Numpy не видит python

Как исправить: нет модуля с именем numpy

Одна распространенная ошибка, с которой вы можете столкнуться при использовании Python:

Import error: no module named ' numpy ' 

Эта ошибка возникает, когда Python не обнаруживает библиотеку NumPy в вашей текущей среде.

В этом руководстве представлены точные шаги, которые вы можете использовать для устранения этой ошибки.

Шаг 1: pip установить numpy

Поскольку NumPy не устанавливается автоматически вместе с Python, вам нужно будет установить его самостоятельно. Самый простой способ сделать это — использовать pip , менеджер пакетов для Python.

Вы можете запустить следующую команду pip для установки NumPy:

Для python 3 вы можете использовать:

В большинстве случаев это исправит ошибку.

Шаг 2: Установите пип

Если вы все еще получаете сообщение об ошибке, вам может потребоваться установить pip. Используйте эти шаги , чтобы сделать это.

Вы также можете использовать эти шаги для обновления pip до последней версии, чтобы убедиться, что он работает.

Затем вы можете запустить ту же команду pip, что и раньше, чтобы установить NumPy:

На этом этапе ошибка должна быть устранена.

Шаг 3: проверьте версию NumPy

После успешной установки NumPy вы можете использовать следующую команду для отображения версии NumPy в вашей среде:

pip show numpy Name: numpy Version: 1.20.3 Summary: NumPy is the fundamental package for array computing with Python. Home-page: Author: Travis E. Oliphant et al. Author-email: None License: BSD Location: /srv/conda/envs/notebook/lib/python3.7/site-packages Requires: Required-by: tensorflow, tensorflow-estimator, tensorboard, statsmodels, seaborn, scipy, scikit-learn, PyWavelets, patsy, pandas, matplotlib, Keras-Preprocessing, Keras-Applications, imageio, h5py, bqplot, bokeh, altair Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages. 

Дополнительные ресурсы

В следующих руководствах объясняется, как исправить другие распространенные проблемы в Python:


Python Numpy Not Found – How to Fix

In this Python NumPy tutorial, we will learn how to fix the python NumPy not found error. Also, we will cover these topics.

  • Python Numpy Not Found
  • Ubuntu Python Numpy Not Found
  • Anaconda Python Numpy Not Found
  • Vscode Python Numpy Not found
  • Python Numpy dll Not Found
  • Python Numpy Include Path-Not Found
  • Python Import Numpy Not Working
  • Python Numpy Transpose Not Working

Sometimes, the error looks like below:

No module named

Python Numpy Not Found

In this section, we will learn to fix the error Python NumPy not found or no module named ‘numpy’.

python numpy not found

  • Python numpy not found or no module named ‘numpy’ error appears when the module is not installed in the current working environment.
  • Install the module using pip or conda to fix this issue. but make sure that you have installed it in current working environment.
# installation using pip pip install numpy # installation using conda conda install numpy
  • You can install the numpy module even while working on jupyter notebook. Use the below syntax on the jupyter notebook and run it before importing numpy module.
 !pip install numpy # or !conda install numpy

In the below implementation, when we tried to access the numpy module import numpy it threw an error No module named ‘numpy’. Then we have installed the module using pip now it didn’t thew any error.

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Ubuntu Python Numpy Not Found

In this section, we will learn how to fix the error python numpy not found in the Ubuntu operating system.

  • Ubuntu is a linux based operating system that has different filesystem then windows operating system.
  • But using pip or conda we can bridge this difference and can use numpy independently on any operating system ( Linux, Windows, macOS).
  • Using apt package manager in Ubuntu machine we can install numpy. Here is the command to do so.
sudo apt install python3-numpy
  • Please note that this command will install numpy on the system that can be accessed bydefault. but it won’t work if you have created a new envirnoment. Either deactivate the environment or install numpy on that environment to access numpy.
  • In the below demonstration, we have installed numpy on the system. Then we have created a virtual environment to check if it is working over there as well. It do not work on the new virtual environment.

Anaconda Python Numpy Not Found

In this section, we will learn how to fix the python NumPy not found error in anaconda.

  • Anaconda is a package management and deployement software dedicated specially for data science modules.
  • The data science packages offered by anaconda are compatible on Linux, Macintosh (macOS) and windows operating system.
  • Basic packages like jupyter notebbok, pandas, numpy, matplotlib, etc are already available when anaconda installed on the system.
  • If you don’t want these pre-installed packages then either you can remove them or go for miniconda3 which is lighter version of anaconda and it has no packages pre-installed.
  • In our example, we have demonstrated how to fix anaconda python numpy not found error or No module named ‘numpy’. Incase you already have numpy installed and is not working then reinstall it.
  • Here is the code to uninstall the numpy module from anaconda package manager.

Here is the demonstration of uninstallation and installation of numpy on anaconda in python.

Vscode Python Numpy Not found

In this section, we will learn how to fix the Python NumPy not found error in vscode.

