Parsing log file in java

Java-based techniques for parsing log files

The log files follow a certain pattern that can be read line by line. The plan is to extract the data from each line of every file and store it in a database. While this approach works well for some files, there are concerns about its overall performance. The task at hand involves parsing multiple log files and analyzing the statistics of the log entries, including the frequency of certain messages and spikes in occurrences.

How to parse a log file in Java?

There are two rows of data in a file that I possess.

Jan 1 22:54:17 drop %LOGSOURCE% >eth1 rule: 7; rule_uid: ; src:; dst: %DSTIP%; proto: tcp; product: VPN-1 & FireWall-1; service: 445; s_port: 2612; Jan 1 23:02:56 accept %LOGSOURCE% >eth1 inzone: External; outzone: Local; rule: 3; rule_uid: ; service_id: icmp-proto; ICMP: Echo Request; src:; dst: %DSTIP%; proto: icmp; ICMP Type: 8; ICMP Code: 0; product: VPN-1 & FireWall-1; 

Would it be possible for you to share the code for parsing the data into separate columns? However, there seems to be an issue.

eth1 rule:7; eth1 inzone: External; outzone: Local; 

I am hoping to merge them into a single column, but I lack programming skills and need urgent assistance with this task.

To initiate, you may begin with the Java’s split method which is used for string manipulation.

One possibility is to group the first column from the beginning up to the ‘>’ symbol after %LOGSOURCE%. It’s likely that there are additional columns that could also be grouped together. Ultimately, you may have a specific number of columns in each row that you’re expecting.

You could use code like this:

//a line of the log can be split on '>' and ';' for the other columns of interest //logLine is a line off the your log, I'm assuming it's a string object string[] splitLine = logLine.split("[>;]+"); //I'm pretending there are 7 columns, for simplicity sake I'm using an ArrayList // of string arrays (ArraList) that would get declared //above all this called logList string[] logEntry = new string[7]; //Save the time stamp of the log entry by iterating through splitLine for(int counter1 = 0; counter1 < splitLine.length; counter1++) < //Timestamp column if(counter1 == 0) logEntry[0] = splitLine[counter1]; //First column if(counter1 == 1) logEntry[1] = splitLine[counter1]; //Logic to determine what needs to get appended to second column, //could be many if statements if(. ) logEntry[1] += splitLine[counter1]; //Logic to determine what starts third column if(. ) logEntry[2] = splitLine[counter1]; //Logic to determine what needs to get appended to third column, //could be many if statements if(. ) logEntry[2] += splitLine[counter1]; //And so on. till you fill all your columns up or as much as you want >//Add your columned log to your list for use after you've parsed up the file logList.add(logEntry); 

One could place the entire logic inside a for loop, which would repeatedly retrieve a line from the log and store it in the logLine string mentioned earlier in the code. Though not the most optimal method, it is a simple approach that can help solve the problem at hand. This should serve as a starting point for addressing the issue.

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How to write a Generic Log Parser

Parsing numerous log files is required, followed by running statistical analysis on the located log entries (such as counting the frequency of specific messages and identifying spikes in occurrences). The challenge lies in developing a log parser capable of handling various log format and allowing for seamless integration of new log formats.

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For the time being, I am solely examining logs that will bear resemblance to the following format, to simplify the process.

[11/17/11 14:07:14:030 EST] MyXmlParser E Premature end of file 

Each entry in the log will include a timestamp , originator (representing the log message), level , and message . It is noteworthy that a message could span multiple lines, such as a stacktrace. Another example of a log entry may occur.

17-11-2011 14:07:14 ERROR MyXmlParser - Premature end of file 

I am in search of an optimal technique to both define the log format and choose the appropriate technology for parsing it. While considering the use of regular expressions, I am concerned about effectively managing scenarios like multi-line messages, such as stack traces.

When I think about multi-line messages, the task of creating a parser for a particular log format doesn’t seem simple. Can you share your approach for parsing such files?

It would be perfect to have the ability to define a log format in the following manner:


It is evident that I need to allocate the appropriate converter to every field to ensure its proper handling, such as the timestamp.

