Php form post charset

How is character encoding specified in a multipart/form-data HTTP POST request?

The HTML 5 specification describes an algorithm for selecting the character encoding to be used in a multi-part form submission (e.g. UTF-8). However, it is not clear how the selected encoding should be relayed to the server so that the content can be properly decoded on the receiving end. Often, character encodings are represented by appending a «charset» parameter to the value of the Content-Type request header. However, this parameter does not appear to be defined for the multipart/form-data MIME type: Each part in a multipart form submission may provide its own Content-Type header; however, RFC 7578 notes that «in practice, many widely deployed implementations do not supply a charset parameter in each part, but rather, they rely on the notion of a ‘default charset’ for a multipart/form-data instance». RFC 7578 goes on to suggest that a hidden «_charset_» form field can be used for this purpose. However, neither Safari (9.1) nor Chrome (51) appear to populate this field, nor do they provide any per-part encoding information. I’ve looked at the request headers produced by both browsers and I don’t see any obvious character encoding information. Does anyone know how the browsers are conveying this information to the server?

1 Answer 1

HTML 5 uses RFC 2388 (obsoleted by RFC 7578), however HTML 5 explicitly removes the Content-Type header from non-file fields, while the RFCs do not:

The parts of the generated multipart/form-data resource that correspond to non-file fields must not have a Content-Type header specified. Their names and values must be encoded using the character encoding selected above (field names in particular do not get converted to a 7-bit safe encoding as suggested in RFC 2388).

The RFCs are designed to allow multipart/form-data to be usable in other contexts besides just HTML (though that is its most common use). In those other contexts, Content-Type is allowed. Just not in HTML 5 (but is allowed in HTML 4).

Without a Content-Type header, the hidden _charset_ form field, if present, is the only way an HTML 5 submitter can explicitly state which charset is used.

Per the HTML 5 algorithm spec that you linked to, the chosen charset MUST be selected from the element’s accept-charset attribute if present, otherwise be the charset used by the HTML itself if it is ASCII-compatible, otherwise be UTF-8. This is explicitly stated in the algorithm spec, as well as in RFC 7578 Section 5.1.2 when referring to HTML 5.

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So, there really is no need for the charset to be explicitly stated by a web browser since the receiver of the form submission should know which charset(s) to expect by virtue of how the was created, and thus can check for those charset(s) while parsing the submission. If the receiver wants to know the specific charset used, it needs to include a hidden _charset_ field in the .


PHP form charset

Solution: The answer to your questions depends in which sitiation you use that output: Process in PHP and return a result / print html page Process in PHP and print as plain text Process in PHP and write to database Question: How to set the charset to UTF-8 for a received http variable in PHP? I have a html form using the methode with 1 input field. Solution 1: You can change charset in the middleware: Just make sure that all the content you return is in proper encoding.

PHP form charset

I’ve been through several similar questions on Stack overflow, none of them gave results. In my simple form i want to allow people to post strings like «Pagé Caiçara»

Checking my html head i have the following meta:

And i also have an hidden input to force utf encoding:

But none of them seems to work,if try to submit «Pagé Caiçara» and them checking my $_POST gives me:

Array ( [nome] => Pagé Caiçara [empresa] => Company [email] => [site] => [telefone] => 12 55558349 [mensagem] => águia de água [utf8] => ✓ ) 1

So. what should i try next? Thanks in advance.

The answer to your questions depends in which sitiation you use that output:

    Process in PHP and return a result / print html page

If you want to print simple output like print_r() add this line at the begining of you script: header(‘Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8’);

If you’ve set your database/table character-set and collation to right values (utf-8) the result will inserted in the databese correctly (be sure that you execute these lines before you manipulate with DB

mysql_query(«SET NAMES ‘utf8′», $db_link);

mysql_query(«SET CHARACTER SET utf8», $db_link);

mysql_query(«SET CHARACTER_SET_CONNECTION=utf8», $db_link);

Obtaining response charset of response to get or post, 3 Answers. The method provided by forty-two can work. But the method is deprecated, I find out that this website has a good example of method to find the charset. HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity (); ContentType contentType = ContentType.getOrDefault (entity); Charset charset = contentType.getCharset …

How to set the charset to UTF-8 for a received http variable in PHP?

