Php load http extension

Installation of PECL_HTTP Extension From Source Code in Custom PHP in Cloudlinux

Suppose that your Linux server has PHP version selector installed and configured.

As you know alternative php5.x (while using PHP version selector) versions should load /opt/alt/php5x/etc/php.ini file and scan /opt/alt/php5x/etc/php.d directory for modules::

Configuration File (php.ini) Path /opt/alt/php5x/etc
Loaded Configuration File /opt/alt/php5x/etc/php.ini
Scan this dir for additional .ini files /opt/alt/php5x/etc/php.d
additional .ini files parsed /opt/alt/php5x/etc/php.d/alt_php.ini
Those are default locations for alt-php.

Steps in installing pecl http package in cloudlinux platform:

1. Download the pecl_http package from pecl website and compile it.


2. Extract the package
#tar -xvzf pecl_http-2.0.4.tgz

3. Now run the ‘phpsize’ command. The phpize command is used to prepare the built environment for a PHP extension

4. Proceed with the installation of the module as below:

#./configure –with-php-config=/opt/alt/php53/usr/bin/php-config ;
# make && make install

Once the above steps are completed, the package pecl-http will be available in the server and we would need to load the extension.

In order to load the Http PHP extension, proceed as below:

1. Create a custom http.ini at location /opt/alt/php5x/etc/php.d.all and add the following lines inside that file:

#cd /opt/alt/php5x/etc/php.d.all

; Enable http extension module

2. The module is loaded via /opt/alt/php53/etc/php.d in the cagefs. (CageFS is a virtualized file system and a set of tools to contain each user in its own ‘cage’. Each customer will have its own fully functional CageFS, with all the system files, tools, etc.)

The command cagefsctl –rebuild-alt-php-ini rebuilds customers alt_php.ini files,

# Cagefsctl –rebuild-alt-php-ini
The location of the file will be /opt/alt/php53/etc/php.d/alt_php.ini

4. Finally, in order to enable the module, restart the webserver

#service httpd restart

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5. Also, ensure to enable our ‘http’ module from WHM as below:

1. Login to WHM and proceed to
Home >>Server Configuration>>CloudLinux LVE Manager

2. Select the ‘Selector’ tab

3. Enable the checkbox near the ‘http’ module, after selecting the appropriate PHP version from the drop-down menu near ‘Choose default modules for’

Now the PHP-HTTP extension will be available for the PHP version 5.x and we could test the same by creating a sample phpinfo page in any account that uses the php5.x version.


How to Install or Enable the Missing PHP Extension ext-http in Laravel, Docker, and Composer

Learn how to install or enable the missing PHP extension ext-http in Laravel, Docker, and Composer. Troubleshoot missing extension errors and ensure compatibility with required packages.

  • Understanding the missing extension error
  • Enabling missing extensions in php.ini
  • Installing missing extensions using command-line tools
  • Adding missing extension in Dockerfile
  • Adding missing package to composer.json for Laravel
  • Troubleshooting missing extension errors
  • Other helpful code examples for installing or enabling the requested PHP extension ext-http that is missing from your system
  • Conclusion
  • How do I enable and install PHP extensions?
  • How to enable a PHP extension?
  • How to install a PHP extension?
  • How do I install or enable PHP’s sodium extension?

If you are a web developer working with PHP, you may come across an error message that says “The requested PHP extension ext-http is missing from your system. Install or enable PHP’s http extension.” This error message can occur in various contexts such as Docker, Laravel, Composer, and WHM. In this blog post, we will discuss different ways to install or enable the missing extensions and troubleshoot missing extension errors.

Understanding the missing extension error

The error message indicates that the requested PHP extension ext -http is missing from the system. The issue can arise for extensions such as ext-mysql, ext-curl, ext-mcrypt, ext-gd, ext-zip, ext-dom, and ext-mysqli. The extensions can be required by various packages such as phpoffice/phpspreadsheet, facebook/php-sdk, and phpunit/php-code-coverage.

