Php chmod function chmod

Php chmod function chmod

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  • LAMP installation and important PHP configurations on Ubuntu
  • PHP | Coding Standards
  • PHP | Basic Syntax
  • PHP | Variables
  • PHP echo and print
  • PHP | Data Types
  • PHP | Strings
  • PHP | Constants
  • PHP | Magic Constants
  • PHP | Decision Making
  • PHP | Loops
  • PHP | Superglobals
  • PHP | Regular Expressions
  • PHP Examples
  • Describe PHP Include and Require
  • PHP | Basics of File Handling
  • PHP | fopen( ) (Function open file or URL)
  • PHP fread( ) Function
  • PHP fclose( ) Function
  • PHP | fwrite( ) Function
  • PHP | Uploading File
  • PHP Cookies
  • PHP | Sessions
  • PHP Filter and Filter Constant
  • Implementing callback in PHP
  • Exception Handling in PHP
  • PHP | Arrays
  • PHP array() Function
  • PHP | array_change_key_case() Function
  • PHP array_chunk() Function
  • PHP | array_column() Function
  • PHP array_combine() Function
  • PHP array_count_values() Function
  • PHP array_diff() function
  • PHP array_diff_assoc() Function
  • PHP array_diff_key() Function
  • PHP array_diff_uassoc() Function
  • PHP array_diff_ukey() Function
  • PHP array_fill() function
  • PHP array_fill_keys() Function
  • PHP Array Functions Complete Reference
  • PHP Date and Time
  • PHP | checkdate() Function
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  • PHP | date_create_from_format() Function
  • PHP | date_date_set() Function
  • PHP | date_default_timezone_get() Function
  • PHP | date_default_timezone_set() Function
  • PHP | date_diff() Function
  • PHP | date_get_last_errors() Function
  • PHP | date_isodate_set() Function
  • PHP | date_modify() Function
  • PHP | date_offset_get() Function
  • PHP | date_parse_from_format() Function
  • PHP | date_parse() Function
  • PHP | date_sub() Function
  • PHP basename( ) Function
  • PHP chgrp( ) Function
  • PHP chmod( ) Function
  • PHP chown( ) Function
  • PHP copy( ) Function
  • PHP dirname( ) Function
  • PHP disk_free_space( ) Function
  • PHP disk_total_space( ) Function
  • PHP feof( ) Function
  • PHP fflush( ) Function
  • PHP | fgetc( ) Function
  • PHP | fgets( ) Function
  • PHP | fgetss( ) Function
  • PHP | file_exists( ) Function
  • PHP file_get_contents() Function
  • PHP Filesystem Functions Complete Reference
  • PHP | ftp_alloc() function
  • PHP | ftp_chdir() function
  • PHP | ftp_close() function
  • PHP | ftp_connect() function
  • PHP | ftp_delete() function
  • PHP | ftp_exec() function
  • PHP | ftp_get() function
  • PHP | ftp_put() function
  • PHP | ftp_get_option() function
  • PHP | ftp_login() function
  • PHP | ftp_mdtm() Function
  • PHP | ftp_mkdir() function
  • PHP | Ds\Map allocate() Function
  • PHP | Ds\Map apply() Function
  • PHP | Ds\Map capacity() Function
  • PHP | DS\Map clear() Function
  • PHP | Ds\Map __construct() Function
  • PHP Ds\Map copy() Function
  • PHP | Ds\Map count() Function
  • PHP | Ds\Map diff() Function
  • PHP | Ds\Map filter() Function
  • PHP | Ds\Map first() Function
  • PHP Ds\Map Functions Complete Reference
  • SplDoublyLinkedList in PHP
  • PHP SplDoublyLinkedList add() Function
  • PHP SplDoublyLinkedList bottom() Function
  • PHP SplDoublyLinkedList count() function
  • PHP SplFixedArray count() Function
  • PHP SplFixedArray current() Function
  • PHP SplFixedArray getSize() Function
  • PHP SplFixedArray key() Function
  • PHP SplObjectStorage addAll() Function
  • PHP SplObjectStorage attach() Function
  • PHP SplObjectStorage contains() Function
  • PHP SplObjectStorage count() Function
  • PHP SplQueue::__construct() Function
  • PHP SPL Data structures Complete Reference
  • PHP Tutorial
  • PHP | Introduction
  • PHP Full Form
