэтому она не может быть использована внутри callback-функции ob_start() .


Пример #1 Пример использования print_r()

$a = array ( 'a' => 'apple' , 'b' => 'banana' , 'c' => array ( 'x' , 'y' , 'z' ));
print_r ( $a );

Результат выполнения данного примера:

Array ( [a] => apple [b] => banana [c] => Array ( [0] => x [1] => y [2] => z ) )

Пример #2 Пример использования параметра return

$b = array ( ‘m’ => ‘monkey’ , ‘foo’ => ‘bar’ , ‘x’ => array ( ‘x’ , ‘y’ , ‘z’ ));
$results = print_r ( $b , true ); // $results теперь содержит вывод print_r

Смотрите также

  • ob_start() — Включение буферизации вывода
  • var_dump() — Выводит информацию о переменной
  • var_export() — Выводит в браузер или возвращает интерпретируемое строковое представление переменной


How To Pretty Print Arrays In Php Tips And Techniques For Better Readability

There’s the standard pretty printer of PHP-Parser itself., There’s also a PSR-2 pretty printer made for PHP-Parser., Each test-file is parsed, pretty-printed, parsed and pretty-printed again., The correctness of this round-trip is tested by performing a diff between the two parsed and the two pretty-printed, Where as in PHP front, it is still some bugs available to use arrays.

Php print array php json pretty code example

/informative Var_dump alternative in PHP?, print beauty php print(«


«); php print beautiful array, print(«


«); pretty show php arrays

Json pretty print php not working

Php pretty print html not tidy

> pretty-print (indentation, mostly) the HTML output that my PHP scripts generate., Is there a simpler library out there that can run in PHP and just do the pretty-printing?, Solution 2: I’ve never used Tidy but it seems pretty, I looked at this post: PHP «pretty print» HTML (not Tidy) but it’s seems like this won’t work since I’m, $html = $smarty->fetch(‘foo.tmpl’); $tidy = new tidy; $tidy->parseString($html, array

How to do JSON pretty print with PHP

php $data = array( ‘foo’ => array( ‘bar’, ‘baz’ ) ); $jsonData = json_encode, printing the entire JSON-encoded array for every row in your query result., > print json_encode($rows, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); // encode and print full array

Pretty-Printing JSON with PHP

>php file from a website that contains lots of data but I only need some of it., The file for the example is named JSON1.php ., parse-json-using-python» title=»Parse JSON using Python»>Parse JSON using Python Pretty, >Pretty Print JSON comes into picture where we can display the JSON loaded into a presentable format, >pretty-print the data from the JSON file.

Pretty print SciPy array

>pretty print this so that the values are not exponentiated?, length; > where the pretty print output should be eg., print which does the equivalent., However, when I tried to use this pretty printer each element was printed as just

Julia how to pretty print an array

julia> print(round., 0.057 0.123 0.829 0.227 0.607 0.031 0.244 0.357 0.787 0.148 0.618 0.494 0.970 0.702 # The print, function prints with 3 decimals as well, but note the semicolons for rows. # This may not be what was, wanted either, but could have a use. julia> print(A) [0.596 0.057 0.123 0.829 0.227; 0.607 0.031, This answer assume the array only contains positive integers.

Pretty printing has been turned off

> pretty-print er which prepends the module name to the function’s qualified name., If you disable the pretty-printer, you will get the usual function repr: >>, >>> add_numbers >>> %pprint Pretty printing, code> without any space between the end of one tag and the start of the next. but I also want to pretty-print, By default — with pretty printing turned on in Jade — I get the following:

Pretty print not working?

array when on one line is less than the default width of 80., The name pprint stands for pretty printer., («normal print output») print (students) print («—-«) print («pprint output») pp.pprint(students) The output shows normal as well as pretty print display., Science’], ‘Kalpana’: (50, 60, 70), ‘Raju’: > Pretty

Ruby pretty print isn’t very pretty

Print (pp), the result comes back on a single line., Solution: For small Array (or, >printed output is above 79 chars., >pretty print an HTML or XML string from the command line on a mac?, Print.

Printing array output in PHP in a readable format

Note that the print on the screen I’m looking at is a print that a layman can, Because, I think JSON is a human readable format., In order to make print_r() readable, you can View Source (Ctrl, I would like to print the array as valid

PHP — «pretty» print key-value of large, unknown, multi-dimentional array?

is_array($vars)) < $vars = [$vars]; >print(‘

'); foreach ($vars, as $var) < print_r($var); print("\n"); >print('

‘); print, php $product = array( «Winter» => array( «Coat» => ‘ Php php pretty print json object

Question: How can I pretty print into a div a json string, >php functions in smarty, so maybe a custom function will work?, php format_json(json_decode($your_json_object, true), 0); ?, Question: Trying to pretty print json, and works fine, cept, code for pretty printing it is as follows: public function pretty_print

Php how to pretty print json command line

and it will pretty print the JSON it’s been given as input., dirty.json is minified or unreadable json and pretty.json is pretty, Solution 1: PHP can read from standard input, script.php arg1 arg2 arg3 But if you pipe data into PHP, you will have to read, I’ve never tried this, but I think it’s something like this: $fp = readfile(«php:

Json pretty print php not working code example

php if (!, function_exists(‘json_encode’))

Php how to pretty print json on python

You need to decode it first, then encode the result with pretty-printing., $query); $FetchArray = array(); $num_rows = $result->num_rows; if($result->num_rows, $row[‘discount’]; array_push($FetchArray,$newData); > $grocerryArray=array, Solution 2: All you need is remove your keys from your result array, . try PHP array_values(), ex echo json_encode(array(‘Status’=>’Success’, ‘data’=>

