Package names java android

How to Rename Package Name in Android Studio?

A package is a namespace that combines a set of relevant classes and interfaces. Conceptually one can consider packages as being similar to various folders on your computer. One might have HTML pages in one folder, images in another, and scripts or applications in yet another. Because in android, software written in the Java/Kotlin programming language can be made of hundreds or thousands of different classes, it makes sense to keep things organized by placing related classes and interfaces into packages.

A package is basically the directory (folder) in which source code resides. Normally, this is a directory structure that uniquely distinguishes the android application; such as Then the developer can build packages within the application package that divides the code; such as or The package for each android application resides within the src/main/java directory of the application module. The developer could put a different package within the application package to separate each “layer” of the application architecture.

There might be many situations when the developer wants to change the package name of the App in Android Studio. The developer might have download source code from the internet and requires to rename the package name according to his/her Application details. Here in this article, we are going to discuss step by step how to rename/change package name in Android Studio:

Step by Step Implementation

Step 1: To rename package name in Android studio open your project in Android mode first as shown in the below image.

Step 2: Now click on the setting gear icon and deselect Compact Middle Packages.

Step 3: Now the packages folder is broken into parts as shown in the below image.

Step 4: Now right-click on the first package name (com) and Refactor > Rename. A warning message will be displayed but go ahead and click on the Rename current button.

Step 5: Rename the directory name as your requirement and click on the Refactor button.

Note: Go to Build > Rebuild Project to display the updated name.

Now you can see your directory name changes from com -> gfg as shown in the below image.

Step 6: Do the same for the domain extension and App folder name according to your requirement.

Now you can see the package name has been changed from com.example.pulltorefreshwithlistview to gfg.geeksforgeeks.listview as shown in the below image.

Step 7: Now go to the build.gradle (Module: app) in Gradle Scripts. Here change the applicationId and click on Sync Now. And you are successfully renamed your package name.


Каким должно быть имя пакета приложения для Android?

Я хочу знать, что должно быть именем пакета приложения для Android? Значит, мы обычно использовали com.appname ИЛИ com.organizationName.appName, но когда мы отправляем наше приложение на рынок, то иногда оно показывает ошибки, связанные с именем пакета, которое: — измените имя пакета. Его не следует начинать с com и т.д. Я хочу знать, почему это случилось? И что должно быть правильным именем пакета для приложения для Android? Если кто-нибудь знает причину или ответ на этот вопрос, пожалуйста, дайте мне знать. Спасибо заранее.

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Как указано здесь: имена пакетов записываются во всех строчных строках, чтобы избежать конфликтов с именами классов или интерфейсов. Компании используют свое обратное доменное имя в Интернете, чтобы начать имена своих пакетов — например, com.example.mypackage for a package named mypackage created by a programmer at . Коллизии имен, которые происходят внутри одной компании, должны обрабатываться по соглашению внутри этой компании, возможно, путем включения региона или имени проекта после названия компании (например, com.example.region.mypackage). Пакеты на языке Java начинаются с java. или javax. В некоторых случаях имя домена в Интернете не может быть допустимым именем пакета. Это может произойти, если имя домена содержит дефис или другой специальный символ, если имя пакета начинается с цифры или другого символа, который является незаконным для использования в качестве начала имени Java или если имя пакета содержит зарезервированное ключевое слово Java, таких как «int». В этом случае предлагаемая конвенция заключается в добавлении подчеркивания. Например:

Android следует тем же соглашениям об именах, что и Java,

Соглашения об именах

Имена пакетов записываются во всех нижних регистрах, чтобы избежать конфликтов с именами классов или интерфейсов.

Компании используют свое обратное доменное имя в Интернете, чтобы начать имена своих пакетов, например com.example.mypackage для пакета с именем mypackage, созданного программистом в

Коллизии имен, которые происходят внутри одной компании, должны обрабатываться по соглашению внутри этой компании, возможно, путем включения региона или имени проекта после названия компании (например, com.example.region.mypackage).

Пакеты на языке Java начинаются с java. или javax.

В некоторых случаях имя домена в Интернете не может быть допустимым именем пакета. Это может произойти, если имя домена содержит дефис или другой специальный символ, если имя пакета начинается с цифры или другого символа, который является незаконным для использования в качестве начала имени Java или если имя пакета содержит зарезервированное ключевое слово Java, таких как «int». В этом случае предлагаемая конвенция заключается в добавлении подчеркивания. Например:

Легализация имен пакетов:

 Domain Name Package Name Prefix org.example.hyphenated_name int_.example com.example._123name 


Package names java android

All Android apps have a package name. The package name uniquely identifies the app on the device; it is also unique in the Google Play store. This means that once you have published an app with this package name, you can never change it; doing so would cause your app to be treated as a brand new app, and existing users of your app will not see the newly packaged app as an update.

