Onecore ds security gina profile profext appcontainer cpp

Windows sandbox terminates with the error message 0x8007005, «Access denied»

Problem: The Windows sandbox terminates with the error message 0x8007005, «Access denied».

The Windows Event Viewer shows the following errors:

  • Error «0x80070005» with «CreateAppContainerProfile» because registration with the firewall was not possible,
  • Error at «CreateAppContainerProfile» for the AppContainer «onecore\security\gina\profile\profext\appcontainer.cpp Line:1905 cmproxyd-87d138ad-954d-4b98-880a-3ada9dabb585 CmProxyD-87d138ad-954d-4b98-880a-3ada9dabb585»: 0x80070005,
  • Error while exiting «Virtual Machine»: General error (0x80041001). (Virtual machine ID: «87D138AD-954D-4B98-880A-3ADA9DABB585»).

What I have already tried (without any success):

  • took ownership of WindowsSandbox.exe and granted all rights to everyone,
  • dism /online /cleanup-image /scanhealth — dism /online /cleanup-image /checkhealth — dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth,
  • sfc /scannow,
  • Hyper-V and windows sandbox uninstalled and reinstalled,
  • the settings of the Network Virtualisation Service. (Startup type: Manual); Virtual hard disk. (Startup type: Manual); Hyper-V Virtual Machine. (Startup type: Manual); Hyper-V Host Computer Service. (Startup type: Manual); Container Manager Services. (Startup type: Automatic) checked and the services started.

Apart from that, I have noticed that the Windows Event Viewer has been displaying AppModel-Runtime errors and DistributedCOM errors frequently lately, but so far they are not noticeable in everyday use.

A Windows technology providing a hypervisor-based virtualization solution enabling customers to consolidate workloads onto a single server.


Onecore ds security gina profile profext appcontainer cpp

Сообщения: 64
Благодарности: 7

Ни одно приложение не устанавливается из магазина Windows.
На примере Twitter. В журнал записываются 4 события.

Event 35 AppModel-Runtime
CreateAppContainerProfile failed with error 0x80070005 because it was unable to register with the firewall.

Event 21 AppModel-Runtime
CreateAppContainerProfile failed for AppContainer onecore\ds\security\gina\profile\profext\appcontainer.cpp Line:1905 9e2f88e3.twitter_wgeqdkkx372wm 9E2F88E3.Twitter_wgeqdkkx372wm with error 0x80070005.

Диагностика, сброс магазина не помогли.
Сторонних антивирусов, фаерволов нет.

Может, кому-нибудь известно решение.

Сообщения: 52773
Благодарности: 15311

Конфигурация компьютера
Процессор: AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
Материнская плата: Gigabyte B650E Aorus Master
Память: Kingston Fury Renegade DDR5-6000 32 Гб (2 x 16 Гб)
HDD: Samsung SSD 850 PRO 256 Гб, 980 PRO 1 Тб
Видеокарта: Gainward GeForce RTX 3080 追风
Блок питания: be quiet! Straight Power 11 650W
Монитор: ASUS VG248QE 24″
ОС: Windows 10 Pro x64
Прочее: корпус Fractal Design Define R4
  1. запустите Process Monitor;
  2. попытайтесь установить какое-либо приложение из Windows Store;
  3. сохраните лог: меню File -> Save -> PML-формат;
  4. заархивируйте и выложите на файлообменник, например
Читайте также:  letter-spacing

Для отключения данного рекламного блока вам необходимо зарегистрироваться или войти с учетной записью социальной сети.

Сообщения: 64
Благодарности: 7

Сообщения: 52773
Благодарности: 15311

Конфигурация компьютера
Процессор: AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
Материнская плата: Gigabyte B650E Aorus Master
Память: Kingston Fury Renegade DDR5-6000 32 Гб (2 x 16 Гб)
HDD: Samsung SSD 850 PRO 256 Гб, 980 PRO 1 Тб
Видеокарта: Gainward GeForce RTX 3080 追风
Блок питания: be quiet! Straight Power 11 650W
Монитор: ASUS VG248QE 24″
ОС: Windows 10 Pro x64
Прочее: корпус Fractal Design Define R4
icacls «C:\Program Files\WindowsApps»
icacls «C:\Users\Anton\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.WindowsStore_8wekyb3d8bbwe»

