Order forms in html

A Simple Order Form Page

This is the first part
of a short series in which we illustrate the development of a web project from
beginning to end. These illustrations are intended to show you a more
complete picture of a web development effort, spanning multiple technologies to
accomplish a single objective.

For this project, that
objective is the creation of a simple order page. This page will enable
the site’s visitor to select from a variety of items being offered for sale.
The page will check for invalid entries. It will count the number of items
selected and show the total cost as items are selected. When the visitor
finalizes their selections, the information entered will be written to a file, a
page confirming their order will be displayed and an email confirmation will be
sent to the email address they provided.

To accomplish all this,
the page will use HTML (surprise, surprise!) to format the page and display the
order form, coupled with JavaScript to perform the error checking and arithmetic
calculations. PHP will be used to process the information, store it in the
file and provide the user with their confirmations.

This project is not a
complete e-commerce solution by any means, but it does illustrate one possible
set of the elements involved in one, and could provide the basis upon which one
could be developed.

As each portion of the
project is demonstrated, reference is made to the tutorials in HTML Goodies
where the fuller explanations of the program code used can be found, with the
exception of the HTML used to provide the page itself. It is considered
pretty much essential that you have a basic understanding of web pages
themselves, and of the HTML used to create them, before this illustration could
be of any real value to you. If you have not yet studied the HTML primers
and are not familiar with HTML, you are, for this reason, strongly encouraged to
do so before getting into this illustration. Here’s a link to them for

Enough of the
introductory stuff, let’s get into the page itself! Here is the HTML that
will provide the basis of our order form page. It doesn’t yet contain the
form — that will come next. neither does it contain any of the JavaScript
code that will make it jump through hoops — that too will come later.
This is just the page framework — and it look like the page is a part of the
famous (or maybe infamous) Acme Widget Company’s enterprise!

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The Acme Widget Company

Get Your Widgets Here!

Please make your selections from the following choices:


If you have questions or difficulties with this order page, please contact

our Customer Service Department (see our Contacts page.)

And there it is! A
simple, basic web page to begin with. It’s worth noting just how simple
this beginning is, because in a few more steps, this page is going to become a
lot more impressive! If you’d like to see the humble base page in action,
click here!

In the next step, we’ll be adding the form itself.


3 Steps Order Form With PHP MySQL (Really Simple Example)

Welcome to a tutorial and example on how to create a simple order form with PHP and MySQL. Need to add an order form to your website? Contrary to what some beginners think, it is actually a pretty straightforward process.

An order form in the simplest design actually only requires a few components:

  • A database table to store the necessary order details.
  • Create the HTML order form itself.
  • Lastly, a PHP script to save the order form into the database upon submission – Optionally, send it out via email.

Let us walk through a simple order form in this guide – Read on!


Order Form With PHP MYSQL



All right, let us now get into the details of the order form now.


CREATE TABLE `orders` ( `order_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `dop` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(), `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `email` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `qty` int(5) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; ALTER TABLE `orders` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`order_id`), ADD KEY `dop` (`dop`); ALTER TABLE `orders` MODIFY `order_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, AUTO_INCREMENT=1;

But this is only an example ultimately – Feel free to add/remove fields in your own project as necessary.

P.S. For the total beginners, you can easily manage your database with a free manager such as phpMyAdmin or MySQL Workbench.


  • (B) A simple HTML order form with the 3 fields. Name, email, quantity.
  • (A) When the HTML form is submitted, we use PHP to handle things accordingly.


 PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION, PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ]); // (C) SAVE ORDER TO DATABASE if ($result=="") < try < $stmt = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO `orders` (`name`, `email`, `qty`) VALUES (. )"); $stmt->execute([$_POST["name"], $_POST["email"], $_POST["qty"]]); > catch (Exception $ex) < $result = $ex->getMessage(); >> // (D) SEND ORDER VIA EMAIL if ($result=="") < $to = "admin@site.com"; // CHANGE TO YOUR OWN! $subject = "ORDER RECEIVED"; $message = ""; foreach ($_POST as $k=>$v) < $message .= "$k - $v\r\n"; >if (!@mail($to, $subject, $message)) < $result = "Error sending mail!"; >>

This may look like a “confusing bunch”, what it does is straightforward – Connect to the database, save the order, and send it out via email. That’s all to the “complicated system”.


Here is the download link to the example code, so you don’t have to copy-paste everything.


600+ free tutorials & projects on Code Boxx and still growing. I insist on not turning Code Boxx into a «paid scripts and courses» business, so every little bit of support helps.

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Click here for the source code on GitHub gist, just click on “download zip” or do a git clone. I have released it under the MIT license, so feel free to build on top of it or use it in your own project.

That’s all for the main tutorial, and here is a small section on some extras and links that may be useful to you.