  • How to set PHP development environment in windows ?
  • LAMP installation and important PHP configurations on Ubuntu
  • PHP | Coding Standards
  • PHP | Basic Syntax
  • PHP | Variables
  • PHP echo and print
  • PHP | Data Types
  • PHP | Strings
  • PHP | Constants
  • PHP | Magic Constants
  • PHP | Decision Making
  • PHP | Loops
  • PHP | Superglobals
  • PHP | Regular Expressions
  • PHP Examples
  • Describe PHP Include and Require
  • PHP | Basics of File Handling
  • PHP | fopen( ) (Function open file or URL)
  • PHP fread( ) Function
  • PHP fclose( ) Function
  • PHP | fwrite( ) Function
  • PHP | Uploading File
  • PHP Cookies
  • PHP | Sessions
  • PHP Filter and Filter Constant
  • Implementing callback in PHP
  • Exception Handling in PHP
  • PHP | Arrays
  • PHP array() Function
  • PHP | array_change_key_case() Function
  • PHP array_chunk() Function
  • PHP | array_column() Function
  • PHP array_combine() Function
  • PHP array_count_values() Function
  • PHP array_diff() function
  • PHP array_diff_assoc() Function
  • PHP array_diff_key() Function
  • PHP array_diff_uassoc() Function
  • PHP array_diff_ukey() Function
  • PHP array_fill() function
  • PHP array_fill_keys() Function
  • PHP Array Functions Complete Reference
  • PHP Date and Time
  • PHP | checkdate() Function
  • PHP | date_create(), date_format(), date_add() Functions
  • PHP | date_create_from_format() Function
  • PHP | date_date_set() Function
  • PHP | date_default_timezone_get() Function
  • PHP | date_default_timezone_set() Function
  • PHP | date_diff() Function
  • PHP | date_get_last_errors() Function
  • PHP | date_isodate_set() Function
  • PHP | date_modify() Function
  • PHP | date_offset_get() Function
  • PHP | date_parse_from_format() Function
  • PHP | date_parse() Function
  • PHP | date_sub() Function
  • PHP basename( ) Function
  • PHP chgrp( ) Function
  • PHP chmod( ) Function
  • PHP chown( ) Function
  • PHP copy( ) Function
  • PHP dirname( ) Function
  • PHP disk_free_space( ) Function
  • PHP disk_total_space( ) Function
  • PHP feof( ) Function
  • PHP fflush( ) Function
  • PHP | fgetc( ) Function
  • PHP | fgets( ) Function
  • PHP | fgetss( ) Function
  • PHP | file_exists( ) Function
  • PHP file_get_contents() Function
  • PHP Filesystem Functions Complete Reference
  • PHP | ftp_alloc() function
  • PHP | ftp_chdir() function
  • PHP | ftp_close() function
  • PHP | ftp_connect() function
  • PHP | ftp_delete() function
  • PHP | ftp_exec() function
  • PHP | ftp_get() function
  • PHP | ftp_put() function
  • PHP | ftp_get_option() function
  • PHP | ftp_login() function
  • PHP | ftp_mdtm() Function
  • PHP | ftp_mkdir() function
  • PHP | Ds\Map allocate() Function
  • PHP | Ds\Map apply() Function
  • PHP | Ds\Map capacity() Function
  • PHP | DS\Map clear() Function
  • PHP | Ds\Map __construct() Function
  • PHP Ds\Map copy() Function
  • PHP | Ds\Map count() Function
  • PHP | Ds\Map diff() Function
  • PHP | Ds\Map filter() Function
  • PHP | Ds\Map first() Function
  • PHP Ds\Map Functions Complete Reference
  • SplDoublyLinkedList in PHP
  • PHP SplDoublyLinkedList add() Function
  • PHP SplDoublyLinkedList bottom() Function
  • PHP SplDoublyLinkedList count() function
  • PHP SplFixedArray count() Function
  • PHP SplFixedArray current() Function
  • PHP SplFixedArray getSize() Function
  • PHP SplFixedArray key() Function
  • PHP SplObjectStorage addAll() Function
  • PHP SplObjectStorage attach() Function
  • PHP SplObjectStorage contains() Function
  • PHP SplObjectStorage count() Function
  • PHP SplQueue::__construct() Function
  • PHP SPL Data structures Complete Reference
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Attempts to change the mode of the specified file to that given in permissions .


