Php add objects to array

PHP array_push() Function: How to Add Elements to an Array

PHP array_push() function is “used to push new elements into an array.” The array_push() method takes a single element or an array of elements and appends it to the array.


array_push(array,value1,value2. ) 


  1. array: This parameter is required to which we will add the value.
  2. value1: This parameter is also required, which is the value we will insert into the specified array. The value2, value3, and so on are optional parameters. However, we must pass those parameters to add multiple values.

Return value

The array_push() function will return the length of new elements of an array.

Example 1: Implementation of array_push() method

 $netflix = ['Stranger Things', 'Black Mirror', 'Bright', 'XOXO']; $new = array_push($netflix, 'Shaft'); print_r($netflix); echo $new."\n";

PHP Array Push Example | Add Elements To An Array

That means we have successfully added the Shaft show to the $neflix array.

The array_push() function returns the length of the array. In our case, it is 5. Remember, the PHP Array index starts from 0.

This operation is also called PHP add to the array.

Example 2: Adding multiple values to the PHP array

To add multiple values in the PHP array, you can use the array_push() function.

The array_push() function takes multiple elements and appends all the elements into the array.

It will add in the order that they are added. It does not change its order.

 $netflix = ['Stranger Things', 'Black Mirror', 'Bright', 'XOXO']; $new = array_push($netflix, 'Shaft', 'Mute', 'Clinical', 'Blue Jay', 'Candy Jar'); print_r($netflix); echo $new."\n";

Add Multiple Values To An Array in PHP

Example 3: Adding values to the Associative Array

To add values in an associative array in PHP, use the array_push() function. The array_push() function takes single or multiple arguments and returns the associative array.

 $data = ['name' => 'Krunal', 'education' => 'BE']; $new = array_push($data, 'Ankit', 'MCA'); print_r($data); echo $new."\n";

The $data variable is an Associative Array, and we have added two values to that array.

That means the first two items are associative, which have their key. But, from the 3rd and 4th, they have indexes starting from 0.

So, let’s run the PHP file and see the output.

Add Values to the Associative Array in PHP

Example 4: Adding an array into an array in PHP

To add an array into an array in PHP, use the array_push() function. The array_push() function takes an array as an argument and returns the array combining with old and new values.

 $dataA = ['name' => 'Krunal', 'education' => 'BE']; $second = ['Facebook', 'Instagram']; $newA = array_push($dataA, $second); print_r($dataA); echo $newA."\n"; 

Add Array in the Array

See, it has added an array as a 3rd element, and its index is 0 and 1.

Right now, the dataA array is a multidimensional array.

Example 5: Pushing key and value in Associative Array

 $data = ['name' => 'Krunal', 'education' => 'BE']; $data['age'] = 26; $data['business'] = 'IT'; print_r($data); 
Array ( [name] => Krunal [education] => BE [age] => 26 [business] => IT )

Example 6: Adding an element at the start of the Array

To add an element at the start of the array, you can use the PHP array_unshift() function. It appends the item at the beginning of the array at the index of 0.

 $data = ['Python', 'Javascript', 'Golang']; array_unshift($data, 'PHP'); print_r($data); 
Array ( [0] => PHP [1] => Python [2] => Javascript [3] => Golang ) 

Example 7: Append elements using square brackets syntax in PHP

If you are using PHP version 5.4 or higher, you can use the square bracket syntax to add elements to an array like this:

$phones[] = 'iphone'; $phones[] = 'galaxy';


In PHP, How to Add an Object Element to an Array

In PHP, how can I add an object element to an array?

$object = new stdClass();
$object->name = "My name";
$myArray[] = $object;

You need to create the object first (the new line) and then push it onto the end of the array (the [] line).

$myArray[] = (object) ['name' => 'My name'];

However I would argue that’s not as readable, even if it is more succinct.

Add objects to an array

Right now you’re just reassigning $discs[123] to red from blue.

To Add to, add a new secondary key

$discs[123][0] = new Disc("blue");
$discs[123][1] = new Disc("red");

Creating a multidimensional array

Adding value to array inside object PHP

You cann’t use array_push this way. $object_name is not your main object.

When you push to $object_name , your $myobject is still empty.

You can fix it adding reference & , for example:

or just push to your original object:

array_push($myobject->name, "testName");

How to add elements to an array that is a property of an object in PHP?

