Php convert any file to pdf

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HTML to PDF converter for PHP



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. since these should be represented in the text with the replacement character. Excludes non-printable characters.

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Dompdf is an HTML to PDF converter

At its heart, dompdf is (mostly) a CSS 2.1 compliant HTML layout and rendering engine written in PHP. It is a style-driven renderer: it will download and read external stylesheets, inline style tags, and the style attributes of individual HTML elements. It also supports most presentational HTML attributes.

This document applies to the latest stable code which may not reflect the current release. For released code please navigate to the appropriate tag.

Check out the demo and ask any question on StackOverflow or in Discussions.

  • Handles most CSS 2.1 and a few CSS3 properties, including @import, @media & @page rules
  • Supports most presentational HTML 4.0 attributes
  • Supports external stylesheets, either local or through http/ftp (via fopen-wrappers)
  • Supports complex tables, including row & column spans, separate & collapsed border models, individual cell styling
  • Image support (gif, png (8, 24 and 32 bit with alpha channel), bmp & jpeg)
  • No dependencies on external PDF libraries, thanks to the R&OS PDF class
  • Inline PHP support
  • Basic SVG support (see «Limitations» below)
  • PHP version 7.1 or higher
  • DOM extension
  • MBString extension
  • php-font-lib
  • php-svg-lib

Note that some required dependencies may have further dependencies (notably php-svg-lib requires sabberworm/php-css-parser).

  • OPcache (OPcache, XCache, APC, etc.): improves performance
  • GD (for image processing)
  • IMagick or GMagick extension: improves image processing performance
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About Fonts & Character Encoding

PDF documents internally support the following fonts: Helvetica, Times-Roman, Courier, Zapf-Dingbats, & Symbol. These fonts only support Windows ANSI encoding. In order for a PDF to display characters that are not available in Windows ANSI, you must supply an external font. Dompdf will embed any referenced font in the PDF so long as it has been pre-loaded or is accessible to dompdf and reference in CSS @font-face rules. See the font overview for more information on how to use fonts.

The DejaVu TrueType fonts have been pre-installed to give dompdf decent Unicode character coverage by default. To use the DejaVu fonts reference the font in your stylesheet, e.g. body < font-family: DejaVu Sans; >(for DejaVu Sans). The following DejaVu 2.34 fonts are available: DejaVu Sans, DejaVu Serif, and DejaVu Sans Mono.

To install with Composer, simply require the latest version of this package.

composer require dompdf/dompdf

Make sure that the autoload file from Composer is loaded.

// somewhere early in your project's loading, require the Composer autoloader // see: require 'vendor/autoload.php';

Download a packaged archive of dompdf and extract it into the directory where dompdf will reside

  • You can download stable copies of dompdf from
  • Or download a nightly (the latest, unreleased code) from

Use the packaged release autoloader to load dompdf, libraries, and helper functions in your PHP:

// include autoloader require_once 'dompdf/';

Note: packaged releases are named according using semantic versioning ( So the 1.0.0 release would be This is the only download that includes the autoloader for Dompdf and all its dependencies.

From the command line, switch to the directory where dompdf will reside and run the following commands:

git clone cd dompdf/lib git clone php-font-lib cd php-font-lib git checkout 0.5.1 cd .. git clone php-svg-lib cd php-svg-lib git checkout v0.3.2 cd .. git clone php-css-parser cd php-css-parser git checkout 8.1.0

Require dompdf and it’s dependencies in your PHP. For details see the autoloader in the utils project.

Just pass your HTML in to dompdf and stream the output:

// reference the Dompdf namespace use Dompdf\Dompdf; // instantiate and use the dompdf class $dompdf = new Dompdf(); $dompdf->loadHtml('hello world'); // (Optional) Setup the paper size and orientation $dompdf->setPaper('A4', 'landscape'); // Render the HTML as PDF $dompdf->render(); // Output the generated PDF to Browser $dompdf->stream();

Set options during dompdf instantiation:

use Dompdf\Dompdf; use Dompdf\Options; $options = new Options(); $options->set('defaultFont', 'Courier'); $dompdf = new Dompdf($options);
use Dompdf\Dompdf; $dompdf = new Dompdf(); $options = $dompdf->getOptions(); $options->setDefaultFont('Courier'); $dompdf->setOptions($options);

See Dompdf\Options for a list of available options.