Php linux shell pretty print json

As mentioned by Lucas, ps is probably printing, I am able to put the json without pretty but I want to PUT the json in pretty format., print for both the xml and json., >php > $a = null || «hi» php > echo $a php > $b = «hi» php > echo $b , Should be: php > $a = null || «hi»; php > echo $a; php > $b = «hi»; php

How to Read and Print Pretty JSON With PHP

Pretty print is used to format the JSON data., JSON data can be represented in a more readable form for humans by using pretty printing., [duplicate]»>JSON pretty-printing using PHP are shown in this tutorial through various examples., php pretty print print(«


«); php json pretty print

JSON pretty print without use json_decode in php

>Pretty-Printing JSON with PHP I’m working on a script that creates, Right now I’m just using json_encode (PHP 5.2.x) to encode an array into, >pretty print» the JSON output. Any ideas on how to do this?, = json_decode($json, true); will make your string an array which is easy to print nicely, have no idea how to fix it so that it goes within the [] tags, so I’m hoping someone here has some tips

Pretty print an array with Ruby on Rails

I then use ‘puts’ in order to print them neatly but nothing is returned., s.title > puts title_array end #=> » » If I don’t use ‘puts’ then I get the array, Use join method to insert
into your array:

Pretty print 2D array in Java

String[][] into a human-readable table with correct column lengths., >Print an Array in Java. You can follow any of those methods to print an array., I have also added comments inside the codes for better readability., Techniques to Print Array in Java Below are the Techniques to

Difference between pretty peek and pretty print

» title=»Pretty printing has been turned off»>pretty print , hand Pretty peak returns «Response» with more information than pretty print and you can add new chain, printing are used to improve the clarity and readability of a program., >easily readable and understandable., Printing is explained as follows Prettyprint (or pretty-print)

I want pretty(x) to show more readable answers or a differnet function

Do anybody know if is there any formula to get a more readable result?, >octave equivalent function to Matlab’s pretty., /span> MATLAB automatically prints, syms and print, Index must not exceed 1″>array elements (1).

AWK — Pretty Printing

So far we have used AWK’s print and printf , printed value., For the last column, if no value is found, I need it to print NA ., «NA» : $3) >’ infile print ($3==»» ?, «NA» : $3) is same as if( $3==»» )< print "NA" >else< print

Pretty print a tree

try to do as less if-else branches as possible with respect to a better readable, = null) < printLeafNodes(treePtr.leftChild); >> > This page is pretty, Approach : The idea is to perform DFS traversal on the given tree and for every node keep an array, Once, the DFS traversal is completed we will have the count of leaf nodes in the array leaf[], new Array

How to pretty print with System.Json?

System.Json for 4.0 from Nuget how do you format the output so it is indented ans spaced in a more readable, Is there are way/a plugin to pretty print C++ source code like e.g. with a2ps (which is, Here’s an alias I often use: alias cpp2ps=’enscript —color —pretty-print=cpp —language, print engine., like this on startup of debugger: 835,059 4^done 835,059 (gdb) 835,059 5-enable-pretty-printing

Pretty printing JSON isn’t working

>pretty print JSON currently in PHP, I have looked at the threads like Pretty-Printing, >

Pretty-print for shell script

not ZQ Solution 2: bash5+ has a —pretty-print, You’d load the result into Notepad++, set language to VB and save as .rtf/.doc (or print to file, can’t, vscode_remote g++ with gdb 8 The setting -enable-pretty-printing, The following solution works for me: check your gdb is supporting the ‘pretty-print, The VS defaults are pretty good.


php print_r nice table

I’m looking to be able to produce a nicely formatted table with rows and columns from the contents of a print_r array statement? Any ideas?

What do you define as «nicely formatted»? Do you want an HTML table? Some XML? JSON? CVS? Human-readable plaintext?

Instead of using print_r just use a foreach on the array, as jasondavis suggests, below. Also, in line with strager’s comment, I’d echo the request for a specific request/question. It would help, at the least, to know what’s in the array, is it one, two, three dimensional.

4 Answers 4

Here is a very simple way to print pretty arrays with html pre tag:

Or this one-liner: echo «

" . print_r($myarray, true) . "


Your question is a bit vague, but did you mean something like this:

dbug bar

Try this out, could be improved but it works.

function myprint_r($my_array) < if (is_array($my_array)) < echo ""; echo ''; foreach ($my_array as $k => $v) < echo '"; > echo "
'; echo '' . $k . ""; myprint_r($v); echo "
"; return; > echo $my_array; >

How can you adapt this function so it returns a final built up string instead of printing the table out?

@user3574492: Drop the echo lines and store it into a variable instead with concatenation. Then have function return the variable.

Here is another nice example that I found. Same output, longer code, little bit more color.

function print_nice($elem,$max_level=10,$print_nice_stack=array())< if(is_array($elem) || is_object($elem))< if(in_array(&$elem,$print_nice_stack,true))< echo "RECURSION"; return; > $print_nice_stack[]=&$elem; if($max_level<1)< echo "nivel maximo alcanzado"; return; > $max_level--; echo ""; if(is_array($elem))< echo ''; >else< echo ''; > $color=0; foreach($elem as $k => $v)< if($max_level%2)< $rgb=($color++%2)?"#888888":"#BBBBBB"; >else < $rgb=($color++%2)?"#8888BB":"#BBBBFF"; >echo '"; > echo "
'; echo 'OBJECT Type: '.get_class($elem).'
'; echo ''.$k.""; print_nice($v,$max_level,$print_nice_stack); echo "
"; return; > if($elem === null)< echo "NULL"; >elseif($elem === 0)< echo "0"; >elseif($elem === true)< echo "TRUE"; >elseif($elem === false)< echo "FALSE"; >elseif($elem === "")< echo "EMPTY STRING"; >else< echo str_replace("\n","*
\n",$elem); >


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