Online html svg editor

SVG Editor / Viewer

Draw circle, rectangle, ellipse, arc, path and text.

SVG Viewer Online

This is a tool for editing SVG files for beginners, web designers, and web developers. Create and modify vector graphics with geometric forms such as line, circle, ellipse, rectangle, arc, text, and any complex shape created with a pen and pencil.

View SVG file content. SVG is a format used for displaying vector graphics on the web.

Editor for SVG

SVG is a two-dimensional graphics platform. It consists of two parts: an XML-based file format and a graphical programming API. The following are some of the important features:

  • Shapes, text, and raster images incorporated in a variety of painting styles
  • ECMAScript, for example, is a scripting language. Animation is supported.

SVG is a vendor-agnostic open standard that is widely used in the industry. The W3C definition includes contributions from Adobe, Apple, IBM, and other companies. By specifying the graphics directly in the content, SVG is supported by various documentation frameworks, including DocBook.

Advantages of SVG

The following are some of the benefits of utilising SVG over other image formats (such as JPEG and GIF):

  1. Any text editor can be used to create and edit SVG images.
  2. Images in SVG format can be found, indexed, programmed, and compressed.
  3. SVG pictures can be scaled to any size.
  4. SVG pictures can be reproduced in high resolution at any size.
  5. Images in SVG can be zoomed in and out.
  6. When SVG graphics are zoomed or scaled, they do not lose quality.
  7. SVG is a free and open format.
  8. SVG files are made up entirely of XML.

Disadvantages of SVG

  1. It only works with two-dimensional pictures, so it won’t work with photos or anything else you’d take with a camera.
  2. Understanding the code behind it and how to correctly show it on the web (cross-browser responsiveness can be challenging) has a learning curve, but that depends on how deep you want to go, whether you want to learn how to animate it or manipulate the output. A complex SVG can also result in a large amount of code that is difficult to decipher.
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The Top 5 Reasons To Use an SVG File Viewer

Looking for an effective way to view SVG files? Viewing SVG images with a viewer allows you to access specific elements of the image and view them in detail. Discover why it’s the perfect choice for creating art here!

Are you searching for the best way to view SVG files? Choosing an SVG file viewer is ideal, as it’s versatile and allows you to access intricate elements of the image. You can use it to create artwork and adjust specific components of your project quickly.

Fast and Easy Access to SVG Files

With an SVG file viewer, you can quickly access SVG files without the hassle of downloading additional software. This makes it the perfect choice for artists who need fast and easy project access. You can customize the interface to your needs, creating a user-friendly environment that allows you to zoom into elements or adjust colors quickly.

High Performance and Accurate Rendering.

With an SVG file viewer, you can expect high performance and accurate rendering of your images. This means that each element in the picture is rendered in perfect detail so you can precisely make changes to the image. Another benefit is that every time you view an SVG file, all of its layers are kept intact, making it easier to make any adjustments or corrections that may be necessary.

Perfect for Creating Vector Images.

SVG file viewers are perfect for creating high-quality vector images. Since SVG files store data as paths instead of pixels, they can be easily scaled up or down to any size without losing quality. This means you can create logos and other graphical elements that won’t pixelate or become blurry when viewed at different sizes. You can precisely edit individual shapes and elements within an image with a viewer for the most professional results.

Ability to Zoom, Scale, and Rotate Images Easily.

One of the main benefits of an SVG file viewer is the ability to zoom, scale, and rotate images easily. Since SVG files contain paths instead of pixels, you can increase or decrease the size of an image without losing its sharpness. This makes it easy to quickly adjust shapes and sizes within a graphic exactly how you want it. Further, rotating your photos allows you to individualize your aesthetic and create unique visuals.

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Optimize SVG Compression Settings for Saving Storage Space.

SVG file viewers can optimize file compression settings when saving images or exporting them. By optimizing these settings, you can significantly reduce your files’ size without sacrificing quality. Furthermore, this reduces the time it takes to load graphic-heavy websites while freeing up storage space on your computer or device. It’s a convenient way to maintain a sleek and fast website with optimal graphical performance.

