Php fpm how it works

PHP fpm

PHP fpm

fpm in PHP stands for FastCGI Process Manager which is a pattern of implementation with some features that play quite a pivotal role with respect to website loading. Fpm in PHP includes a feature for advanced processing that nicely initiates any task and then closes that task without any intrusion. This feature has an added capability to adapt itself to any working environment comprising of ports, logging patterns, uploading of files with support for some special function to finishing requests by flushing data based on the configuration files present at the time of implementation.

Web development, programming languages, Software testing & others

How does PHP fpm Works?

PHP fpm has a very good working pattern that is useful in terms of loading and collecting data from databases and sites with heavy traffic and busy routines.

Let’s walk through the working flow which is quite useful to understand :

  • PHP-fpm as its name suggests is a FastCGI process manager which basically makes use of a content management system in order to maintain the websites and to load the pages seamlessly to retrieve data conveniently.
  • This feature makes use of high-level programming language like php which requires a compilation of scripts before it is fetched by the webserver because in case it reaches to web server earlier then it won’t be understood by the processor or hardware for understanding.
  • Conventionally PHP never makes use of languages to be fed directly at the time of compilation rather it will first take its processor into grant then it will compile any of the PHP scripts through integrated web servers like CGI (common gateway interface), single-user PHP, and DSO(Dynamic Shared Object).
  • At the time of executing any of the scripts mentioned is considered and then it is bonded to the process manager further for processing scripts and making other web servers understand it.
  • After this, the server accepting the requests gets compiled and executed by the PHP scripts as part of an individual web server which will route the traffic towards the pointed or estimated traffic point or relocator.
  • The configuration files included within the fpm PHP is responsible for executing all the processes related to the web server and then it provides the server with some permissions and ownership configurations.
  • Making use of fpm and then providing processors these ways of resource handling and environment management makes the environment stable and accessible with ease.
  • Provisioning of port, proxies, switch and other processor hardware within fpm makes it quite useful in terms of network establishment and manipulation with respect to these switches and ports.
  • Thus, with all these justifications and statements it can also be said that indeed PHP fpm has made all these ways of processing including CGI, DSO, and mod_php quite old and not so recommended way of processing rather needs PHP fpm to be the focus area.
  • All the disadvantages provided by CGI, DSO, and single-user PHP get updated seamlessly by the fpm easily that is why a recommended way of execution.
  • Internally this PHP fpm has a different style of handling processes how? The very next question that comes into mind thus can be said that it behaves and works in master and slave fashion.
  • The service layer it comprises is designed in some special way with some architecture and hierarchy maintained.
  • It acts as a master when compared with master and slave mode so being a master it will comprise of the pool of other individual worker processes.
  • As soon as the PHP server hits with the request to load any web page or interaction with the webserver then in that case first the server proxy gets used and then it gets landed on the PHP-FPM service layer which takes care of other functionality.
  • Unix sockets with other switches and hosts make all the hosts and network ports listen to these ports present within the environment.
  • Web routing internally is the main ingredient for bridging the gap between the service layer of fpm and server otherwise the interaction is not so easy to achieve.
  • The traffic floating between the server and the service layer is also so huge that it varies dynamically by making the traffic to PHP scripts increase or decrease simultaneously.
  • Another interesting fact is that although it supports the master and slave concept where the master is responsible for handling the server request the other workers are also somewhat responsible they are responsible in a way where they need to handle the traffic by maintaining the traffic periodically by spawning or another way round. Finally, the worker or say the slaves get terminated accordingly.
  • Thus, these fpm PHP are quite a recommended way for dealing with PHP web servers and huge traffic with web pages.
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  • NGINX is one of the best examples supporting the PHP fpm as it makes use of the environment in the proper way by initiating a connection to the webserver in order to set the proxy server land to the service layer using some proper protocol. Followed by testing and configuration and then on top of it build releases can be made. It helps in creating the proxies for other clusters of workers and processors attached to the master which in this case is NGINX.
  • Load balancers and Proxies with high availability clusters make use of PHP-fpm religiously without giving a second thought because of its adaptability and flexibility feature.

PHP fpm features

  • Security
  • Versatility
  • Performance
  • Reliable
  • Configurable
  • stability

Applications of PHP fpm in various fields

  • web applications to cut off the time of loading the web page by maximum percentage.
  • Application to monitor different hosts globally by using PHP-fpm.
  • For making High availability clusters using load balancers and proxy servers with FastCGI PHP fpm.
  • NGINX with fpm-PHP for traffic routing at the time of configuring web servers.


