Php new line variable

Php new line variable

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Newline inside variable string

The only exception to this is if your editor is doing line wrapping, then there is not actually a return char in the string, and it won’t show up in the variable. There’s a user string input, and I want to cut off all newlines,1 chars that are more than 1 in a row (avoid . ). example: would become: or likewise Solution 1: Getting all lines is done this way (if you want to catch dos, mac and unix line feeds): Filtering lines with more than one character can be done with : Or using regular expressions for the complete process: Or if you don’t need an array containing all remaining lines, you can remove the unwanted strings with a single call: Solution 2: How about this: Where $str is your user input.

Newline inside variable string

What if I have a long input of string? maybe 50-250 characters. and I echoed the variable it would echo a very long line of letters and words.

So, how will I let the variable auto Newline itself? maybe after 50 characters it would new line when echoed.

I have thought of counting the length of the string and looping it and after counting 50 characters it would Newline but if i do that it would slow down the Site.

is there any function to Newline a VARIABLE STRING ? or i should use Looping instead?

You can use a built-in PHP function: wordwrap .

If you want to cut at 50 characters and insert a HTML line-break: wordrap($str, 50, «
«); You can also use the last parameter to force return, even if the string does not contain spaces.

You can insert escape characters into a string, such as \n which will be translated to a new line break.

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You can use PHP_EOL in conjunction with strlen() to acheive what you want.

Just adding more info about \n :

 // PHP 5.5.12 // This works for outputing to browser: $XmlHeader = '' . "\n"; // These do NOT work: $XmlHeader = '' . '\n'; $XmlHeader = '\n'; 

How to print newline character from string php Code, “how to print newline character from string php” Code Answer’s. php newline . php by Unusual Unicorn on Feb 15 2020 Comment . 3. Source: …

In PHP: If I start a new line while writing a string in my source is it necessary to concatenate the string?

I’m learning PHP and MySQL together from Head First PHP & MySQL and in the book, they often split their long strings (over 80~ characters) and concatenate them, like this:

$variable = "a very long string " . "that requires a new line " . "and apparently needs to be concatenated."; 

I have no issue with this, but what strikes me odd is that whitespace in other languages usually don’t need concatenation.

$variable = "you guys probably already know that this simply works too."; 

I tried this and it worked just fine. Aren’t line breaks always interpreted with a space at the end? Even the PHP manual doesn’t concatenate in the echo examples if they span over one line.

Should I follow my book’s example or what? I can’t tell which is more correct or «proper» since both work and the manual even takes a shorter approach. I also would like to know how important is it to keep code under 80 characters in width? I have always been fine with word warp since my monitor is pretty large and I hate my code getting cut short when I have the screen space.

There’s 3 basic ways of building multiline strings in php.

a. building string via concatenation and embedded newlines:

$str = "this is the first line, with a line break\n"; $str .= "this is the second line, but won't have a break"; $str .= "this would've been the 3rd line, but since there's no line break in the previous line. "` 

b. multi-line string assignment, with embedded newlines:

$str = "this is the first line, with a line break\n this is the second line, because of the line break. this line will actually is actually part of the second line, because of no newline"; 

Heredocs are generally preferable for building multi-line strings. You don’t have to escape quotes within the text, variables are interpolated within them as if it was a regular double-quoted string, and newlines within the text are honored.

In PHP long strings don’t need concatenation but keep in mind that:

 $variable = "you guys probably already know that this simply works too."; 
$variable = "you guys probably already know\nthat this simply works too."; 

The newline is just the same in these 2 examples (if your system uses \n as a newline — Windows uses \r\n).

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So to answer your question, no, you don’t have to break large strings in many smaller ones. Doing so is just a matter of preference (which I don’t really often see).

The 80 char «limit» is throwback to the old days where terminal screens had an 80 char width. If you ever need to edit something in a narrow width terminal, respecting 80 chars can be helpful. However, if longer than 80 char lines wrapping are causing you headaches in your editor, Don’t follow that convention.

