Php mysql web chat

Implementing Web Chat using PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript

In order to exchange messages between PHP instances, one approach is to avoid constant polling of clients to receive new messages as it generates a significant amount of traffic.

Web Chat in PHP + MySQL +JavaScript

I am interested in developing a chat system for the web utilizing PHP, MySQL and JavaScript.

At present, I am storing messages in a designated channel, MySQL database, which includes an incremental ID that is indexed, along with a timestamp, sender, and message content. To retrieve the latest messages, I am using AJAX to query the database every half second. Despite this method being commonly recommended, I suspect it may not be efficient enough when there are multiple users online and could potentially cause a high load on the MySQL server. Despite researching on Google and other sources, I have not found a better way to approach this issue.

I’m wondering if there’s an alternative approach to this. Additionally, if you have any suggestions on how to alleviate the server’s workload, I’d love to hear them.

Libraries or plugins that are compatible with Apache webserver and PHP 5.3 will suffice.

In the original post, I failed to mention that I am not concerned about providing support for obsolete browsers like IE.

Potentially viable basic approach:

  • Store the 50 most recent messages in memcache and refresh it each time a new entry is inserted into the database. These 50 messages will be sent to new users connect, serve to fill their chatroom.
  • Employ a service from a different provider, such as, to dispatch communications to your customers. Once a fresh message is transmitted to your chatroom, transfer it through pubnub. Your server script will execute this task only when the writing operation to your database is completed successfully.

It should be noted that I have no affiliation with PubNub. Using 50 messages above is not required, and it is also not necessary to provide any messages to users upon connection, depending on your setup preferences. The key here is to avoid having your users read from your database as this approach is unlikely to be scalable for this particular application.

An event-driven platform would be optimal for this application, as the LAMP stack is not well-matched.

I suggest utilizing Pubnub library, which provides a simple means of transmitting radio signals through javascript or any TCP language like PHP. The messages transmitted are instantly received by javascript.

To distribute a message to other users on a PHP page, you can save it to the database and utilize Pubnub’s PHP API’s.

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If you have knowledge of HTML, JavaScript, and PHP, it can be quite effortless to acquire. It is something that I would suggest.

If you are looking for a web chat system that is specifically developed using PHP, MySQL, and HTML with JavaScript, there are various options available. For instance, you can explore pre-built solutions such as and These solutions offer chat comet services powered by cloud offerings like You can opt to host the chat system yourself or use third-party alternatives, which you can compare on Although there are other options, it is advisable to start with these. Alternatively, you can go for a simpler solution, like an HTML and JavaScript-only solution. Check out, a blog that discusses building real-time web apps effortlessly with an example chat app comprising only 10 lines of JavaScript code. This solution can help you cut development time by providing full cross-platform support for all browsers and mobile devices.

Consider exploring ajax long polling, which involves making an ajax call that only retrieves new data from the server. To achieve this, a server-side loop is employed until fresh data becomes available, which is then returned to the client. It is important to implement a mechanism that stops the loop after a specified period (say, a minute) if no data is found, and restarts the call.

Web Chat in PHP + MySQL +JavaScript, I am looking to create a Web Chat system using PHP, MySQL and JavaScript. Currently, I am storing messages in a MySQL database with an incremental ID (Yes, it is indexed), a timestamp, the sender, and the message itself. I am then using AJAX to query the database every 500ms, seeing if there are any …

Chat Application in PHP & MySql using

Under this Ratchet Web Socket Chat Application tutorial series, we will learn how can we send and receive chat message under this Chat Application using …

Chat Application in PHP & MySql using

In this part, you can learn how can we stores chat messages in Mysql database with Ratchet Websocket using PHP PDO script. This is tutorial series on Chat Ap

Chat application in PHP & MySQL: Send and receive

Chat application in PHP & MySQL using Ratchet Libraryweb socket programmingSend and receive messages Get the code from:


I’ve been scouring the internet for a straightforward chat application demonstration. Although I’ve come across many examples utilizing PHP (index.php), MySQL, and Ajax, they don’t fit my requirements. Instead, I require links to tutorials or sources for Peer-to-Peer and Peer-to-Group chat utilizing index.HTML, PHP on the server side, and MySQL for authentication purposes with Ajax.