Resource Reference Requirements

In order to protect potentially sensitive information Dompdf imposes restrictions on files referenced from the local file system or the web.

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Files accessed through web-based protocols have the following requirements:

  • The Dompdf option «isRemoteEnabled» must be set to «true»
  • PHP must either have the curl extension enabled or the allow_url_fopen setting set to true

Files accessed through the local file system have the following requirement:

  • Table cells are not pageable, meaning a table row must fit on a single page.
  • Elements are rendered on the active page when they are parsed.
  • Embedding «raw» SVG’s ( ) isn’t working yet, you need to either link to an external SVG file, or use a DataURI like this:

If you find this project useful, please consider making a donation. Any funds donated will be used to help further development on this project.)


HTML to PDF converter for PHP


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PHP library generating PDF files from UTF-8 encoded HTML



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mPDF is a PHP library which generates PDF files from UTF-8 encoded HTML.

It is based on FPDF and HTML2FPDF (see CREDITS), with a number of enhancements. mPDF was written by Ian Back and is released under the GNU GPL v2 licence.

⚠ If you are viewing this file on mPDF GitHub repository homepage or on Packagist, please note that the default repository branch is development which can differ from the last stable release.

PHP versions and extensions

  • PHP >=5.6 = 7.0
  • PHP 7.3 is supported since mPDF v7.1.7
  • PHP 7.4 is supported since mPDF v8.0.4
  • PHP 8.0 is supported since mPDF v8.0.10
  • PHP 8.1 is supported as of mPDF v8.0.13
  • PHP 8.2 is supported as of mPDF v8.1.3

PHP mbstring and gd extensions have to be loaded.

Additional extensions may be required for some advanced features such as zlib for compression of output and embedded resources such as fonts, bcmath for generating barcodes or xml for character set conversion and SVG handling.

mPDF has some problems with fetching external HTTP resources with single threaded servers such as php -S . A proper server such as nginx (php-fpm) or Apache is recommended.

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Consider supporting development of mPDF with a donation of any value. Donation button can be found on the main page of the documentation.

Official installation method is via composer and its packagist package mpdf/mpdf.

$ composer require mpdf/mpdf 

The simplest usage (since version 7.0) of the library would be as follows:

 require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; $mpdf = new \Mpdf\Mpdf(); $mpdf->WriteHTML('

Hello world!

); $mpdf->Output();

This will output the PDF inline to the browser as application/pdf Content-type.

All configuration directives can be set by the $config parameter of the constructor.

It is recommended to set one’s own temporary directory via tempDir configuration variable. The directory must have write permissions (mode 775 is recommended) for users using mPDF (typically cli , webserver , fpm ).

Warning: mPDF will clean up old temporary files in the temporary directory. Choose a path dedicated to mPDF only.

 $mpdf = new \Mpdf\Mpdf(['tempDir' => __DIR__ . '/tmp']);

By default, the temporary directory will be inside vendor directory and will have write permissions from post_install composer script.

For more information about custom temporary directory see the note on Folder for temporary files in the section on Installation & Setup in the manual.

If you have problems, please read the section on troubleshooting in the manual.

About CSS support and development state

mPDF as a whole is a quite dated software. Nowadays, better alternatives are available, albeit not written in PHP.

Use mPDF if you cannot use non-PHP approach to generate PDF files or if you want to leverage some of the benefits of mPDF over browser approach – color handling, pre-print, barcodes support, headers and footers, page numbering, TOCs, etc. But beware that a HTML/CSS template tailored for mPDF might be necessary.

If you are looking for state of the art CSS support, mirroring existing HTML pages to PDF, use headless Chrome.

mPDF will still be updated to enhance some internal capabilities and to support newer versions of PHP, but better and/or newer CSS support will most likely not be implemented.

Online manual is available at

For general questions or troubleshooting please use Discussions.

You can also use the mpdf tag at Stack Overflow as the StackOverflow user base is more likely to answer you in a timely manner.

Before submitting issues and pull requests please read the file.

Unit testing for mPDF is done using PHPUnit.

To get started, run composer install from the command line while in the mPDF root directory (you’ll need composer installed first).

To execute tests, run composer test from the command line while in the mPDF root directory.

Any assistance writing unit tests for mPDF is greatly appreciated. If you’d like to help, please note that any PHP file located in the /tests/ directory will be autoloaded when unit testing.


PHP library generating PDF files from UTF-8 encoded HTML


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