I’m looking for suggestions to implement this in a strong and flexible manner using Java. Any ideas?

AWStats is an excellent open-source log parser that generates a database. You have complete control over the database and can manipulate it however you like.

To parse complex logs, one can utilize tools such as a Scanner and regexes. As an illustration, here is a code snippet that I used for this purpose.

private static final Pattern LINE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile( "(\\S+:)?(\\S+? \\S+?) \\S+? DEBUG \\S+? - DEMANDE_ID=(\\d+?) - listener (\\S+?) : (\\S+?)"); public static EventLog parse(String line) throws ParseException < String demandId; String listenerClass; long startTime; long endTime; SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_PATTERN); Matcher matcher = LINE_PATTERN.matcher(line); if (matcher.matches()) < int offset = matcher.groupCount()-4; // 4 interesting groups, the first is optional demandeId =; listenerClass =; long time = sdf.parse(; if ("starting".equals( < startTime = time; endTime = -1; >else < startTime = -1; endTime = time; >return new EventLog(demandeId, listenerClass, startTime, endTime); > return null; > 

Using regular expressions along with groups is an effective method.

Assuming you have access to a reliable logging framework, I suggest creating duplicate logs in a format that can be easily parsed. Using an XMLLayout or similar format with log4j, for instance, can save you a lot of hassle since it ensures the logs conform to a specific structure.

To avoid disrupting the running application, consider utilizing an asynchronous appender during setup to transparently perform the task.

If the XMLLayout meets your requirements, consider checking out apache chainsaw .

LogFilePatternReceiver of Log4j performs the same task.

The entry in the log, which occurred on November 17th, 2011 at 2:07:14 PM, is an error related to MyXmlParser. The error code is identified as premature end of file .

The logformat for parsing can leverage the Java’s SimpleDateFormat of dd-MM-yyyy kk:mm:ss assuming the origin is the same as ‘logger’.

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The other form’s level and timezone can be challenging to manage. While it is possible to map strings to levels (such as E to ERROR), it’s uncertain whether this approach will work for the timezone.

Experiment with it, inspect the code, and test its functionality in the most recent developer preview of Chainsaw.

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Log File Parser in Java

My goal is to create a Log File Parser for my application, which will allow me to parse and store data from thousands of Log files with a consistent pattern. The Log files follow a specific format, and I want to extract the data and store it in a database.

a=some_value_1 b=some_value_2 c=some_value_3 d=some_value_4 a=some_value_5 b=some_value_6 c=some_value_7 d=some_value_8 a=some_value_9 b=some_value_10 c=some_value_11 d=some_value_12 a=some_value_13 b=some_value_14 c=some_value_15 d=some_value_16 

Initially, I plan to utilize InputStreamReader to read each file’s content line by line and extract the data to be stored in the database. Although this approach appears to be suitable for some files, I need to optimize my design for better performance. If anyone has any suggestions for a more efficient design model or architecture, please let me know.

It would be more beneficial to opt for BufferedReader over InputStreamReader since the parsing aspect of your task seems relatively easy at the moment.

While patterns can be useful, they should only be implemented when appropriate. In this case, a simple iteration over the files, reading and inserting data as needed, is sufficient without the need for any specialized pattern. It is recommended that the program should be limited to no more than 50 lines in a single file/class that includes a main[] method. Keeping the code small and concise is preferable over creating large, complicated code.

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LogParser for Java

After reading this post, I am curious if there exists a similar tool for querying JBoss log files.

Under the Apache license, I’m creating a robust log viewer called otroslogviewer . Its features are comparable to those of Chainsaw, making it an excellent tool.

Log4j is employed while Chainsaw serves as a parser/GUI for it.

Chainsaw V2 is worth trying out as its supported expression syntax offers ample functionality for filtering, searching, and colorizing rows. It’s not based on SQL but includes features such as regular expression queries, relational operators, and the ability to check for the existence of non-null values.

Access to details regarding the syntax of expressions can be found in the help/tutorial menu.

