Php array of resources


Returns an array of all currently active resource s, optionally filtered by resource type.

Note: This function is meant for debugging and testing purposes. It is not supposed to be used in production environments, especially not to access or even manipulate resources which are normally not accessible (e.g. the underlying stream resource of SplFileObject instances).


If defined, this will cause get_resources() to only return resources of the given type. A list of resource types is available.

If the string Unknown is provided as the type, then only resources that are of an unknown type will be returned.

If omitted, all resources will be returned.

Return Values

Returns an array of currently active resources, indexed by resource number.



Example #1 Unfiltered get_resources()

The above example will output something similar to:

array(1) < [1]=>resource(1) of type (stream) >

Example #2 Filtered get_resources()

The above example will output something similar to:

array(1) < [1]=>resource(1) of type (stream) > array(0)

See Also

  • get_loaded_extensions() — Returns an array with the names of all modules compiled and loaded
  • get_defined_constants() — Returns an associative array with the names of all the constants and their values
  • get_defined_functions() — Returns an array of all defined functions
  • get_defined_vars() — Returns an array of all defined variables

User Contributed Notes

  • PHP Options/Info Functions
    • assert_​options
    • assert
    • cli_​get_​process_​title
    • cli_​set_​process_​title
    • dl
    • extension_​loaded
    • gc_​collect_​cycles
    • gc_​disable
    • gc_​enable
    • gc_​enabled
    • gc_​mem_​caches
    • gc_​status
    • get_​cfg_​var
    • get_​current_​user
    • get_​defined_​constants
    • get_​extension_​funcs
    • get_​include_​path
    • get_​included_​files
    • get_​loaded_​extensions
    • get_​required_​files
    • get_​resources
    • getenv
    • getlastmod
    • getmygid
    • getmyinode
    • getmypid
    • getmyuid
    • getopt
    • getrusage
    • ini_​alter
    • ini_​get_​all
    • ini_​get
    • ini_​parse_​quantity
    • ini_​restore
    • ini_​set
    • memory_​get_​peak_​usage
    • memory_​get_​usage
    • memory_​reset_​peak_​usage
    • php_​ini_​loaded_​file
    • php_​ini_​scanned_​files
    • php_​sapi_​name
    • php_​uname
    • phpcredits
    • phpinfo
    • phpversion
    • putenv
    • set_​include_​path
    • set_​time_​limit
    • sys_​get_​temp_​dir
    • version_​compare
    • zend_​thread_​id
    • zend_​version
    • get_​magic_​quotes_​gpc
    • get_​magic_​quotes_​runtime
    • restore_​include_​path


    How to Convert resource as array of array ?

    , where, $result is a resource.
    now , i want to save the results as a ‘ .dbf’ file, which requires one
    of the parameters for its creation as array of arrays.
    so , now i want to convert the $result variable as «array of array».

    I fired a query on a mysql db , and got the result for it, using

    $result = mysql_query(«SELECT * FROM population»);

    , where, $result is a resource.
    now , i want to save the results as a ‘ .dbf’ file, which requires one
    of the parameters for its creation as array of arrays.
    so , now i want to convert the $result variable as «array of array».

    This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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