Php no eclipse luna

How to install PHP support in eclipse Luna?

eclipse -> help-> install new software work with drop down select your luna then list of tools is given below
select programming tool its list of some program language like c c++ php select php then next accept the terms and condition that’s all over eclipse open perspective choose php then work in php code

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How to install a PHP IDE plugin for Eclipse directly from the Eclipse environment?

I have a clean Eclipse Java SDK. I would like to make it suitable for developing PHP applications. So I need a PHP IDE plugin (or something like that). How could I install it from the Eclipse environment?

10 Answers 10

Easy as pie:

Open Eclipse and go to Help-> Software Updates-> Find and Install Select «Search for new features to install» and click «Next» Create a New Remote Site with the following details:

Get the latest above mentioned URLfrom —

Check the PDT box and click «Next» to start the installation

For newer versions, the path is Help -> Install New Software. and the link is[name of your version] , i.e. for the Mars release.

To install PDT (PHP Development Tools) for PHP development environment is better in Eclipse. The following are the steps to install PDT in Eclipse (I’m considering version 3.7 (Indigo)):

  1. Open Eclipse (in my case Eclipse Indigo).
  2. Go to Help —> Install New Software.
  3. Expand the «Work with» drop down and select «Indigo —».
  4. Expand «Programming Languages» from the list.
  5. Check PHP Development Tools (PDT) SDK Feature.
  6. Click «Next >» at the bottom and follow the further instruction of Eclipse.
  7. After successful installation of PDT: Go to Window —> Preferences and see the list as PHP at left panel.

I changed from Aptana 3 to PDT because Aptana customizes Eclipse to a point where it’s barely usable if you’re used to Eclipse’s default setup (which I use with both Java and C++).

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Open up eclipse, go to «Help -> Install New Software». Enter:

entry from the «Work with» dropdown.

Under the «Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Developmet» category, select «PHP Development Tools (PDT) SDK Feature».

The new URL for the repository is now In Eclipse: open Help -> install new sofware -> add. Then paste this URL in the location.

Mark the check boxes you want and click next.

Help —> Install New Software In work with select box , only I have selected Kepler — And then under Programming language category you can find PHP Development tool.

your welcome , but that is good just for this version I cannot say what is solution in next version of eclipse

The best solution would be to go to where you will find the URL to the most updated PDT, as most of the URLS listed above are hitting a 404. Then pasting the URL to eclipse.

Easiest Way To install PDT

  1. Run eclipse
  2. Click on «Help», «Install New Software»
  3. “Choose all available sites”, in search box type «php»(takes a while to load)
  4. => “programming languages” => «PHP Development Tools», => PhP Development Tools (PDT) SDK Feature.
  5. Restart eclipse
  6. File new => other => php .
  7. Should be able to follow from their

Eclipse for PHP Developers Package

Looking for the Eclipse for PHP Developers Package?

Due to lack of a package maintainer for the Indigo release there will be no PHP (PDT) package. If you would like to install PDT into your Eclipse installtion you can do so by using the Install New Software feature from the Help Menu and installing the PHP Development Tools (PDT) SDK Feature from the Eclipse Indigo Repo >>

Updated for 2019: As previously suggested, in the latest Eclipse, go to «Install New Software» in the Help Menu and click the «add» button with this URL that should show the latest release of PHP Development Tools (PDT). You might need to search for «php» or «pdt». For Nightly releases you can use

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