Peer library in php

PHP Peer Examples

PHP Peer — 17 examples found. These are the top rated real world PHP examples of Peer extracted from open source projects. You can rate examples to help us improve the quality of examples.

public function deserialize(&$data) < parent::deserialize($data); $size = 0; $this->bytesToInt($size, $data); for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) < $peer = new Peer(); $peer->deserialize($data); $this->peerlist[] = $peer; > >
/** * Delete all old peers from database * * */ public static function deleteOldPeers() < // Deleting old peers from the database foreach (Peer::all() as $peer) < if (time() - strtotime($peer->updated_at) > 10 * 60) < $peer->delete(); > > return true; >
/** * this function hooks cases of keyswap being called with forced mode. * Forced mode can only be used from hosts we trust untill now. * * @see api/xmlrpc/dispatcher.php::keyswap() * * Add : * // PATCH add force mode * if (!empty($params[3])) < // requiring force mode * $mnetlocallib = get_config('docroot').'/local/mnet/lib.php'; * if (file_exists($mnetlocallib))< * return local_xmlrpc_key_forced_keyswap($wwwroot, $pubkey, $application); * >* return false; * > * // /PATCH * * after $params decoding for enabling forced mode. */ function local_xmlrpc_key_forced_keyswap($wwwroot, $pubkey, $application) < $now = time(); // reinforced security : only known host with still valid key can force us renewal if ($exists = get_records_select_array('host', " wwwroot = '' AND deleted = 0 AND publickeyexpires >= ")) < try < $peer = new Peer(); if ($peer->findByWwwroot($wwwroot)) < $pk = new PublicKey($pubkey, $wwwroot); $peer->publickey = $pk; $peer->commit(); > // Mahara return his own key $openssl = OpenSslRepo::singleton(); return $openssl->certificate; > catch (Exception $e) < throw new SystemException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode()); > > else < throw new SystemException("Fails exists known as wwwroot", 6100); > >
/** * Does this peer notary see the same Merkle root? * * @param Peer $peer * @param string $expectedRoot * @return bool * @throws CouldNotUpdate * @throws PeerSignatureFailed */ protected function checkWithPeer(Peer $peer, string $expectedRoot) : bool < foreach ($peer->getAllURLs('/verify') as $url) < // Challenge nonce: $challenge = Base64UrlSafe::encode(\random_bytes(33)); // Peer's response: $response = $this->hail->postJSON($url, ['challenge' => $challenge]); if ($response['status'] !== 'OK') < $this->log('Upstream error.', LogLevel::EMERGENCY, ['response' => $response]); return false; > // Decode then verify signature $message = Base64UrlSafe::decode($response['response']); $signature = Base64UrlSafe::decode($response['signature']); $isValid = AsymmetricCrypto::verify($message, $peer->getPublicKey(), $signature, true); if (!$isValid) < $this->log('Invalid digital signature (i.e. it was signed with an incorrect key).', LogLevel::EMERGENCY); throw new PeerSignatureFailed('Invalid digital signature (i.e. it was signed with an incorrect key).'); > // Make sure our challenge was signed. $decoded = \json_decode($message, true); if (!\hash_equals($challenge, $decoded['challenge'])) < $this->log('Challenge-response authentication failed.', LogLevel::EMERGENCY); throw new CouldNotUpdate(\__('Challenge-response authentication failed.')); > // Make sure this was a recent signature (it *should* be). // The earliest timestamp we will accept from a peer: $min = (new \DateTime('now'))->sub(new \DateInterval('P01D')); // The timestamp the server provided: $time = new \DateTime($decoded['timestamp']); if ($time < $min) < throw new CouldNotUpdate(\__('Timestamp %s is far too old.', 'default', $decoded['timestamp'])); >// Return TRUE if it matches the expected root. // Return FALSE if it matches. return \hash_equals($expectedRoot, $decoded['root']); > // When all else fails, throw a TransferException throw new TransferException(); >
/** * Gets a field's value by the field's name * * @param string field name * @throws lang.IllegalArgumentException in case the field does not exist */ public function get($field) < if (!isset(Peer::forInstance($this)->types[$field])) < throw new IllegalArgumentException('Field "' . $field . '" does not exist for DataSet ' . $this->getClassName()); > return $this->; >
