Php печать файла на принтере


print is not a function but a language construct. Its argument is the expression following the print keyword, and is not delimited by parentheses.

The major differences to echo are that print only accepts a single argument and always returns 1 .


The expression to be output. Non-string values will be coerced to strings, even when the strict_types directive is enabled.

Return Values


Example #1 print examples

print «print does not require parentheses.» ;

// No newline or space is added; the below outputs «helloworld» all on one line
print «hello» ;
print «world» ;

print «This string spans
multiple lines. The newlines will be
output as well» ;

print «This string spans\nmultiple lines. The newlines will be\noutput as well.» ;

// The argument can be any expression which produces a string
$foo = «example» ;
print «foo is $foo » ; // foo is example

$fruits = [ «lemon» , «orange» , «banana» ];
print implode ( » and » , $fruits ); // lemon and orange and banana

// Non-string expressions are coerced to string, even if declare(strict_types=1) is used
print 6 * 7 ; // 42

// Because print has a return value, it can be used in expressions
// The following outputs «hello world»
if ( print «hello» ) echo » world» ;

// The following outputs «true»
( 1 === 1 ) ? print ‘true’ : print ‘false’ ;


Note: Using with parentheses

Surrounding the argument to print with parentheses will not raise a syntax error, and produces syntax which looks like a normal function call. However, this can be misleading, because the parentheses are actually part of the expression being output, not part of the print syntax itself.

print( «hello» );
// also outputs «hello», because («hello») is a valid expression

print( 1 + 2 ) * 3 ;
// outputs «9»; the parentheses cause 1+2 to be evaluated first, then 3*3
// the print statement sees the whole expression as one argument

if ( print( «hello» ) && false ) print » — inside if» ;
else print » — inside else» ;
// outputs » — inside if»
// the expression («hello») && false is first evaluated, giving false
// this is coerced to the empty string «» and printed
// the print construct then returns 1, so code in the if block is run

When using print in a larger expression, placing both the keyword and its argument in parentheses may be necessary to give the intended result:

if ( (print «hello» ) && false ) print » — inside if» ;
else print » — inside else» ;
// outputs «hello — inside else»
// unlike the previous example, the expression (print «hello») is evaluated first
// after outputting «hello», print returns 1
// since 1 && false is false, code in the else block is run

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print «hello » && print «world» ;
// outputs «world1»; print «world» is evaluated first,
// then the expression «hello » && 1 is passed to the left-hand print

(print «hello » ) && (print «world» );
// outputs «hello world»; the parentheses force the print expressions
// to be evaluated before the &&

Note: Because this is a language construct and not a function, it cannot be called using variable functions, or named arguments.

See Also

  • echo — Output one or more strings
  • printf() — Output a formatted string
  • flush() — Flush system output buffer
  • Ways to specify literal strings


как на рнр послать файл на печать на принтер?

Пересмотрел много тем, но так и не нашел как автоматически рапечатывать текст из файла, удобнее из экселя. Считываю из экселя график работ сотрудников, затем выбираю одного и поэтому человеку нужно чтобы выходил график на принтер без вывода на просмотр.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
 echo ($_GET['fio']); echo ("
дождитесь получение талона на прием"
); echo ("
на прием вы должны подойти за 15 минут до приема"
); $xls = new COM("Excel.Application"); // Создаем новый COM-объект $xls->Application->Visible = 0; // не Заставляем его отобразиться $xls->Workbooks->Open("C:\talon.xls"); // Открываем ранее сохраненный документ $range=$xls->Range("b1"); // Выбрали ячейку A1 $range->Value = "Проба записи"; // Вставили значение*/

вот что тут написать что бы распечатать талон

как на js послать страничку с экрана на печать на принтер?
У меня на рнр написан киоск для выдачи талонов на прием к врачу, по сути дела в одном месте.

Как в текущий файл на рнр подрузить массив из другого файла на рнр?
Мне нужно подгружать массив с данными из mysql одного файла на рнр в текущий файл рнр с выводом.

Печать на принтер и в файл
1) Как в VB.NET вывести на печать (на принтер, я имею ввиду) ‘Hello’? 2) Как в VB.NET вывести в.

Не видит принтер, печать в файл
Подскажите пожалуйста. Такая проблема. МФУ самсунг scx4300 вроде. Драйвера установлены с офф.

седьмой, PHP работает на сервере. Вы уверены, что печатать нужно именно на том принтере, который подключен к серверу?


Php печать файла на принтере

Published: May 19th, 2010 by: Andrew

I recently learned that you can send print jobs directly from a PHP server. How cool is that? This article will cover sending print jobs from a PHP server to a printer on the same LAN. This does not mean that someone viewing a page over the Internet can have something print on their local printer with these functions. This does mean if you have PHP running on a Windows server in your internal network, you can print to printers that are configured on that Windows server only.

