Php if character length

Check string length in PHP

Here you can find a working example: explanation: Between and you have to add all characters which should not be count to the length of the string. Question: I have assignment to find the length of string without white space and without using any string function anyone help me please Solution 1: You can use regular expressions and the function :

Check string length in PHP

I have a string that is 141 characters in length. Using the following code I have an if statement to return a message if the string is greater or less than 140.

libxml_use_internal_errors(TRUE); $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->loadHTMLFile($source); $xml = simplexml_import_dom($dom); libxml_use_internal_errors(FALSE); $message = $xml->xpath("//div[@class='contest']"); if (strlen($message) < 141) < echo "There Are No Contests."; >elseif(strlen($message) > 142)

I used var_dump on $message and it shows the string is [0]=> string(141) . Here is my problem: When I change the numbers for the if statement to 131 , it still returns the first message, although the string is greater than 131.

No matter what number I use less than 141 I always get «There Are No Contests.» returned to me.

Try the common syntax instead:

if (strlen($message) <140) < echo "less than 140"; >else if (strlen($message)>140) < echo "more than 140"; >else
[0]=> string(141) means $message is an array so you should do strlen($message[0]) < 141 .

[0]=> string(141) means that $message is an array, not string, and $message[0] is a string with 141 characters in length.

$message is propably not a string at all, but an array. Use $message[0] to access the first element.

Php — Check for binary string length?, The length of a string (textual data) is determined by the position of the NULL character which marks the end. In case of binary data, NULL can be and often is in the middle of data. You don’t check the length of binary data. You have to know it beforehand. In your case, the length is 16 (bytes, not bits, if it is UUID).

How to Find string length without white spaces and functions in php

I have assignment to find the length of string without white space and without using any string function anyone help me please

You can use regular expressions and the function preg_match_all :

$value = "This is a test string."; $length = preg_match_all ('/[^ ]/' , $value, $matches); echo $length; //18 

Here you can find a working example:

Between [^ and ] you have to add all characters which should not be count to the length of the string. For example: if you want to filter out the character i and [^ i] .

$value = "This is a test string."; $length = preg_match_all('/[^ i]/' , $value, $matches); echo $length; //15 

be carefull with some characters:
If you want to exclude one of the following characters .^$*+?()[

$value = "This is a test string."; $length = preg_match_all ('/[^ \.]/' , $value, $matches); echo $length; //18 

how to test your pattern:
If you want to test your regular expressions for preg_match_all or other functions like that, you can use the following tool:

$string = "this is a nice string with spaces and chars"; $length = 0; $i = 0; while(isset($string[$i])) < if($string[$i] != ' ') $length++; $i++; >var_dump($length); var_dump(strlen($string)); 

PHP Check If String Contains Numbers and Check String, I’m trying to check if a username string is all numbers (but the field is not a numeric field). If so, I need the string to be 5 characters in length by adding leading 0’s. I have this code:

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Checking string length, max and minimum

Is there a function to check if a string is too long or too short, I normally end up writing something like this in several places:

if (strlen($input) < 12) < echo "Input is too short, minimum is 12 characters (20 max)."; >elseif(strlen($input) > 20)

I know you can easily write one but is there one built into PHP?

I normally collect errors as I validate input, so the above code would be written:

$errors = array(); if (strlen($input) < 12) < $errors['field_name'] = "Field Name is too short, minimum is 12 characters (20 max)."; >elseif(strlen($input) > 20)

How can that be made into a function ^?

I guess you can make a function like this:

function validStrLen($str, $min, $max) < $len = strlen($str); if($len < $min)< return "Field Name is too short, minimum is $min characters ($max max)"; >elseif($len > $max) < return "Field Name is too long, maximum is $max characters ($min min)."; >return TRUE; > 

Then you can do something like this:

$errors['field_name'] = validStrLen($field, 12, 20); 

PHP validate minimum and maximum integer number you can use this:

$quantity = 2; if (filter_var($quantity, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array("options" => array("min_range"=>1, "max_range"=>10))) === false) < echo("Quantity is not within the legal range"); >else
$GLOBALS['errors'] = array(); function addError($msg) < $GLOBALS['errors'][] = $msg; >function printErrors()

Just call addError(‘error message here’) as many times as you need, followed by a printerrors() call at the end.

you can make a error function that utilizes session vars:

//at the top of the file: session_start(); //. code error("Field Name is too short, minimum is 12 characters (20 max)."); //.. some code //at the end of the file: displayErrors(); function error($msg) < if(!isset($_SESSION['errors'])) $_SESSION['errors'] = array(); $_SESSION['errors'][] = $msg; >function displayErrors()< foreach($_SESSION['errors'] as $err)< echo $err.'
'.PHP_EOL; > unset($_SESSION['errors']); >

Demo here:

Php — Get string length of each element in an array, I’m trying to set the max length of each post on a site, but strlen() doesn’t work with arrays. So I need to break it down to check each post in the array. How could I adapt what I have to get thi

How do I find the physical length of a string?