/** * Announce code * * @access public * @param $passkey Passkey de l'utilisateur * @return Bencoded response for the torrent client */ public function announce($passkey = null) < // Pas de passkey et pas de freeleech if (Config::get('other.freeleech') == false && $passkey == null) < return Response::make(Bencode::bencode(array('failure reason' =>'Passkey is invalid')), 200, array('Content-Type' => 'text/plain')); > $hash = bin2hex(Input::get('info_hash')); // Get hash if (!Config::get('other.freelech')) < $torrent = Torrent::where('info_hash', '=', $hash)->first(); if (is_null($torrent)) < return Response::make(Bencode::bencode(array('failure reason' =>'Torrent not found')), 200, array('Content-Type' => 'text/plain')); > > else < $torrent = null; >$user = Config::get('other.freelech') == false ? User::where('passkey', '=', $passkey)->first() : null; // Get the user $client = Peer::where('md5_peer_id', '=', md5(Input::get('peer_id')))->first(); // Get the current peer if ($client == null) < $client = new Peer(); >// Crée un nouveau client si non existant Peer::deleteOldPeers(); // Delete olds peers from database $peers = Peer::where('hash', '=', $hash)->take(50)->get()->toArray(); // Liste des pairs $seeders = 0; $leechers = 0; foreach ($peers as &$p) < if ($p['left'] >0) < $leechers++; >else < $seeders++; >// Compte le nombre de seeders unset($p['uploaded'], $p['downloaded'], $p['left'], $p['seeder'], $p['connectable'], $p['user_id'], $p['torrent_id'], $p['client'], $p['created_at'], $p['updated_at'], $p['md5_peer_id']); > // Get the event of the tracker if (Input::get('event') == 'started' || Input::get('event') == null) < // Set the torrent data $client->peer_id = Input::get('peer_id'); $client->md5_peer_id = md5($client->peer_id); $client->hash = $hash; $client->ip = Request::getClientIp(); $client->port = Input::get('port'); $client->left = Input::get('left'); $client->uploaded = Input::get('uploaded'); $client->downloaded = Input::get('downloaded'); $client->seeder = $client->left == 0 ? true : false; $client->user_id = Config::get('other.freeleech') == false ? $user->id : null; $client->torrent_id = Config::get('other.freeleech') == false ? $torrent->id : null; $client->save(); > elseif (Input::get('event') == 'completed') < if (Config::get('other.freeleech') == false) < $torrent->times_completed++; $torrent->save(); > $client->left = 0; $client->seeder = true; $client->save(); > elseif (Input::get('event') == 'stopped') < $client->delete(); > else < >if (Config::get('other.freeleech') == false && $torrent != null && $user != null) < $torrent->seeders = Peer::whereRaw('torrent_id = ? AND `left` = 0', array($torrent->id))->count(); $torrent->leechers = Peer::whereRaw('torrent_id = ? AND `left` > 0', array($torrent->id))->count(); $torrent->save(); // Modification de l'upload/download de l'utilisateur pour le ratio $user->uploaded += Input::get('uploaded') - $client->uploaded; $user->downloaded += Input::get('downloaded') - $client->downloaded; $user->save(); > $res['interval'] = 60; // Set to 60 for debug $res['min interval'] = 30; // Set to 30 for debug $res['tracker_id'] = $client->md5_peer_id; // A string that the client should send back on its next announcements. $res['complete'] = $seeders; $res['incomplete'] = $leechers; $res['peers'] = $peers; return Response::make(Bencode::bencode($res), 200, array('Content-Type' => 'text/plain')); >
function get_peer($wwwroot, $cache = true) < $wwwroot = (string) $wwwroot; static $peers = array(); if ($cache) < if (isset($peers[$wwwroot])) < return $peers[$wwwroot]; >> require_once get_config('libroot') . 'peer.php'; $peer = new Peer(); if (!$peer->findByWwwroot($wwwroot)) < // Bootstrap unknown hosts? throw new MaharaException("We don't have a record for your webserver () in our database", 6003); > $peers[$wwwroot] = $peer; return $peers[$wwwroot]; >
* (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details: * * */ define('INTERNAL', 1); require dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/init.php'; require_once get_config('docroot') . 'api/xmlrpc/client.php'; require_once get_config('docroot') . 'auth/xmlrpc/lib.php'; require_once get_config('libroot') . 'institution.php'; $remotewwwroot = param_variable('wr'); $instanceid = param_variable('ins'); $wantsurl = param_variable('wantsurl', ''); if (!get_config('enablenetworking')) < throw new AccessTotallyDeniedException(get_string('networkingdisabledonthissite', 'auth.xmlrpc')); >$peer = new Peer(); $peer->findByWwwroot($remotewwwroot); $url = $remotewwwroot . $peer->application->ssolandurl; $providers = get_service_providers($USER->authinstance); $approved = false; $url = start_jump_session($peer, $instanceid, $wantsurl); if (empty($url)) < throw new XmlrpcClientException('DEBUG: Jump session was not started correctly or blank URL returned.'); // TODO: errors >redirect($url);
protected function _onConnectPeer(&$connection) < while (isset($this->connections[$this->connections_dsc])) < $this->connections_dsc++; > if ($peer = new Peer($connection, $this->connections_dsc)) < $peer->setNonBlock(); $this->connections[$this->connections_dsc] =& $peer; if (is_callable($this->event_accept)) < call_user_func_array($this->event_accept, [$peer]); > $peer->onDisconnect(function () use($peer) < error_log('Отсоединился пир ' . $peer->getDsc()); unset($this->connections[$peer->getDsc()]); $this->_onDisconnectPeer($peer); >); return true; > else < trigger_error('Peer connection error'); return false; >>
