Php cookies form values

what do I set the cookie value and name to be for a value a user may enter in a form? and what do i use to display that value on my second page? (I can’t not use cookies for this, so while there may be a smarter way to do this, I would just like to know how to do it with cookies!!) Thanks!

 "; echo "favorite color:
"; echo "name:
"; echo ""; echo "
"; ?>

4 Answers 4

"; echo "favorite color:
"; echo "name:
"; echo ""; echo "
"; ?>

However, you’ll notice that the $_COOKIE variables are not available yet. if you reload that page, they will appear.

In order to accomodate this behavior of cookies, you can setup a redirect in form_data.php:

You can redirect them anywhere suitable. Hope this helps and good luck!

function setcookie of your question fail. setcookie($name, $value);

echo $_COOKIE[‘color’]; //outout: red

how can i get that to work for an unknown value from my form tho? thats kinda where im stuck (can it even be done?!)

I don’t know why you want to use I know you can use sessions for passing the information of users like this: It is the full example that is working for me

and in another page just use this one:

remember to call session_start(); on each page when you want to use sessions

They specifically asked about cookies, I assume they have a good reason for it. Your code is more common, certainly.

cookies must be used when we must connect to the server and then server must authenticate us cause HTTP is stateless and it needs cookies I can’t understand this insisting Suppose it uses cookies to store the info of users and know each of them Nguyen just said about entering in the form and nothing else


I’ve been trying to teach myself about cookies for the last couple of hours and how I would go about storing values from a few form fields into a cookie. Solution 2: You can set cookie using Javascript by following (Refer Setting cookie using Jquery: Alternatively you can set your cookie from server by : Question: Traditionally one would specify a cookie file/jar via Since I would like to access that cookies from multiple servers, I would like to store the cookies in a database.

I’ve been trying to teach myself about cookies for the last couple of hours and how I would go about storing values from a few form fields into a cookie.

Im not having much luck, all the examples I’ve found havent been very helpful. Should I generate them using PHP or JS? Any feedback or a kick in the right direction would be highly appreciated!

All you need is jQuery and cookie plugin

Keep in mind, there’re couple of changes in html code.

$(document).on('submit', '#myForm', function() < // serialize our form (get string containing field names and values) dataString = $(this).serialize(); // set new cookie $.cookie('formCookie', dataString); return false; >); $(document).on('click', '#getCookie', function() < // get serialized string from cookie cookieData = $.cookie('formCookie'); // if cookie exists continue if (cookieData != null) < // split cookieData string into an array of fields and their values cookieArray = cookieData.split('&'); // go through each field and split it too to get field name and it's value $.each(cookieArray, function(k, v) < field = v.split('='); // populate field with data $('#myForm [name="'+field[0]+'"]').val(field[1]); >); > return false; >); 

You can set cookie using Javascript by following (Refer

function setCookie(c_name,value,exdays)

Setting cookie using Jquery: $.cookie(«example», «foo»);

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Alternatively you can set your cookie from server by :

Store cookies in Database

Traditionally one would specify a cookie file/jar via

curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR,$file); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE,$file); 

Since I would like to access that cookies from multiple servers, I would like to store the cookies in a database.


So there is no problem in setting a cookie from the database.

The problem for me is to get the resulting cookies and mixing them with the existing ones.

There are solutions out there that parse the http headers for a Set-Cookie: header and return that.

By only updating the DB with the new cookies to be set, I would be losing existing cookies.

Is there a solution for that? It might be working to have a handler that connects to the DB and behaves like a file to curl or to code a cookie handler in PHP that merges new and existing cookies.

I want the cookies to be used for a long time, not just for log in to x to fetch y and done.

What I have been doing for years is collecting and saving the cookies from the HTTP Response Header.

Then using them in subsequent HTTP Requests.

Cookies are key value pairs so by using an array the old cookies are preserved, automatically updated, and new ones added.

The first thing is to tell curl to return the HTTP response header (where cookies are)

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true); 

Then separate the response header from the HTTP response. To do that we must first get the response header size.

$data = curl_exec($ch); $skip = intval(curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE)); 

Then use sub-strings to split the header from the response.

$head = substr($data,0,$skip); $data = substr($data,$skip); 

Next retrieve the cookies from the HTTP header stored in $head Each cookie starts with ‘Set-Cookie: ‘.
We use strpos() to find the position of the first occurrence of Set-Cookie: then each subsequent Set-Cookie:

$e is the end of cookie marker $s is the start of cookie marker. A marker being the position with in the $head where each cookie is found.

Initially the end of cookie marker, $e , is zero, so the the position of the first occurrence of ‘Set-Cookie» is found.

$e = 0; $s = strpos($head,'Set-Cookie: ',$e); 

We must add the length (12) of the string ‘Set-Cookie: ‘ to $s which is set to the position of the first character ‘S’ in this string position by strpos() . The actually cookie immediately follows the ‘Set-Cookie: ‘

The cookie is terminated by a semi-colon, so we set the $e end position marker to the position of the end of the cookie.

We start looking for the semi-colon after the $s start position marker by using $s as the start position for the strpos() to start searching.

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Now we have both the start and end position of the cookie.

Cookies are in the format of a key value pair as: key=value

So we split the cookie at the equal sign.

 $s = strpos($cookie,'='); $key = substr($cookie,0,$s); $value = substr($cookie,$s); 

Then we store each cookie in an array. Convert the array to json and save it as text either as a text file or in a Text field in a database record.