PHP fpm is a very good alternative method with respect to web servers loading the data with huge traffic. It manages all the resources quite efficiently because of its flexibility and adaptability as a feature. Thus, it can be concluded that this feature is secured in terms of the data breach.

This is a guide to PHP fpm. Here we discuss how PHP fpm works along with applications, examples, and features. You may also have a look at the following articles to learn more –

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What is PHP-FPM? A PHP for high traffic websites


PHP-FPM (FastCGI Process Manager) is the most popular alternative implementation of PHP FastCGI. PHP (acronym of PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is one of the most popular open source programming languages on the Internet, used for web development in platforms such as Magento, WordPress or Drupal. Although it was initially designed for preprocessing plain text in UTF-8.

PHP, created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995, was one of the first languages that could be included in HTML code, without having to call external files. This general-purpose scripting language on the server side has constantly evolved so that it can be supported by any operating system or web platform. Furthermore, PHP keeps evolving and is published under the PHP licence, which is incompatible with the GNU General Public License due to use restrictions of the PHP term.

What is PHP-FPM and its features

PHP-FPM is the most popular alternative implementation of PHP FastCGI. It has additional features which are really useful for high-traffic websites. These are some of them:

  • Advanced management that enables to easily stop/start processes.
  • Possibility to start workers with different uid/gid/chroot/environment and diverse php.ini; it replaces safe_mode.
  • Stdout and stderr logging.
  • Emergency restart in case of accidental destruction of the opcode cache.
  • Accelerated support for uploads.
  • Slowlog variable configuration; to detect which functions take a longer time to execute than usual.
  • Based on php.ini configuration files.
  • FastCGI improvements, as fastcgi_finish_request(); a special function to stop and download all data while you keep doing a longer process such as video conversions or statistics processing.
  • Basic statistics (similar to Apache’s mod_status module). NEW!

Nginx and PHP-FPM: a perfect match

Nginx, as a stable high-performance web server and with a very low consumption of resources, is the perfect match for PHP-FPM. Nginx has an asynchronous architecture that is much more scalable, based on events. Moreover, when using Nginx with PHP-FPM, performance at the level of memory consumption is improved.

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PHP runs as a separated service when using PHP-FPM. By using this PHP version as language interpreter, requests are processed through a TCP/IP socket; so that the Nginx web server only handles the HTTP requests and PHP-FPM interprets the PHP code. The fact of having two separate services is key for increasing efficiency.

HHVM: a former alternative to PHP-FPM

Currently, HHVM is no longer in use. With the arrival of the last PHP version together with FPM, the performance of this language has been equaled, or even improved, without the need of using HHVM — compatible with most of the functions of PHP 7.

Until the arrival of PHP 7, the PHP HHVM processor developed by Facebook and released on GitHub with PHP and Zend licences was often used. HHVM (HipHop Virtual Machine) is an open source virtual machine based on the JIT (Just-in-Time) compiler, which serves as an execution engine for PHP and Hack.

By using the JIT compiler principle, HHVM executes PHP or Hack code in intermediate Bytecode HipHop code; a code which is later translated into machine code, natively optimized and executed. This contrasts with the usual interpreted execution of PHP where the Zend Engine transforms PHP source code into opcode (bytecode form); which is executed by the virtual CPU of Zend Engine.

PHP 7 and future versions of PHP

The arrival of PHP 7 involved a great increase in performance compared to previous versions of PHP. This made that applications such as HHVM, which were used to accelerate services, fell into disuse. In this PHP comparator, you can view the differences among the diverse versions of PHP for several applications. The comparative chart shows how performance has been almost doubled since PHP 5.

For the next major version, PHP 8, the development seems to be focused on creating new functionalities instead of considerably improving speed. So, in order to avoid the application to stop working after the update, the compatibility between the applications and the changes included in the new version must be considered when updating.

WordPress with PHP-FPM

If you have a content platform, online newspaper or, simply, a WordPress that needs high performance and receives thousands or millions of visits, it is evident that you need a Nginx server with PHP-FPM support. This will allow you to set up the execution of PHP code of your WordPress CMS much more efficiently.

Magento with PHP-FPM

The eCommerce platform Magento also integrates well with Nginx and PHP-FPM. In fact, in order to achieve the best performance in your online store, apart from using balancers and caches, it is key to use this popular web server together with support for PHP-FPM.

Stackscale can help you with infrastructure and Private Cloud solutions; as well as with sysadmin for your Magento or WordPress.


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