Php get month name by number

PHP: Convert number to month name.

This is a short guide on how to convert an integer number into its equivalent month name using PHP.

Let’s jump straight into a code example:

//In this example, we're getting the numerical //value of our month from a GET variable. $month = intval($_GET['month']); //By default, we set it to "Invalid Month" $text = 'Invalid Month'; //The $month must be between 1 (January) and 12 (December). if($month >= 1 && $month //Print the textual representation of our month //out onto the page. echo $text;

A drilldown of the PHP snippet above:

  1. In this tutorial, we are receiving the numerical value of the month from a GET parameter. Because it is coming from an external source, we will need to validate the number and make sure that it falls between 1 (January) and 12 (December). We have to validate it because you can never trust data that comes from an external source. In other words, we do not want someone giving us a month number of 1000 or -2.
  2. We create a variable called $text. By default, we set it to “Invalid Month”. If the month is valid, this text will be overwritten.
  3. We use an IF statement to make sure that the integer value is a valid month number that falls between 1 and 12.
  4. If it is a valid number, we use PHP’s date function to get the full textual representation of the month in question. In this case, we are using the “F” format character. For the second parameter, we pass in a date that contains the month number (YYYY-MM-DD format). If the $month variable is 2, then the date will be 2001-02-01. Note that the year and day segments of the date do not matter, as we are only interested in the “F” format character.
  5. Finally, we print out the full name of the month.

As you can see, it is pretty straightforward.


How to Display the Current Month Name in PHP: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn how to display the current month name in PHP using various functions and parameters. Avoid common mistakes and get helpful tips to work with dates and times. Start optimizing your PHP code today!

  • Introduction
  • Importance of displaying the current month name in PHP
  • Overview of the key points, important points, and helpful points
  • Using the date function with the ‘F’ parameter to display the current month name
  • Using strtotime function to convert a string into a date
  • Using mktime function to manipulate dates and times
  • Using the setlocale function to display the month name in a different language
  • Getting the previous month using ‘last month’ parameter with strtotime function
  • Using cal_days_in_month function to get the number of days in a month
  • Using strftime function to format dates and times based on the locale
  • Getting the last 6 months from the current month using a for loop with the date function
  • Helpful points
  • Other code samples for displaying the current month name in PHP
  • Conclusion
  • How to get current month name in PHP?
  • How to get month name by month number in PHP?
  • How to show full month name in PHP?
  • How to check current month and year in PHP?
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As a web developer, it’s essential to know how to display the current month name on a website. PHP is a popular programming language for web development, and it provides several functions to work with dates and times. In this article, we will guide you on how to display the current month name in PHP in several ways.


Many websites need to display the current month name, such as event calendars, appointment booking systems, and blog archives. The user intent is to find information on how to display the current month name in PHP. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on how to achieve this goal.

Importance of displaying the current month name in PHP

Displaying the current month name is essential for web applications that rely on dates and times. It provides a better user experience by making the information more readable and understandable. It also helps to avoid confusion, especially when working with different languages and date formats.

Overview of the key points, important points, and helpful points

In this article, we will cover the following topics:

  • Using the date function with the ‘F’ parameter to display the current month name
  • Using strtotime function to convert a string into a date
  • Using mktime function to manipulate dates and times
  • Using the setlocale function to display the month name in a different language
  • Getting the previous month using ‘last month’ parameter with strtotime function
  • Using cal_days_in_month function to get the number of days in a month
  • Using strftime function to format dates and times based on the locale
  • Getting the last 6 months from the current month using a for loop with the date function
  • Helpful points on the DateTime class and Carbon library

Using the date function with the ‘F’ parameter to display the current month name

The date function is a built-in function in PHP that formats a timestamp into a readable date and time. The ‘F’ parameter is used to display the full month name. Here’s an example code:

You can also display the month name in different date formats, such as ‘M’ for the abbreviated month name and ‘m’ for the numeric month:

Using strtotime function to convert a string into a date

The strtotime function is used to convert a human-readable date string into a Unix timestamp. It can also be used to manipulate dates and times. Here’s an example code to display the current month name using strtotime function:

You can also use strtotime function to display the month name of a specific date:

Using mktime function to manipulate dates and times

The mktime function is used to create a Unix timestamp based on a given date and time. It can also be used to manipulate dates and times. Here’s an example code to display the current month name using mktime function:

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You can also use mktime function to display the month name of a specific date:

Using the setlocale function to display the month name in a different language

The setlocale function is used to set the locale information for date and time functions. It can also be used to display the month name in a different language. Here’s an example code to display the month name in Spanish:

Note that you need to have the language pack installed on your server to use the setlocale function.