When you have a multi-line string as in your second example, the string will be exactly as you type it in your editor. If you have a whole bunch of spaces before your retrun char, those will be in your string var. The only exception to this is if your editor is doing line wrapping, then there is not actually a return char in the string, and it won’t show up in the variable.

PHP syntax allows literal line feeds in the strings. Your second example equals this:

you guys probably already know[LF][SPACE][SPACE][SPACE][SPACE]that this simply works too.

where [LF] will be \r\n or \n depending on your editor settings. Those redundant spaces may be an issue or not (not everything is HTML), but it’s not the same as concatenating.

How to create newline in PHP?, To create a newline, PHP provides nl2br () function. It is an in-built function of PHP, which is used to insert the HTML line breaks before all newlines in the string. …

PHP filter string input, cut off all newlines, 1 chars

There’s a user string input, and I want to cut off all newlines,1 chars that are more than 1 in a row (avoid

. ).

Getting all lines is done this way (if you want to catch dos, mac and unix line feeds):

$lines = explode("\n", str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $string)); 

Filtering lines with more than one character can be done with preg_grep() :

Or using regular expressions for the complete process:

preg_match_all('/^..*$/', $string, $matches); $lines = $matches[0]; 

Or if you don’t need an array containing all remaining lines, you can remove the unwanted strings with a single call:

$string = preg_replace('/^.?$\n/m', '', $string); 
$str = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), '', $str); 

Where $str is your user input.

Sorry, this code will remove all lines regardless, still might come in handy.

\n is a valid input for a newline, as well as \r\n and \n\r. Run a Regex or str_replace to replace all combinations of \r and \n with \n and you can use use explode(«\n», $string), and check all items of the array for one char or empty one. You can remove those, or replace it by a single instance of the repeated char, e.g. I use a single newline for a new paragraph, so it would destroy such.

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Why not use regexp for this:

## replace 1 or more new line symbols with single new line symbol $empty_lines_trimmed = preg_replace('"(\r?\n)+"', "\n", $empty_lines); 

Php newline in string Code Example,

Regex: find new line character in string that isn’t in textarea

heya, so I’m looking for a regex that would allow me to basically replace a newline character with whatever (eg. ‘xxx’), but only if the newline character isn’t within textarea tags.

For example, the following:

abcd efg  happy 
abcdxxxefgxxx xxxhappy 

Anyone have any idea on where I should start? I’m kinda clueless here 🙁 Thanks for any help possible.

I’ve got it, but you’re not gonna like it. 😉

After matching a line break, the lookahead scans ahead, consuming any character that’s not a left angle bracket, or any left angle bracket that’s not the beginning of a tag. When it runs out of those, the next thing it sees has to be one of those tags or the end of the string. If it’s a tag, that means the line break was found inside a textarea element, so the match fails, and that line break is not replaced.

I’ve included an expanded version below, and you can see it an action on ideone . You can adapt it to handle those other tags too, if you really want to. But it sounds to me like what you need is an HTML minimizer (or minifier); there are plenty of those available.

If you still want to go with regexp, you may try this — escape newlines inside special tags, delete newlines and then unescape:

textarea|pre|code)[^>]*?>.*#sim', function ($matches) < //and then replaces every newline by some escape sequence return str_replace("\n", "%ESCAPED_NEWLINE%", $matches[0]); >, $str); //after all we can safely remove newlines //and then replace escape sequences by newlines $str = str_replace(array("\n", "%ESCAPED_NEWLINE%"), array('', "\n"), $str); 

Why use a regex for this? Why not use a very simple state machine to do it? Work through the string looking for opening tags, and when inside them look for the closing tag instead. When you come across a newline, convert it or not based on whether you’re currently inside a or not.

What you are doing is parsing HTML. You cannot parse HTML with a regular expression.

Php — Newline inside variable string, What if I have a long input of string? maybe 50-250 characters. and I echoed the variable it would echo a very long line of letters and words. So, how …


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