SVG Explained in 100 Seconds

Program testing can be a very effective way to show the presence of bugs, but is hopelessly inadequate for showing their absence.

Edsger Dijkstra


SVG Editor

Provide your users an easy-to-use drawing tool. Or alternatively, it’s also a great starting point to build more complex things, like Canva. The editor is built with the latest web development tech. It’s available to buy on CodeCanyon marketplace.
Buy it now!

Editor features

The aim was to keep the editing experience easy for the average user. It contains only the minimum, most basic tools that are necessary to draw almost anything.

  • Object settings: color & gradient fill, border, alignment, transformations, image effects
  • Basic shapes included
  • Connectable lines and curves, free draw
  • 15° jumps on rotation and line drawing (while holding Shift)
  • Textbox with font settings
  • File upload via HTML5 File API, so we don’t need a server
  • Save image as SVG, JPG or PNG
  • Basic shortcuts: arrow key, undo/redo, copy/paste
  • You can also paste an image from the clipboard
  • Zoom (Ctrl +/-, Ctrl + mouse wheel)
  • Cross-browser support, displays a warning for old browsers
  • Touch friendly (tested on touchscreen notebook)

svg editor features

Code features

svg editor code features

  • Built with the latest React features
  • Re-usable JS components
  • Easy to translate: all texts are stored in a JSON file
  • Clean, commented code
  • Works in all modern, major browsers
  • Easy to maintain and modify
  • Documentation

Frequently Asked Questions

How to add this editor to my website?
Create an optimized production build by running npm run build , then embed your uploaded editor page into an iframe.

Alternatively, you can build your website around the editor in public/index.html.

A more advanced way is to copy the compiled CSS, JS and other assets (build/static folder) with the required HTML code (build/index.html) and place them in your website.

Can I import/export my own SVGs, images, templates? Can I save it in database?
Yes, you can, for example the Shapes menu includes imported SVGs. The demo content loads SVGs and images from an URL.

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You can export canvas content as an SVG or JSON and save it in the DB.

The code provides multiple examples on how to add elements to the canvas.

Do you provide customization service?
No, I don’t. Please look around on

Will you add X or Y feature?
Not likely, unless it’s requested a lot. The aim was to keep editing experience easy for the average user. It contains only the minimum, most basic tools that are necessary to draw almost anything. If you need more tools, you can try Janvas.

Copyright © 2020 — All rights reserved!


SVG Editor

Step 1: Select the SVG image you want to edit and submit it here to the uploader at the right.

Step 2: Wait a moment; the editor will load in a few seconds and display your image.

Step 3: Start editing and save your image once done.

What is good for?

Our tool provides a quick solution for editing images in the SVG image format online using your web browser. There is no need to buy additional software when using our SVG editor. It provides everything you need.

What are SVG files?

SVG is an abbreviation for Scalable Vector Graphics and describes a vector image format that is widely used on the Internet. Unlike raster image formats such as JPG or PNG, SVG can be scaled without loss of quality.

Is this App free?

This application is financed by advertisements and therefore it is 100% free. it comes along without hidden charges.

Intuitive User Interface

Our app offers an intuitive and straightforward graphical user interface that will make the editing process as simple as possible.

Are there more tools like this?

Yes. This online image editor is operated by Converter App, a leading provider of online tools. Simply click on «More Tools» in the header section to access the complete tool suite.

Privacy Policy

We respect your privacy. Your files will be deleted after the editing session and stored no longer than necessary on our server.

SVG Editor

Looking for an easy-to-use tool for editing SVG images?

Try our online SVG Editor and get it done without a software download.

Copyright © 2023 EDITSVG.ONLINE . All rights reserved.

Terms and Conditions

All features of this free SVG editor are available for free in the hope that they are helpful. We do not give a warranty of any kind. By using this tool, you agree to upload your image files to a remote server.


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