Php front end or back end

Is PHP front end or backend?

PHP is a programming language for back end development only. JavaScript, in turn, was initially designed as a front end development language. … Today, you can develop the entire app with JavaScript, both client side and server side.

Besides, Is learning PHP easy?

Is PHP Hard to Learn? PHP is one of the easier programming languages to learn. This is because PHP has a strong ecosystem of resources available for beginners and it has a syntax that is forgiving to beginners.

As well as Is PHP used in front end? PHP is considered a backend scripting language. PHP scripts are usually written on a server that the frontend, or client side code would interact with. Php, Hypertext preprocessor is used for backend.

Furthermore Is PHP needed for front end?

PHP is used server-side to generate client-side rendering in the web browser. The server application downloads the rendering code to the browser, so in that sense it’s dealing with the front end, as well. But, no, PHP is not used for front-end development, as this term is commonly understood.

Is PHP better than Nodejs?

Quick Summary :- PHP and Node. js are highly recommended backend technologies for the web. While PHP has been long considered ideal for server-side scripting, Node. js perfectly meets the development needs of modern web applications.

Is PHP worth learning?

PHP is an open-source programming language that is completely free, and because it supports all the main browsers, it is highly scalable. … PHP is not dying and is definitely worth learning in 2021 and beyond. There are still thousands of jobs available for new PHP programmers.

Can I learn PHP in a week?

Well, learning PHP in one week it’s possible it’s not that difficult. if you have good background in programming. in one week you will be able to understanding the basic of PHP but you won’t be able to create a complicated application.

Can I learn PHP in a month?

Can I learn PHP in a month? Yes, learning PHP in a single month is also possible but for that, you might need some prior knowledge of coding and would need a lot of dedication.

Is PHP dying 2019?

According to W3Techs’ data, PHP is used by 78.9% of all websites with a known server-side programming language. So almost 8 out of every 10 websites that you visit on the Internet are using PHP in some way. … But when the number is still over 75%, it’s tough to use that decline to pronounce PHP as dead.

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Is PHP better than JavaScript?

The main difference from Javascript is that PHP is a server-side language used for back-end and executed on the server. It has more features, richer libraries, and better security compared to JS.

Is react better than PHP?

When it comes to PHP vs JavaScript for website development, the answer is incredibly straightforward – PHP is a server-side scripting language and JavaScript is a client-side scripting language. … js, and React. js enabled JavaScript to be applied to the server-side scripting as well.

What is PHP good for?

As it has been already mentioned in this article, PHP is mainly used for web development, and it truly excels in this area. Though initially it was used to create dynamic web pages, developers prefer to use this scripting language for building the server side of web applications.

Is PHP better than Javascript?

The main difference from Javascript is that PHP is a server-side language used for back-end and executed on the server. It has more features, richer libraries, and better security compared to JS.

Will node js replace PHP?

js may be a close substitute for PHP, but not a perfect substitute that does everything better. Node. js is not ideally for any web application. So it will not overtake PHP.

Is PHP a dying language?

PHP isn’t quite dead, but it isn’t fully alive either — not in an independent manner like JavaScript is currently in the development ecosystem. The server-side language’s relationship with WordPress is an intimate one and rests on the platform’s long-term uptake by general users.

Is PHP easier than node?

PHP language is supported by many hosting services as compared to Node. js which comes with less number of hosting services. This makes the deployment and integration of PHP easier than Node, which calls for a virtual server having SSH access for running applications.

CAN node replace PHP?

js will not be capable of replacing any server side programming language, not now, and not anytime in the future. There is no comparison between the two. PHP will certainly wrap node.

Is PHP used today?

Backend done with PHP today is not just a database addition to your front end development. … Due to that many claim that PHP is the best commercially used programming language all around the world. Teamed up with Javascript PHP can be used to deliver any kinds of project to a successful release with no problems.

What companies use PHP?

7 Global Websites That Use PHP

  • 1. Facebook. Perhaps the most notorious social media web application with more than 1.49 billion active users, Facebook was developed primarily using PHP. …
  • Wikipedia. …
  • Tumblr. …
  • Slack. …
  • MailChimp. …
  • Etsy. …
  • WordPress.

PHP is one of the oldest programming languages used by developers across the world. The language created in 1994 still has high demand across the industry. … Developers have praised PHP for its ease of use.

Can I learn PHP in a day?

You no longer have to waste your time and money learning PHP from lengthy books, expensive online courses or fragmented PHP tutorials. This book covers all the major topics in PHP and is written in a concise and to the point manner.

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Is learning PHP in 2020 Good?

