Php get basedir path

Get Absolute Directory Path of Current File in PHP

If your code is including other files, you will encounter problems like «The file is not found». This is because, PHP doesn’t know the absolute path of file. So, if you are including files on another file, you should mention the absolute path of file.

But, If you’re PHP application is being used by other people, then the absolute path which you mentioned in your system won’t be the one of the others’ systems. So, you have to dynamically mention the absolute path that will work on any systems.

Example of Problem

Here is one of the case scenarios where you encounter the include problem.

Suppose, the index.php file is including the file1.php which is in the inc directory :

The inc directory also contains other files such as file2.php, file3.php, file4.php etc……. If you want to include the file2.php in file1.php like below, it won’t work :

In file1.php, the root directory is that of index.php. Because we are including the file1.php from index.php which is outside the directory.**

I think you understand the problem. Luckily, I have a solution that fixes this problem.

Solution of Problem

Since PHP 4.0.2, __FILE__ returns the absolute path of the running script even if it’s an include file. By giving the __FILE__ constant to the dirname function, you will get the directory of the script. So, code in file1.php would become :

The version 5.3.0 and it’s later versions have a new constant called __DIR__ which is the short way of dirname(__FILE__). You can also use this in replacement of what we used earlier. Now code in file1.php will become :

You can see more PHP Magic Constants in this manual page.



realpath() expands all symbolic links and resolves references to /./ , /../ and extra / characters in the input path and returns the canonicalized absolute pathname.



Whilst a path must be supplied, the value can be an empty string. In this case, the value is interpreted as the current directory.

Return Values

Returns the canonicalized absolute pathname on success. The resulting path will have no symbolic link, /./ or /../ components. Trailing delimiters, such as \ and / , are also removed.

realpath() returns false on failure, e.g. if the file does not exist.


The running script must have executable permissions on all directories in the hierarchy, otherwise realpath() will return false .


For case-insensitive filesystems realpath() may or may not normalize the character case.


The function realpath() will not work for a file which is inside a Phar as such path would be a virtual path, not a real one.


On Windows, junctions and symbolic links to directories are only expanded by one level.

Note: Because PHP’s integer type is signed and many platforms use 32bit integers, some filesystem functions may return unexpected results for files which are larger than 2GB.


Example #1 realpath() example

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chdir ( ‘/var/www/’ );
echo realpath ( ‘./../../etc/passwd’ ) . PHP_EOL ;

echo realpath ( ‘/tmp/’ ) . PHP_EOL ;

The above example will output:

Example #2 realpath() on Windows

On windows realpath() will change unix style paths to windows style.

echo realpath ( ‘/windows/system32’ ), PHP_EOL ;

echo realpath ( ‘C:\Program Files\\’ ), PHP_EOL ;

The above example will output:

C:\WINDOWS\System32 C:\Program Files

See Also

  • basename() — Returns trailing name component of path
  • dirname() — Returns a parent directory’s path
  • pathinfo() — Returns information about a file path

User Contributed Notes 17 notes

Because realpath() does not work on files that do not
exist, I wrote a function that does.
It replaces (consecutive) occurences of / and \\ with
whatever is in DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, and processes /. and /.. fine.
Paths returned by get_absolute_path() contain no
(back)slash at position 0 (beginning of the string) or
position -1 (ending)
function get_absolute_path ( $path ) $path = str_replace (array( ‘/’ , ‘\\’ ), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR , $path );
$parts = array_filter ( explode ( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR , $path ), ‘strlen’ );
$absolutes = array();
foreach ( $parts as $part ) if ( ‘.’ == $part ) continue;
if ( ‘..’ == $part ) array_pop ( $absolutes );
> else $absolutes [] = $part ;
return implode ( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR , $absolutes );

A test:
var_dump ( get_absolute_path ( ‘this/is/../a/./test/.///is’ ));
Returns: string(14) «this/a/test/is»

As you can so, it also produces Yoda-speak. 🙂

namespace MockingMagician \ Organic \ Helper ;

class Path
* There is a method that deal with Sven Arduwie proposal
* And runeimp at gmail dot com proposal
* @param string $path
* @return string
public static function getAbsolute ( string $path ): string
// Cleaning path regarding OS
$path = mb_ereg_replace ( ‘\\\\|/’ , DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR , $path , ‘msr’ );
// Check if path start with a separator (UNIX)
$startWithSeparator = $path [ 0 ] === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ;
// Check if start with drive letter
preg_match ( ‘/^[a-z]:/’ , $path , $matches );
$startWithLetterDir = isset( $matches [ 0 ]) ? $matches [ 0 ] : false ;
// Get and filter empty sub paths
$subPaths = array_filter ( explode ( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR , $path ), ‘mb_strlen’ );

$absolutes = [];
foreach ( $subPaths as $subPath ) if ( ‘.’ === $subPath ) continue;
// if $startWithSeparator is false
// and $startWithLetterDir
// and (absolutes is empty or all previous values are ..)
// save absolute cause that’s a relative and we can’t deal with that and just forget that we want go up
if ( ‘..’ === $subPath
&& ! $startWithSeparator
&& ! $startWithLetterDir
&& empty( array_filter ( $absolutes , function ( $value ) < return !( '..' === $value ); >))
) $absolutes [] = $subPath ;
if ( ‘..’ === $subPath ) array_pop ( $absolutes );
$absolutes [] = $subPath ;

