Php class datetime to string

How to convert DateTime to String in PHP

In this article, we will learn how to convert a Date or a DateTime into a String in PHP.

The Format method from DateTime

To convert a Date or a DateTime object into a String in PHP, we can use the format method from the DateTime class. As the name already says, the format method can help us formatting a DateTime object into multiple different formats.

To do so, we simply need to specify the desired format as an argument when calling the format method. That’s it!

In the following section, we will see a practical example of how to use the format method to return a string according to the given format. This method is supported from PHP 5 >= 5.2.1 to the latest version.

DateTime to String example

Let’s now take a look at a practical example. In the code below, we will use format to simply convert a DateTime object into different String formats:

format( 'd/m/Y, H:i:s' ); echo 'datetime: ' . $date_time . '
'; $date = $current_datetime->format( 'd/m/Y' ); echo 'date: ' . $date . '
'; $time = $current_datetime->format( 'H:i:s' ); echo 'time: ' . $time . '
'; $day = $current_datetime->format( 'd' ); echo 'day: ' . $day . '
'; $month = $current_datetime->format( 'm' ); echo 'month: ' . $month . '
'; $year = $current_datetime->format( 'Y' ); echo 'year: ' . $year . '

In the example below, we used the DateTime class to initialize the $current_datetime variable with a new DateTime object and using a string. Subsequently, we used the format method to convert the DateTime object into the following formats:

  • DateTime: using the ‘d/m/Y, H:i:s’ pattern
  • Date: using the ‘d/m/Y’ pattern
  • Time: using the ‘H:i:s’ pattern
  • Day: using the ‘d’ pattern
  • Month: using the ‘m’ pattern
  • Year: using the ‘Y’ pattern.
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If we run the code below, the output is:

datetime: 17/04/2021, 17:29:15 date: 17/04/2021 time: 17:29:15 day: 17 month: 04 year: 2021

External resources:


Php class datetime to string

  • How to get the current Date and Time in PHP ?
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  • PHP | Converting string to Date and DateTime
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  • PHP | Change strings in an array to uppercase
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How to Convert DateTime to String in PHP

How to Convert DateTime to String in PHP

You can represent an exact date and time in PHP using the built-in DateTime object.

Creating one is simple, just pass it a string in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS .

The problem is that sometimes you want to go from a DateTime object back to a string.

In this post, we’ll learn how to convert a DateTime object to a string in PHP.

How to convert a DateTime object to a string

To start, let’s create our own DateTime object.

The easiest way to convert this back to a readable string is to call the format method on it and pass it the format in which you want to get the string in.

format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); echo($results); 

The useful part about format is that if the format fails because the DateTime object or the format you passed in is invalid, it will return false .

Because of this, you can use this check to ensure the formatting was succesful:

format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); if ($results) < echo($results); >else


In this post, we learned how to convert a DateTime object to a string.

Simply call the format method on your DateTime object and pass the method the date format you want your DateTime formatted to.

Thanks for reading and happy coding!

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How to convert DateTime to String in PHP

In this article, we will learn how to convert a Date or a DateTime into a String in PHP.

The Format method from DateTime

To convert a Date or a DateTime object into a String in PHP, we can use the format method from the DateTime class. As the name already says, the format method can help us formatting a DateTime object into multiple different formats.

To do so, we simply need to specify the desired format as an argument when calling the format method. That’s it!

In the following section, we will see a practical example of how to use the format method to return a string according to the given format. This method is supported from PHP 5 >= 5.2.1 to the latest version.

DateTime to String example

Let’s now take a look at a practical example. In the code below, we will use format to simply convert a DateTime object into different String formats:

format( 'd/m/Y, H:i:s' ); echo 'datetime: ' . $date_time . '
'; $date = $current_datetime->format( 'd/m/Y' ); echo 'date: ' . $date . '
'; $time = $current_datetime->format( 'H:i:s' ); echo 'time: ' . $time . '
'; $day = $current_datetime->format( 'd' ); echo 'day: ' . $day . '
'; $month = $current_datetime->format( 'm' ); echo 'month: ' . $month . '
'; $year = $current_datetime->format( 'Y' ); echo 'year: ' . $year . '

In the example below, we used the DateTime class to initialize the $current_datetime variable with a new DateTime object and using a string. Subsequently, we used the format method to convert the DateTime object into the following formats:

  • DateTime: using the ‘d/m/Y, H:i:s’ pattern
  • Date: using the ‘d/m/Y’ pattern
  • Time: using the ‘H:i:s’ pattern
  • Day: using the ‘d’ pattern
  • Month: using the ‘m’ pattern
  • Year: using the ‘Y’ pattern.

If we run the code below, the output is:

datetime: 17/04/2021, 17:29:15 date: 17/04/2021 time: 17:29:15 day: 17 month: 04 year: 2021

External resources:


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