Note that permissions is not automatically assumed to be an octal value, so to ensure the expected operation, you need to prefix permissions with a zero (0). Strings such as «g+w» will not work properly.

chmod ( «/somedir/somefile» , 755 ); // decimal; probably incorrect
chmod ( «/somedir/somefile» , «u+rwx,go+rx» ); // string; incorrect
chmod ( «/somedir/somefile» , 0755 ); // octal; correct value of mode

The permissions parameter consists of three octal number components specifying access restrictions for the owner, the user group in which the owner is in, and to everybody else in this order. One component can be computed by adding up the needed permissions for that target user base. Number 1 means that you grant execute rights, number 2 means that you make the file writeable, number 4 means that you make the file readable. Add up these numbers to specify needed rights. You can also read more about modes on Unix systems with ‘man 1 chmod‘ and ‘man 2 chmod‘.

// Read and write for owner, nothing for everybody else
chmod ( «/somedir/somefile» , 0600 );

// Read and write for owner, read for everybody else
chmod ( «/somedir/somefile» , 0644 );

// Everything for owner, read and execute for others
chmod ( «/somedir/somefile» , 0755 );

// Everything for owner, read and execute for owner’s group
chmod ( «/somedir/somefile» , 0750 );

Return Values

Returns true on success or false on failure.


Upon failure, an E_WARNING is emitted.



The current user is the user under which PHP runs. It is probably not the same user you use for normal shell or FTP access. The mode can be changed only by user who owns the file on most systems.

Note: This function will not work on remote files as the file to be examined must be accessible via the server’s filesystem.

See Also

  • chown() — Changes file owner
  • chgrp() — Changes file group
  • fileperms() — Gets file permissions
  • stat() — Gives information about a file
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Attempts to change the mode of the specified file to that given in permissions .


Note that permissions is not automatically assumed to be an octal value, so to ensure the expected operation, you need to prefix permissions with a zero (0). Strings such as «g+w» will not work properly.

 chmod("/somedir/somefile", 755); // decimal; probably incorrect chmod("/somedir/somefile", "u+rwx,go+rx"); // string; incorrect chmod("/somedir/somefile", 0755); // octal; correct value of mode ?>

The permissions parameter consists of three octal number components specifying access restrictions for the owner, the user group in which the owner is in, and to everybody else in this order. One component can be computed by adding up the needed permissions for that target user base. Number 1 means that you grant execute rights, number 2 means that you make the file writeable, number 4 means that you make the file readable. Add up these numbers to specify needed rights. You can also read more about modes on Unix systems with ‘man 1 chmod‘ and ‘man 2 chmod‘.

 // Read and write for owner, nothing for everybody else chmod("/somedir/somefile", 0600); // Read and write for owner, read for everybody else chmod("/somedir/somefile", 0644); // Everything for owner, read and execute for others chmod("/somedir/somefile", 0755); // Everything for owner, read and execute for owner's group chmod("/somedir/somefile", 0750); ?>

Return Values

Returns true on success or false on failure.


Upon failure, an E_WARNING is emitted.



The current user is the user under which PHP runs. It is probably not the same user you use for normal shell or FTP access. The mode can be changed only by user who owns the file on most systems.

Note: This function will not work on remote files as the file to be examined must be accessible via the server’s filesystem.

See Also

  • chown() — Changes file owner
  • chgrp() — Changes file group
  • fileperms() — Gets file permissions
  • stat() — Gives information about a file
PHP 8.2

(PHP 4, 5, 7, 8) checkdnsrr records corresponding to a given Internet host name IP address Searches DNS for records of type corresponding to hostname.

(PHP 4, 5, 7, 8) chgrp Changes file group Attempts to change the group of file filename Only the superuser may change group of file arbitrarily; other

(PHP 4, 5, 7, 8) chown Changes file owner Attempts to change the owner of file filename user Path to the file.


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