Php log sql errors

Php log mysql errors code example

I thought I might try using a different catch block for different types of errors like connection failures, memory errors, prepared procedure errors, etc., When I tried to figure out a test for connection errors to start with, there seem to be several clusters that may relate, however I’m not sure if some of them are connection errors or not! The main problem here is how to track errors and it’s not clear if you want to track client side errors (javascript), server side errors (PHP) or transactions errors (MySQL).

How to log or see all MySQL errors?

I have a website, which collects input from the user. When his data cannot be inserted into a database, I simply display «Sorry. » I am hosting my website on LAMP. I am new to MySQL and would like to know how to log all the errors. For example, I want to log/see why exactly user was not able to submit data properly: maybe he violated integrity constraints etc. Is it possible to do?

It will write to the web server’s log file.

$str should be constructed from diagnostics provided by MySQL or php. You might consider prefixing the string with some keyword to make the log file more easily searchable.

Alas, this means identifying all places in your code that might have «errors» or «warnings» and adding code to grab the relevant message. But it does put all the messages into a central location for later study.

Can I detect and handle MySQL Warnings with PHP?, The mysqli statement returns error 1062 , that is ER_DUP_ENTRY. You can look for error 1062 and print a suitable error message. If you want to print your column (jobName) also as part of your error message then you should parse the statement error string.

Generate report from mysql, errors appear

heres my code , when i first try to display all the data from my database using my query it appears, but when i add this to my query WHERE SECTION = ‘$.thissection'» i got pdf error , and it doest work even i have set the POST to call the value on my page, what is wrong of my codes , please i really need it,

 include_once( 'dompdf\'); $html = '    

St. Therese Lisioux School of Cainta

'; > $html .= '
'.$Name.' '.$SUBJECT_NAME.' '.$first_Grading.' '.$second_Grading.' '.$third_Grading.' '.$fourth_Grading.' '.$final.' '.$status.'
'; $dompdf = new DOMPDF(); $dompdf ->set_paper("a4", "landscape"); $dompdf ->load_html($html); $dompdf ->render(); $dompdf ->stream('Student_report.pdf'); ?>strong text

Your codes have severe PHP syntax errors.

  1. You use PHP codes within a single-quoted string variable, which is not parsed by PHP parser.
  2. Also, you didn’t escape the the codes.
  3. Use slash instead of backslash in include_once()
  4. You didn’t initialize your MySQL connection
  5. stop using deprecated mysql_* functions and your code is subjected to SQL Injection attack, as you directly allow POST values to be inserted in your query. use MySQLi or PDO instead. Here is a good tutorial for PDO.
  6. Your HTML lacks
  7. Where is your error handling mechanism? You expect no errors for all sorts of inputs?
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For a quick fix, change the line:

 in order to end the $html variable.

PHP Error Handling, W3Schools offers free online tutorials, references and exercises in all the major languages of the web. Covering popular subjects like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL, Java, and many, many more.

Insert all errors in website into mysql database (Maintain log errors in database)

i am searching for the code or script that is helpfull to insert all errors into mysql database.i do not know about it ,even not a little bit.

give me any idea about it.

how can i do this means insert all erros in database and the display them in my php page.

PHP lets you specify you own error handler — set_error_handler() .

function error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) < global $db; //naughty use of global. You could re-create your database connection here instead. switch ($errno) < case E_NOTICE: case E_USER_NOTICE: $error = 'Notice'; break; case E_WARNING: case E_USER_WARNING: $error = 'Warning'; break; case E_ERROR: case E_USER_ERROR: $error = 'Fatal Error'; break; default: $error = 'Unknown'; break; >$db->query('INSERT INTO . '); // create error log here return true; > // Error Handler set_error_handler('error_handler'); 

The parameters used in my custom function above have the same names as the manual:

$errno The first parameter, errno, contains the level of the error raised, as an integer.

$errstr The second parameter, errstr, contains the error message, as a string.

$errfile The third parameter is optional, errfile, which contains the filename that the error was raised in, as a string.

$errline The fourth parameter is optional, errline, which contains the line number the error was raised at, as an integer.

Using these parameters you should be able to determine what the error was, what file it was in, and what line it occured on.

i would use something like this to log custom error, but you can modify it around to store all encountered errors.

class Logger extends PDO< private $_message; public function __construct()< parent::__construct("mysql:host=;dbname=;charset=utf8", $username, $password);//make sure these matches your database configs return null; > public function setMessage($message)< $this->_message = $message; return $this; > public function saveMessage()< if (!isset($this->_message)) < die('Error Message has not been set'); >$sql = 'INSERT INTO erros_table error_message,date_created'; $sql.= 'VALUES (:error_message,:date_created)'; $query = $this->prepare($sql); $query->execute([':error_message' => $this->_message,':date_created' => date('y-m-d')]); return null; > > //now you will do something like this //you can use this custom class anywhere try< //execute any code here //and make sure to throw an error upon any code fail //its up to you to throw exceptions on your custom code, but i advice you so >catch(Exception $e)< $logger = new Logger(); $logger->setMessage($e->getMessage())->saveMessage(); > 

You’re question it’s too generic. The main problem here is how to track errors and it’s not clear if you want to track client side errors (javascript), server side errors (PHP) or transactions errors (MySQL). In case you want to track all of these, you can develop you’re own error handlers. For example, for javascript I use this snippet of code:

 window.jsErrors = []; window.onerror = function(errorMessage, url, lineNumber) < err = < "host" :, "url" : url, "error": errorMessage, "line" : lineNumber, "user": "John" >; window.jsErrors[window.jsErrors.length] = err; notify(err); > 

