Php check if explode

How to check for » » using explode

You should instead use strpos() Solution 1: Check it out on CodePad Solution 2: This is the best for denormalization problem Solution 3: To get only records that have the id you’re looking for, and use preg_replace to change the value, and update the table with the new value Solution 1: Try this code: Solution 2: Below Answer is right Try this: To recap, the unexpected output is caused by two factors: wrong comparison operator empty variable You should certainly do something more user-friendly than , in production code.

How to check for » » using explode

Short : you dont.

if(count(explode(' ',$data))>1) echo "GOT A SPACE"; 
if(strpos($data,' ')!==false) echo "GOT A SPACE"; 

what do you mean? As in, check if there is a space in a string by using explode?

if (count(explode(" ",$string)) > 1) < // has 1 or more space >

But this isn’t the most efficient way to do it. You should instead use strpos()

Php count the number of strings after exploded, Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Learn more about Collectives Code sample$string = ‘a|b|c|d|e|f’;$tags = explode(‘|’ , $string);$count =count($tags);echo ‘Count is: ‘.$count .’
‘;$i = 1 ;Feedback

Explode and check if exist

$sql = "SELECT * FROM products"; $r1=$con->execute_query($sql); while ($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($r1, MYSQL_ASSOC)) < if($row1['product_ids']) < $data = preg_split('/,/', $row1['product_ids']); if(is_array($data)) < foreach($data as $key =>$value) < if($value == 605) < echo $value; >> > > > 

This is the best for denormalization problem

while ($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($r1, MYSQL_ASSOC)) < if($row1['product_ids'])< $val_changed = false; $prod_ids = $row1['product_ids']; $ids = explode(',', $prod_ids); for($i = 0; $i < count($ids); $i++) < if($ids[$i] === '605') < $ids[$i] = $new_id; $val_changed = true; >> if($val_changed) < $prod_ids = implode(',', $ids); //update db with new value $prod_ids >> > 

To get only records that have the id you’re looking for, and use preg_replace to change the value, and update the table with the new value

$new_id = '999'; $new_val = preg_replace('/,605,/', $new_id, $row1['product_ids']); 

How to check the explode length in php Code Example, PHP queries related to “how to check the explode length in php” php get length of explode; explode array null php but string; php explode …

How to edit checkbox using explode

java'; else echo 'java'; if(in_array('php', $skills)) echo 'php'; else echo 'php'; if(in_array('css', $skills)) echo 'css'; else echo 'css'; if(in_array('asp', $skills)) echo 'asp'; else echo 'asp'; ?> 

Below Answer is right but i check one addition condition

if (empty($skills)) < echo 'java'; echo 'php'; echo 'css'; echo 'asp'; > else < $skills=explode(',',$skills); if(in_array('java', $skills)) echo 'java'; else echo 'java'; if(in_array('php', $skills)) echo 'php'; else echo 'php'; if(in_array('css', $skills)) echo 'css'; else echo 'css'; if(in_array('asp', $skills)) echo 'asp'; else echo 'asp'; > 

or you can use «echo», not need long script

if(in_array('java', $skills)) echo '>java'; 

PHP explode() Function, Definition and Usage. The explode () function breaks a string into an array. Note: The «separator» parameter cannot be an empty string. Note: This function is …

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Checking password character length in php

Your code fails because the variable $password is never assigned any value. You’re then checking to see if the password is longer than 8 characters—you’re using a greater-than symbol instead of less-than. Since the variable $password is empty, the check for length greater-than 8 is always false.

if(!array_key_exists('password', $_POST)) die('no password specified'); $password = trim($_POST['password']); //  

To recap, the unexpected output is caused by two factors:

You should certainly do something more user-friendly than die , in production code.


  • $_POST -
  • strlen -
  • array_key_exists -
  • Comparison operators -
  • variables -

Maybe you should rather use $_POST['password'] , using automatic globals is wrong (and hopefully disabled on many hostings).

Also limiting password to 8 characters looks like a bad idea, you should hash it anyway and the length does not matter then.

Php - How to check for " " using explode, How do use explode to check for " ". Thanks Jean. php. Share. Follow asked Mar 9, 2011 at 16:51. X10nD X10nD. 20.9k Secure hash and …


Php if array explode has value

You can see this if you do: Output: To now solve this problem, simply apply combined with to every array value like this: Solution 2: Yes the first one will not work as you can see there's an extra space before your that'll won't work need to use and function before checking the result output: Solution 3: You have an array from string like this: You string: After use of explode there will come any array like this: I mean to say you have a space in admin that's why is not searching the admin in function. Solution 1: Function Array Dereferencing has been implemented in PHP 5.4.

In_array() doesn't work anymore as expected if the array is created with explode()

Firstly, I change my string to array. And when I try to search within that array can't search second array value. The below is my code.

//my string $a = 'normal, admin'; //Change string to array $arr = explode(",",$a); // Search by array value dd(in_array("admin", $arr)); //got false 

But when I try to search something like the following, it's work.

