Php declare as int

Php how to declare integer variable in php

Integer Datatype Integer data type, as the name suggests, is used to store integer values. To create an array, you need to use the keyword array and put the values inside round parentheses like: In the above code, you are creating a variable named person and information about a person like its first name, last name, and year of birth.

Setting a default integer variable in PHP

You can set its type. Since you don’t wana initialize to 0, setting type to integer will do that for you.

Since you do not explicitly declare variables to be of a certain type, but PHP does type inference instead, there’s no way to make an integer without assigning an integer value. In Java you can make a default value by declaring the type of a variable, in PHP you declare the type of a variable by assigning a value of that type to it. There may be several ways how to get an integer value of 0 , but none is as straight forward as using a literal 0 .

you can do like this, following will help you

PHP — Variable Types, All variables in PHP are denoted with a leading dollar sign ($). The value of a variable is the value of its most recent assignment. Variables are assigned with

Declare Variables Syntax in PHP

This is the first video in a series of tutorials for beginning PHP. In this video, I discuss the syntax Duration: 3:44

4: How to Create PHP Variables

In this episode we will learn about «variables» which is something we use frequently in almost Duration: 7:25

How to declare variables in PHP with rules and getting

04:29 gettype() , getting the type of variable 07:34 undefined variables in PHPDeclaring Duration: 9:09

Datatypes in PHP | Explained for beginners

Datatypes are metadata that define the type of data that can be placed inside the PHP variables; Metadata means that it is the data about the data (information about data like structure and syntax). We are going to discuss all the data types that are supported by the PHP programming language.

Datatypes in much simpler words are nothing but a classification of values that can be used inside a variable and the set of methods and operators that can be applied to those values. Php programming language supports around 7 different predefined data types, these data types are namely:

  1. Integer
  2. Float (or double)
  3. String
  4. Boolean
  5. Array
  6. Object
  7. Null
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We are going to go over each one of them separately. So, let’s go over the first one which is an integer Datatype.

Integer Datatype

Integer data type, as the name suggests, is used to store integer values. Integer means numeric values that are without a decimal point, or in mathematical terms, whole numbers .

To define an integer simply put the numeric value equal to the variable like:

Here, as you can see we are creating an integer variable number and setting its value to 500.In the next line, we are using the command var_dump which displays the type of the variable and the value of the variable in the console.

After running this code, you get the following output:

As you can see, the compiler tells us that the variable is of type int and the value is 500.

Float DataType

Another data type that deals with numeric values is the float data type, which is also known as the double data type. This data type is used to store numeric values that contain a decimal point

To showcase this you can see the following code:

You get the following output:

As you can see, we stored a floating number inside a variable and we were able to print it onto the screen.

String DataType

String data types are used to store textual data. Strings are essentially the combination of characters enclosed inside the quotation marks. Use the following lines of code to showcase the working of strings:

$text = «This is a LinuxHint Tutorial» ;

You get the following output:

As you can see, the compiler is showing us that the variable is of the data type string with 28 characters inside it. Right after that, the actual string is displayed on the screen as well.

Boolean DataType

The Boolean data type, similar to other programming languages, is used to display one of the two possible states, either on or off ( True or False ). To test out the boolean data type try the following lines of code:

We are declaring two variables and putting different boolean values inside them. When you run the above code snippet, you get the following output:

The compiler displays the type of the variable and its value.

Array DataType

To understand the array better, we will have a very brief explanation of what a variable is; a Variable is a named memory location that is used to store the program’s data, now the array is used to store multiple data values under the same variable name.

To create an array, you need to use the keyword array and put the values inside round parentheses like:

$person = array ( «John» , «Doe» , 1995 ) ;

In the above code, you are creating a variable named person and information about a person like its first name, last name, and year of birth. When you execute the following code, you get the output:

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Now, you can see a few things, the first is the digit enclosed inside the square brackets , this digit represents the index number of this value, and then you have a data type and the value on that index.

