Php embed flash file

Php – Embeding flash files using PHP

How can I link flash files using dreamweaver with the use of PHP code?

Best Solution

PHP code has nothing to do with Flash.

Flash files are embed in HTML code, and if you Google for embed flash files I’m sure you will find plenty information regarding what you want.

Best way though is using SWFObject

see this Adobe Tutorial or search for SWFObject tutorial over the net

Html – How to horizontally center an element

You can apply this CSS to the inner :

Of course, you don’t have to set the width to 50% . Any width less than the containing will work. The margin: 0 auto is what does the actual centering.

If you are targeting Internet Explorer 8 (and later), it might be better to have this instead:

It will make the inner element center horizontally and it works without setting a specific width .


With flexbox it is very easy to style the div horizontally and vertically centered.

To align the div vertically centered, use the property align-items: center .

Javascript – Which “href” value should I use for JavaScript links, “#” or “javascript:void(0)”

Three reasons. Encouraging the use of # amongst a team of developers inevitably leads to some using the return value of the function called like this:

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But then they forget to use return doSomething() in the onclick and just use doSomething() .

A second reason for avoiding # is that the final return false; will not execute if the called function throws an error. Hence the developers have to also remember to handle any error appropriately in the called function.

A third reason is that there are cases where the onclick event property is assigned dynamically. I prefer to be able to call a function or assign it dynamically without having to code the function specifically for one method of attachment or another. Hence my onclick (or on anything) in HTML markup look like this:

onclick="someFunc.apply(this, arguments)" 

Using javascript:void(0) avoids all of the above headaches, and I haven’t found any examples of a downside.

So if you’re a lone developer then you can clearly make your own choice, but if you work as a team you have to either state:

Use href=»#» , make sure onclick always contains return false; at the end, that any called function does not throw an error and if you attach a function dynamically to the onclick property make sure that as well as not throwing an error it returns false .

The second is clearly much easier to communicate.


How to embed Flash SWF Files using Lightbox Clone prettyPhoto in WordPress Posts and Portfolio Pages

Flash DevelopmentWordPress

Embedding Flash swf files in the WordPress is something which all designers and developers have to do to showcase their work. And since WordPress is now being used extensively not just for blogging but also as a CMS, there are more and more people showing their Flash portfolio in WordPress pages.

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Also, usually Flash files canvas is wider than normal content area width available in most WordPress themes. There’s another problem in embedding flash swf files directly in posts and that is the background music. Because you might want to embed more than one swf with music in one page and they would all create a fine mess playing at once, besides not every one likes if music starts playing on opening any web page (at least I don’t, despite being flash developer myself). So due to number of reasons, embedding flash content into posts has been a thorn in designers’ and developers’ side.

Ideally, designers would want to show the flash swf file in a popup window a la Lightbox plugin on a link or image click. This will make quite bigger canvas size flash movies view-able even with a background music. Since user would have launched it himself, he would not mind some background music.

Being a designer and Flash developer myself, I needed to add flash content routinely in my posts and portfolio pages. I tried many ways to resolve this issue and finally prettyPhoto came to my rescue. prettyPhoto is a jQuery lightbox clone and not only just does it support images, it also support videos, YouTube, iframes and ajax and most importantly Flash. It’s a full blown media lightbox.

Flash Lightbox Popup Sample

Click on the flash icon or the text link to launch flash swf in prettyPhoto’s Lightbox like popup window.

  Launch Lightbox Flash or   Launch Lightbox Flash 


Динамическое встраивание файла.swf в PHP

Теперь дело в том, что я хочу динамически вставлять Flash-видео. Я использую запрос для получения пути к видео, скажем:

SELECT flash_file_path FROM dt_flashvid WHERE file_type='header'; 
You must have Adobe Flash Player to run this training.

Здесь мы можем применить flash_file_path для динамического встраивания Flash, но есть проблема, и она не работает.

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2 ответа

Почему вы вручную получаете параметр вместо использования GET?

Кроме того, вы можете просто отобразить новый встроенный SWF-объект через php, вместо того, чтобы использовать javascript и пытаться связываться с div, который вы создали выше.

Вероятно, вам следует написать свой код в формате html и заставить его работать (swf может быть трудно исправить). Вставьте его в PHP-скрипт и вставьте динамическое содержимое, где это необходимо. Затем проследите весь контент. Так легче отлаживать.


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