No such option build dir python

Fixing PyCharm error : no such option: –build-dir

Fixing PyCharm error : no such option: --build-dir

PyCharm error : no such option: –build-dir is an error which happens when you have a faulty installation of pip or PyCharm.

In this article I am going to explain what happens when you get this error and how you can solve it with a main solution, we will also explore other solutions which can possibly solve the issue.

Explaining the PyCharm error : no such option: –build-dir

This is a python error which happens when you have a faulty installation of pip or PyCharm.

The error message should look like the error in the example bellow, make sure you have the same error message in order to avoid confusion.

Bellow I make my best attempt at solving the error and present the best possible solution.

Solution : Downgrade pip or Fix PyCharm

Some versions of pip have dropped support for –build-dir which is used by PyCharm in order to install dependencies and packages.

There are two options, the first one is to use this fix released by the team behind PyCharm.

The second option is to take matters into your own hands and solve this yourself.

First, you should close PyCharm and then run the command bellow.

# python -m pip install pip==m.m.m #

The command above will downgrade pip to version m.m.m which should be a previous version that you must chose yourself.

For more about pip and pip versions check out this page

The problem should be gone after following these steps.

If you have an issue, please make sure your python virtual environment is activated.


This is the end of the article, the error could be confusing but with a little bit of investigating the error could be solved, thanks for reading our post and good luck with the scripts to come.

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PyCharm venv failed: ‘no such option: —build-dir’

There are some other files in primarily used for generating the packages and development packages, etc. Solution: The property usually contains a local relative path to the directory in the file system where project files will be generated (class files, generated code, etc.)

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PyCharm venv failed: ‘no such option: —build-dir’

I’m doing a fresh install on a new Windows 10 laptop. I installed Python 3.9 and PyCharm Community 2020.2, then started a new project. In the project settings, I created a new project interpreter in a venv, inside the / venv folder . Everything looks to get set up correctly, but I can’t install anything to the project interpreter. When I try to do so, e.g. when I try to install pandas or anything else, I get None-zero exit code (2) with the following message:

Usage: D:\MyProject\project\venv\Scripts\python.exe -m pip install [options] [package-index-options] .
D:\MyProject\project\venv\Scripts\python.exe -m pip install [options] -r [package-index-options] .
D:\MyProject\project\venv\Scripts\python.exe -m pip install [options] [-e] .
D:\MyProject\project\venv\Scripts\python.exe -m pip install [options] [-e] .
D:\MyProject\project\venv\Scripts\python.exe -m pip install [options] .

When I go to the Terminal and just ‘pip install pandas’ per PyCharm’s ‘proposed solution’, it installs fine, and pandas and its dependencies appear as usual in the list of installed modules in the interpreter. I’ve not encountered this before, and don’t see anywhere in the settings where I can specify how exactly PyCharm will invoke pip in this situation.

PyCharm relies on —build-dir to install packages and the flag was removed in the latest pip 20.3.

The fix for PyCharm is ready and will be released this week in 2020.3 release (and backported to 2020.2.5 and 2020.1.5).

The workaround is to downgrade pip to the previous version — close PyCharm and run python -m pip install pip==20.2.4 in the terminal using the corresponding virtual environment.

Update 1

2020.1.5 and 2020.2.5 with the fix were released — please update.

Pycharm 2020.3 released and it seems like the issue solved by upgrading to this version.

PyCharm venv failed: ‘no such option: —build-dir’, PyCharm relies on —build-dir to install packages and the flag was removed in the latest pip 20.3.. The fix for PyCharm is ready and will be released …

Must set build.dir error in project

So, I’m running a java+xml program as my project (Generate timetable using Genetic Algorithm ). So, right now I have problem in my xml. My java code all has no error.

So, I have build-impl.xml, project.xml, and build.xml. I’m running in eclipse macbook pro late 2010. This program is originally build for netbeans so you might see the words netbeans.

I got this error. «Users/admin/eclipse/workspace/GA_TestBench/src/ nbproject /build-impl.xml:137: Must set build.dir»

Where do I edit the to set build.dir? It is in project.xml like I did for src.dir  GA_TestBench   -->    

My coding for build.xml

      Builds, tests, and runs the project GA_TestBench. 