The website for Chainsaw V2 can be found at

Chainsaw V2 can be launched through web start by clicking on the ‘download’ button provided on the same page.

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Apache log file parsing Using Java

In this post, we will be looking at how to parse the apache log file in Java. We will also be looking at different parts of the regular expression that will help us parse the apache log file in detail.

The file format was designed for human inspection but not for easy parsing. The problem is that different delimiters are used in the log file – square brackets for the date, quotes for the request line, and spaces sprinkled all through. If you try to use a StringTokenizer, you might be able to get it working, but you would spend a lot of time fiddling with it. Regex will save you a lot of lengthy code, and let’s understand how?

A sample Apache log line looks something like the below :

String ApacheLogSample = " - - [27/Oct/2000:09:27:09 -0400] \"GET /java/javaResources.html "+ "HTTP/1.0\" 200 10450 \"-\" \"Mozilla/4.6 [en] (X11; U; OpenBSD 2.8 i386; Nav)\"";

And below is the regex for parsing the above file line:

String regex = "^([\\d.]+) (\\S+) (\\S+) \\[([\\w:/]+\\s[+-]\\d)\\] \"(.+?)\" (\\d) (\\d+) \"([^\"]+)\" \"(.+?)\"";
  • ([\d.]+)
    It represents digits followed by a dot(.), eg -> 123.
  • +
    It is used to get any number of digits followed by a dot(.), which will help get the IPs in the log file.
  • (\S+)
    This matches any character that is not a whitespace character.
  • \[([\w:/]+\s[+-]\d)\] -> [w:/]
    This represents a word followed by a colon(:) or slash(/). It will cover 27/Oct/2000:09:27:09 in the ApacheLogSample String, \s[+-], means a whitespace character followed by either plus(+) or minus(-), and d represents exactly four repetitions of digits.
  • (.+?)
    It is used to get any character up to the quotes. We can’t use (.+) here, because that would match too much(up to the quote at the end of the line).
  • \d
    It will match precisely 3 repetitions of digits, e.g., 123 or even 1234, but not 12.
  • (\d+)
    It will match any number of digits.
  • ([^”]+)
    It will match any character other than double quotes ( » ).

After understanding the above regex, let’s look at the program to parse the file in java. Here, we use double slash ( \\ ) to escape the characters only.

public class ApacheLogParser < public static void main(String argv[]) < String regex = "^([\\d.]+) (\\S+) (\\S+) \\[([\\w:/]+\\s[+-]\\d)\\] \"(.+?)\" (\\d) (\\d+) \"([^\"]+)\" \"(.+?)\""; String ApacheLogSample = " - - [27/Oct/2000:09:27:09 -0400] \"GET /java/javaResources.html " + "HTTP/1.0\" 200 10450 \"-\" \"Mozilla/4.6 [en] (X11; U; OpenBSD 2.8 i386; Nav)\""; Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex); System.out.println("Apache log input line: " + ApacheLogSample); Matcher matcher = p.matcher(ApacheLogSample); if (matcher.find()) < System.out.println("IP Address: " +; System.out.println("UserName: " +; System.out.println("Date/Time: " +; System.out.println("Request: " +; System.out.println("Response: " +; System.out.println("Bytes Sent: " +; if (!"-")) System.out.println("Referer: " +; System.out.println("User-Agent: " +; >> >

The output of the program :

Apache log input line: - - [27/Oct/2000:09:27:09 -0400] "GET /java/javaResources.html HTTP/1.0" 200 10450 "-" "Mozilla/4.6 [en] (X11; U; OpenBSD 2.8 i386; Nav)" IP Address: UserName: - Date/Time: 27/Oct/2000:09:27:09 -0400 Request: GET /java/javaResources.html HTTP/1.0 Response: 200 Bytes Sent: 10450 User-Agent: Mozilla/4.6 [en] (X11; U; OpenBSD 2.8 i386; Nav)

So, that’s it. This is all you have to do to parse an apache log file using java and regex. If you want to learn more about regex, then you can see the below topics –

We hope that you find it helpful. If you have any doubts or concerns, feel free to write us in the comments or mail us at [email protected].


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