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Instead of a full code, a reference or idea would be helpful. A URL that meets my requirements would be appreciated. I emphasize using HTML because this chat will be on phonegap, which only understands HTML and JS.

A sample chat application demonstrating the basics can be created using server-side PHP and HTML.

It’s worth examining the contents of the index.php file, as removing the PHP code and renaming it as index.html could be a simple solution.

In case it is not feasible, you can design the html/css according to your preference and then use an ajax call to PHP script to request for chat logs. The logs can be echoed from the php and dynamically updated on the page by using js (jquery which simplifies the process of adding/removing elements to the DOM. For submitting a new message, a second AJAX call can be made. It is important to ensure that the new message is either appended to the currently visible chat or that the function with the first AJAX call is called to retrieve the latest chat log from the server.

In case you require additional assistance with the php scripts’ intended tasks, feel free to inform us. This information provided should be sufficient to begin.

Check out this alternative technique which is specifically intended for phonegap. It could also be beneficial in your case. The link to the XMPP Chat Phonegap Sample can be found on

Simply utilize this chat by copying and pasting the provided code, java-script.

Refer to the website link that includes information about creating a group chat in PHP using MySQL, which can be accessed at

let us know if need any help.

HTML/PHP/AJAX/JS/MYSQL, Sorted by: 1. You might double check what’s in the index.php file, as you might be able to easily edit out the php and rename it index.html. However, if that’s not possible, then create the html/css as you want it to look, create an ajax call to a php script that will query for the chat logs — (echo it from the php to …

Creating a desktop chat application with a PHP/MySQL web site acting as the server

The majority of desktop users who use chat applications typically rely on specialized software that operates on a remote server. Alternatively, is it possible for a chat application to be supported by a basic PHP/MySQL website? If this is achievable, what general recommendations do you have for logging in and exchanging messages?

The proposed architecture of PHP/MySQL faces two issues.

In a chat, communication goes both ways. To send messages to your users, you can either have them constantly checking for new messages (which can create a lot of traffic), or you can wait to respond to a HTTP request until a message is available, though this approach depends on the timeouts set by the proxy and HTTP servers.

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To enable communication between PHP instances, a shared data store is required. Upon loading a HTTP page, a PHP process is launched to convert PHP code into HTML. The suggestion is to use MySQL as the shared data store for these processes. As a result, PHP code would need to continuously poll the database, while keeping track of transferred and pending messages. Unfortunately, message loss is also a possibility, with no way to guarantee their delivery.

It is recommended to use a specialized architecture for chat programs due to the presence of these two issues.

As a programmer, I have developed a chat application that utilizes PHP and SQL databases. You can view the application by clicking on this link.

To keep track of messages, I maintained a database. The user remains on a single webpage where they can type a message and send it by pressing enter. The PHP script is triggered by AJAX POST request and it inserts the message data into a new row of the database. Subsequently, the latest 8 messages are requested (via AJAX) and displayed in a div on the page every minute.

Several issues can be observed in this particular design.

Bandwidth consumption is a major issue, as messages are requested every second regardless of new content. To overcome this, a new approach can be taken. Rather than requesting all messages every second, the count of messages can be requested and compared to the local count. If they differ, only the new messages need to be requested. To optimize this further, the count for difference between the message can be found and each new message can be requested and injected into the DOM through a for loop.

This is my approach to accomplish it:

Establish a mySQL database to function as a repository for message history, while employing an alternative method to transmit messages, for instance, memcache.

As web sockets are still a bit away, a messenger system needs the browser to either poll or long-poll/comet to receive new messages. It’s not advisable to continuously poll mySQL for this purpose. Instead, newly received messages can be stored in a memcache entry and polled by the intended recipients.

To keep a record of these messages, you could choose to save them to mySQL at regular intervals.

Creating a desktop chat application with a, There are two problems with the architecture (PHP/MySQL) you propose. 1) Chat is two-way traffic. This means that you need some way to push a message to your users. One option is to have your clients poll constantly for new messages (generating a lot of traffic). Another way is to wait with answering a …


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