Php header pass post

How to send post variables in header php

Here’s an exmple: Alternatively, if you really want to put data in the headers, you can set custom headers using something like this: Solution 1: I see no point in such redirect. If you’re simply looking to preserve or pass data between scripts, you might want to look into Sessions, which allow you to set and preserve data between scripts.

Post values in PHP Headers

POST data forms the body of an HTTP request, it isn’t a header, and the header method is used in making HTTP responses .

askapache has an example of making a POST request from PHP using the curl library.

You’re trying to put request headers into answer . Client just don’t know what to do with it.

What you are trying to achieve is impossible.

What is the task you’re trying to accomplish? There can be another way.

If you’re trying to post a request to remote server, you’ll need to use a tool like cUrl. Here’s an exmple:

// Create a curl handle to a non-existing location $ch = curl_init('http://localhost/testing/test.php'); // Set options curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); // Execute $page = curl_exec($ch); 

Alternatively, if you really want to put data in the headers, you can set custom headers using something like this:

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('field: value', 'field2: value') ); 

How to use variables passed through header() in php,

Send POST parameters in header()?

I see no point in such redirect.

Why not to post right away to register.php?
And then check for errors and save data in database in the same register.php?
without any redirects

No, you can’t, and such data would be just as insecure to any determined attacker.

Store the data in a session variable for use in the next page.

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Even if this is possible, you will hit another brick wall — the implementation of redirects in the popular browsers. While the standard requires, that it asks the user if a post is redirected, all popular browsers simply interpret the redirect as a GET. In short: you can’t redirect a POST that way, you’ll have to find another way without a round trip to the client, or use GET.

Also, you should be aware that unless your requests are done via https, both GET and POST will present the sensitive information to any listener, as POST simply buts the query string into the http request and not the url. Security wise, both are the same.

PHP — Pass POST variables with header()?, //Start the session session_start(); //Dump your POST variables $_SESSION[‘POST’] = $_POST; //Redirect the user to the next page header(«Location: bar.php»);.

How to send data via header function like post

You can’t. If you redirect you’ll always have a GET request.

A possible solution (if the target script is on the same domain) would be using PHP sessions to store the data on the server.

Originally suggesting to use CURL, I now believe that it might not be the best solution. If you’re simply looking to preserve or pass data between scripts, you might want to look into Sessions, which allow you to set and preserve data between scripts.

session_start(); $_SESSION['userName'] = $username; 
session_start(); if (isset($_SESSION['userName'])) $username = $_SESSION['userName']; echo $username; 

This will successfully pass the value of $username between two scripts. Simply put any variables into the $_SESSION array and they will be available throughout your scripts.

  • Be sure to include session_start(); at the top of every script
  • Look at also including session_set_cookie_params() to be sure your sessions are available through your domain and/or don’t conflict with other site’s sessions.

You could use PEAR’s excellent HTTP_Request2 package to make POST requests.

How to pass and use the variables passed through header() in php, how to pass and use the variables passed through header() in php from 1 file to another ; echo «

Your Input:

» ; echo «Firstname:» ; //Here

Post data in header location with post method

try this auto submit form

" />

How to receive data, sent from header(location: ..) on next php, $age = $_POST[‘age’]; …But I not getting it. I would like to get data via POST at page2.php .

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Php pass data php header with post

Check this link:- How to fix «Headers already sent» error in PHP Using HTML Solution 1: First convert the HTTP variable into a query string using Then append the query string variable to your redirect header Done. Solution 2: and get it on the next page like: . etc Solution 3: You don’t need to store them in a session, you can easily pass them with your location header: In confirmed.php you can get these variables with $_GET method. Pass the Data via like so: Or You could use Session like so: Solution 2: Below header must be work If it is not working then make sure you have no echo statement after header.

Pass Data from One PHP Page to Another using header()

The result of visiting http://localhost/testing/file1.php is a redirect to http://localhost/testing/inner/file2.php?x=1&y=2&z=3 which displays:

array(3) < ["x"]=>string(1) "1" ["y"]=> string(1) "2" ["z"]=> string(1) "3" > 

I would suggest copying over these test files and proving to yourself that the basic concept of redirecting with passed values is working. Then, build up the rest of your code around a known-good kernel. Good luck!

Without an example of the variables you want to send, it’s kind of hard to tell what the problem might be, but a possible problem could be the characters in the variables.

To make sure there are no invalid characters, you can use urlencode() , perhaps in combination with htmlentities() , see the manual:


PHP How to send data to another page with header(redirect), Using $_SESSION is probably the best solution, but the other option would be to just add the parameters

PHP Header refresh with post variables

The Boolean Flag TRUE OR FALSE in the header() determines whether you want the current header() to replace a previous one. If you want multiple headers, set it to FALSE. By default, this is TRUE. This means any subsequent header() replaces the Previous One. The 3rd Parameter is the HTTP RESPONSE CODE.

To explicitly set the Response Code to 307, You can use PHP http_response_code($code) . Combining the 2, You can have something like this:

 // EXPLICITLY SET RESPONSE CODE TO 307 http_response_code(307); // REFRESH & REDIRECT TO page.php // IN FACT; THERE IS NO NEED FOR THE http_response_code(307) ABOVE // THIS ONE LINE DOES IT ALL IN ONE GO. header("refresh:2; url=page.php", FALSE, 307); 

If you increased the refresh to (say) 15 so that you have enough time to look into the the Browser’s Web-Developer Tools (under the Networks Tab ), You’d notice that the HTTP Response Code of 307 was indeed set & sent.

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To pass some data from the current page to page.php , You have 2 Options. Pass the Data via $_GET like so:

Or You could use Session like so:

 // SET SOME DATA INTO THE $_SESSION (TO BE USED IN page.php, ETC.) $_SESSION['user'] = 'web'; $_SESSION['pass'] = 'develop‌​per'; $_SESSION['city'] = 'bronx'; header("refresh:2; url=page.php", FALSE, 307); 

Below header must be work

header("Refresh: 2; url=page.php"); 

If it is not working then make sure you have no echo statement after header.

How to fix «Headers already sent» error in PHP

PHP Header Redirect with parameter, Second, how exactly will I retrieve it on the other side. Generally if I were using a submit button posting to a form, I would use something as

How to pass variables received in GET string through a php header redirect?

First convert the $_GET HTTP variable into a query string using

$query = http_build_query($_GET); 

Then append the query string variable to your redirect header

session_start(); $_SESSION['fname'] = $_GET['name']; $_SESSION['femail'] = $_GET['email']; $_SESSION['fphone'] = $_GET['telephone']; . etc header('Location: confirmed.php'); 

and get it on the next page like:

session_start(); $fname = $_SESSION['fname']; $femail = $_SESSION['femail']; $fphone = $_SESSION['fphone']; 

You don’t need to store them in a session, you can easily pass them with your location header:

$fname = $_GET['name']; $femail = $_GET['email']; $fphone = $_GET['telephone']; //now a header with these var's: header("Location: confirmed.php?name=".$fname."&email=".$femail."&telephone=".$fphone); 

In confirmed.php you can get these variables with $_GET method.

How can I pass id with URL using PHP header function?, You can use the header function like this. header(«location:example.php

Passing php variables through header

You are using single quotes ‘ which will make it a literal string, instead, concatenate that using a . instead


Also, you don’t require braces <> here

Pass a variable as integer for url, amongst the above code, this is the most important part(must be modified somehow to make it work I guess):


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