  • An open order form is just waiting for spammers to open fire upon. You might want to add Google ReCaptcha and protect it against spam.
  • Alternatively, consider opening it to registered users only –
    • User Registration System
    • AJAX Login Page


    • Add more “quantity” fields to the orders database table.
    • Add more quantity fields in the HTML form for different items.
    • On form submit, “map” the submitted quantities to the database fields.

    But yep, I will recommend a proper shopping cart.




    Thank you for reading, and we have come to the end of this short tutorial. I hope it has helped you to create a better website. If you have anything to share with this guide, please feel free to comment below. Good luck and happy coding!


    CSS Form Tutorial: How to Improve Web Order Form Design

    User friendly interface and simplicity are key points when designing effective web order forms. Unlike single page forms (a sign up or contact form), an order form tends to have a couple of pages or steps to fill (including payment methods). It is not a good idea for all these to be shown in a single page. Users might be frustrated if the form seems never ending.

    A good way of keeping the field list shorter and neater, but still be able to collect all the data required is by breaking them up into steps. However, it’s a good idea to let the user know in advance how many steps they have to go through in order to complete the entire order process.

    Improve Order Form

    [tut demo=”https://onextrapixel.com/examples/css-order-web-form/blue-form-1.php” download=”https://onextrapixel.com/examples/css-order-web-form/css-order-web-form.zip”]
    *CSS Sprite illustrator file included

    Creative Web Order Form

    Now here is a tutorial that will help you make simple yet modern looking web order forms.

    4 Samples

    How to Make These Impressive Web Order Forms

    All the graphics you need is just one CSS Sprite image, which will be used as the background for the step menu.

    You can learn more about CSS Sprites from:

    The rounded corners use only pure CSS without any images. You can find out more below.

    CSS Tools to Generate Round Corners

    Collection of CSS Round Corners Tutorials

    The above 4 samples use only one CSS sprite image for each colour and the CSS rounded corner. Combination of the two will give you not only a good user friendly order form, but also a modern look with a slick typographic design.

    CSS Round Corners

    Using CSS Sprites for the Menu

    Some people might find it easy to create separate images for the menu. However, it’s better to combine it into one image so as to reduce HTTP requests for the menu.

    Plain Text and Image

    Before you combine the menu background image, you will need to know the width and the height of the single menu background. In this case, the size of each image is W170px x H100px . And you need 8 background images (4 active, 4 inactive) for the four steps, so the total height will be 800px . The width remains at 170px .

    Once you have your single image ready, you can make use of the background-position property in CSS to show the visible potion of the single image just like below.

    .bg-step1-orange .bg-step2-orange .bg-step3-orange .bg-step4-orange .bg-step1-o-orange .bg-step2-o-orange .bg-step3-o-orange .bg-step4-o-orange 

    Background Position

    Now style the typography for the menu with CSS.

    .typo-step /* This is for the selected "STEP".*/ .typo-step-o /* This is for the white "STEP".*/ .typo-right .typo-w /* This is for the white text. */

    You can make multiple colours by using the same technique.

    The HTML markup is as shown below.

    Pure CSS Form

    Shown below is the CSS used to style the web form.

    form.order ul.order li form.order label form.order input.text form.order input.text1 form.order select.drop form.order select.drop1

    And here is the HTML markup.

    Confirm Form

    You can use the same class as above.

    And here is the HTML Markup.

    Create your Web Order Form Now!

    By using this method shown above, you can also apply it to other kinds of forms with long list of fields by breaking them up into a couple of steps. This makes it user friendly. Feel free to take your creativity to the next level by using this tutorial.

    Note: In this tutorial, CSS shorthand is not in use.


    17+ Creative Free HTML5 CSS3 Checkout Forms

    17+ Creative Free HTML5 CSS3 Checkout Forms

    Now a days the online searching has high demand available in the market, Everyone like Shopping online and it can be a great experience. mostly peoples’s preferred and they’re purchasing items via the looking suites like (my favourite) Flipkart, Amazon, ebay and much more.

    And these looking web sites they are supplying cost ways like net-banking, credit and Debit card, additionally money-on-delivery.
    Checkout and order processing is the last part of any marketing campaign without any doubt.
    Checkout Forms are of the must-have web element on every online eCommerce website.
    So the checkout forms should be more attractive and Minimal steps, Short forms to fill up, then only user will return to the merchant’s websites.

    If you are running an e-commerce website, you would definitely need a checkout form, at least at the very end. It may be the last point of getting a successful sale, and you may think that since the potential customer has reached this step, there is no turning back for him.

    so In this article, we have list of best free HTML5 as well CSS3 and jQuery checkout form that can complete your order process efficiently. You are able to download each one of this checkout forms and make your website more attractive.


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