In my website, the user’s username is always displayed at the top of every page (along with the site title, other page links, etc.) in a font size of «3»

It took me a really long time to figure this out, but it eventually came to my attention that the users with really long usernames ended up messing with the spacing at the top of every page and all the text gets pushed down a line, making the whole thing look ugly as sin (it’s only visible to the individual user since it’s their username, but I don’t want any of my users seeing it at all).

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I’m not asking how to find the number of characters in their name — what I want to know is how I can determine the physical amount of space their name will take up and, in the event it will be too long, reduce the font size to 2, or even 1 if necessary.

The reason why a simple strlen() wouldn’t work is because of the potential space differences («Tragic Dionysus» takes up less room than «HERSHEYFEVER», regardless that the former has more characters in it).

An extensive Google search continually leaves me with more character counting methods, so I’m left clueless.

You cannot use PHP for this — because so much depends on front-end styling (font-families, font-size, font-styling, etc.). You can use jQuery to ascertain the element length, and apply certain functionality if needed:

Or, if you want to apply something to all elements, here’s a jsFiddle showing you how.

It is fundamentally impossible to do this well on the server.

Instead, use Javascript to get the actual width of the element, then reduce its font size.

I’m just gonna toss this out, but if you wrap the username block in a an element and give it a max-width, it might solve your problem.

How do I get the byte values of a string in PHP?, @YzmirRamirez: to show bytes you need byte length, not character length, so using mb_strlen is actually bug. – Ped7g. Oct 7, 2016 at 10:50. You are correct @Ped7g. I generally use the mb_ functions and saw strlen call above. But the better answer is below that doesn’t require for loops. – Yzmir Ramirez.


Php check if string length php

Depending on implementation, might run slightly faster because PHP doesn’t have to check any characters between the first and last non-«1» characters. You could also use a string like a character array and iterate through from the beginning until you find a character which is not (in which case, return true) or reach the end of the array (in which case, return false).

Checking textbox lengths in PHP

if ($username != '') < if($password != $password1) < echo 'Password does not match
'; > else if ($username > 14) < echo 'username too long'; >else if ($username < 5) < echo 'username too short'; >else if($password < 5 && $password1 < 5) < echo 'Your password or username is too short, minimum of 5 characters
'; > else

I tried this several times but it says my username is too short even when it has 9 characters in it.

To check the length of a string in PHP use strlen() .

Note: to check whether a variable is set in PHP, use isset() instead of != '' , it is much more robust.

You need to use strlen() to actually get a string's length:

else if (strlen($username) > 14) < echo 'username too long'; >else if (strlen($username)

you should use strlen($username) instead of $username. It will work fine.

PHP Strings, The PHP strlen() function returns the length of a string. Example. Return the length of the string "Hello world!":

PHP & MySQL Tutorial 18 - String length (strlen) function

Checking string length with strlen

I have this code, i want it to check if the length is NOT 32 or 40. The code below only checks if the word is 32 or 40 in length.

Does isset php function checks string length, Yes, this code is checking string length. It appears you have two arrays. $value is a numerical array, and you check if the 5th element is

PHP detect variable length string contains any character other than 1

Using PHP I sometimes have strings that look like the following:

What is the most efficient way (preferably without regex) to determine if a string contains any character other then the character 1 ?

Here's a one-line code solution that can be put into a conditional etc.:


It strips out the "1"s and sees if there's anything left.

User Don't Panic commented that str_replace could be replaced by trim :

which removes leading and trailing 1s and sees if there's anything left. This would work for the particular case in OP's request but the first option will also tell you how many non-"1" characters you have (if that information matters). Depending on implementation, trim might run slightly faster because PHP doesn't have to check any characters between the first and last non-"1" characters.

You could also use a string like a character array and iterate through from the beginning until you find a character which is not =='1' (in which case, return true) or reach the end of the array (in which case, return false).

Finally, though OP here said "preferably without regex," others open to regexes might use one:

if (base_convert($string, 2, 2) === $string) < // $string has only 0 and 1 characters. >

since your $string is basically a binary number, you can check it with base_convert .

var_dump(base_convert('110', 2, 2)); // 110 var_dump(base_convert('11503', 2, 2)); // 110 var_dump(base_convert('9111111111111111111110009', 2, 2)); // 11111111111111111111000 

If the returned value of base_convert is different from the input, there're something other characters, beside 0 and 1 .

If you want checks if the string has only 1 characters:

if(array_sum(str_split($string)) === strlen($string)) < // $string has only 1 characters. >

You retrieve all the single numbers with str_split , and sum them with array_sum . If the result isn't the same as the length of the string, then you've other number in the string beside 1 .

Another option is treat string like array of symbols and check for something that is not 1 . If it is - break for loop:


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