How to set the charset to UTF-8 for a received http variable in PHP?

I have a html form using the POST methode with 1 input field. But when i submit the form and echo the retrieved the contents from the input field via $_POST[‘input_name’] i get this: KrkiÄ — but i entered (and i need) this: Krkič

If i want to add the contents to MYSQL then i need to add this:

if(!$mysqli->set_charset("utf8"))< printf("Error loading character set utf8: %s\n",$mysqli->error); > 

If i just need to echo the contents then adding this meta tag

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There is no global default charset in PHP — lots of things are encoding-aware, and each needs to be configured independently.

mb_internal_encoding applies only to the multibyte string family of functions, so it has an effect only if you are already using them (you need to do so most of the time that you operate on multibyte text from PHP code).

Other places where an incorrectly set encoding will give you problems include:

  • The source file itself (saved on the disk using which encoding?)
  • The HTTP headers sent to the browser (display the content received as which encoding?)
  • Your database connection (which encoding should be used to interpret your queries? which encoding for the results sent back to you?)

Each of these needs to be addressed independently, and most of the time they also need to agree among themselves.

Therefore, it is not enough to say «I want to display some characters». You also need to show how you are displaying them, where they are coming from and what the advertised encoding is for your HTML.

on top of your php file place this

 header('Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8"'); 

Php — Change charset in Laravel, The character set applies to: Database client, database server, file content, file names, request stream, response stream. You have to be a bit more specific on what you want to change. – apokryfos

How do I get Laravel to specify my charset in all responses?

Yes, I know I should be using UTF-8, but I need to use windows-1252 charset encoding.

I know I can do it by hardcoding the base Synfony response class Response.php,

$charset = $this->charset ?: ‘windows-1252’;

I can’t find where to set it from the config files. Any help?

You can change charset in the middleware:

header('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=windows-1252'); return $response; > > 

Just make sure that all the content you return is in proper encoding.

Improvement to answer by @jedrzej.kurylo to change charset only if content type is text/html .

headers->get('Content-Type'); if (strpos($contentType, 'text/html') !== false) < $response->header('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=windows-1252'); > return $response; > > 

Put SetCharset.php in app/Http/Middleware folder, and then modify app/Http/Kernel.php and add the class reference at the end of $middleware array property:

protected $middleware = [ // . Other middleware references \App\Http\Middleware\SetCharset::class, ]; 

Change default character set of PHP functions like, 0. From 5.4.0 The default value for the encoding parameter was changed to UTF-8. In modern times you need just update your version of PHP to 5.4 or better and set the default_charset directive in php.ini to UTF-8 (which is already the default). You may also be able to do it programatially like this:

PHP mail(); How to set charset for subject and email

I’m using the following code to send an e-mail:

\r\n"; $headers .= "Return-Path:\r\n"; $headers .= "BCC:\r\n"; $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\n"; mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers); ?> 

Although using charset=utf-8 the characters in the subject and the email address line still doesn’t get decoded right. I’m getting characters like this: ößä .

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How can I set the charset for subject and email address line, too?

To encode the subject of an email you should use:

$subject = '=?utf-8?B?'.base64_encode($subject).'?='; 

And then inside the mail function:


Как посылать запрос к БД в формате UTF-8?

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Заранее признателен за ответы!
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meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> form action="test.php" method="post"> Имя: input type= "text" name="name">br /> Комментарий1: input type= "text" name="msg">br /> input type="submit" value="Отправить запрос"> form>  header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); if (isset($_POST['name'])){ $name = $_POST['name'];} if (isset($_POST['msg'])){ $msg = $_POST['msg'];} $link=mysqli_connect('localhost','root','587401715a','base') or die(mysqli_error($link)); $link->set_charset("utf8"); if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='POST'){ $name = utf8_encode($name); $msg = utf8_encode($msg); $sql = "INSERT INTO tables (name, msg) VALUE ('$name','$msg')"; mysqli_query($link, $sql) or die (mysqli_error($link)); header("Location: test.php"); exit; } ?>

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