My coding for build-impl.xml is here the link. I’m sorry i can’t post since it exceeds character that i can. genetic-algorithms-project /source/browse/trunk/GA_TestBench/nbproject/build-impl.xml?r=30

The build.dir property usually contains a local relative path to the directory in the file system where project files will be generated (class files, generated code, etc.) Other subdirectories may be used relative to it. It is usually called build , but it could actually be any path you want. Normally your classes.dir would be something like $/classes (which in the file that you linked seems to be the build.classes.dir .

You can set any property through a system property in the command line:

ant -Dbuild.dir=path-to-build-dir . 

as a property in a property file, where you can declare properties in the form build.dir=value

or using an element such as

just like you did with the other properties.

There error is from this line in your linked code which checks if the build.dir property was set:

It should have been set before that line is executed.

You can set it safely in your build.xml before importing anything, since properties are only set once .

Xcode build setting «Build Products Path», This build setting is actually relative to the Derived Data setting. You can change this setting if you go to Xcode > Preferences > Locations, and …

Openwrt buildroot build_dir and staging_dir

I am confused about build_dir and staging_dir in openwrt buildroot. What are they used for?

There are feeds in openwrt. I would imagine to build an image. You will select the packages you want in menuconfig and use make to build it.

The packages are fetched from feeds and then compiled into build_dir ?

Then what is staging_dir used for?

The directory build_dir is used to unpack all the source archives and to compile them in.

The directory staging_dir is used to «install» all the compiled programs into, ready either for use in building further packages, or for preparing the firmware image.

There are three areas under build_dir :

  • build_dir/host , for compiling all the tools that run on the host computer ( OpenWRT builds its own version of sed and many other tools from source). This area will be use for compiling programs that run only on your host.
  • build_dir/toolchain. for compiling the cross-C compiler and C standard library components that will be used to build the packages. This area will be use for compiling programs that run only on your host (the cross C compiler, for example) and also, libraries designed to run on the target that are linked to — e.g. uClibc, libm, pthreads, etc.
  • build_dir/target. for compiling the actual packages, and the Linux kernel, for the target system

Under staging, there are also three areas:

  • staging_dir/host is a mini Linux root with its own bin/ , lib/ , etc. that the host tools are installed into; the rest of the build system then prefixes its PATH with directories in this area
  • staging_dir/toolchain. is a mini Linux root with its own bin/ , lib/ , etc that contains the cross C compiler used to build the rest of the firmware. You can actually use that to compile simple C programs outside of OpenWRT that can be loaded onto the firmware. The C compiler might be something like: staging_dir/toolchain-mips_34kc_gcc-4.8-linaro_uClibc- . You can see the version of the CPU, the C library and gcc encoded into it; this allows multiple targets to be built in the same area concurrently.
  • staging_dir/target. /root-. contains ‘installed’ versions of each target package again arranged with bin/ , lib/ , this will become the actual root directory that with some tweaking will get zipped up into the firmware image, something like root-ar71xx . There are some other files in staging_dir/target. primarily used for generating the packages and development packages, etc.

Sorry its a bit verbose, this is hard to describe more succinctly.

Please explain Bamboo (Plan, Branch, and the build-dir), In Bamboo, how do you remove the folders in build-dir after the code has been merged? Even though your setup is deleting branches and force cleaning builds, …

Xcode build is missing expected TARGET_BUILD_DIR build setting

I face error while launching on device on iPhone 12 Pro Max . This is console log

Launching lib/main.dart on iPhone 12 Pro Max in `debug mode` Running Xcode build. Xcode build done. 270.9s Xcode build is missing expected TARGET_BUILD_DIR build setting. Could not build the application for the simulator. Error launching application on iPhone 12 Pro Max. 

I just ran into this and fixed it as follows:

  • run command flutter upgrade
  • run command flutter clean
  • run command flutter pub get if you have missing dependencies
  • attach phone
  • run command flutter run

If it still fails, open the Xcode runner project, set your development team and run it directly from there.

After it runs, close Xcode, do a clean build, and run it using your preferred approach.

Msbuild -p:outputdir=c:\mydir being ignored, Thanks. I tried this, but MSBuild seems to ignore OutputPath when the linker output directory is specified in the project options. If this didn’t work, 1: …


[Solved] Pycharm Use pip to install package error: no such option –build-dir

open the command line, find the location of Python and enter:

PIP install PIP = = 20.2.4
set the PIP version to 20.2.4

if no variable is set for PIP, Check the location of Python in settings->python Interpreter

and then execute the following command on the command line

/usr/local/bin/python3. 8 -m pip install pip==20.2.4

Read More:

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