Сообщения: 64
Благодарности: 7

C:\WINDOWS\system32>icacls "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps" C:\Program Files\WindowsApps NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller:(F) NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller:(OI)(CI)(IO)(F) S-1-15-3-1024-3635283841-2530182609-996808640-1887759898-3848208603-3313616867-983405619-2501854204:(RX) S-1-15-3-1024-3635283841-2530182609-996808640-1887759898-3848208603-3313616867-983405619-2501854204:(OI)(CI)(IO)(GR,GE) NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:(F) NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:(OI)(CI)(IO)(F) BUILTIN\Administrators:(CI)(RX) NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE:(OI)(CI)(RX) NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE:(OI)(CI)(RX) NT AUTHORITY\RESTRICTED:(OI)(CI)(RX) BUILTIN\Users:(Rc,S,RD,REA,X,RA) Successfully processed 1 files; Failed processing 0 files C:\WINDOWS\system32>icacls "C:\Users\Anton\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.WindowsStore_8wekyb3d8bbwe" C:\Users\Anton\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.WindowsStore_8wekyb3d8bbwe NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:(I)(OI)(CI)(F) BUILTIN\Administrators:(I)(OI)(CI)(F) R5\Anton:(I)(OI)(CI)(F) Successfully processed 1 files; Failed processing 0 files

Сообщения: 52773
Благодарности: 15311

Конфигурация компьютера
Процессор: AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D
Материнская плата: Gigabyte B650E Aorus Master
Память: Kingston Fury Renegade DDR5-6000 32 Гб (2 x 16 Гб)
HDD: Samsung SSD 850 PRO 256 Гб, 980 PRO 1 Тб
Видеокарта: Gainward GeForce RTX 3080 追风
Блок питания: be quiet! Straight Power 11 650W
Монитор: ASUS VG248QE 24″
ОС: Windows 10 Pro x64
Прочее: корпус Fractal Design Define R4

Gambetto, разрешения вроде бы в норме.

CreateAppContainerProfile failed with error 0x80070005 because it was unable to register with the firewall

Проверьте разрешения на раздел реестра

Сообщения: 64
Благодарности: 7

Сообщения: 252
Благодарности: 2

Конфигурация компьютера
Процессор: 6C+4c Intel Core i5-12600K, 3700 MHz (37 x 100)
Материнская плата: Gigabyte Z690 Gaming X DDR4 (3 PCI-E x16, 4 M.2, 4 DDR4 DIMM, Audio, Video, 2.5GbE LAN)
Память: Patriot Viper steel8gb Ddr4-3600,a-data GaMMix 8gb DDR4-2667
HDD: ST4000VX013 [3726 ГБ],120 Gb Sata Hdd, 3 tb TOSHIBA HDWD130.
Видеокарта: UHD 770(Intel Core i5-12600K), встроенная в процессор.
Звук: Realtek ALC1220 @ Intel Alder Point-S PCH — HD Audio (Audio, Voice, Speech)
Блок питания: GIGABYTE P850GM 850 ватт 2022 г.
CD/DVD: Asus blu ray rw
Монитор: 27″ Монитор LG UltraGear 27GL83A-B
Ноутбук/нетбук: НЕТУ
ОС: Win 10 64 bit вер 22H2 19045.1947 домашняя лицензионная.
Индекс производительности Windows: нет оценки.

Привет Петр, вся надежда на тебя. Помоги мне пожалуйста с магазином, измучился я весь.
Уже месяц не могу ничего в нем ни сачать, ни обновить!

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Пишет ошибку, что владелец неизвестен, и при смене владельца или добавлении учетной записи админа
невозможно применить изменения!

C:\WINDOWS\system32> icacls «C:\Program Files\WindowsApps»
C:\Program Files\WindowsApps NT SERVICE\TrustedInstallerF)
NT SERVICE\TrustedInstallerOI)(CI)(IO)(F)

Успешно обработано 1 файлов; не удалось обработать 0 файлов
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> icacls «C:\Users\Anton\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.WindowsStore_8wekyb3d8bbwe»
C:\Users\Anton\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.WindowsStore_8wekyb3d8bbwe: Системе не удается найти указанный путь.
Успешно обработано 0 файлов; не удалось обработать 1 файлов

Последний раз редактировалось Степановгорбунов@vk, 26-09-2019 в 19:26 . Причина: Не все написал


Unable to start a DCOM Server — MicrosoftWindows.Client.CBS_120.2212.4170.0_x64__cw5n1h2txyewy!InputApp as Unavailable/Unavailable. Error 2147942402 (TextInputHost.exe)

After a recent system restore, I started seeing these errors repeatedly in Event Viewer. Any ideas how to fix/troubleshoot? I’ve tried sfc /scannow, dism /restorehealth, and various troubleshooters.

