Parse json objects in python

Python JSON

JSON is text, written with JavaScript object notation.

JSON in Python

Python has a built-in package called json , which can be used to work with JSON data.


Parse JSON — Convert from JSON to Python

If you have a JSON string, you can parse it by using the json.loads() method.


Convert from JSON to Python:

# the result is a Python dictionary:

Convert from Python to JSON

If you have a Python object, you can convert it into a JSON string by using the json.dumps() method.


Convert from Python to JSON:

# a Python object (dict):
x = «name»: «John»,
«age»: 30,
«city»: «New York»

# convert into JSON:
y = json.dumps(x)

# the result is a JSON string:

You can convert Python objects of the following types, into JSON strings:


Convert Python objects into JSON strings, and print the values:

print(json.dumps([«apple», «bananas»]))
print(json.dumps((«apple», «bananas»)))

When you convert from Python to JSON, Python objects are converted into the JSON (JavaScript) equivalent:

Python JSON
dict Object
list Array
tuple Array
str String
int Number
float Number
True true
False false
None null
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Convert a Python object containing all the legal data types:

Format the Result

The example above prints a JSON string, but it is not very easy to read, with no indentations and line breaks.

The json.dumps() method has parameters to make it easier to read the result:


Use the indent parameter to define the numbers of indents:

You can also define the separators, default value is («, «, «: «), which means using a comma and a space to separate each object, and a colon and a space to separate keys from values:


Use the separators parameter to change the default separator:

Order the Result

The json.dumps() method has parameters to order the keys in the result:


Use the sort_keys parameter to specify if the result should be sorted or not:


Python JSON

JSON is text, written with JavaScript object notation.

JSON in Python

Python has a built-in package called json , which can be used to work with JSON data.


Parse JSON — Convert from JSON to Python

If you have a JSON string, you can parse it by using the json.loads() method.


Convert from JSON to Python:

# the result is a Python dictionary:

Convert from Python to JSON

If you have a Python object, you can convert it into a JSON string by using the json.dumps() method.


Convert from Python to JSON:

# a Python object (dict):
x = «name»: «John»,
«age»: 30,
«city»: «New York»

# convert into JSON:
y = json.dumps(x)

# the result is a JSON string:

You can convert Python objects of the following types, into JSON strings:

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Convert Python objects into JSON strings, and print the values:

print(json.dumps([«apple», «bananas»]))
print(json.dumps((«apple», «bananas»)))

When you convert from Python to JSON, Python objects are converted into the JSON (JavaScript) equivalent:

Python JSON
dict Object
list Array
tuple Array
str String
int Number
float Number
True true
False false
None null


Convert a Python object containing all the legal data types:

Format the Result

The example above prints a JSON string, but it is not very easy to read, with no indentations and line breaks.

The json.dumps() method has parameters to make it easier to read the result:


Use the indent parameter to define the numbers of indents:

You can also define the separators, default value is («, «, «: «), which means using a comma and a space to separate each object, and a colon and a space to separate keys from values:


Use the separators parameter to change the default separator:

Order the Result

The json.dumps() method has parameters to order the keys in the result:


Use the sort_keys parameter to specify if the result should be sorted or not:


Parse json objects in python

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a text-based data format used for exchanging and storing data between web applications. It simplifies the data transmission process between different programming languages and platforms.

The JSON standard has become increasingly popular in recent years. It’s a simple and flexible way of representing data that can be easily understood and parsed by both humans and machines. JSON consists of key-value pairs enclosed in curly braces, separated by a colon.

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Python provides various tools, libraries and methods for parsing and manipulating JSON data, making it a popular choice for data analysts, web developers, and data scientists.

In this guide, we’ll explore the syntax and data types of JSON, as well as the Python libraries and methods used for parsing JSON data, including more advanced options like JMESPath and ChompJS, which are very useful for web scraping data.

Reading JSON

One of the most common tasks when working with JSON data is to read its contents. Python provides several built-in libraries for reading JSON from files, APIs, and web applications. To read JSON data, you can use the built-in json module (JSON Encoder and Decoder) in Python.

The json module provides two methods, loads and load, that allow you to parse JSON strings and JSON files, respectively, to convert JSON into Python objects such as lists and dictionaries. Next is an example on how to convert JSON string to a Python object with the loads method.

import json json_input = ‘< "make": "Tesla", "model": "Model 3", "year": 2022, "color": "Red" >‘ json_data = json.loads(json_input) print(json_data) # Output:

Following, we display an example using the load method. Given a JSON file:


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