Online stories with html

Create your first Web Story

Important: this documentation is not applicable to your currently selected format websites!

In this tutorial, we’ll introduce you to the amp-story component, which you can use to create visually engaging Web Stories with AMP. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have created a story about «The Joy of Pets» that provides bite-sized information and visuals to entertain and engage readers.

You will learn to:

  • Create a multi-page story by using the amp-story component
  • Create visual effects with multiple layers in a page
  • Lay out elements in a page by using layer templates
  • Add audio that plays while a page is viewed
  • Animate elements on a page
  • Keep readers engaged with your content by adding related links to the end of the story

Written by @bpaduch

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The Only Google Web
Story Building Platform
You Will Ever Need

MakeStories helps publishers, marketers & designers to build, distribute
& monetize visual, engaging Google Web Stories, faster. Without coding.

Trusted by the leading publishers & brands

Not just an editor,
MakeStories is everything you will
ever need for your Web Stories

Editor Simple
As Drag & Drop

With a simple drag and drop functionality, create professional Google Web Stories that communicates your message beautifully.

Workspace To Design In

Access a library of more than one million images and visually transform your Google Web Stories faster with your team.

WordPress Plugin

Seamlessly create Google Web Story on your WordPress website

Web Hosting With No
Technical Hassle

Host your Google Web Stories on MakeStories’s fast & secure WebHost.

Industry First,
Mobile App

Convenience of creating Google Web Stories at your fingertips. Co-design, publish and run feedbacks even quicker.

Play Stories On Your Website
With Our Story Player

Create Instagram style carousels that can be easily embedded into your website.

Why Web Stories?

Latest & modern way to reach your audience

Web Stories are mini-AMP pages visual slideshows, like what you’ve likely seen grow in popularity on Facebook & Instagram Stories.

Think of Google Web Stories as a series of quick images or videos that a user can flip through and, well, tell the story you want to tell. As a part of the open web, you can share your Web Stories across the sites without being confined to a single ecosystem.

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Delight every visitor

Google Web Stories are meant to be consumed by mobile users who want to consume content at a glance. The visual rich- tappable format makes sure you have less bounce rates.

Boost to SEO

Google Web Stories helps to integrate best SEO Practice and if these meet certain criteria, Google can rank these in Google Search, Google Images, and Google Discover App.

Control how you monetize

Google Web Stories enables the capability of monetisation for publishers & advertisers to reach their audience using a new and modern storytelling experience.


Say hello to Industry’s most advance
Web Story builder , hands down

Choose template or Start Fresh

Start from scratch or use one of our beautiful & purposeful library of templates to build your visual rich Google Web Stories with ease. All our templates are designed by professionals and vetted by expert digital marketeers.

Design & Animate

Freely design & customize your Google Web Stories using intuitive WYSIWYG interface. Make your stories stand out by adding immersive and interactive experience for your audience through animations.

Publish & Measure

When you publish your story, we run 30+ performance optimisation tasks in a single click. Through our GDPR compliant analytics, you can analyse, iterate & improve your story performance at any given time. Don’t just take our word for it, Try it yourself .


Top class Publishing tools for easy SEO

For your Google Web Stories to surface on google discover and search as single results, they must comply with google discover policies and google’s webmaster guidelines. We walk you through every step & also validate the story inside the editor itself.

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Create SEO friendly web stories using different publishing tools


Transform visitor data into actionable intelligence

MakeStories Analytics allows you to quantify the effects of making a change to your marketing strategy invaluable to the process of improving and optimising your online marketing campaigns.

Find out actionable insights using MakeStories Analytics


Designed to design

Collaborate with your team using MakeStories workspaces

Create workspace to keep your content organized. Jump to the same Story with your teammates—no matter where y’all are in the world—and co-edit live. MakeStories Workspace is perfect for managing & sharing brand assets throughout your team.

MakeStories is a pioneer in the web stories space with a dedicated team behind it! Because of its design-first approach and easy-to-use interface, I can concentrate on the content strategy and storytelling vs. coding and the technology behind the stories. The team is always there to help, continuously seeks feedback from creatives like me, and is dedicated to developing the best web story-building tool out there!

Leo M. Davis
Creative Strategist and Visual Storyteller,

“If you’re like us, you’ll want to offer your visitors something special. You’ll also want to generate as big an audience as you can. We launched our stories on a Thursday and by the Sunday we hit 3.5M impressions and 20K clicks – WOW.

Makestories is really easy to use and delivers measurable results.”

Kay Fitzgerald, CEO

MakeStories is an invaluable tool that helps us create polished, dynamic web stories week after week. This innovative tool helps us create dynamic content every week. Team MakeStories responds fast to any queries we have, and keeps us updated on innovations.

Ian Miller
Creative Director, Network N.

MakeStories has been a productive and intuitive tool for Gallery Media Group. Our team was able to get up and running in a short time period within minimal setup and essentially no training.

Eric Candino
Head of Product & Technology at Gallery Media Group


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