Fifty percent (50%) of internet websites are built using PHP, and even though it’s not on my personal list of languages to learn this year, it’s still a great choice if you don’t already know it. And, if you want to learn from scratch, PHP for Beginners — Become a PHP Master — CMS Project on Udemy is a great course.

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Is PHP Frontend or Backend?

If you’re wondering whether PHP is a frontend or a backend language, look no further! Today, we are going to explain everything you need to know and why this question is actually a bit confusing. As if PHP wasn’t confusing enough!

If you want the short answer, yes, PHP is certainly more of a backend language than a frontend language and this is where the bulk of PHP programming is done. However, it is not unheard of for PHP to be used on the frontend as well. In fact, this article you’re reading uses a bit of PHP on the frontend!

If you want to get into a little more detail, we are going to investigate further to see exactly where PHP is used in both frontend and backend development so it’s completely clear.

How Can PHP Be Used On The Backend?

PHP’s Strengths Are In Backend Development

As stated above, PHP is primarily a backend language. Every programming language has its strengths and weaknesses and one of PHP’s strengths is its ability as a backend language. PHP is able to manipulate data in the database (create, add, delete, modify data), store and receive cookies, access and modify server files, encrypt data and so much more.

All of these features of PHP are absolutely crucial in backend web development and are required to be considered a backend language. These operations are also usually referred to as the business logic of the application. This code is used to communicate between the end user and the database.

You can think of business logic as the programming glue that holds the database and the user interface together.

backends role in web development

PHP Has Many Backend Frameworks

To further our point about PHP being mainly a backend language, there are also a wide array of PHP frameworks to choose from. All of these were created because of the wide use of PHP as a backend language in the past.

Here are just a few of the most popular PHP web frameworks that are used today:

PHP Backend Frameworks

  • Laraval
  • Symphony
  • CakePHP
  • Codeigniter
  • Yii

PHP Is A Backend Language

As you can see, PHP is a very popular option for backend development. It is also one of the oldest and most used backend languages in the world. Although there are certainly better options in 2023!

However, that doesn’t mean that PHP has no utility on the frontend. Below we are going to explain how PHP can and is used in frontend web development.

How Can PHP Be Used On The Frontend?

You may have heard that frontend development is totally made up of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. However, that’s not actually completely true. Although this is certainly true for most modern web development projects, it is actually possible to use a backend language like PHP on the frontend.

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This was the case with webforms and C#, Java Server Faces (JSF) and Java, and most certainly with PHP!

Using PHP On The Frontend With Pure PHP

The crazy thing about PHP is that it was originally created to be the language of the web. For that reason, the creators of PHP wanted to make sure it could be used as both a backend and frontend language.

The thing with many PHP projects, including projects built with WordPress, is that the frontend HTML files are actually PHP files. Within these files, we have the ability to mix our PHP programming logic with HTML markup.

As you can see below, anything not wrapped in a tag is pure HTML. While inside the tag, you can use programming logic and even print out our results as if they were HTML!

 Fruits in our basket: 
name; ?>,

Well, not really. Somewhere along our way to modern web development practices, we decided that mixing logic and markup like this got pretty messy pretty fast. However, it is still possible to do today and pretty common if you are using PHP to create your website. Just another reason PHP fell out of popularity, despite its previous fame.

Using PHP On The Frontend With PHP Frameworks

Remember when I said that PHP had a ton of backend frameworks? Well, many of those frameworks actually allow you to write PHP code both on the frontend and the backend.

Let’s take Laraval for example. This PHP framework allows you to write frontend code either with a frontend framework of your choice or directly with PHP within the Laraval framework.

Fruits in our basket:
@foreach ($fruits as $fruit) name >>

The example above is achievable with Laraval’s view and blade templating features.

I hope you agree that it is quite a bit easier to read this than our original example in pure PHP, despite resulting in the same output. That’s the beauty of frameworks!

PHP Can Be A Frontend Language

Now you understand that writing frontend code like this is totally possible with PHP. Whether using pure PHP or a PHP framework.

In fact, some companies decide to keep the backend and frontend within the same language because it makes it easier to find developers proficient in the entire stack.

This was also a big motivation for creating Nodejs. So now you can even use JavaScript across the whole tech stack!

Wrapping Up

So, there you have it! Since the majority of PHP’s strengths are in backend development, such as database manipulation, encryption, accessing server files, etc. it’s best used in backend development.

However, there is nothing stopping you from using PHP on the frontend as well. In fact, it can be fairly common. Although using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and some frontend framework are a more common approach in 2023.

Want to know if backend or frontend development is easier? Check out this article.

Want a great reservoir of PHP content to become a master? Check out these courses.


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