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Табуляция в HTML: 4 способа сделать отступ

Табуляция в HTML: 4 способа сделать отступ

По умолчанию браузеры игнорируют последовательности из нескольких пробелов, учитывая только первый. Однако, в некоторых случаях есть необходимость сделать отступ в HTML документе.

Отдельного символа табуляции в HTML не существует, тем не менее, даже без специального кода или знака табуляции, есть много способов достичь нужного результата.

Основные способы сделать табуляцию

Способы сделать табуляцию в HTML:

  • Используя CSS свойство margin-left .
  • С помощью спецсимвола неразрывный пробел   .
  • Несколькими пробелами внутри тега .
  • Задать блоку CSS свойство white-space и использовать пробелы.

Примеры. Табуляция в HTML

Способ 1: Делаем отступ, например, 50 пикселей от левого края с помощью свойства CSS margin-left .

Способ 2: Используем специальный символ HTML   — неразрывный пробел. Каждый nbsp; равен одному пробелу и не будет игнорироваться браузером. Однако неразрывные пробелы не переносятся на следующую строку. Это следует учитывать, если табуляция делается как отступ внутри текста.

Способ 3: Пишем текст внутри тега . По умолчанию, браузеры не игнорируют пробелы внутри этого тега. Подробнее в статье: Тег HTML предварительно отформатированный текст.

Способ 4: Меняем у блока правило учета пробелов через CSS свойство white-space .

Каждый из этих способов будет работать. Какой больше подойдет в конкретном случае — решать вам. Мне в своей практике доводилось использовать все 4 способа табуляции, приведенные выше. Чаще всего использую CSS отступы и неразрывные пробелы.


HTML Tab Code

This page contains HTML code for adding a horizontal tab within the text of your website or blog.

There are several ways to approach this. Seeing as HTML hasn’t had a «tab» element since HTML 3, and browser support for this element was virtually non-existant anyway, we can’t use the «tab» element.

Therefore, we are reliant upon using either some other HTML element, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), or a special character to create a horizontal tab.

Using CSS

Using CSS for your horizontal tabs allows you more control over how your tabs appear to your users. In particular, the margin-left and padding-left can acheive a «tabbed» effect.

Using Margins

Here’s an example of using margin-left to create a horizontal tab.

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Source Code Result
No margin
Margin of 2em
Margin of 3em
Margin of 4em

Using Padding

Here’s an example of using padding-left to create a horizontal tab.

Source Code Result
No padding
Padding of 2em
Padding of 3em
Padding of 4em

Using Special Characters

Here are examples of using special characters to create a tabbed effect.

HTML Entity Number

Here’s how you use the HTML entity number to display the various spaces.

Source Code Result
No space
Thin space
En space
Em space

HTML Entity Name

This example uses the entity names to display the various spaces. As you can see, the end result is the same.

Source Code Result
No space
Thin space
En space
Em space

Preformatted Content

To demonstrate this, here’s an example. In this example, I simply added spaces using my keyboard’s spacebar and tabs using my keyboard’s tab key. Because these are all enclosed inside tags, the browser displays it exactly as it was entered.

No space One space Six spaces One tab Two tabs


Here is some food for thought:

If our experience is limited to a small part of a larger reality, it is only reasonable to assume that beyond the limit of our possible knowing there may well exist a host of phenomena, interactions, relationships, and ordered happenings upon which our reality and existence profoundly depends, but of which we cannot directly perceive.


How to Add an HTML Tab and Avoid Whitespace Collapse

TL;DR – In HTML, tab is a piece of whitespace equal to four HTML spaces in size.


Adding Tab Space in HTML

Unlike with HTML space, there is no particular HTML tab character you could use. You could technically use the entity as the tab is character 9 in the ASCII. Unfortunately, HTML parsers will simply collapse it into a single space due to the whitespace collapse principle.

There used to be a special tab element. However, it became obsolete in HTML3 more than two decades ago, and even then browsers didn’t support it universally.