The notify funcion makes an ajax request. For PHP, take a look at this. For Java, take a look at log4j db appender

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You should have to do like this for error hanling in mysql.

function throw_ex($er) < throw new Exception($er); >try < $q = mysql_query("Insert into test (col1,col2,col3) VALUES ('blah','blah','blah')") or throw_ex(mysql_error()); >catch(exception $e)

Php — Generate report from mysql, errors appear, Your codes have severe PHP syntax errors. You use PHP codes within a single-quoted string variable, which is not parsed by PHP parser. Also, you didn’t escape the the codes. Use slash instead of backslash in include_once() You didn’t initialize your MySQL connection

MySQL error code categories

I know that the MySQL errors are split into client and server types. Has anyone discerned any further structure in the numbering?

I love applications that hide errors from the user and try to recover and continue execution, so am trying to switch from printing a string like «Doh! Connection failed.» to a custom class of database exceptions and a single handler to catch all database connection errors that aren’t caught within the function that threw them or get rethrown. I figure I can try to recover right there and re-throw if that fails. I thought I might try using a different catch block for different types of errors like connection failures, memory errors, prepared procedure errors, etc., When I tried to figure out a test for connection errors to start with, there seem to be several clusters that may relate, however I’m not sure if some of them are connection errors or not! For example: error 2048: (CR_INVALID_CONN_HANDLE) Invalid connection handle.( When would this occur. )

Some of the errors listed at have a SQLSTATE code. what are these?

I am hoping I can test for a range or ranges using the existing codes. Has anyone else tried to do this? is there a PEAR package? How about a good book?

If they aren’t following a logical pattern would I be better off rolling my own custom codes? Is there a better approach I don’t see? This is my first time with exceptions, so I may be going about this all wrong. Thanks!

Some of the errors listed have a SQLSTATE code. what are these?

const char *mysql_sqlstate(MYSQL *mysql)
Returns a null-terminated string containing the SQLSTATE error code for the most recently executed SQL statement. The error code consists of five characters. ‘00000’ means “no error.” The values are specified by ANSI SQL and ODBC

This page and its subpages should tell you all you need to know:

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And here’s a list of SQLSTATE errors from IBM that goes into the structure behind the 5 character error code:

The following table is a quick reference for interpreting class code values.

SQLSTATE Class_Code_Value Outcome 00 Success 01 Success with warning 02 No data found >= 03 Error or warning

Mysql php error display Code Example, //PHP functions — add the lines in the above of page ini_set(‘display_errors’, 1); ini_set(‘display_startup_errors’, 0); error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);


Какой код лучше использовать, чтобы отлавливать ошибки MySQL?

Подскажите, пожалуйста, какой код лучше использовать, чтобы отлавливать ошибки MySQL?

mysqli_query($link, $query) or die(mysqli_error() .$query);
mysqli_query($link, $query) or trigger_error(mysqli_error() .$query);

И почему один лучше другого?

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Если выбирать из этих двух, то второй, разумеется. Он на порядок лучше первого:
— в отличие от первого, он будет выдавать ошибки туда же, куда и весь остальной РНР. На машине разработчика это может быть экран, на боевом сайте — лог. Первый плюёт ошибки в браузер ВСЕГДА, чего на боевом сайте не должно быть никогда
— в отличие от первого, он сообщит номер строки и имя файла, где произошла ошибка, что является критически важным для того самого отлова ошибки. Рекомендую попробовать поискать ошибочный запрос в коде на пару тысяч строк по сообщению от первого варианта. Подробнее про то, как правильно обрабатывать ошибки, можно почитать здесь: Обработка ошибок, часть 1

Примечание: на самом деле ни тот, ни другой коды работать не будут, поскольку mysqli_error() тоже требует $link в обязательном порядке.

Дальше уже идут более продвинутые варианты.
Для начала, mysqli умеет кидать исключения из коробки:


и после этого любая ошибка mysqli будет порождать исключение.
Но у этого подхода есть два минуса:
1. Такой вариант может понадобиться только в случае, если обращения к mysqli_query разбросаны по всему коду, чего делать нельзя ни в коем случае.
2. В брошенном исключении будет отсутствовать сам запрос, который может быть очень полезен при отладке.

Поэтому идеальным вариантом будет такой:
Во-первых, все обращения к mysqli API в обязательном порядке надо завернуть в какую-либо библиотеку, которая возьмёт на себя выполнение всей грязной и повторяющейся работы. Пример такой библиотеки — SafeMysql
Во-вторых, в этой библиотеке оформить код обращения к mysqli_query такм образом:

$res = $link->query($query); if (!$res) throw new Exception($link->error() ." [$query]");

В результате мы получим идеальную обработку ошибок:
— этот код уже из коробки будет так же следовать настройкам РНР, и не будет выдавать ошибки на экран на боевом сервере, но при этом программист всегда будет о ней проинформирован.
— этот код будет выдавать трассировку вызовов — бесценную информацию, без которой найти место, где произошла ошибка, будет очень сложно.
— брошенное исключение можно будет поймать в хендлере или блоке try..catch (однако если нет опыта работы с этими двумя вещами, то на первое время лучше оставить исключение как есть. В обработке ошибок есть много нюансов, неизвестных среднему кодеру, и поэтому лучше оставить эту задачу для РНР).


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