Php parse number from

Php parse number from

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Parse a string into a number using the current formatter rules.


The string to parse for the number.

The formatting type to use. By default, NumberFormatter::TYPE_DOUBLE is used. Note that NumberFormatter::TYPE_CURRENCY is not supported; use NumberFormatter::parseCurrency() instead.

Offset in the string at which to begin parsing. On return, this value will hold the offset at which parsing ended.

Return Values

The value of the parsed number or false on error.


Example #1 numfmt_parse() example

$fmt = numfmt_create ( ‘de_DE’ , NumberFormatter :: DECIMAL );
$num = «1.234.567,891» ;
echo numfmt_parse ( $fmt , $num ). «\n» ;
echo numfmt_parse ( $fmt , $num , NumberFormatter :: TYPE_INT32 ). «\n» ;

Example #2 OO example

$fmt = new NumberFormatter ( ‘de_DE’ , NumberFormatter :: DECIMAL );
$num = «1.234.567,891» ;
echo $fmt -> parse ( $num ). «\n» ;
echo $fmt -> parse ( $num , NumberFormatter :: TYPE_INT32 ). «\n» ;

The above example will output:

See Also

  • numfmt_get_error_code() — Get formatter’s last error code
  • numfmt_format() — Format a number
  • numfmt_parse_currency() — Parse a currency number

User Contributed Notes 3 notes

basically the first part is the language and the second part the region:
‘en_EN’ — english, England
‘en_US’ — english, United States

You can lookup the language tags like ‘en_EN’ here:
see «ietf-language-tags»

It interesting to note that the expected behavior for this function may change according to your ICU version.

In ICU 4.4.2 (standard for Ubuntu 10.* with PHP 5.3.5)

With locale ‘en’, input of 100,1 returns 1001

In ICU 4.8.1 (standard for Ubuntu 12.* with PHP 5.3.10)

With locale ‘en’, input of 100,1 returns «false»

Be sure to note your ICU version in phpinfo() to be sure you will get the expected output.

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to parse English use this format: ‘en_EN’ . I had to guess. I have no idea where you would find these codes.

echo «

" ; 
$fmt = numfmt_create ( 'en_EN' , NumberFormatter :: DECIMAL );
$num = "1,234,567.891" ;
echo numfmt_parse ( $fmt , $num ). "\n" ;
echo numfmt_parse ( $fmt , $num , NumberFormatter :: TYPE_INT32 ). "\n" ;
echo "

» ;

If this doesn’t work well all I can say is it shouldn’t work because it makes no sense that you would repeat the code twice «en and EN» in one code. Stuff that makes no sense is hard to guess. I couldn’t find a page that has these codes either. I guess documentation is bound to be incomplete since it’s so voluminous. Documentation has a language and syntax unto itself yet there are no tutorials on understanding documentation.



Разобрать строку на число,используя текущие правила форматирования.


Строка,которую нужно разобрать для получения числа.

Используемый тип форматирования . По умолчанию используется NumberFormatter::TYPE_DOUBLE .

Смещение в строке,с которой начинается синтаксический анализ.При возврате это значение будет удерживать смещение,на котором парсинг закончился.

Return Values

Значение анализируемого числа или false в случае ошибки.


Пример # 1 numfmt_parse () Пример

 $fmt = numfmt_create( 'de_DE', NumberFormatter::DECIMAL ); $num = "1.234.567,891"; echo numfmt_parse($fmt, $num)."\n"; echo numfmt_parse($fmt, $num, NumberFormatter::TYPE_INT32)."\n"; ?>

Пример # 2 Пример объектно-ориентированного программирования

 $fmt = new NumberFormatter( 'de_DE', NumberFormatter::DECIMAL ); $num = "1.234.567,891"; echo $fmt->parse($num)."\n"; echo $fmt->parse($num, NumberFormatter::TYPE_INT32)."\n"; ?>

Выводится приведенный выше пример:

See Also

  • numfmt_get_error_code () — Получить последний код ошибки форматировщика
  • numfmt_format () — Форматирует число
  • numfmt_parse_currency () — Анализирует номер валюты
PHP 8.2

(PHP 5 5.3.0,7,8,PECL intl 1.0.0)NumberFormatter::getSymbol numfmt_get_symbol значение Объектно-ориентированный стиль Процедурный стиль Получение символа,связанного с

(PHP 5 5.3.0,7,8,PECL intl 1.0.0)NumberFormatter::getTextAttribute numfmt_get_text_attribute Объектно-ориентированный стиль Процедурный стиль Получение текстового атрибута

(PHP 5 5.3.0,7,8,PECL intl 1.0.0)NumberFormatter::parseCurrency numfmt_parse_currency Объектно-ориентированный стиль Процедурный стиль Разбор строки на двойки

(PHP 5 5.3.0,7,8,PECL intl 1.0.0)NumberFormatter::setAttribute numfmt_set_attribute Объектно-ориентированный стиль Процедурный стиль Установка числового атрибута



Parse a string into a float and a currency using the current formatter.


Parameter to receive the currency name (3-letter ISO 4217 currency code).

Offset in the string at which to begin parsing. On return, this value will hold the offset at which parsing ended.

Return Values

The parsed numeric value or false on error.


Example #1 numfmt_parse_currency() example

$fmt = numfmt_create ( ‘de_DE’ , NumberFormatter :: CURRENCY );
$num = «1.234.567,89\xc2\xa0$» ;
echo «We have » . numfmt_parse_currency ( $fmt , $num , $curr ). » in $curr \n» ;

Example #2 OO example

$fmt = new NumberFormatter ( ‘de_DE’ , NumberFormatter :: CURRENCY );
$num = «1.234.567,89\xc2\xa0$» ;
echo «We have » . $fmt -> parseCurrency ( $num , $curr ). » in $curr \n» ;

The above example will output:

See Also

User Contributed Notes 1 note

In reply to daniel at danielphenry dot com example note beneath. The given example by Daniel returns false under PHP7.x, which is a normal behavior since NumberFormatter::parseCurrency() is a method for parsing currency strings. It is trying to split up the given string in a float and a currency.

While using strict types under PHP7 the following example makes it more clearer.

declare( strict_types = 1 );
namespace MMNewmedia ;

$oParser = new \ NumberFormatter ( ‘de_DE’ , \ NumberFormatter :: CURRENCY );
var_dump ( $oParser -> parseCurrency ( «1.234.567,89\xc2\xa0€» , $currency ), $currency ));

This example returns: «float(1234567.89) string(3) «EUR»

This is the expected behavior.

The following example runs into a type error, which is absolutely right, since this method is vor parsing strings and not vor formatting floats into currency strings.

declare( strict_types = 1 );
namespace MMNewmedia ;

try $oCurrencyParser = new \ NumberFormatter ( ‘de_DE’ , \ NumberFormatter :: CURRENCY );
$currency = ‘EUR’ ;
var_dump ( $oCurrencyParser -> parseCurrency ( 1.234 , $currency ), $currency );
> catch (\ TypeError $oTypeError ) var_dump ( $oTypeError -> getMessage ());

This example returns «NumberFormatter::parseCurrency() expects parameter 1 to be string, float given».

If you want to parse floats into a currency string use the method as shown in the next example.

declare( strict_types = 1 );
namespace MMNewmedia ;

$oFormatter = new \ NumberFormatter ( ‘de_DE’ , \ NumberFormatter :: CURRENCY );
var_dump ( $oFormatter -> formatCurrency ( 1234567.89 , ‘EUR’ ));

This returns string(17) «1.234.567,89 €» as expected.


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