$data = curl_exec($ch); $skip = intval(curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE)); $head = substr($data,0,$skip); $data = substr($data,$skip); $e = 0; while(true) < $s = strpos($head,'Set-Cookie: ',$e); if (!$s)// no more Set-Cookie: found $s += 12; $e = strpos($head,';',$s); $cookie = substr($head,$s,$e-$s) ; $s = strpos($cookie,'='); $key = substr($cookie,0,$s); $value = substr($cookie,$s); $cookies[$key] = $value; > 

Keep in mind new cookies will be added. Existing key values are updated or remain the same.

Store Copy of Cookies

Convert cookies[] to json, then store in text field of a database record or text file.

$json = json_encode($cookies); file_put_contents('cookieJar.jsn',$json); 

Retrieve when needed again.

$json = file_get_contents('cookieJar.jsn'); $cookies = json_decode($json,true); 

Send cookies[] in the next request

$cookie = ''; foreach ($cookies as $key => $value) < // loop through array getting each key value pair $cookie .= "$k=$v; "; >rtrim($cookie,'; '); // curl does not want the last terminating semi-colon. $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIE, $cookie ); - 

I am starting my studies in PHP and I’m having problems with an application: I need to put information of an object in PHP for a cookie and then receive a cookie to object again on another page. anyone has any solution to this problem?

The information I want to store in cookie is just some information preferably Customer as background color, size of windows.

id = $id; > public function getPSize() < return $this->pSize; > public function setPSize($pSize) < $this->pSize = $pSize; > public function getColor() < return $this->color; > public function setColor($color) < $this->color = $color; > > ?> 

In a page index.php i have:

setColor("#000000"); $client->setPSize(200); //using Serialize to put to Cookie $StringClient = serialize($client); //Store to Cookie $_COOKIE['PreferenceClient'] = $StringClient; 

In a another page i get the inrofmation:

 if(isset($_COOKIE['PreferenceClient']))< // Unsing Unserialize to Object $objClient = unserialize($_COOKIE['PreferenceClient']); //Test data: echo $objClient->getColor(); //Continue with Performing changes to the client if the information exists. > 

I solved the problem. Thanks to everyone who helped. before i had tried only get the cookie information without serialize Guys, this is my first post, I apologize if I did something wrong. I have to make something up for you?

You could store objects in string (like cookie does) via serialize, unserialize.

setcookie ($name, serialize($object)); // set object $object = unserialize($_COOKIE[$name]); // get object 

But remember that using this approach could be dangerous. PHP Object Injection

You could use json instead of serialization to store stdClass , it would be safe enough.

setcookie ($name, json_encode($object)); // set object stdClass $object = json_decode($_COOKIE[$name]); // get object stdClass 

But it’s prefer to use session to store your data. You could even store object without calling serialize, unserialize. But __sleep , __wakeup magic still works.

setcookie, $_COOKIE, serialize, magic with serialization.

The answer is: You don’t.

Whenever you take data from the client and use it in your code, you have to implement security that prevents the case when the user changes his client data and injects something unexpected into your server. The client is easily able to fake and change cookie data, and thus to change your object.

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If we serialize the object from Alma Do’s answer and store the values in a cookie, the client/user could see our database auth settings from

The client now can change his cookie to use a fake server instead of your server, fake your login / user table and pretend to be admin.

I think this is a case of XY Problem, please let us know what exactly is your goal.

This sounds more then a session function. You shouldn’t transfer data over a Cookie. In Cookies you only save short information like a session token or a hash or some settings. To transfer and hold data the PHP session function is much better.

In your session you can serialize some data if you want or save only an array or a value.

session_start(); // on every page $_SESSION['test'] = "123123"; echo $_SESSION['test']; 

to send serialized object you must use a specified thing like time() to bypass SPAM and control the timeOut!

session_start(); setcookie('myobject',serialize("Myvalue"),(time()+(3600*24*30))); 

be sure to get stored on the session :

 $_SESSION['myobject'] = unserialize($_COOKIE['myobject']); 
$mySeriaLizedObject = $_SESSION['myobject']; 

PHP cookies with examples, It has nothing to do with PHP vs JavaScript. In PHP, as we have seen in the first example of this tutorial, that cookies can be set such a way that it can’t be accessed by client side JavaScript, but that is a programming feature only. Cookies vs Sessions. Both cookies and sessions are used for storing persistent …


Save user form input info for later visits with PHP cookies?

Basically I want to create a cookie in PHP that remembers what a user has entered into a form (that directs to a separate page), so that anytime they come back to the page, the form is already prepopulated with whatever information they put into it the first time around. I’ve looked everywhere and can’t really find a good answer for how to do this. This is how my code is configured right now (which isn’t working). PHP:

$fname = $_POST['fname']; $lname = $_POST['lname']; if( ( $fname != null ) and ( $lname != null ) ) < setcookie( "fname", $fname, time() + 36000 ); setcookie( "lname", $lname, time() + 36000 ); exit(); >?> 

First Name: else ?>"/>

Last Name: else ?>"/>

I don’t know how cookies work in PHP, but it looks like you set the cookie but never get the values back out of the cookie when the page loads. Try loading the cookie values into your fname and lname variables when the page loads.

Yeah, PHP cookies and JavaScript cookies work pretty differently. In PHP, the «else ?>» that’s in the form is my equivalent of the «getcookie» function. Thank you though!

I’ve never worked with cookies in javascript and I think you misunderstood my comment. What I mean is you have a variable called $fname which you put into a cookie using «setcookie» but nowhere in your code do you pull a value OUT of a cookie and set the value of $fname to what was in the cookie

Right, I see what you were talking about. For whatever reason, the post wasn’t showing some of my code, so I just edited it to show that I define those variables from the very beginning.


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