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(( $startWithSeparator ? DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR : $startWithLetterDir ) ?
$startWithLetterDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR : »
). implode ( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR , $absolutes );

* Examples
* echo Path::getAbsolute(‘/one/two/../two/./three/../../two’); => /one/two
* echo Path::getAbsolute(‘../one/two/../two/./three/../../two’); => ../one/two
* echo Path::getAbsolute(‘../.././../one/two/../two/./three/../../two’); => ../../../one/two
* echo Path::getAbsolute(‘../././../one/two/../two/./three/../../two’); => ../../one/two
* echo Path::getAbsolute(‘/../one/two/../two/./three/../../two’); => /one/two
* echo Path::getAbsolute(‘/../../one/two/../two/./three/../../two’); => /one/two
* echo Path::getAbsolute(‘c:\.\..\one\two\..\two\.\three\..\..\two’); => c:/one/two

Needed a method to normalize a virtual path that could handle .. references that go beyond the initial folder reference. So I created the following.

function normalizePath ( $path )
$parts = array(); // Array to build a new path from the good parts
$path = str_replace ( ‘\\’ , ‘/’ , $path ); // Replace backslashes with forwardslashes
$path = preg_replace ( ‘/\/+/’ , ‘/’ , $path ); // Combine multiple slashes into a single slash
$segments = explode ( ‘/’ , $path ); // Collect path segments
$test = » ; // Initialize testing variable
foreach( $segments as $segment )
if( $segment != ‘.’ )
$test = array_pop ( $parts );
if( is_null ( $test ))
$parts [] = $segment ;
else if( $segment == ‘..’ )
if( $test == ‘..’ )
$parts [] = $test ;

if( $test == ‘..’ || $test == » )
$parts [] = $segment ;
$parts [] = $test ;
$parts [] = $segment ;
return implode ( ‘/’ , $parts );

Will convert /path/to/test/.././..//..///..///../one/two/../three/filename
to ../../one/three/filename

realpath() is just a system/library call to actual realpath() function supported by OS. It does not work on a path as a string, but also resolves symlinks. The resulting path might significantly differs from the input even when absolute path is given. No function in this notes resolves that.

The suggestion on the realpath man page is to look for an existing parent directory. Here is an example:
function resolvePath ( $path ) if( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR !== ‘/’ ) $path = str_replace ( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR , ‘/’ , $path );
$search = explode ( ‘/’ , $path );
$search = array_filter ( $search , function( $part ) return $part !== ‘.’ ;
$append = array();
$match = false ;
while( count ( $search ) > 0 ) $match = realpath ( implode ( ‘/’ , $search ));
if( $match !== false ) break;
array_unshift ( $append , array_pop ( $search ));
if( $match === false ) $match = getcwd ();
if( count ( $append ) > 0 ) $match .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . implode ( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR , $append );
return $match ;

The result will retrieve absolute path for non-existing relative path. Even if a path does not exists, there should be existing directory somewhere, for which the realpath could be obtained. If this is not within the relative path (i.e. even current working directory does not exists), getcwd() will retrieve absolute path, so some absolute path is returned (although in that case the PHP process could have huge problems).

Note: If you use this to check if a file exists, it’s path will be cached, and returns true even if the file is removed (use file_exists instead).

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Using Relative Paths for File Access

Usually, files are opened (or searched) relative to the path of the document. To be sure that you are searching for the current script’s path, you can use a two-step approach: The constant __FILE__ contains the full path of the current script, and the function dirname() determines the directory name portion of a path.

__FILE__ constant to determine the absolute path of the current script:

__DIR__ constant to determine the absolute directory path of the current script:


To use a path taking into consideration the directory separator character, which is / on UNIX/Linux, \ on Windows, and : on Mac OS X. Usually, / works fine on most systems, but you should note the requirements of the system on which you want to host your site.

It is recommended to use the DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR constant which represents the current OS directory (path) separator:

Using basename() function to retrieve the filename (base name) of the given path:

Using dirname() function to get the given file’s path:

Using realpath() function to resolve paths to canonicalized absolute pathnames:

Using pathinfo() function to get information about a file path:

How to get the file extension with pathinfo()?

The pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) returns the file extension:

'; # /usr/local/htdocs echo pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_BASENAME) . '
'; # abc.txt echo pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_FILENAME) . '
'; # abc echo pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); # txt

Securing File Access

If you are using files with PHP, avoid retrieving the filename from external sources, such as user input or cookies. This might allow users to inject dangerous code into your website or force you to load files you did not want to open.

Some coders had a self-programmed content management system that created uniform resource locators (URLs) like this: index.php?page=subpage.html. This just loaded the page subpage.html into some page template and sent this to the browser. But what if the following URL is called: index.php?page=../../../etc/passwd ? With some luck (or bad luck, depending on your point of view), the contents of the file /etc/passwd are printed out in the browser.

  • If possible, do not use dynamic data in filenames.
  • If you have to use dynamic data in filenames, use basename() to determine the actual name of the file, omitting the path information.
  • Set the php.ini directive open_basedir . This expects a list of directories where PHP may access files. PHP checks the basedir rules whenever a file is opened, and refuses to do so if it isn’t in the appropriate path.
  • Set include_path to a directory you put all to-be-used files into and set the third parameter to fopen() to True , using the include_path .

Working with Files in PHP:


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