Enabling missing extensions in php.ini

To resolve the issue, the user can enable the extension in the php.ini file by removing the semicolon before the extension name. For extension ext-intl, the user needs to uncomment the extension=php_intl.dll line in the C:\xampp\php\php.ini file. The extensions can include ext-http, ext-intl, ext-dom, ext-mysql, ext-curl, ext-mcrypt, ext-gd, ext-zip, ext-mysqli, and ext-pthreads.

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Installing missing extensions using command-line tools

For extension dom, on Ubuntu 16.04 with PHP 7, the user can install php-xml using sudo apt-get install php-xml. The extensions can be installed or enabled using various methods such as adding them to the php.ini file or using command-line tools. The issue can arise on various operating systems such as Ubuntu, Windows, and Mac.

Adding missing extension in Dockerfile

For Docker, the user can add the missing extension in the Dockerfile and run composer install. Developers can use containerization technologies such as Docker to ensure that the required extensions are included in the container.

Adding missing package to composer.json for Laravel

For Laravel 6.x, the user can add the missing package/extension in composer.json under dependencies. To avoid missing extension errors, developers can use PHP frameworks such as Laravel or Symfony that include the required extensions by default.

Troubleshooting missing extension errors

Developers can troubleshoot missing extension errors by checking the php.ini file, installing required packages, or contacting support forums. common issues with php extensions include version compatibility issues and conflicts with other extensions.

Other helpful code examples for installing or enabling the requested PHP extension ext-http that is missing from your system

In php, — The requested PHP extension ext-http * is missing from your system. Install or enable PHP’s http extension. code example

find "ext-http": "*" in composer.json and remve it


The missing extension error can be resolved by enabling the extension in the php.ini file, installing required packages, or using containerization technologies. Developers can use PHP frameworks such as Laravel or Symfony that include the required extensions by default to avoid missing extension errors. Troubleshooting missing extension errors involves checking the php.ini file, installing required packages, or contacting support forums.

In conclusion, if you see an error message that says “The requested PHP extension ext-http is missing from your system. Install or enable PHP’s http extension,” don’t panic. This error is easy to fix by following the steps mentioned above. Whether you are working on Laravel, Docker, or Composer, the solutions provided in this blog post will help you to install or enable the missing extensions and troubleshoot missing extension errors.

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Php load http extension

On Windows, you have two ways to load a PHP extension: either compile it into PHP, or load the DLL. Loading a pre-compiled extension is the easiest and preferred way.

To load an extension, you need to have it available as a «.dll» file on your system. All the extensions are automatically and periodically compiled by the PHP Group (see next section for the download).

To compile an extension into PHP, please refer to building from source documentation.

To compile a standalone extension (aka a DLL file), please refer to building from source documentation. If the DLL file is available neither with your PHP distribution nor in PECL, you may have to compile it before you can start using the extension.

Where to find an extension?

PHP extensions are usually called «php_*.dll» (where the star represents the name of the extension) and they are located under the «PHP\ext» folder.

PHP ships with the extensions most useful to the majority of developers. They are called «core» extensions.

However, if you need functionality not provided by any core extension, you may still be able to find one in » PECL. The PHP Extension Community Library (PECL) is a repository for PHP Extensions, providing a directory of all known extensions and hosting facilities for downloading and development of PHP extensions.

If you have developed an extension for your own uses, you might want to think about hosting it on PECL so that others with the same needs can benefit from your time. A nice side effect is that you give them a good chance to give you feedback, (hopefully) thanks, bug reports and even fixes/patches. Before you submit your extension for hosting on PECL, please read » PECL submit.

Which extension to download?

  • Different version numbers (at least the first two numbers should match)
  • Different thread safety settings
  • Different processor architecture (x86, x64, . )
  • Different debugging settings
  • etc.

You should keep in mind that your extension settings should match all the settings of the PHP executable you are using. The following PHP script will tell you all about your PHP settings:

Example #1 phpinfo() call

Or from the command line, run:


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