1.Use $this->passengers inside function.

class Car public $model;
public $year;
public $passengers;

function __construct() $this->model = "";
$this->year = " ";

function addPassengers($passenger)
array_push($this->passengers, $passenger);
return $this->passengers;

$herbie = new Car();
$herbie->model = "vw";
$herbie->year = "1997";

echo $herbie->model;
echo $herbie->year;

Note:- You can write less amount of code and get the same output:

As other comments stated you need to use private variables instead of public

Sample example: -

PHP — adding an object with its properties to array

PHP returns arrays as a value instead of as a reference. This means you must set the modified value back somehow.

Looking at the library apparently in question, there seems to be setExcludedLocations method for that purpose.

So your code should be something like:

$geo_targeting = $lineItem->getTargeting()->getGeoTargeting();
$excluded_locations = $geo_targeting->getExcludedLocations();
array_push($excluded_locations, $location);

PHP prepend object in array of objects

You should be able to «simply» merge the two arrays:

$post_types = array_merge($prepend, $post_types);

How do I work with an array object in PHP?

There is no need to json_encode the data . Since the data is an instance of Laravel Collection, you can manipulate it like so

$item = $data->firstWhere('label', '1mm+'); // get the item
$data = $data->filter(fn($value, $key) => $value->label !== '1mm+') // remove $item from $data
->push($item); // move $item to the end of data

How to put elements in an object array in php?

Each time you run new DNA creates a single object, so if you want to have multiple objects you need to call it multiple times.

In your case, you’re just running it once: $dna1[] = new DNA; creates a single object, and adds it to an array.

To create three objects, you could do this:

// First create an empty array
$dna1 = [];

// Now add objects to it one by one
$dna1[0] = new DNA;

$dna1[1] = new DNA;

$dna1[2] = new DNA;


In PHP, How to Add an Object Element to an Array

In PHP, how can I add an object element to an array?

$object = new stdClass();
$object->name = "My name";
$myArray[] = $object;

You need to create the object first (the new line) and then push it onto the end of the array (the [] line).

$myArray[] = (object) ['name' => 'My name'];

However I would argue that’s not as readable, even if it is more succinct.

Add objects to an array

Right now you’re just reassigning $discs[123] to red from blue.

To Add to, add a new secondary key

$discs[123][0] = new Disc("blue");
$discs[123][1] = new Disc("red");

Creating a multidimensional array

Adding value to array inside object PHP

You cann’t use array_push this way. $object_name is not your main object.

When you push to $object_name , your $myobject is still empty.

You can fix it adding reference & , for example:

or just push to your original object:

array_push($myobject->name, "testName");

How to add elements to an array that is a property of an object in PHP?

1.Use $this->passengers inside function.

class Car public $model;
public $year;
public $passengers;

function __construct() $this->model = "";
$this->year = " ";

function addPassengers($passenger)
array_push($this->passengers, $passenger);
return $this->passengers;

$herbie = new Car();
$herbie->model = "vw";
$herbie->year = "1997";

echo $herbie->model;
echo $herbie->year;

Note:- You can write less amount of code and get the same output:

As other comments stated you need to use private variables instead of public

Sample example: -

PHP — adding an object with its properties to array

PHP returns arrays as a value instead of as a reference. This means you must set the modified value back somehow.

Looking at the library apparently in question, there seems to be setExcludedLocations method for that purpose.

So your code should be something like:

$geo_targeting = $lineItem->getTargeting()->getGeoTargeting();
$excluded_locations = $geo_targeting->getExcludedLocations();
array_push($excluded_locations, $location);

PHP prepend object in array of objects

You should be able to «simply» merge the two arrays:

$post_types = array_merge($prepend, $post_types);

How do I work with an array object in PHP?

There is no need to json_encode the data . Since the data is an instance of Laravel Collection, you can manipulate it like so

$item = $data->firstWhere('label', '1mm+'); // get the item
$data = $data->filter(fn($value, $key) => $value->label !== '1mm+') // remove $item from $data
->push($item); // move $item to the end of data

How to put elements in an object array in php?

Each time you run new DNA creates a single object, so if you want to have multiple objects you need to call it multiple times.

In your case, you’re just running it once: $dna1[] = new DNA; creates a single object, and adds it to an array.

To create three objects, you could do this:

// First create an empty array
$dna1 = [];

// Now add objects to it one by one
$dna1[0] = new DNA;

$dna1[1] = new DNA;

$dna1[2] = new DNA;


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