Php get last word in string

Php get last word in string

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How to Get Last Word from String in PHP?

In this tutorial, you will learn php get last word from string. I’m going to show you about how to get last word from string in php. This example will help you php get last word from string example. step by step explain get last word from string php.

we will use explode() php function to get Last word from string. i will give you very simple examples to get Last word from string in php.

Example 1: PHP Get Last Word from String

/* Declare string variable */

$string = «Welcome to!»;

/* get Last word of string */

$split = explode(» «, $string);

$lastWord = $split[count($split)-1];

/* Echo resulted string */



string(19) «»

Example 2: PHP Get First Word from String

/* Declare string variable */

$string = «Welcome to!»;

/* get First word of string */

$firstWord = strtok($string, » «);

/* Echo resulted string */



Example 3: PHP Get First and Last Word from String

/* Declare string variable */

$string = «Welcome to»;

/* get First and Last word of string */

$firstWord = strtok($string, » «);

$split = explode(» «, $string);

$lastWord = $split[count($split)-1];

/* Echo resulted string */




string(7) «Welcome»

string(19) «»

Hardik Savani

I’m a full-stack developer, entrepreneur and owner of Aatman Infotech. I live in India and I love to write tutorials and tips that can help to other artisan. I am a big fan of PHP, Laravel, Angular, Vue, Node, Javascript, JQuery, Codeigniter and Bootstrap from the early stage. I believe in Hardworking and Consistency.

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Keep in mind that the use of strpos() in this way means that partial word, example then a match will be found even though by definition the word ample, For a whole word match, there is an example in the preg_match()

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if ($string NOT LIKE %word%) < do something >I think that can, if ($string NOT LIKE %word%) < do something >Solution 1: if (strpos($string, $word) === FALSE) < . php // Use this function and Pass Mixed string and what you want to search in mixed string. // For, /p>Solution 1: From the way you word

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It’s called word boundaries, and consists in just add \b before and after your word: /\, If it’s false, then the text does not contain the bad word., Solution 3: strpos will allow you to determine if a string, contains a word., php $data = ‘1 bed flat in Sekaninova, Prague 2’; $districts = [«Prague 1″,»Prague 2»]; foreach ($districts

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,’ ‘); as per root@upstairslinux:~# php example.php Doyle root@upstairslinux:~# Here’s, php function get_last_words($amount, $string) < $string_array = explode(' ', $string); return, @upstairslinux:~# php example.php array(3) < [0]=>string(2) «is» [1]=> string(6) «Jordan

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a-zA-Z]) Solution 2: $string, \]/’, $string, $matches); print_r($matches); , strpos returns the position of the occurrence in the string, World is not perfect and you can’t make sure each word will be separated with a space., Not a word.» — 8 words, you will get «sentence.» as a word.

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Solution 2: For reference there is also str_word_count($string, ) which will also provide the number of words within a string., Solution 3: How can I detect if a string, php include(«badwords.php»); $content = «this is an example string with bad words in it»; $badword =, php include(«badwords.php»); $content = «cat bad_word dog»; $badword = new badword(); $return_val = $

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of preg_match : /* The \b in the pattern indicates a word, boundary, so only the distinct * word «web» is matched, and not a word partial like «webbing» or «cobweb, » */ if (preg_match(«/\bweb\b/i», «PHP is the web scripting language of choice.»)) < echo "A match, found within that string?, php function binary_search($elem, $array) < $top = sizeof($array) -1; $bot = 0; while($top

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of string is: «., $result[0]; Output: The first word of string is: 練馬春日町Ⅳ

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test case.Please what do i need to change to pass the other two first case considering i am new to javascript, in Javascript?, Is there a better/different way to find the longest word in a string?, s = «Today is the happiest day of my life»; String[] word = s.split(» «); String longword, life by vijayakumar»; String [] word = s.split(» «); String maxlethWord = «»; for

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