Php get git version

Display the current Git ‘version’ in PHP

If you’d like to do it without exec() and you’re using git lightweight (see comments below) tagging:

You can get the current HEAD commit hash from .git/HEAD or .git/refs/heads/master . We then loop to find matching. Reversing the array first for speed because you’re more likely to at a higher recent tag.

So if the current php file sits in a public_html or www folder one level down from the .git folder.

Firstly, some git commands to fetch version information:

  • commit hash long
    • git log —pretty=»%H» -n1 HEAD
    • git log —pretty=»%h» -n1 HEAD
    • git log —pretty=»%ci» -n1 HEAD
    • git describe —tags —abbrev=0
    • git describe —tags

    Secondly, use exec() combined with the git commands of your choice from above to build the version identifier:

    class ApplicationVersion < const MAJOR = 1; const MINOR = 2; const PATCH = 3; public static function get() < $commitHash = trim(exec('git log --pretty="%h" -n1 HEAD')); $commitDate = new \DateTime(trim(exec('git log -n1 --pretty=%ci HEAD'))); $commitDate->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC')); return sprintf('v%s.%s.%s-dev.%s (%s)', self::MAJOR, self::MINOR, self::PATCH, $commitHash, $commitDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')); > > // Usage: echo 'MyApplication ' . ApplicationVersion::get(); // MyApplication v1.2.3-dev.b576fd7 (2016-11-02 14:11:22) 


    Display the current Git ‘version’ in PHP

    Firstly, some git commands to fetch version information:

    • commit hash long
      • git log —pretty=»%H» -n1 HEAD
      • git log —pretty=»%h» -n1 HEAD
      • git log —pretty=»%ci» -n1 HEAD
      • git describe —tags —abbrev=0
      • git describe —tags

      Secondly, use exec() combined with the git commands of your choice from above to build the version identifier:

      class ApplicationVersion< const MAJOR = 1; const MINOR = 2; const PATCH = 3; public static function get() < $commitHash = trim(exec('git log --pretty="%h" -n1 HEAD')); $commitDate = new \DateTime(trim(exec('git log -n1 --pretty=%ci HEAD'))); $commitDate->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC')); return sprintf('v%s.%s.%s-dev.%s (%s)', self::MAJOR, self::MINOR, self::PATCH, $commitHash, $commitDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')); >>// Usage: echo 'MyApplication ' . ApplicationVersion::get();// MyApplication v1.2.3-dev.b576fd7 (2016-11-02 14:11:22)
      class QuickGit < public static function version() < exec('git describe --always',$version_mini_hash); exec('git rev-list HEAD | wc -l',$version_number); exec('git log -1',$line); $version['short'] = "v1.".trim($version_number[0]).".".$version_mini_hash[0]; $version['full'] = "v1.".trim($version_number[0]).".$version_mini_hash[0] (".str_replace('commit ','',$line[0]).")"; return $version; >>

      If you’d like to do it without exec() and you’re using git lightweight (see comments below) tagging:

      You can get the current HEAD commit hash from .git/HEAD or .git/refs/heads/master . We then loop to find matching. Reversing the array first for speed because you’re more likely to at a higher recent tag.

      So if the current php file sits in a public_html or www folder one level down from the .git folder.

      $HEAD_hash = file_get_contents('../.git/refs/heads/master'); // or branch x$files = glob('../.git/refs/tags/*');foreach(array_reverse($files) as $file) < $contents = file_get_contents($file); if($HEAD_hash === $contents) < print 'Current tag is ' . basename($file); exit; >>print 'No matching tag';


      Display the current Git ‘version’ in PHP

      If you’d like to do it without exec() and you’re using git lightweight (see comments below) tagging:

      You can get the current HEAD commit hash from .git/HEAD or .git/refs/heads/master . We then loop to find matching. Reversing the array first for speed because you’re more likely to at a higher recent tag.

      So if the current php file sits in a public_html or www folder one level down from the .git folder.

      Firstly, some git commands to fetch version information:

      • commit hash long
        • git log —pretty=»%H» -n1 HEAD
        • git log —pretty=»%h» -n1 HEAD
        • git log —pretty=»%ci» -n1 HEAD
        • git describe —tags —abbrev=0
        • git describe —tags

        Secondly, use exec() combined with the git commands of your choice from above to build the version identifier:

        class ApplicationVersion < const MAJOR = 1; const MINOR = 2; const PATCH = 3; public static function get() < $commitHash = trim(exec('git log --pretty="%h" -n1 HEAD')); $commitDate = new \DateTime(trim(exec('git log -n1 --pretty=%ci HEAD'))); $commitDate->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC')); return sprintf('v%s.%s.%s-dev.%s (%s)', self::MAJOR, self::MINOR, self::PATCH, $commitHash, $commitDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')); > > // Usage: echo 'MyApplication ' . ApplicationVersion::get(); // MyApplication v1.2.3-dev.b576fd7 (2016-11-02 14:11:22) 


        Display the current Git ‘version’ in PHP

        Firstly, some git commands to fetch version information:

        • commit hash long
          • git log —pretty=»%H» -n1 HEAD
          • git log —pretty=»%h» -n1 HEAD
          • git log —pretty=»%ci» -n1 HEAD
          • git describe —tags —abbrev=0
          • git describe —tags

          Secondly, use exec() combined with the git commands of your choice from above to build the version identifier:

          class ApplicationVersion < const MAJOR = 1; const MINOR = 2; const PATCH = 3; public static function get() < $commitHash = trim(exec('git log --pretty="%h" -n1 HEAD')); $commitDate = new \DateTime(trim(exec('git log -n1 --pretty=%ci HEAD'))); $commitDate->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC')); return sprintf('v%s.%s.%s-dev.%s (%s)', self::MAJOR, self::MINOR, self::PATCH, $commitHash, $commitDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')); > > // Usage: echo 'MyApplication ' . ApplicationVersion::get(); // MyApplication v1.2.3-dev.b576fd7 (2016-11-02 14:11:22) 

          Read More

          Run git tag in terminal to preview your tags and say you got i.e:

          here’s how to get the latest version v1.2.4

          function getVersion() < $hash = exec("git rev-list --tags --max-count=1"); return exec("git describe --tags $hash"); >echo getVersion(); // "v1.2.4" 

          Coincidentally (if your tags are ordered), since exec returns only the last row we could just do:

          function getVersion() < return exec("git tag"); >echo getVersion(); // "v1.2.4" 

          To get all the rows string use shell_exec :

          function getVersions() < return shell_exec("git tag"); >echo getVersions(); // "v1.0.0 // v1.1.0 // v1.2.4" 
          $tagsArray = explode(PHP_EOL, shell_exec("git tag")); 
          git tag --sort=committerdate 

          For sorting purposes, fields with numeric values sort in numeric order (objectsize, authordate, committerdate, creatordate, taggerdate). All other fields are used to sort in their byte-value order.

          Roko C. Buljan 183793

          resource friendly and the same as i have under eclipse shown

          Similar Question and Answer

          • Short hash: $rev = exec(‘git rev-parse —short HEAD’);
          • Full hash: $rev = exec(‘git rev-parse HEAD’);

          If you’d like to do it without exec() and you’re using git lightweight (see comments below) tagging:

          You can get the current HEAD commit hash from .git/HEAD or .git/refs/heads/master . We then loop to find matching. Reversing the array first for speed because you’re more likely to at a higher recent tag.

          So if the current php file sits in a public_html or www folder one level down from the .git folder.

          Harry B 2766

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