Перевести javascript в typescript

Online Javascript to Typescript Converter

This is a utility tool to convert a JavaScript codebase to TypeScript, while trying to solve some of the common TypeScript errors that will be received upon such a conversion.

Basic variable types

Type Example Notes
number let myNumber: number = 6 Represent all numbers : integer, float, hex etc.
string let fullName: string = Bob Bobbington Text with all text functions (indexOf, replace etc.)
boolean let isTrue: boolean = true true/false value
Array let list: Array = [1, 2, 3] Shorter version: let list: number[] = [1, 2, 3];
Tuple let x: [string, number] = [‘test’, 2]; Array contains ains items with various types
any let x: any = 2; Everything can be assigned to value with any type
Enum enum Color Usage: let c: Color = Color.Blue;
Never function fail(): never > Indicating that something never should happen
Null or undefined let u: undefined = undefined; In TS there is dedicated type for null and undefined
Object let x:Object = ; Represents any object
Function let myFn:Function = function() Represents any function


Concept Code
Function < (arg1 :Type, argN :Type) :Type; >or (arg1 :Type, argN :Type) => Type;
Constructor < new () :ConstructedType; >or new () => ConstructedType;
Function type with optional param (arg1 :Type, optional? :Type) => ReturnType;
Function type with rest param (arg1 :Type, . allOtherArgs :Type[]) => ReturnType;
Function type with static property
Default argument function fn(arg1 :Type = ‘default’) :ReturnType <>
Arrow function (arg1 :Type) :ReturnType =>; <> or (arg1 :Type) :ReturnType =>; Expression

rimitive Types

Type Code
Any type (explicitly untyped) any
void type (null or undefined, use for function returns only) void
String string
Number number
Boolean boolean


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A set of built-in widgets allows you to do the tedious parts of your work quickly.

Color Converter

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SVG Converter

Optimize your SVG based on many different options and (optionally) transform the SVG to JSX, TSX, React Native, CSS or Base64.

Base64 Converter

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CSS Converter

Minify CSS or beautify/format CSS and easily copy the transformed output.

URL Converter

Encode and decode your url and easily copy the transformed output.

Regex Tester

Regular Expression tester with syntax highlighting for Javascript.

Npm Package Size

Get size information about your npm dependencies. To determine the dependency size the awesome bundlephobia service is used.

JSON Converter

Use the JSON Converter to minify or beautify/format your JSON. It can also generate TypeScript interfaces based on the JSON input.

JS/TS Converter AI-enhanced

Automatically convert your JavaScript code to TypeScript. Minify, beautify or format your JavaScript and TypeScript code.

Image Converter

Compress your images (jpg, png, webp, gif) easily in the browser and compare the outcome with the original image.

CSS Triangle Generator

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Converting Existing JavaScript to TypeScript

In this section, we will learn how to convert an existing JavaScript project to TypeScript.

Let's assume you have a handful of JavaScript files that need to be converted to TypeScript. Since TypeScript files on compilation produce JavaScript files with the same name, we need to ensure that our original JavaScript files that act as input, reside in a directory so that TypeScript does not override them. Additionally, lets keep all the output files in an output directory called dist.

For this tutorial, we will have the following directory structure:

In order to migrate from JS to TS, we will follow these steps:

  1. Add tsconfig.json file to project
  2. Integrate with a build tool
  3. Change all .js files to .ts files
  4. Check for any errors

Add tsconfig.json File to Project

First, we will add a tsconfig.json file to our project. This file manages the project's compilation options as well as which files to include and exclude.

< "compilerOptions": < "outDir": "./dist", "allowJs": true, "target": "es5" >, "include": [ "./src/**/*" ] > 

In the above config file, we are specifying to include all the files from the src folder. This is done using the "include" option. The compilerOptions, outDir specifies that the output files should be redirected to a folder called "dist". The allowJs options specifies that all JS files should be allowed. The target option specify that all JavaScript constructs should be translated to ECMAScript 5.

Integrate with a build tool

Most JavaScript projects have an integrated build tool like webpack or gulp.

To integrate with webpack,

a) Run the following command on your terminal:

npm install awesome-typescript-loader source-map-loader

awesome-typescript-loader is a TypeScript loader, whereas source-map-loader is used for debugging your source code.

b) Add/edit the module config property in your webpack.config.js file to include these two loaders:

module: < loaders: [ // All files with a '.ts' or '.tsx' extension will be handled by 'awesome-typescript-loader'. < test: /\.tsx?$/, loader: "awesome-typescript-loader" > ], preLoaders: [ // All output '.js' files will have any sourcemaps re-processed by 'source-map-loader'. < test: /\.js$/, loader: "source-map-loader" > ] > 

For other build tools like Gulp, Grunt, and Browserify, refer to our previous section on build tools.

Converting .js files to .ts files

Rename your first .js file to .ts. Similarly, rename the .jsx file to .tsx.

As soon as you do that, some of your code might start giving compilation errors.

Check for Errors

Since TypeScript has strict type checking, you may notice errors in your JavaScript code.

a) function with too many or two few arguments

function displayPerson(name, age, height) < let str1 = "Person named " + name + ", " + age + " years old"; let str2 = (height !== undefined) ? (" and " + height + " feet tall") : ''; console.log(str1 + str2); > displayPerson( "John", 32); 

In the above code, we have a function named displayPerson() that takes three arguments: name, age, and height. We call the above function with two values: "John", and 23. The above function is perfectly valid with JavaScript. This is because if an expected argument to a function is missing in JavaScript, it assigns the value undefined to the argument.

However, the same code in TypeScript will give the compilation error: error TS2554: Expected 3 arguments, but got 2.

To rectify this, you can add an optional parameter sign to the argument height . Also, while you are removing errors, you can also annotate your code like below:

function displayPerson( name: string, age: number, height?: number) < let str1: string = "Person named " + name + ", " + age + " years old"; let str2: string = (height !== undefined) ? (" and " + height + " feet tall") : ''; console.log(str1 + str2); > 

b) Consider the following object in JavaScript:

let employee = <>; employee.code = 10; employee.name = "John"; console.log(employee); 

In TypeScrip, this would give a compilation error:

error TS2339: Property 'code' does not exist on type '<>'.

error TS2339: Property 'name' does not exist on type '<>'.

To rectify this, you can move the properties inside the object:

interface Employee < code: number, name: string > let empObj = <> as Employee; empObj.code = 10; empObj.name = "John"; 

Using Third-party JavaScript Libraries

Most JavaScript projects use third-party libraries like jQuery or Lodash. TypeScript needs to know the types of all objects in these libraries in order to compile files. Fortunately, TypeScript Type definition files for most JavaScript libraries are already available at DefinitelyTyped. So, we don't need to add types to these ourselves. All you need to do is install the types for each of the libraries used in your project.

For example, for Jquery, install the definition:

A list of all available TypeScript Type definitions can be seen here.

Once you've made all the above changes to your JavaScript project, run your build tool and you should have your TypeScript project compiled into plain JavaScript that you can run in the browser.

With that, you are all set to use TypeScript to convert your existing JavaScript projects.


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