Php get exception name

  1. Exception::getCode
  2. Examples
  3. See Also
  4. User Contributed Notes 4 notes
  5. php — Get exception name from set_exception_handler function
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  34. Exception
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  38. User Contributed Notes 3 notes


Returns the exception code as int in Exception but possibly as other type in Exception descendants (for example as string in PDOException ).


Example #1 Exception::getCode() example

try throw new Exception ( «Some error message» , 30 );
> catch( Exception $e ) echo «The exception code is: » . $e -> getCode ();

The above example will output something similar to:

See Also

User Contributed Notes 4 notes

The exception code can be used to categorize your errors. If you’re wondering what the exception code can be used for, read on below.

Let’s say each time your application isn’t able to connect to the database, you can save the error message under the error/exception code 214. At the end of the month, you can do a quick search on the error number ‘214’ and find out how many times this error occurred. This makes life easier. Also, the error/exception message will give you details into what happened.

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The point is to use both the exception message and code. It’s helpful in the long run.

Note: I added this note, because I was confused earlier as to the purpose of the exception code and it’s use.

when raising an Exception with no error code explicitly defined, getCode() returns the integer 0

try <
throw new Exception ( «no code!!» );
> catch ( Exception $e ) <
print( «Code='» . $e -> getCode () . «‘» );


Do not use the strict operator as suggested when checking the Exception Code in \PDOException.
As per documentation: \PDOException is returning a string for its Exception Code and not an Integer.

Ran into the following in PHP8:

catch(\ PDOException $e ) var_dump ( $e -> getCode ()); //Output: string(5) «23000»

One of the most useful tricks of getCode is handling duplication entries when trying to add a duplicate row into the database.

Sometimes we don’t need to show any errors regarding this duplication.

The following snippet is taken from one of my projects:

//I have a mysql table called hosts with one unique key named host_name.
try $hosts = new Hosts ([ «host_name» => «» );
$hosts -> save ();
> catch (\ PDOException $e ) if ( $e -> getCode () === 23000 ) //Do nothing

Here I’m saving the host name, and I don’t care if it’s already exists.


php — Get exception name from set_exception_handler function


$exceptionClass = get_class($msg); 

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PHP (from the English Hypertext Preprocessor — hypertext preprocessor) is a scripting programming language for developing web applications. Supported by most hosting providers, it is one of the most popular tools for creating dynamic websites. The PHP scripting language has gained wide popularity due to its processing speed, simplicity, cross-platform, functionality and distribution of source codes under its own license.

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Warning: Undefined array key «program» in E:\xampp\htdocs\pi\alumni.php on line 27 Warning: Undefined array key «enter_course» in E:\xampp\htdocs\pi\alumni.php on line 31 Warning: Undefined array key «enter_address» in E:\xampp\htdocs\pi\alumni.php on line 32

Rename existing images with keyword in WordPress PHP


Class «web_profiler.controller.profiler» does not exist after upgrading symfony 3.4 to 4.4 version

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Exception is the base class for all user exceptions.

Class synopsis


The filename where the exception was created

The line where the exception was created

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The previously thrown exception

The string representation of the stack trace

The stack trace as an array

Table of Contents

  • Exception::__construct — Construct the exception
  • Exception::getMessage — Gets the Exception message
  • Exception::getPrevious — Returns previous Throwable
  • Exception::getCode — Gets the Exception code
  • Exception::getFile — Gets the file in which the exception was created
  • Exception::getLine — Gets the line in which the exception was created
  • Exception::getTrace — Gets the stack trace
  • Exception::getTraceAsString — Gets the stack trace as a string
  • Exception::__toString — String representation of the exception
  • Exception::__clone — Clone the exception

User Contributed Notes 3 notes

Lists of Throwable and Exception tree as of 7.2.0


Note that an exception’s properties are populated when the exception is *created*, not when it is thrown. Throwing the exception does not seem to modify them.

Among other things, this means:

* The exception will blame the line that created it, not the line that threw it.

* Unlike in some other languages, rethrowing an exception doesn’t muck up the trace.

* A thrown exception and an unthrown one look basically identical. On my machine, the only visible difference is that a thrown exception has an `xdebug_message` property while an unthrown one doesn’t. Of course, if you don’t have xdebug installed, you won’t even get that.

Note: this documentation not full, ReflectionObject::export($exception):
Object of class [ class Exception implements Throwable ] — Properties [ 7 ] Property [ protected $message ]
Property [ private $string ]
Property [ protected $code ]
Property [ protected $file ]
Property [ protected $line ]
Property [ private $trace ]
Property [ private $previous ]
— Methods [ 11 ] Method [ final private method __clone ] >

Method [ public method __construct ]

— Parameters [ 3 ] Parameter #0 [ $message ]
Parameter #1 [ $code ]
Parameter #2 [ $previous ]

Method [ public method __wakeup ] >

Method [ final public method getMessage ] >

Method [ final public method getCode ] >

Method [ final public method getFile ] >

Method [ final public method getLine ] >

Method [ final public method getTrace ] >

Method [ final public method getPrevious ] >

Method [ final public method getTraceAsString ] >

Method [ public method __toString ] >


Property [ private $string ]
Property [ private $trace ]
Property [ private $previous ]

Method [ public method __wakeup ] >

  • Predefined Exceptions
    • Exception
    • ErrorException
    • Error
    • ArgumentCountError
    • ArithmeticError
    • AssertionError
    • DivisionByZeroError
    • CompileError
    • ParseError
    • TypeError
    • ValueError
    • UnhandledMatchError
    • FiberError


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