Package init file python

Python — Packages

We organize a large number of files in different folders and subfolders based on some criteria, so that we can find and manage them easily. In the same way, a package in Python takes the concept of the modular approach to next logical level. As you know, a module can contain multiple objects, such as classes, functions, etc. A package can contain one or more relevant modules. Physically, a package is actually a folder containing one or more module files.

Let’s create a package named mypackage, using the following steps:

  • Create a new folder named D:\MyApp .
  • Inside MyApp , create a subfolder with the name ‘mypackage’.
  • Create an empty file in the mypackage folder.
  • Using a Python-aware editor like IDLE, create modules and with the following code:
def SayHello(name): print("Hello ", name) 
def sum(x,y): return x+y def average(x,y): return (x+y)/2 def power(x,y): return x**y 

That’s it. We have created our package called mypackage. The following is a folder structure:

Package Folder Structure

Importing a Module from a Package

Now, to test our package, navigate the command prompt to the MyApp folder and invoke the Python prompt from there.

Import the functions module from the mypackage package and call its power() function.

>>> from mypackage import functions
>>> functions.power(3,2)

It is also possible to import specific functions from a module in the package.

>>> from mypackage.functions import sum
>>> sum(10,20)
>>> average(10,12)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File «», line 1, in
NameError: name ‘average’ is not defined

The package folder contains a special file called , which stores the package’s content. It serves two purposes:

  1. The Python interpreter recognizes a folder as the package if it contains file.
  2. exposes specified resources from its modules to be imported.

An empty file makes all functions from the above modules available when this package is imported. Note that is essential for the folder to be recognized by Python as a package. You can optionally define functions from individual modules to be made available.

We shall also create another Python script in the MyApp folder and import the mypackage package in it. It should be at the same level of the package to be imported.

The file is normally kept empty. However, it can also be used to choose specific functions from modules in the package folder and make them available for import. Modify as below:

from .functions import average, power from .greet import SayHello 

The specified functions can now be imported in the interpreter session or another executable script.

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Create in the MyApp folder to test mypackage.

from mypackage import power, average, SayHello SayHello() x=power(3,2) print("power(3,2) : ", x) 

Note that functions power() and SayHello() are imported from the package and not from their respective modules, as done earlier. The output of the above script is:

Hello world
power(3,2) : 9

Install a Package Globally

Once a package is created, it can be installed for system-wide use by running the setup script. The script calls setup() function from the setuptools module.

Let’s install mypackage for system-wide use by running a setup script.

Save the following code as in the parent folder MyApp . The script calls the setup() function from the setuptools module. The setup() function takes various arguments such as name, version, author, list of dependencies, etc. The zip_safe argument defines whether the package is installed in compressed mode or regular mode.

from setuptools import setup setup(name='mypackage', version='0.1', description='Testing installation of Package', url='#', author='auth', author_email='[email protected]', license='MIT', packages=['mypackage'], zip_safe=False) 

Now execute the following command to install mypackage using the pip utility. Ensure that the command prompt is in the parent folder, in this case D:\MyApp .

D:\MyApp>pip install mypackage
Processing d:\MyApp
Installing collected packages: mypack
Running install for mypack . done
Successfully installed mypackage-0.1

Now mypackage is available for system-wide use and can be imported in any script or interpreter.

>>> import mypackage

You may also want to publish the package for public use. PyPI (stands for Python Package Index) is a repository of Python packages. Visit to know more about the procedure of uploading a package to PyPI.

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What is : A guide

While taking a look at sample Python projects, you may have seen this file, You may have wondered what it was, why it’s there if it’s empty, and how it works. This post will answer all of those questions!

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Here is an example file structure that includes


The main folder is our Python directory that we want to treat as if it were a Python package. To be treated as such, we have to include an file that relays this information to the Python interpreter.

The rest of the files are just Python files that each have different information in it that we might want to use elsewhere. This could be a Class, a function, etc.

The is where we are going to call for the functions that we have stored in main_package. You’ll see how this works in a minute, but first let’s take a look at the file.

What is

The file lets the Python interpreter know that a directory contains code for a Python module. An file can be blank. Without one, you cannot import modules from another folder into your project.

The role of the file is similar to the __init__ function in a Python class. The file essentially the constructor of your package or directory without it being called such. It sets up how packages or functions will be imported into your other files.

In its simplest case, the file is an empty file. However, it is also used to set up imports, so they can be accessed elsewhere. There are three main ways to do that:

1. main_package/ and explicit imports :

from .file1 import file_1 # Where file_1 is the name of the function and .file1 is the name of the module/file from .file2 import file_2 from .file3 import file_3

We use relative imports to import each of the files into Inside these files are functions that are unique to each file.

In, we can now access these functions by creating an import statement at the top of the file using explicit import statements:

from main_package import file_1, file_2, file_3 # This imports only what you need file_1() # This is my file 1! file_2() # And this is file 2! file_3() # Finally, here is file 3!

This tells us exactly which modules we are using out of main_package.

2. main_package/ and standard import:

import main_package # This imports the entire package main_package.file_1() # This is my file 1! main_package.file_2() # And this is file 2! main_package.file_3() # Finally, here is file 3!

The only difference between this one and the previous one is that the former imports only what we need (file_1, file_2, file_3). The other imports the module – so we use dot notation to access the function names.

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3. main_package/ and wild card import:

In, set an __all__ variable to a list of the modules/files in the package. This will help the interpreter figure out what’s to be considered when we use the wild card import statement in the Take notice that the all variable is surrounded by two underscores on either side.

__all__ = ["file1", "file2", "file3"]

In we’ll use a generic import statement and use dot notation to access the function:

from main_package import * file1.file_1() #This is my file 1! file2.file_2() #And this is file 2! file3.file_3() #Finally, here is file 3!

The all variable serves to tell the wild card, *, which modules/files are to be included in that import. When we read from main_package import *, we should actually see it as from main_package import file1, file2, file3. Then we use dot notation to access the function name, as you can see above.

Importing Files Without an File

If you want to import a file from another directory, that directory must contain a Python file. Consider this example:

This statement imports a module called “create” from the “cakes” folder. Our cakes folder would need to have these two files for our code to work:

cakes/ cakes/

The first file is our module. The second file tells Python that our directory contains Python modules. We could also import our code like this:

We could not use either of these import statements without an file present.

To learn more about importing modules, check out our Python import statement guide.


That’s the file in Python! How you use it in your project is very much up to how you would like to use imports.

Including an file as part of your setup does make your code to be more Pythonic. This is because the structure of your code is clearer. Writing more Pythonic code is a big goal among software developers.

Here’s a repl with the Python code from this article. Use it to help visualize how the structure works and experiment with your own code!

For advice on top Python courses and online resources, check out our complete How to Learn Python guide.

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