Getting the previous month using ‘last month’ parameter with strtotime function

You can use the ‘last month’ parameter with strtotime function to get the previous month’s name. Here’s an example code:

You can also use ’next month’ parameter to get the next month’s name.

Using cal_days_in_month function to get the number of days in a month

The cal_days_in_month function is used to get the number of days in a month. Here’s an example code:

Using strftime function to format dates and times based on the locale

The strftime function is used to format dates and times based on the locale. It provides a more flexible way to display dates and times. Here’s an example code to display the current month name with strftime function:

You can also use strftime function to display the month name in a different language:

Getting the last 6 months from the current month using a for loop with the date function

You can use a for loop with the date function to get the last 6 months from the current month. Here’s an example code:

June May April March February January 

Helpful points

Apart from the functions mentioned above, you can also use the DateTime class and Carbon library to work with dates and times in PHP. The DateTime class provides an object-oriented way to work with dates and times, while the Carbon library provides a more convenient way to manipulate dates and times.

Other code samples for displaying the current month name in PHP

In Php case in point, get current month php code example

current month //half name in words date('M'); //full name in words date('F'); //number date('m');

In Php , for example, get current month php code sample

In Php , for example, full month name php

echo date("F", strtotime('2016-05-17 16:41:51'));

In Php , in particular, get month name php code example

echo date("F", strtotime(date("Y") ."-". $i ."-01"))


In this article, we have discussed how to display the current month name in PHP using several functions and techniques. Displaying the current month name is essential for web applications that rely on dates and times. We hope this comprehensive guide has helped you achieve your goal. Remember to use the DateTime class and Carbon library for more advanced use cases.


How to Get Month Name from Date in PHP?

This example is focused on how to get month name from date in php. if you have question about how to get full month name from date in php then i will give simple example with solution. We will look at example of get month short name from date in php. In this article, we will implement a php get month name from number.

I will give you very simple example how to get month name from date in PHP. so let’s see several examples with output:

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Example 1: PHP Get Full Month Name from Date

$date = «2021-02-02»;

$newDate = date(‘F’, strtotime($date));

echo $newDate;


Example 2: PHP Get Full Month Name from Current Date

$newDate = date(‘F’);

echo $newDate;


Example 3: PHP Get Short Month Name from Date

$date = «2021-02-02»;

$newDate = date(‘M’, strtotime($date));

echo $newDate;


Example 4: PHP Get Short Month Name from Current Date

$newDate = date(‘M’);

echo $newDate;


Example 5: PHP Get Month Name from Number

$monthNumber = 4;

$monthName = date(‘F’, mktime(0, 0, 0, $monthNumber, 10));

echo $monthName;


Hardik Savani

I’m a full-stack developer, entrepreneur and owner of Aatman Infotech. I live in India and I love to write tutorials and tips that can help to other artisan. I am a big fan of PHP, Laravel, Angular, Vue, Node, Javascript, JQuery, Codeigniter and Bootstrap from the early stage. I believe in Hardworking and Consistency.

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PHP: Convert number to month name.

This is a short guide on how to convert an integer number into its equivalent month name using PHP.

Let’s jump straight into a code example:

//In this example, we're getting the numerical //value of our month from a GET variable. $month = intval($_GET['month']); //By default, we set it to "Invalid Month" $text = 'Invalid Month'; //The $month must be between 1 (January) and 12 (December). if($month >= 1 && $month //Print the textual representation of our month //out onto the page. echo $text;

A drilldown of the PHP snippet above:

  1. In this tutorial, we are receiving the numerical value of the month from a GET parameter. Because it is coming from an external source, we will need to validate the number and make sure that it falls between 1 (January) and 12 (December). We have to validate it because you can never trust data that comes from an external source. In other words, we do not want someone giving us a month number of 1000 or -2.
  2. We create a variable called $text. By default, we set it to “Invalid Month”. If the month is valid, this text will be overwritten.
  3. We use an IF statement to make sure that the integer value is a valid month number that falls between 1 and 12.
  4. If it is a valid number, we use PHP’s date function to get the full textual representation of the month in question. In this case, we are using the “F” format character. For the second parameter, we pass in a date that contains the month number (YYYY-MM-DD format). If the $month variable is 2, then the date will be 2001-02-01. Note that the year and day segments of the date do not matter, as we are only interested in the “F” format character.
  5. Finally, we print out the full name of the month.

As you can see, it is pretty straightforward.


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