A PHP Object

The next data type is the Php Object, just like in any other programming language, objects are used with the help of classes to implement the concept of object-oriented programming, Imagine a class containing the information about a person, You can create this class with the following lines of code:

classPerson <
public $name ;
public $yob ;
publicfunction__construct ( $name , $yob ) <
$this -> name = $name ;
$this -> yob = $yob ;
publicfunctionmessage ( ) <
return «The person is » . $this -> name . » born in » . $this -> yob . «!» ;

As you can see, our class has two properties, name and year of birth, and one function that prints the name and the year the person was born.

Now we can create the object using the following lines:

$person1 = new Person ( «John Doe » , «1995» ) ;

The complete code snippet is as:

classPerson <
public $name ;
public $yob ;
publicfunction__construct ( $name , $yob ) <
$this -> name = $name ;
$this -> yob = $yob ;
publicfunctionmessage ( ) <
return «The person is » . $this -> name . » born in » . $this -> yob . «!» ;

$person1 = new Person ( «John Doe » , «1995» ) ;
echo $person1 -> message ( ) ;

You get the following output when you execute the above code:

As you can see, you successfully created an object using a class and printed out its properties onto the screen.

Null DataType

This data type is used to store only one value and that is null ; If the variable is not given a value then it is considered to be a NULL value .

Type the following code to test out the Null data type:

As you can see the type of the variable is null.


Variables in Php can be of different data types depending on the value that they are storing inside them; We looked at each data type offered by the Php programming language and tested them out with examples. Variables are the most essential element when it comes to programming. That is why knowing how variables work in Php is crucial for becoming good in Php.

How to declare variables in PHP with rules and getting, 04:29 gettype() , getting the type of variable 07:34 undefined variables in PHPDeclaring Duration: 9:09

Passing PHP integer variable value to JavaScript

Of course, you should know that PHP executes before the page is sent to a Browser, so if you’re looking for this to happen dynamically look into AJAX.

You can physically write the PHP code to the DOM, and then use JavaScript to target the DOM element:

"; // var num = parseInt(document.getElementById('num').innerHTML); console.log(num); // 1970  

This way you can access the PHP variable without the JavaScript needing to be coded into the PHP file itself.

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I’ve also created a working example of this through PHPFiddle.

you can echo javascript in php

Declaring Variable Types in PHP?, EDIT: You can also use «string», «int», «float» and «bool» since PHP 7.0. EDIT: As of PHP 7.4, you can declare member variables of a class/


Php declare as int

While waiting for native support for typed arrays, here are a couple of alternative ways to ensure strong typing of arrays by abusing variadic functions. The performance of these methods is a mystery to the writer and so the responsibility of benchmarking them falls unto the reader.

PHP 5.6 added the splat operator (. ) which is used to unpack arrays to be used as function arguments. PHP 7.0 added scalar type hints. Latter versions of PHP have further improved the type system. With these additions and improvements, it is possible to have a decent support for typed arrays.

function typeArrayNullInt (? int . $arg ): void >

function doSomething (array $ints ): void (function (? int . $arg ) <>)(. $ints );
// Alternatively,
( fn (? int . $arg ) => $arg )(. $ints );
// Or to avoid cluttering memory with too many closures
typeArrayNullInt (. $ints );

function doSomethingElse (? int . $ints ): void /* . */

$ints = [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , null ];
doSomething ( $ints );
doSomethingElse (. $ints );

Both methods work with all type declarations. The key idea here is to have the functions throw a runtime error if they encounter a typing violation. The typing method used in doSomethingElse is cleaner of the two but it disallows having any other parameters after the variadic parameter. It also requires the call site to be aware of this typing implementation and unpack the array. The method used in doSomething is messier but it does not require the call site to be aware of the typing method as the unpacking is performed within the function. It is also less ambiguous as the doSomethingElse would also accept n individual parameters where as doSomething only accepts an array. doSomething’s method is also easier to strip away if native typed array support is ever added to PHP. Both of these methods only work for input parameters. An array return value type check would need to take place at the call site.

If strict_types is not enabled, it may be desirable to return the coerced scalar values from the type check function (e.g. floats and strings become integers) to ensure proper typing.

same data type and same value but first function declare as a argument type declaration and return int(7)
and second fucntion declare as a return type declaration but return int(8).

function argument_type_declaration(int $a, int $b) return $a+$b;

function return_type_declaration($a,$b) :int return $a+$b;


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