Prior to the Android Gradle build system, the package name for your app was determined by the package attribute at the root element of your manifest file:

However, the package defined here also serves a secondary purpose: it is used to name the package for your R resource class (as well as to resolve any relative class names to Activities). In the above example, the generated R class will be , so if you have code in other packages that need to reference resources, it needs to import .

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With the new Android Gradle build system, you can easily build multiple different versions of your app; for example, you can build both a «free» version and a «pro» version of your app (using flavors), and these should have different packages in the Google Play store such that they can be installed and purchased separately, both installed at the same time, and so on. Similarly, you may also build both «debug» and «alpha» and «beta» versions of your app (using build types) and these can also similarly contribute to unique package names.

At the same time, the R class you are importing in your code must stay the same at all time; your .java source files should not have to change when you are building the different versions of your app.

  • The final package that is used in your built .apk’s manifest, and is the package your app is known as on your device and in the Google Play store, is the «application id».
  • The package that is used in your source code to refer to your R class, and to resolve any relative activity/service registrations, continues to be called the «package».


Package Name Conventions

Any Android application has a unique package name distinguishing the app on devices and app markets such as Bazaar. In other words, the package name is the identification tool for each app and is frequently called Application ID.

Caution: Once you publish your app in Bazaar under a specific package name, you won’t be able to change the name later on. If you change the package name, Bazaar will recognize the app as a new one, and you won’t be able to update the original application.

Rules for naming packages

The rules for naming packages in Android are the same as those in Java programming.

You can use the following formula to name your package:

The first two segments of the application package name are your website address written in reverse order. For example, if your website address is and you intend to build a flashlight app, then:

So, you would better name your application package as following:

Allowed characters

Naming a package, you are allowed to use the following characters:

  • Capital and small English letters (‘A’ to ‘Z’ and ‘a’ to ‘z’)
  • English numbers (‘0’ to ‘9’)
  • Underscore (‘_’)

Note: It is recommended not to use capital letters in package names to avoid similarity to class names.

Special cases

  • If your website address includes special characters such as dash (-), which you cannot use in the package name, we recommend using underscore (‘_’) instead. For example, if the address is, we suggest using ir.android_example.flashlight as a package name.
  • Your website address may contain some Java-reserved words, which you cannot use as part of a package name. In this case, we recommend using underscore (‘_’) at one end of the word. For example, if your website address is, since “int” is a Java-reserved word, you would preferably use int_.example.flashlight as the package name.

Note: Also, pay attention that the first letter of each segment of a package name (i.e., the letter that follows a dot) should be an English letter. Here you would not be able to use numbers or underscore. For example, ir.example.1flashlight or ir._example.flashlight cannot be accepted as package names.

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How to change the package name in Android Studio — With Java or Kotlin

The package system is a folder that groups together relevant files. It makes the structure of an Android project.

A newly generated Android application usually has one package under the src/main/java folder. The package name follows the name you specify in the New Project wizard.

For example, the Android app below uses the package name com.example.newapp :

Android default package name

But when you try to change the package name through the Refactor > Rename… menu, you’ll find that you can only change the newapp part of the package com.example.newapp .

Android renaming package

To completely change the three parts package name in Android Studio, you need to separate the compressed package name first.

In your Android Studio, click the gear icon ⚙ on the right side of the project view, then uncheck the Compact Middle Packages option:

Android Studio compact middle packages option

You’ll see the package names being separated into their own directories, like how it appears in the file explorer:

Android Studio separated package names

Now you should be able to rename the com and example parts of the package name one by one.

Right-click on the package name you want to change and use the Refactor > Rename… option again.

Select Rename all when prompted by Android Studio.

In the following example, the package name has been changed to org.metapx.myapp

Android new package names

And that’s how you change a package name in Android Studio. You can select the Compact Middle Packages option again to shorten the package in the sidebar.

If you are changing the main package name generated by Android Studio, then there are two optional changes that you can do for your application.

First, open the AndroidManifest.xml file in the manifests/ folder.

Change the package name of the tag as shown below:

Next, open the build.gradle file in your app module.

It’s the second one under the Gradle Scripts menu as shown below:

Android app build.gradle file

You can change the applicationId property as shown below:

 These two changes are optional because the application ID and your package name have been decoupled in the latest Android framework.

In the past, the applicationId and the manifest’s package attribute must be changed accordingly.

And that’s how you change the package name from Android Studio. You can use the method above to change any package name you have in your project.

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