One tab in HTML equals four spaces. Unfortunately, due to possible whitespace collapse, you can’t just type in four spaces, as HTML will collapse them all into a single space.

One possible solution is simply using the non-breakable space four times:

Preformatting your text is also an option. The tags preserve both HTML tabs and spaces the way they were typed:

pre> Can you see four spaces? What about a tab?pre>

Remember the browser will display it in a fixed-width font (like Courier) by default. However, you can change it using CSS properties anytime without affecting HTML tabs and spaces.

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CSS Alternatives for HTML Tab

Even though it’s useful to know how to tab in HTML, some cases do require using alternatives. When writing text documents, you might use tabs to modify layout or move your text fragments to a different place. In web design, it’s a bit different, and those tasks should be achieved by using CSS properties:

  • For text indentation on all paragraphs, use the CSS text-indent property.
  • For text indentation on just one paragraph, use CSS inline styling.
  • For additional space on one or a few sides of your page, use CSS margin or padding.

HTML Tab: Useful Tips

  • Beginners sometimes use HTML tabs to form their text into columns. It’s considered a better practice to use elements and position them as needed with CSS.
  • You can use tables to organize tabular data, but don’t rely on them purely for layout.
  • If you decide to use CSS properties, use percentages to define the indent width. It’s better for adaptiveness, as the value represents the width in relation to the whole view.


Why You Should Use Tab Space Instead of Multiple Non-Breaking Spaces (nbsp) in HTML

Why You Should Use Tab Space Instead of Multiple Non-Breaking Spaces (nbsp) in HTML

There are a number of ways to insert spaces in HTML. The easiest way is by simply adding spaces or multiple   character entities before and after the target text. Of course, that isn’t the DRYest method.

Instead, to keep your code easy to maintain and reduce repetition, you can use the and elements, along with a bit of CSS:

Using the element

An example of how to use to control the spacing between text can be seen below:

Note that tags are self closing, meaning they do not need a/> .

Then you can use an external or internal styling to give the class tab some properties. For example, the following code will work in an external stylesheet:

You can also give the some inline-style properties, as shown below.

Alternatively, you can give the same properties as inline styles as shown below:

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For an easy way to add a tab space, simply wrap your text in tags. For example:

The element simply represents preformated text. In other words, any spaces or tabs in the inner text will be rendered. For example:

Just keep in mind that any actual tab characters (not a bunch of spaces that look like tabs), that you use with this method might appear ridiculously wide. This is because the tab-size property for the element is set to 8 spaces by default.

You can change this with a bit of CSS:

More info about HTML:

HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is a markup language used to construct online documents and is the foundation of most websites today.

A markup language like HTML allows us to

  • create links to other documents,
  • structure the content in our document, and
  • ascribe context and meaning to the content of our document.

An HTML document has two aspects to it. It contains structured information (Markup), and text-links (HyperText) to other documents.

We structure our pages using HTML elements. They are constructs of the language providing structure and meaning in our document for the browser and the element links to other documents across the internet.

The internet was originally created to store and present static (unchanging) documents. The aspects of HTML discussed above were seen perfectly in these documents which lacked all design and styling. They presented structured information that contained links to other documents.

HTML5 is the latest version, or specification, of HTML. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is the organization that develops the standards for the World Wide Web, including those for HTML. As web pages and web apps grow more complex, W3C updates HTML’s standards.

HTML5 introduces a whole bunch of semantic elements. While HTML helps provide meaning to our document, it wasn’t until the introduction of semantic elements with HTML5 that its potential was fully known.

A simple example of an HTML Document


My First Heading

My first paragraph.

!DOCTYPE html: Defines this document to be HTML5

html: The root element of an HTML page

head: The element contains meta information about the document

title: The element specifies a title for the document

body: The element contains the visible page content

h1: The element defines a large heading

p: The element defines a paragraph

HTML Versions

Since the early days of the web, there have been many versions of HTML

  • HTML1991
  • HTML 2.01995
  • HTML 3.21997
  • HTML 4.011999X
  • HTML2000
  • HTML52014

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