This article really only applies if you are hosting the web server in your local office or place of business. If you are hosting your web server in a data center somewhere and you never see it, this article is probably not for you. In the diagram below, pretend the server and attached printers are in your office building somewhere, and the computers in the red box are your clients out on the Internet somewhere. Note that the printers at the client side are not used in this application.

Another possible setup would be if everything is on a private internal network, like the diagram below. In this case everything is in the green box because it is all on an internal network joined by a network switch. The two printers are in yellow boxes because they are only visible to the server if shared from those attached network computers, and the computers are turned on.

So now that we have the big picture, there are a couple other things to note. The web server needs to be running Windows, not Linux. The PHP Printer functions are Windows only. The printer(s) can be connected locally via USB/Parallel, over the network via IP JetDirect, or shared off of another server/computer.

Printing Plain Text Documents

Printing plain text documents are a piece of cake. It’s going to be similar to echoing text out to the web browser with a couple differences. This is the first test I did:

The printer in line 6 is in my windows printer list, and has to be matched exactly. That function can be called without a printer parameter, and PHP will use the default printer specified in php.ini or try to detect it based on how it is set in Windows. I wanted to do close to a full page of text, so I went to and generated some sample text and saved it to a text file.

So here is the printed result, and the cool thing is that the text was almost exactly a full page. The not-so-cool thing was that it doesn’t do simple things like word wrap. Luckily, we can run the text through wordwrap() before sending it to the printer to easily fix that.

For future examples, I will be using my PDFCreator printer so I don’t waste paper (or money) during testing, and I encourage you to do the same.

Printing a Custom Font

If you want to print with a custom font, it is done using functions that are similar to the GD Library functions. You need to define the font, X/Y position, and other font weight properties.

In this example, I’m going to use the freely available barcode font to print a barcode on a piece of paper. In this example, I am also going to define the printer document and the individual page.

Drawing Images

The printer functions only support writing bitmaps (bmp), so you will have to convert the images to that format before using it in this application. The X,Y parameters in the printer_draw_bmp() function are in inches.

Drawing Shapes

Several shapes can be drawn as well. The example will show two horizontal & parallel lines of different length.

Practical Uses

Couple uses come to mind, and I’m sure there are others (post them if you have a good one!).

  • Automatically print packing slips / invoices at a shipping center as customers place orders.
  • On an intranet website, have all the company printers configured at the server side so users can use the web application w/o worrying about setting up the printers at their workstation.
  • Automatically printing out reports generated by a CLI PHP script

For more information, check out PHP print functions.

Printing from PHP on Linux Servers

“But what about Linux servers!”, you say. Well, as previously stated, the PHP functions don’t support anything other than Windows, but there is an alternative. has an article titled Printing a form directly to a PCL printer (Linux) that should help you with manually building the Postscript file and writing it through to the printer. That should help get you started.

4 Responses to “Send Print Jobs Directly from PHP”

Hi, thanks for the overview of the printer functions. =) Would love your advice on printing to shared printers; I can print to my server’s printer just fine, but am unable to print to any shared printer… Printer_Open(“\\\\hostpcname\\printername“) keeps returning an unable to be connected error. =( I’m using Windows Server 2008, with php 5.3.8 and apache. Would be extremely grateful if you could point me in the right direction. Thanks!

Thank you very much for this great learning, everything is working fine as per.
I just to ask you one thing, when i am trying to use printer_list(PRINTER_ENUM_LOCAL | PRINTER_ENUM_SHARED) for detecting printers attached with my system, then it always give me an error apache error.

It would be great if you please let me know How to detect attached printers

I’m trying this print examples but i’m continue getting this error
Call to undefined function printer_open() in C:\wamp\www\PrintTest.php on line 6
I have download Php_printer.dll
and updated my php.ini file but it’s not loading


can you please help me how to fix this problem.
Apache Version :2.2.21 PHP Version :5.3.10 windows 7

I set this up and everything installed. However, I don’t get any errors and nor do I get any output…no file. I added PDFCreator to my system too. Again no errors, but I can’t seem to find the PDF the should have been created. Any ideas?

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About the Author

Andrew has been coding PHP applications since 2006, and has plenty of experience with PHP, MySQL, and Apache. He prefers Ubuntu Linux on his desktop and has plenty of experience at managing CentOS web servers. He is the owner of Wells IT Solutions LLC, and develops PHP applications full time for anyone that needs it as well as does desktop computer support locally in the local area. He spends most of his free time exploring new programming concepts and posting on The Webmaster Forums.


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