//my string $a = 'normal, admin'; //Change string to array $arr = explode(",",$a); // Search by array value dd(in_array("normal", $arr)); //got true 

This is because value admin has a leading space from the explode() ! You can see this if you do:

array(2) < [0]=>string(6) "normal" [1]=> string(6) " admin" //^ ^ See here > 

To now solve this problem, simply apply trim() combined with array_map() to every array value like this:

Yes the first one will not work as you can see there's an extra space before your admin that'll won't work need to use trim and array_map function before checking the result

$a = 'normal, admin'; //Change string to array $arr = array_map('trim',explode(",",$a)); // Search by array value var_dump($arr); var_dump(in_array("admin", $arr)); 
array(2) < [0]=>string(6) "normal" [1]=> string(5) "admin" > bool(true) 

You have an array from string like this: You string:

After use of explode there will come any array like this:

I mean to say you have a space in admin that's why is not searching the admin in in_array function.

Solution: Before using the explode use this function:

$newstr = str_replace(" ", "", $a); $arr = explode(',',$newstr); 

Arrays - Getting value of explode from php, Browse other questions tagged php arrays explode or ask your own question. The Overflow Blog Measurable and meaningful skill levels for developers

How to access array index when using explode() in the same line?

Can't wrap my head around this.

Say, we explode the whole thing like so:

Then we want to get a value at index 1:

My question is how to get it in one go, to speak so. Something similar to this:

$finish = explode('tra-la-la', $big_sourse)[1]; // does not work

Something like the following would work like a charm:

$finish = end(explode('tra-la-la', $big_sourse));

// or

$finish = array_shift(explode('tra-la-la', $big_sourse));

But what if the value is sitting somewhere in the middle?

Function Array Dereferencing has been implemented in PHP 5.4. For older version that's a limitation in the PHP parser that was fixed in here, so no way around it for now I'm afraid.

end(array_slice(explode('tra-la-la', $big_sourse), 1, 1)); 

Though I don't think it's better/clearer/prettier than writing it on two lines.

list($first_element) = explode(',', $source); 
[1] would actually be the second element in the array, not sure if you really meant that. if so, just add another variable to the list construct (and omit the first if preferred)

list($first_element, $second_elment) = explode(',', $source); // or list(, $second_element) = explode(',', $source); 

My suggest - yes, I've figured out something -, would be to use an extra agrument allowed for the function. If it is set and positive, the returned array will contain a maximum of limit elements with the last element containing the rest of string. So, if we want to get, say, a value at index 2 (of course, we're sure that the value we like would be there beforehand), we just do it as follows:

$finish = end(explode('tra-la-la', $big_sourse, 3)); 

explode will return an array that contains a maximum of three elements, so we 'end' to the last element which the one we looked for, indexed 2 - and we're done!

Php array explode, I seem to be having a problem with the php array explode, I just cant seem to figure out why I am getting a count of 1 when this is ran, PHP array delete by value (not key) 2212. How does PHP 'foreach' actually work? 2662. Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP?

PHP if statement to check if value existis in a column that holds an array

I have a field that stores multiple zip codes . A query result for the zip codes column may contain several zip codes: 90027,90028,90068

I need an if statement to check if a single zip code is in the result

$zipstring = $rows['pool_zip_codes']); $zipsql = "SELECT `pool_zip_codes` FROM `cases` WHERE `id` = '' AND `pool_zip_codes` IN ('') "; $zipqry = mysql_query($zipsql); $zipresult = mysql_fetch_row($zipqry); if (($zipresult[0]) == '90068') < this zip code is in the list >else < not in list >>; 
$zipresult = mysql_fetch_array($zipqry); if (($zipresult['pool_zip_codes']) == '90068') < this zip code is in the list >else
if (in_array($zipresult[0],$zipresult)) < echo "this zip code is in the list" ; >else

If I read your question correctly, you want to distinguish between

To do this, just use a regex to check if the field matches 5 digits.

if (preg_match("/^\d$/", $zipresult[0]))

Otherwise, as the others are saying, use in_array() . What they're not saying is that you'd have to explode() the string first, to make an array:

$exploded = explode(",", $zipresult[0]); if (in_array($exploded, "99999"))

EDIT per your comment you could use strpos()

$targetcode = "99999"; $found = array(); foreach ($zipresult as $row) < if (strpos($row['pool_zip_codes'], $targetcode) !== false) < $found[] = $row; >> 
$targetcode = "99999"; $found = array(); foreach ($zipresult as $row) < $exploded = explode(",", $row['pool_zip_codes']); if (in_array($exploded, $targetcode)) < $found[] = $row; >> 

Split the string and use in_array :

if (in_array(explode(',', $zipresult[0]),$zipresult)) < #this zip code is in the list >else

PHP: Check if variable exist but also if has a value equal, I have (or not) a variable $_GET['myvar'] coming from my query string and I want to check if this variable exists and also if the value corresponds to something inside my if statement: What I'm do


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