Unable to start a DCOM Server: MicrosoftWindows.Client.CBS_120.2212.4170.0_x64__cw5n1h2txyewy!InputApp as Unavailable/Unavailable. The error:
Happened while starting this command:
«C:\Windows\SystemApps\MicrosoftWindows.Client.CBS_cw5n1h2txyewy\TextInputHost.exe» -ServerName:InputApp.AppXjd5de1g66v206tj52m9d0dtpppx4cgpn.mca
0x2: Cannot create the process for package MicrosoftWindows.Client.CBS_120.2212.4170.0_x64__cw5n1h2txyewy because an error was encountered while preparing the App credentials. The system cannot find the file specified.
CreateAppContainerProfile failed with error 0x80070005 because it was unable to register with the firewall.
CreateAppContainerProfile failed for AppContainer onecore\ds\security\gina\profile\profext\appcontainer.cpp Line:1905 microsoftwindows.client.cbs_cw5n1h2txyewy MicrosoftWindows.Client.CBS_cw5n1h2txyewy with error 0x80070005.

I’ve been having the exact same issue since about May 8th. I’m looking around for answers, but so far nothing has come up.

Unable to start a DCOM Server: MicrosoftWindows.Client.CBS_120.2212.4170.0_x64__cw5n1h2txyewy!InputApp as Unavailable/Unavailable. The error: "2147942402" Happened while starting this command: "C:\WINDOWS\SystemApps\MicrosoftWindows.Client.CBS_cw5n1h2txyewy\TextInputHost.exe" -ServerName:InputApp.AppXjd5de1g66v206tj52m9d0dtpppx4cgpn.mca 

It started recently around in 2~3 month. Did you guys abandon Windows? You guys need to focus on your OS not the Azure.

8 answers

Hi! Kinda having the same issue here with my aunts computer via remote. Search and Taskbar functions not working but i’m also having trouble starting windows defender. So it seems we have the same problem but it’s showing itself in different ways.
Logs shows problem with backgroundtaskhost.exe and searchapp.exe when starting a dcom server. Some of the text below is in Swedish, but those parts are not important. We really need a fix for this now! Repairing or reinstalling is not an option due to remote connection and low computer knoledge locally. With regards
Fredrik Åkesson EventData param1 «C:\WINDOWS\SystemApps\Microsoft.Windows.Search_cw5n1h2txyewy\SearchApp.exe» -ServerName:CortanaUI.AppX8z9r6jm96hw4bsbneegw0kyxx296wr9t.mca
param2 2147958031
param3 Microsoft.Windows.Search_1.14.5.19041_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy!CortanaUI.AppXf8r3d8cn5hd71h9jyzah6ak9f3shj2d2.mca
param4 Inte tillgänglig
param5 Inte tillgänglig EventData param1 «C:\WINDOWS\system32\backgroundTaskHost.exe» -ServerName:ShellFeedsUI.AppXnj65k2d1a1rnztt2t2nng5ctmk3e76pn.mca
param2 2147958031
param3 Microsoft.Windows.Search_1.14.5.19041_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy!ShellFeedsUI.AppXfbff151h5bmghg166fvn34ccayg70vts.mca
param4 Inte tillgänglig
param5 Inte tillgänglig

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So, it seems that my problem is fixed. But sadly im not at all sure what i did. But after serveral tests with different solutions i finaly tried «sfc /scannow» again. And this time it said that it found a problem and fixed it. After a reboot everything works fine. I dont know why sfc said everything was fine the other 10 tries, but at least it fixed the problem for me. Now we can only hope that the rest of you will have the same «luck!»

I seem to be getting the same error now i’m rolling back updates one at a time since it just started happening for us. One weird thing i noticed is that i moved one computer from a remote site to our HQ site and it started working on its own. Unable to start a DCOM Server: Microsoft.Windows.Search_1.14.5.19041_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy!CortanaUI.AppXf8r3d8cn5hd71h9jyzah6ak9f3shj2d2.mca as Unavailable/Unavailable. The error:
Happened while starting this command:
«C:\WINDOWS\SystemApps\Microsoft.Windows.Search_cw5n1h2txyewy\SearchApp.exe» -ServerName:CortanaUI.AppX8z9r6jm96hw4bsbneegw0kyxx296wr9t.mca Update KB5015807 isn’t on our computers so i couldn’t try uninstalling that first to test.

I ended up finding that Cisco AMP for Endpoints Connector was installed on our machines, this was a legacy AV from an ealier time that apparently was only installed on US machines (they did not have these issues in the UK). Mixing that particular AV software plus KBs from KB5015807 onward (i think it was april/may — current) was causing the issue. The solution was uninstalling Cisco AMP since we were moved to a different AV software anyway. I was not able to determine a root cause other than ‘old AV software Cisco AMP was blocking DCOM service.’ I would start investigating by uninstalling any AV software on a test machine and see if the issue still occurs. I found the easier one to test was the search bar in File Explorer, which failed to start nearly 100% of the time, the other issues like the start button, taskbar and windows screen snip were intermitten


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