function keyswap($function, $params) < require_once get_config('libroot') . 'peer.php'; //TODO: Verify params empty($params[0]) ? $wwwroot = null : ($wwwroot = $params[0]); empty($params[1]) ? $pubkey = null : ($pubkey = $params[1]); empty($params[2]) ? $application = null : ($application = $params[2]); if (get_config('promiscuousmode')) < try < $peer = new Peer(); if ($peer->bootstrap($wwwroot, $pubkey, $application)) < $peer->commit(); > > catch (Exception $e) < throw new SystemException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode()); > > $openssl = OpenSslRepo::singleton(); return $openssl->certificate; >
/** * Returns the fragment SQL * * @param rdbms.DBConnection conn * @param rdbms.Peer peer * @return string */ public function asSql(DBConnection $conn, Peer $peer) < $lhs = $this->lhs instanceof SQLFragment ? $this->lhs : $peer->column($this->lhs); return $conn->prepare('%c ' . str_replace('?', $lhs->getType(), $this->op), $lhs, $this->value); >
/** * Announce code * * @access public * @param $passkey Passkey de l'utilisateur * @return Bencoded response for the torrent client */ public function announce($passkey = null) < //Log::info(Input::all()); // Correct info hash $infoHash = bin2hex(Input::get('info_hash') != null ? Input::get('info_hash') : Input::get('hash_id')); // Finding the torrent on the DB $torrent = Torrent::where('info_hash', '=', $infoHash)->first(); // Is torrent incorrect ? if ($torrent == null) < return Response::make(Bencode::bencode(array('failure reason' =>'This torrent does not exist'), 200, array('Content-Type' => 'text/plain'))); > // Is this a public tracker ? if (Config::get('other.freeleech') == false) < // Finding the user in the DB $user = User::where('passkey', '=', $passkey)->first(); // The user is incorrect ? if ($user == null) < return Response::make(Bencode::bencode(array('failure reason' =>'This user does not exist'), 200, array('Content-Type' => 'text/plain'))); > > // Finding the correct client/peer by the md5 of the peer_id $client = Peer::whereRaw('md5_peer_id = ?', [md5(Input::get('peer_id'))])->first(); // First time the client connect if ($client == null) < $client = new Peer(); >// Deleting old peers from the database foreach (Peer::all() as $peer) < if (time() - strtotime($peer->updated_at) > 50 * 60) < $peer->delete(); > > // Finding peers for this torrent on the database $peers = Peer::whereRaw('torrent_id = ?', array($torrent->id))->take(50)->get()->toArray(); // Removing useless data from the foreach ($peers as $k => $p) < unset($p['uploaded']); unset($p['downloaded']); unset($p['left']); unset($p['seeder']); unset($p['connectable']); unset($p['user_id']); unset($p['torrent_id']); unset($p['client']); unset($p['created_at']); unset($p['updated_at']); unset($p['md5_peer_id']); $peers[$k] = $p; >// Get the event of the tracker if (Input::get('event') == 'started' || Input::get('event') == null) < // Set the torrent data $client->peer_id = Input::get('peer_id'); $client->md5_peer_id = md5($client->peer_id); $client->ip = Request::getClientIp(); $client->port = Input::get('port'); $client->left = Input::get('left'); $client->uploaded = Input::get('uploaded'); $client->downloaded = Input::get('downloaded'); $client->seeder = $client->left > 0 ? false : true; if (Config::get('other.freeleech') == true) < $client->user_id = 0; > else < $client->user_id = $user->id; > $client->torrent_id = $torrent->id; $client->save(); $torrent->seeders = Peer::whereRaw('torrent_id = ? AND `left` = 0', array($torrent->id))->count(); $torrent->leechers = Peer::whereRaw('torrent_id = ? AND `left` > 0', array($torrent->id))->count(); $torrent->save(); > if (Input::get('event') == 'completed') < if ($client == null && $client->left > 0) < return Response::make(Bencode::bencode(array('failure reason' =>'Are you fucking kidding me ?'), 200, array('Content-Type' => 'text/plain'))); > $torrent->times_completed++; $torrent->save(); $client->left = 0; $client->seeder = 0; $client->save(); > if (Input::get('event') == 'stopped') < if ($client != null) < $client->delete(); > else < return Response::make(Bencode::bencode(array('failure reason' =>'You don\'t have a life'), 200, array('Content-Type' => 'text/plain'))); > > // Savegarde le ratio de l'utilisateur if (Config::get('other.freeleech') == false) < // Modification de l'upload/download de l'utilisateur pour le ratio $user->uploaded += Input::get('uploaded') - $client->uploaded; $user->downloaded += Input::get('downloaded') - $client->downloaded; $user->save(); > $resp['interval'] = 60; // Set to 60 for debug $resp['min interval'] = 30; // Set to 30 for debug $resp['tracker_id'] = $client->md5_peer_id; // A string that the client should send back on its next announcements. $resp['complete'] = $torrent->seeders; $resp['incomplete'] = $torrent->leechers; $resp['peers'] = $peers; //Log::info($resp); return Response::make(Bencode::bencode($resp), 200, array('Content-Type' => 'text/plain')); >
public function unregisterPeerStream(Peer $peer) < $stream = $peer->getStream(); if (!$stream) < return; >unset($this->streams[(int) $stream]); unset($this->streamLookup[(int) $stream]); >


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