  • Python Numpy not found or no module found ‘numpy’ error in vscode can be fixed by install the numpy module extension in vscode.
  • We can also use pip or conda package managers to fix this issue. In case you have installed the module still same error is appearing that means have to activate the dedicated environment.
  • Use the below code to install python numpy on vscode. In case you have already installed it but unable to access it then skip to next point.
  • In vscode, most of the time we forget to keep check on the environment we are working on. There are multiple environments present on the vscode like virtual environment (self created), conda base environment, conda other environments (if any), global environment, etc.
  • You may have installed the numpy module on the global module but now you are working on vritual environment created by you.
  • Apart from this, keep a check of python interpreter installed in your system. Make sure you have selected the same interpreter that you have used while installing numpy.
  • There were the major reasons for Vscode Python Numpy Not found.
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Python Numpy dll Not Found

In this section, we will learn how to fix the python numpy dll not found error.

ImportError: DLL load failed while importing path: The specified module could not be found. or ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.
  • DLL is dynamic link library which is used by more than one program on the windows computer.
  • Python numpy dll not found error can be resolved by reinstalling the numpy on the computer/environment.
  • In case issue is still not resolved then download Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015.
  • Once you have installed it restart your computer and try to run the program again.
  • In case issue still persist, please leave the exact error message in the comment section of this blog.

Python Numpy Include Path-Not Found

In this section, we will learn how to fix python numpy include path-not-found error. This section will also cover Python Checking for Numpy – Not Found.

  • All the modules installed must go inside the site-packages folder in all the operating systems for the smooth running of that module.
  • In case while installing numpy manually you have not placed the module inside the site-package folder in windows machine and dist-packages folder in linux and macOS then python numpy include path not found error may occur.
  • Also, you may have multiple versions of python installed in your system and there are chances that wrong interpreter is selected while executing the program. This way also you won’t be able to access the numpy module.
  • Below we have shown the ways to see the current path where numpy module is installed.
# using pip python -m pip show numpy

Python Numpy Installed Path-in-Linux

Python NumPy Installed Path-in-Windows

# using anaconda conda list numpy

Python Numpy Installed Path-in-Linux using anaconda

Python Import Numpy Not Working

In this section, we will learn how to fix python import numpy not working error.

  • Python import numpy is not working that means eithers the module is not installed or the module is corrupted.
  • To fix the corrupted module, uninstall it first then reinstall it.
# pip users follow these steps pip uninstall numpy pip install numpy # conda users follow these steps conda remove numpy conda install numpy
  • If you are getting an error ” No module found ‘numpy’ then install the module using pip or conda package manager.
pip install numpy or conda install numpy
  • In case you are not using package mangers and want to install numpy on bare metal than windows users can download numpy from this website and linux or macOS users can follow the below command.
# Linux Debian (ubuntu) sudo apt install numpy # Linux RHEL yum install numpy # macOS brew install numpy 

Python Numpy Transpose Not Working

In this section, we will learn how to fix the python numpy transpose not working error.

  • Transpose refers to changing position of values in the array in python numpy.
  • Using numpy.transpose() method in python numpy we can perform transpose an array.
  • Python numpy transpose method reverses the shape of an array. Suppose the shape of an array is (5, 2,3) so after applyting transpose function it will become (3, 2, 5).
  • Incase the array is of 1D then no effect of transpose method will be displayed.
  • In our example, we have displayed both 1D and multiple dimensional array.
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Source Code:

In this source code, we have performed python numpy transpose using single and multiple dimensional arrays.

import numpy as np # one dimensional array arry = np.arange(10).reshape(10) arry.transpose() # multiple dimensional array arr = np.arange(30).reshape(5, 3, 2) arr.transpose() 

In this output, we have demonstrated transpose on single-dimensional array. No change is observed as the transpose method reverses the shape of the numpy array. Since this has a single shape so it can’t be reversed.

Python Numpy Transpose Not Working with one dimensional array

In this output, a multiple dimensional array got created, and when we have applied the transpose method on this array the shape is reversed from (5, 3, 2) to (2, 3, 5).

Python Numpy Transpose Not Working with multiple dimensional array

Related Python NumPy tutorials:

In this Python tutorial, we have learned how to fix the python numpy not found error. Also, we have covered these topics.

  • Python Numpy Not Found
  • Ubuntu Python Numpy Not Found
  • Anaconda Python Numpy Not Found
  • Vscode Python Numpy Not found
  • Python Numpy dll Not Found
  • Python Numpy Include Path-Not Found
  • Python Import Numpy Not Working
  • Python Numpy Transpose Not Working

I am Bijay Kumar, a Microsoft MVP in SharePoint. Apart from SharePoint, I started working on Python, Machine learning, and artificial intelligence for the last 5 years. During this time I got expertise in various Python libraries also like Tkinter, Pandas, NumPy, Turtle, Django, Matplotlib, Tensorflow, Scipy, Scikit-Learn, etc… for various clients in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, etc. Check out my profile.


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